The Big Kahuna (1999) Poster

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Spacey Good, DeVito Great
flickershows29 July 2004
Some movies are little more than photographed stage plays. 'The Big Kahuna' is like that. Most of the scenes are set in one hotel room and only 4 people have any lines. It could be said that all they do is talk, philosophize, and soul-search in this film. So if what they talk about is interesting and moves you, then the movie works. With subject matter such as religion, friendship, finding a meaning in life, and even the art of salesmanship, the characters definitely have a lot to say. And they're pretty funny, even if the film is too tragic to be called a comedy. Bottom line is, I'll long remember Danny DeVito's touching, understated performance.

He and Kevin Spacey (Phil and Larry, respectively) play experienced industrial lubricant salesman who've been sent to a convention in Wichita. Accompanying the two longtime friends and colleagues is a young co-worker, Bob (Peter Facinelli). They're hosting a small party in their hospitality suite for the elusive Dick Fuller. This is a client who could conceivably make or break their careers, but might not even show up to talk biz. Fuller represents the title character, although you could also say the kahuna is God. The final third of the picture delves deeply into spiritual belief and the search for the man above. Facinelli is devout, Spacey is not, DeVito rides in the middle lane and tries to keep the peace.

Whether or not they actually make the big deal plays second fiddle to the give-and-take relationship of the 3 very different men. Spacey is as witty and smart as usual, but DeVito is the soul of 'The Big Kahuna'. He's been good before, but he's generally a comic actor. Here, he's the straight man. The writer and director (Roger Rueff and John Swanbeck, who've never made another film) know how to give Spacey his big scenes and they REALLY know how to let DeVito play everything in expressions and tone. The filmmakers aren't breaking new turf, but they let their excellent actors act. Even if this is just another verse in the 'Death Of A Salesman' song, DeVito's got the goods on Willy Loman.
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Well done, great acting
smakawhat28 November 2000
Would you sell your soul to sell industrial lubricants? Based on a stage play called 'Hospitality suite', The Big Kahuna contains only 3 main actors in this movie who all give powerful performances.

Spacey as the no nonsense take no prisoners step on em when he's down salesman, DeVito as his colleague who's had enough and thinks he's wasted his life going from nameless towns, and boring hotel rooms, and the young up and coming Peter Facinelli as the 6 month newcomer who is like a babe in the woods, but has a strong spiritual side and stronger convictions than anyone else.

Spacey is great as always, and Facinelli is very believable as the devout Baptist. But it is DeVito who steals this movie in what has to be the best role I have ever seen him portray. A funny expose and what it means to be truly successful and happy in career and life. Kahuna scores high!

This movie has just great dialogue, and some incredibly memorable lines most of it coming from Spacey who keeps hitting Facinelli over his head with his sharp brute and dirty yet smart mouth.

A definite must see for 2000.

Rating 8 out of 10.
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A surprising treat
solojones22 February 2002
When I saw this movie, I had one sole motivation- It had Kevin Spacey in it. That, in my opinion, makes any of his films worth at least a glance. He's so brilliant. Also, I was in the mood for a good comedy. This film presented me with both the expected comedy and brilliant performance by Spacey. However, I guess I neglected to read up on what this movie was all about first.

Let me say that, as a Christian (and a Baptist), the portrayal of Bob is the single most realistic on screen portrayal of a true Christian that I have ever seen. Bravo to them for not giving into cliches! While some attacks were made on Bob's faith, they weren't presented as right or wrong, but different view points. I was frankly shocked (pleasently) by this film. I would deffinately recommend it.

Also, I am not a particurally big DeVito fan, but he turns in a truly moving and realistic performance in this film.

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thoughtful drama
Buddy-5121 September 2000
Though essentially little more than a stage bound version of the play, `Hospitality Suite,' the film entitled `The Big Kahuna' earns distinction for its sharply delineated characters and the finely wrought performances of its three main actors. In fact, the stage origins of the film are evident in the fact that the action rarely extends beyond a single set – a hotel suite in Wichita, Kansas in which three salesman are gathered for a convention – and the fact that only four people are even assigned speaking parts (and even the fourth is a mere walk-on bellboy). All the other people we see serve as a kind of silent backdrop before which the three principal players enact their complex personal drama.

