Place Vendôme (1998) Poster

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Frustrating and boring
FrenchEddieFelson21 March 2019
This movie is neither complicated nor complex, but its reading is rather incomprehensible. I have the feeling that Nicole Garcia tries to artificially fill an emptyness with a kaleidoscopic narrative, fuzzily alternating with the different characters on the one hand, the present and the past on the other hand, but without giving any explaination about who, what, when, why, ... like within a slow, very slow hubbub. Although the high level actings and the permanent elegance, this movie is globally frustrating and boring.
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worth a look, especially for Deneuve fans, thriller lovers
utzutzutz1 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
To truly appreciate this film, you may either have to be French, a mystery lover or a diamond connoisseur, three things I am not. That said, the shadowy, film noir Place Vendôme, set in Paris' haute couture jewelry district, is a relatively well-crafted third film by French writer-director Nicole Garcia.

While I'm also not a huge Catherine Deneuve fan, the 57-year-old famed beauty steals the show in a performance that won her the 1998 Venice Film Festival's Best Actress award. It's a challenging, multifaceted role that she plays with due restraint, making it less maudlin and emotionally charged than it easily could have become.

Deneuve is Marianne, wife of Vincent Malivert (Bernard Fresson, with whom she starred in Buñuel's 1967 film Belle de Jour), owner of one of the most prestigious jewelry shops in the world. Once a gem broker herself, the middle-aged Marianne has fallen into an alcoholic stupor. Her relationship with Vincent is cold and hollow; she has slept at home only 17 nights in the past year, preferring instead to convalesce at various `rest homes.'

Vincent is also a troubled person. He hides the extent of his misery and the fact that his debt-ridden business is quickly going bankrupt. (plot spoiler?) When he intentionally drives his speeding Mercedes into a lumber truck, his desperation is revealed.

Garcia spends the bulk of the picture depicting Marianne's process of recovering from her addiction. Faced with relative penury in the wake of her husband's death, she relearns the art of the diamond deal as she tries to sell a handful of probably stolen gems Vincent has left her. Her turning point comes when she gazes at the stones through a loupe and revels in their inherent beauty. This in stark contrast to the rest of the cast, sundry thugs and swarthy millionaires who view the rocks as nothing more than money in the bank. In fact, one could argue that all concerned are addicts, addicted to their work and financial gain, and suitably jacked up, ruthless and miserable.

This, for me, is the film's most absorbing storyline, Marianne's renaissance and her rapprochement with actions and people from the past. Specifically, after a 20-year hiatus she reconnects with a former lover, the Russian mafia-connected Battisstelli (Jacques Dutronc in a fascinating performance), who had once sorely burned her during a jewelry sale. It's a moving moment, when she finds herself able to let go of her anger toward him, and both characters connect with their fundamental humanity. But again, it's a very subtle strand that Garcia only begins to caress near the film's end. Had she moved such human plotlines to the foreground, the film would have emerged much stronger and more poignant.

But I suppose it's unfair to expect a French film to depict Marianne's reawakening in the hat-tossing style of Mary Tyler Moore. After all, the French did coin the word anomie. Still, I wish the main character's development had become less buried in the film's insistence on utter subtlety and dreariness. I suppose the dark interior shots and seemingly unending rainy days could feel atmospheric if your antidepressant is working particularly well, but mostly they just seemed morose. That aside, Laurent Dailland's cinematography frequently stands out. I still haven't forgotten a wide-angle shot of vertical blinds in a boardroom, nor the splashes of crimson - symbolizing Marianne's suppressed then emerging passion - laced throughout the drear.

The film incorporates many classic noir-ish elements - that is, noir of the 1940s rather than the excessive, violence-parading Quentin Tarrantino variety. In the intrigue over the stolen gems, shadowy figures emerge from the woodwork. Tall, svelte beauties reveal themselves as jewelry sellers, then mistresses, then accomplices in crime. Remnants from the past, seemingly long disposed of, come back to haunt the players in nefarious ways. Truth is stark, brutal and straight, no chaser. And yet the surfaces remain as shiny and sleek as the polished glass boardroom tables at which lives and deaths, fortunes and demises are determined with stone-faced certainty.

There's something of a doppelgänger theme here too, which bears noting. Soon after Vincent's death, Marianne meets Nathalie (Emmanuelle Seigner), a young woman she suspects of being her husband's mistress. The two femmes fatale match their men as they match their hairstyles, frequently mirroring the past and future for each other.

Place Vendôme offers enough to admire that it's worth a look, especially for thriller lovers. However, it does have its share of flaws. The plot gets overly complex and becomes difficult to track in places. Though presumably adding to the air of mystery, the cuts are sometimes so quick that the action becomes confusing.

I also would have preferred more of a focus on the psychological and emotional elements, rather than the wheeling-dealings of taciturn Gallic businessmen, who seem to multiply like champagne bottles at a French wedding. Despite a good dose of suspense in some places, it was tough to care about these rapacious specimens and their greed-driven lives. In embracing her passion and extending her forgiveness, Deneuve's Marianne proves the only character truly worth watching.
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Excellent drama