Kevin Spacey, in a truly brilliant performance, plays Larry, a middle-aged, sardonic salesman who sees life strictly from the perspective of a hardcore cynic and who, consequently, runs roughshod over his two business associates with his acerbic wit and hardnosed bluntness. In total contrast is Bob (Peter Facinelli), a 20-something neophyte to the selling business, a sincere, well-intentioned, but hopelessly naïve born-again Christian, who has trouble separating his career as a salesman from his felt need to fulfill the Biblical edict to go out among men and spread the Good News. Caught between the two is Phil (Danny DeVito), a 52-year old man who, after years of devoting his life to the cause of selling, has begun to seriously question the validity of his life's work and has, therefore, recently found himself contemplating such weighty matters as suicide, the existence of God and the meaning of love and friendship. Obviously, such cleanly delineated characters could well have slid over into two-dimensional stereotypes, yet the author, Roger Rueff, in adapting his play to the screen, has built into each of the three principal figures a dimension of multifaceted human complexity. Larry, for instance, despite all of his facile cynicism, shows a far deeper side to his character when, in a quiet moment in which Phil pours his heart out to him, he offers his buddy the hand of genuine compassion and friendship. We discover that the often-bitter tone Larry displays to the world is just a façade, a cover-up for the void that lies deep within his own troubled psyche. Similarly, Rueff avoids the common trap of reducing the devout Christian character to the customary level of a mindless buffoon. Although we sense that Bob too uses his Christianity as a way of ordering his life - thereby avoiding the messy ugliness that a more freethinking life often requires - yet, Rueff merely implies that Bob has some growing up to do, not that his belief system must itself be jettisoned. And Phil, caught between these two worldviews, provides, out of his own confused weakness, the voice of reasoned sanity that helps Larry and Bob come to a final understanding and mutual appreciation of each other. He sees Larry plainly for who he is, yet Phil knows that this is the person who means more to him than anyone else in the world. Similarly, though he somewhat admires and respects Bob's sincere devotion to his Christian principles, Phil knows that Bob has a long way to go before he becomes a true `man of character.'

`The Big Kahuna' does not provide big laughs, though the sardonic wit often strikes a deep chord in the audience. The film may also seem claustrophobic to those who demand more movement from their movies. The dialogue, however, is consistently sharp and incisive, even though Phil's final speech borders a bit on the pedantic. (At this point, Phil's function as the author's mouthpiece becomes a bit heavy-handed to say the least). Nevertheless, for those in search of a fine character study, driven by strong performances and insightful observations about human nature, `The Big Kahuna' is definitely worth checking out.
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Powerful performances outweigh stagey film
dfranzen7031 August 2000
The Big Kahuna

This three-character movie, based on the play by Roger Rueff, deals with salesmen who are somewhat impatiently waiting for a very important business client - a.k.a. The Big Kahuna - on whom the fortunes of their company rests. Should they land the contract with this mysterious bigwig, their company will prosper. If they don't land the contract, of course, then they're all sunk.

Larry (Kevin Spacey) and Phil (Danny DeVito) are the salesmen, and Bob (Peter Facinelli) is the marketing guy. Bob's a rookie, and Larry and Phil try to prep him for handling himself with potential customers. They've rented the hospitality suite in the hotel to entertain their clients and are planning on having a small party, hoping that the Big Kahuna will show up. No, it's not Waiting for Godot, but it's along those lines.

This is basically a character study. There's a lot of dialog - virtually the entire movie takes place in the suite, with only a few very minor scenes outside it - and each word is absolutely dripping with meaning. There aren't any throwaway lines in this movie, folks. Most movies contain generic lines that would fit in any similar movie. Not this one. If you're a fan of well-written movies, this is a prime example of how one should be constructed.

But with such an emphasis on the dialog, there's naturally little action. This is always a problem with movies based on plays. They come off restrained, stagey, and claustrophobic. But the lack of action actually gives the viewer the opportunity to watch two decidedly different acting styles. Spacey is bombastic, punctuating each syllable with a sneer or a rant. DeVito, on the other hand, is more reserved and appears wizened as a result. Each actor turns in a stunning performance, with Spacey basically reprising the role he played in Glengarry Glen Ross. The only one who seems out of place is Facinelli, who is ineffective as Bob the marketing guy.

The Big Kahuna is compelling, as long as you don't mind talky comedy-dramas.
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Manal198724 May 2009
For some, this movie might seem quite boring. What's the point in watching three men talking in one room for almost two hours?! But tell you what?.. this movie is not boring at all! There's almost no storyline to speak of, but the script is more than beautiful. It will turn you into one big attentive ear. In addition, Kevin Spacey with his wonderful performance and entertaining sense of humor and wit made this movie a must-see. The movie doesn't want you to side with any of the three characters; it simply displays three different samples of human nature, and their views on the world (especially the concept of appearance vs reality).
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The big conversation
paul2001sw-116 February 2007
'The Big Kahuna' is actually just a big conversation, a three-way encounter between a trio of industry representatives hoping to entice an important client. And the combination of a lively script and a heavyweight cast delivers the goods, Danny de Vito is strong and (in the most interesting role) Kevin Spacey is excellent; Peter Facinelli is OK, but his part offers less scope to the actor. But for all the quality, it's a bit hard to see the focal point of the drama is supposed to be about. Spacey plays a pushy, egotistical salesman whose frustration with the self-righteous Facinelli suddenly boils over; the extension from the everyday to the existential is well-handled but never opens the heart of the character to us, de Vito vouches for him but it's not quite enough. The use of Baz Luhrman's feel-good but platitudinous 'Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen' over the closing credits feels like a glib opt out of forcing the drama to stand on its own feet. An interesting film nonetheless.
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Wasted Acting Talent
gbheron22 August 2002
"The Big Kahuna" is based on a play, but without being told, you'd probably know; the movie has all of three actors and one set. The characters are three industrial lubricants salesmen at a convention in Wichita, Kansas. The action all takes place in their hospitality suite where they plot sales strategies, and, as an aside, resolve the great questions of human existence.

It's not very entertaining. Unlike other plays that have been brought successfully to the screen, there's no real drama. There is no central issue to resolve like in "12 Angry Men". These guys are trying to land a big lubricants contract. It's a tough sell, it's slipping away from them, and they're desperate. This predicament then serves as a metaphor for the sallowness of life, lost love, and yadda-yadda.

By the end of the movie I didn't care if they made the sale or collectively swan-dived off their balcony. Danny Devito, Kevin Spacey, and newcomer Peter Facinelli do excellent acting work, but in the end their talents are wasted on a play that should never have been brought to the screen. In my opinion skip this movie.
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A refreshingly intelligent film
FlickJunkie-218 October 2000
This refreshingly intelligent film delivers raw intellectual power by retaining the look and feel of the play from which it was adapted. The use of a single set and just three actors throws the emphasis entirely upon the in-depth character studies, the incisive dialogue and the actors' outstanding performances. It draws us into the lives of three seemingly ordinary guys at a convention whose interaction broaches questions that are nothing short of an examination of the meaning of life. The dialogue unabashedly strips the characters naked to show the ironies and hypocrisies inherent in their strategies for establishing meaning in the machinations of mundane lives. The laser sharp exchanges slash relentlessly at the souls of each, leaving none of the characters intact by the end of the film. And with each thrust, they drive another introspective probe deep into the psyche of the viewer.

The presentation reminded me a little of `Glengarry Glen Ross' with its theatrical feel and deep reflective tone, although this film was more confronting and less darkly despondent. Roger Roeff's penetrating script approaches the meaninglessness of life from three unique perspectives. We have Larry (Kevin Spacey) the seemingly superficial cynic who has far greater depth than he lets on and who uses his sardonic persona as a defense mechanism to hide his own fears. Phil (Danny DeVito) is the pragmatic but jaded salesman who is great at putting things in perspective for everyone but himself. Bob is the naïve young Christian zealot whose antidote for the futility of life is a strong dose of Jesus.

The juxtaposition of Larry the cynic and Bob the idealist makes for numerous thought provoking exchanges, especially when we learn that Phil (our mediator and voice of reason) is drowning in his own soul-searching quest for meaning. The story poses more questions than it does answers, and sputters a bit at the end, but overall it accomplishes its purpose of making the viewer ponder profundities easily ignored while in the pursuit of everyday priorities.

The acting was brilliant. Kevin Spacey gave what I thought was the best performance of his career. This was so much more interesting and meaty a character than he played in `American Beauty' that Spacey easily eclipsed even that outstanding performance. Larry was such a dynamic and complex character, that Spacey was able to open up the throttle and show us the full measure of his considerable talents. Likewise, Danny DeVito delivered a personal best in a serious dramatic role. His portrayal of the mediator who was trying to keep the peace while he was disintegrating inside was subtle and powerful. Peter Facinelli was also near perfect with an utterly believable and sincere performance as the pure hearted whelp whose heart was suffused with the Lord.

I rated this film a 9/10, but it requires a certain type of viewer to enjoy it. It is a very intellectual film, which precludes it from having much mass appeal. Action junkies will be bored to tears. However, for those who have a philosophical bent, this film will be highly satisfying.
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The Big Pitch
rmax30482310 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A movie with both strengths and weaknesses. The story has three salesmen -- or marketers as they like to call themselves -- holed up in a hotel room waiting and hoping for the Big Kahuna, the jackpot client, to show up at their party.

Among the strengths, the sterling cast -- Kevin Spacey as the wisecracking but perceptive pusher; Danny DeVito as the recently divorced, troubled friend; and Peter Facinelli as the morally pure Baptist acolyte. That's about the whole cast, and there's basically one setting -- that arid hotel room -- because this play hasn't really been opened up much.

The actors -- I don't know how to put this -- but they LOOK right for their parts. Kevin Spacey as they guy who debases most others, and Facinelli as the plain-faced innocent are especially good. Danny DeVito may be the weakest of the trio, if only because he never really LOOKS depressed. Can you imagine a suicidally melancholic Danny DeVito?

Another strength is in the lines written for Spacey's character. His dialog varies from resignation to something that turns logic into an Escher drawing or a Mobius strip, in which everything seems to lead back to where it began. Some are hilarious.

Alas, a play or movie has to be ABOUT something. The diverse salesmen as a way of exploring character is so old that it MUST be trustworthy, from the Maysles brothers' "Salesman", to "Tin Men" and "Glen Gary Glen Ross." Yet, we don't know what these guys are supposed to be selling, some kind of lubricant, but that's all.

And there's a religious element of the kind that's best left masked by events. Not only does Facinelli continually reveal his spiritual purity but Danny DeVito, unprovoked, spins a long and improbable story of a dream he had about rescuing God who was hiding in a closet after some calamity.

I said it was "improbable" only because my own dreams are entirely lacking in the kind of clarity, unity, and organization that DeVito's dream had. Also, while I'm at it, is it okay if I register a minor complaint to whoever is in charge of the lighting that I'm getting pretty fed up with the overuse of burnt orange? And they're too dark too. And can I please have more women and fewer ogres?

When the characters discuss God and religion and all that, it sounds like a couple of college sophomores earnestly schmoozing over some weed. It all seems like an attempt to elevate the story to a plane on which it simply doesn't belong.

The strengths outpace the weaknesses by a head.
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Promising start leads to existential mush
davebrok28 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Big Kahuna starts promising but falls into a didactic tailspin from which it never recovers. The setup - three business men, all in a different life stage, is elegant and sparse, and allows the three characters to develop fully. By the end of the movie, we are fed a desperate moral theory that "regret builds character" along with (I kid you not) several minutes of voice-over aphorisms. What happened? Instead of sending the movie into where it should have gone, namely ambiguity as to a) what matters to the characters, b) what is at stake, c) what wisdom can possibly be recovered from the mess that the characters get themselves into, we are instead led to a basement of philosophical knickknacks. Failing a reasonable ending, it would at least have been nice to see the characters grow... or perhaps engage in some entertaining pyrotechnics. On the plus side we get to hear grown men say they love each other, so not all is lost...the dream recounting is also well planned & executed.
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A bang-on, unbelievably good script executed by some of the finest actors around
ToldYaSo21 September 1999
"The Big Kahuna" proved to be one of the finest offerings that I was privy to at the Toronto International Film Festival this year. The expression "saving the best for last" applies strongly to this film. We were fortunate to have a Q&A after the film with Roger Rueff, the screenwriter of this eloquently written piece, John Swanbeck, the director enjoying all that a first timer could hope for from his debut, and the gifted actor Kevin Spacey, who starred in and produced the film.

This marvellous examination of three men of different age groups at a convention in Wichita also features the talents of Danny DeVito who apparently came to the production in the proverbial last minute. This film was shot in a very short sixteen days which comes as a surprise, despite it's one central location, as the dialogue is so strong. The best way to describe it is as almost poetic.

The script was adapted from the play "Hospitality Suite", also written by Rueff, who revealed in the Q&A that the story was based upon his own experiences at a sales convention long ago. But he assured us that his character of the young, impressionable, bible thumping "Bob" was not based on himself. Rueff also noted that with this being his first screenplay, he had worried about the horror stories he heard where scripts are butchered and transformed into things the writer never intended in many Hollywood productions. But in this case, he trusted the director and cast implicitly and was not disappointed in any way.

Kevin Spacey shines in this sneak peak behind the scenes of a sales convention where the future of a company lies squarely on the shoulders of three men in the pursuit of a big client. The president of another company represents the biggest potential account they will ever have. They exchange stories, accounts and personal philosophies and find how different they are from one another based on what they've been through.

The interaction between the three actors is mesmerizing. They take the audience into what feels like a true life account documented verbatim. To say more would spoil the outcome for those who've not yet had a chance to enjoy this film. It is my strong recommendation that all of those who have not, do so at their first available opportunity.
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Very different, original, and excellently made.
MovieAddict201626 August 2002
THE BIG KAHUINA lives up to its name. First off, unlike many comedies where a bunch of people are thrown together just to bounce jokes off each other, the Big Kahuna shows us the 3 characters feelings, inner emotions, and past. THEN AND THEN ONLY can we fully appreciate the jokes that are spoken. We feel like we truly get to know these people. We see excellent character interaction, and all the actors are WONDERFUL in this film. DeVito portrays his character excellently, but my favorite was Kevin Spacey's character. He fit RIGHT into the role of his character.

I think THE BIG KAHUNA is also the only film I've ever seen with only 3 cast members (4 if you count the bell boy). Although low-budget, THE BIG KAHUNA delivers a massive blow to all those cheap, crude comedies out there today. I'm very satisfied and pleased I had the honor of seeing one of the best films of 1999. 3.5/5 stars--

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A fantastic disaster of a movie
Lofwer7 May 2000
The Big Kahuna is a pretentious, preachy, overblown film. To make matters worst, it is painfully uncinematic. It bears the scars of its lineage, meaning that it is obviously a play adapted to the screen. And it does not bear the transfer well. The director, a first timer, tries to work in interesting cinematic techniques, but he doesn't do it enough, and you end up feeling like you're watching a play. But the play isn't even good, as it was in other films with the same problem (I'm thinking of Oleanna here). THe simple fact of the matter is that this story didn't need to be told, didn't want to be told, and is not told well. The acting? Danny DeVito's alright, I suppose, but he has that earnest nice guy look he has in most of his work these days. Kevin Spacey sinks way below the heights he reached in American Beauty. Spacey bitches and moans and proves once more that he can overact with the best of them. The fact that Spacey also produced this film makes it even sadder: this was Spacey's idea of a good movie. This movie has nothing to recommend it. THe story is flat and uninteresting, and builds to an intense conclusion that is full of emotion and energy, but is completely undeserved by what came before it. This is a total piece of garbage. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Godot meets Glengary meets Andre meets Rope
tedg5 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

It is truly interesting to see what films successful actors craft for themselves. If it doesn't define the true character, it surely reflects on the core of how they see their art. This is Spacey's creation, and it speaks highly of what he is about.

Spacey and DeVito are not multidimensional actors. That is, they don't present simultaneous views (like say Hoffman and Penn). No, they aren't modern in this sense, instead find a single center and use it to manipulate a thread, instead shifting that thread up into introspection, down into `action,' up again into that space where art meets life. For such actors, the writing is central - everything centers on conversation and focus.

So here, we have a film about conversation; about whether conversations have their own fate; whether directed conversations can be honest, which is the same as exploring the nature of whether acting can be honest. The dialog is in one world at a time, but shifts among acting as being human, acting as being `marketeers,' acting as being actors.

This shift is managed by toggling the focus: the Big Kahuna flips among a key sales target (Fuller, Dick), God, a disembodied Godot called Murdock, and all of three actors.

DeVito is one of the most intelligent film people in Hollywood, going so far as making a comedy from Nabokov (`Momma'). Spacey has focus, and cares to fabricate something that manipulates and tells us so and why.

`If you know what you are doing, you don't have to look like you know what you are doing.'

Put this on the shelf with Andre and Vanya. It is worth experiencing.
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Actual character development
philiposlatinakis1 December 2020
The Big Kahuna started out as a play and is very theatrical in as much as almost the whole movie takes place in one room. This isn't a weakness though because the story and dialogue really holds the attention. It's mostly a comedy but for the last half hour it's very dramatic and has some very nice observations about life and religion. All three lead actors are uniformly good. There are two things in the film that maybe didn't work so well: the fantasy sequence where the three characters imagine what they'd like to have happen that evening (except for Danny Devito's fantasy. I won't spoil it). It distracts from the rest of the film and is actually a bit trivializing. Presumably this wasn't in the play. And, personally, I don't think the song at the end quite worked. Otherwise, however, there's literally nothing to complain about. You really get to know the characters and appreciate them as human beings. This is one of my favorite films.
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Some wonderful truths are discussed but great writing shows rather than tells and this one tells and tells.
ippy_6531 July 2006
Any movie that has me thinking for more than a few minutes is worth the price. This movie, which I enjoyed largely because of the amazing performance given by Danny DeVito, talks about how if you find yourself leading in a conversation, then you're not learning about the other person, you're marketing.

Well, the author does just that in the unusual speech Phil gives Bob in the last 15 minutes of the movie. The fact that what he's marketing are desperately needed, largely forgotten truths doesn't mitigate the speech's undermining effect on the play. For examples of plays that show rather than tell, think of The Crucible, Death of a Salesman, Long Day's Journey into Night and also most great musicals, now I think of it.

But as poet Robert Frost said: "...No one can know how glad I am to find on any sheet the least display of mind." I'd rather see an unsuccessful thinking person's movie than a successful empty-headed one.
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Almost a movie worthwhile to see.
jerry_dean675 November 2000
This movie cuts it close. I can only rate it a 6. Because of this the film does not achieve the minumum 7 rating that in my opinion makes a movie worthwhile to see.

It came VERY close though.

I did like the acting of Kevin Spacey very much. I found his character to be very engaging and interesting. I also liked the characters that Devito and the other kid played. Unfortunitaly the storyline and pacing of the movie, while competent, just couldn't push itself on to me and make me completely interested.

In short - three interesting characters who shared some events for an evening that were not that interesting.

I will rate this movie a 6.
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Kevin Spacey grabs juicy part but never really takes off
SnoopyStyle8 February 2014
Two experienced salesman are taking a young guy from the research department under their wing in their hospitality suite. Larry Mann (Kevin Spacey) is a bombastic guy obsessed with landing the big kahuna, a particularly big customer. Phil Cooper (Danny DeVito) is a world wearied veteran. Bob Walker (Peter Facinelli) is a religious kid who is relegated to be the bartender. Unbeknownst to Bob or the other two, Bob strikes up a conversation with the big kahuna but lets him go without giving him a pitch on their industrial lubricant.

This is a big juicy part for Kevin Spacey to go off on. However, he's left too much on his own. Danny DeVito is playing down on his energy and much more reserved. It's very much out of his character. After an interesting 3 role first half, the movie turns into a lifeless exchange between Spacey and DeVito. Instead of going off after an interesting start, this movie flattens out into something slightly less. Adapted from a stage play, this never really gets beyond that.
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A true underrated gem of a movie.
CLOSE_67 March 2008
Only the other night whilst watching an episode of Taxi did I remember seeing a film with Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito about six years ago, there was just one problem, I couldn't remember what it was called, hours turned into days, sleepless nights became more sleepless and I still couldn't remember, but I did remember thinking it was rather great. Well imagine my surprise upon venturing into my local poundland and finding a movie called Big Kahuna featuring, you guessed it Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito, with the biggest grin on my face, the feeling that I'd achieved a minor accomplishment, a 12 pack of Dorito's and some scented bin liners I approached the checkout, paid and promptly headed home. A pound, one whole English pound for a movie I would gladly pay twenty for any day, because this is truly a great little movie, granted not much really happens and settings nothing new, but when you've got such fantastic performances from a fantastic cast there can be no complaints, Dany Devito has rarely been better, this disaffected soul is genuinely someone you can feel for and completely side with, Kevin Spacey is, well Kevin Spacey and lets face it that has never been a bad thing, every time he talks you listen, Peter Facinelli gives a very subtle but no less engrossing performance, but on the whole the real star is Roger Rueff, the script is just beautiful with great line after great line flowing from the mouths of a great cast, it really makes you want to see it on the stage. This is a great little film that any self respecting film fan should at least give a go. I'm heading down to Poundland to buy up the remaining copies and I'm gonna hand them out to my friends.
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Kevin Spacey combined two roles
lee_eisenberg24 April 2007
Following his Oscar win for "American Beauty", Kevin Spacey starred in the semi-cynical "Big Kahuna", about three businessmen (Spacey, Danny DeVito, Peter Facinelli) trapped in a Wichita hotel room expecting an important client. The movie has the distinct feeling of a play, with the single room setting and emphasis on dialog. It's certainly got an interesting plot, with its look at the unpleasantness of life for traveling salesmen. However, aside from the strange similarity to his role in "American Beauty", Kevin Spacey also sort of repeats his role from "Glengarry Glen Ross".

But don't get me wrong, I thought that the movie was worth seeing. Not any kind of masterpiece, but OK.
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Pretentious, DULL, overblown claptrap
bopdog27 May 2000
The acting skill and technique of Danny deVito and Kevin Spacey stand out loud and clear in every frame and word of the puzzling dull character study of people no one cares about. But that did not translate into anything meaningful, nor enjoyable. I fell asleep (in an afternoon matinee!!!) several times-- and felt like I had been drugged, this movie was so stupefyingly, butt-numbingly DULL.

This movie reminded me of a line from Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye." Holden Caulfield is talking about some famous Broadway acting family, and he remarks that for all of their fame and skill, the actors come off as phoney-- because they're so "acty," and they're always interrupting each other during the dialogue. So perfectly planned to appear real that it's anything but-- it's hideously fake, not to mention pretentious. Oh wait, I just mentioned it.

"The Big Kahuna" stumbles along ponderously making simpleton points that college sophomores think are "heavy." But anyone else, anyone that has spent more than ten minutes in the real world merely yawns at. I gave this movie a generous 3 out of 10.
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Remarkable acting, excellent character development.
Sailbart2 May 2000
An extremely well done, contained movie. Unlike so much of the standard over the top excesses of much of current Hollywood movies this movie depends on the depth of the characters, particularly Danny De Vito. Rarely have I ever seen an actor change on screen from the inside out like De Vito does. Kevin Spacey gives his normal excellent work, and Peter Facinelli is quite good as an easily recognizable "true believer". But, this movie belongs to Danny De Vito who gives the best performance of his career. Moving exploration of men struggling with meaninglessness.
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Nice try, but it's really a play...
lhhung_himself12 February 2002
The film is a very faithful adaptation of the play "Hospitality Suite". Its stage roots are obvious and the film wisely avoids trying to add too much to an essentially one-set script. I was pleasantly surprised by the casting, expecting De Vito to play the frenetic salesman and Spacey to be the quiet brooder rather than the reverse. De Vito's performance completely overshadows Spacey's who is merely competent in his role. The negatives to the film were that some of the sharper dialogue was omitted and a terribly out of place final coda tacked on, ostensibly in an attempt not to offend more sensitive viewers. Still, if you're in mood for a talky but entertaining film, Big Kahuna is worth a rental. Better yet, if you get the chance, see the play.
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Polaro24 April 2000
The Big Kahuna is such a complete misfire that I was tempted to leave the theatre 30 minutes into it. There is absolutely no chemistry between the three leads, something that is extremely important in a film of this kind. Kevin Spacey wears thin after about 5 minutes and the rest of his performance is excrutiatingly mannered. A pompous and empty film.
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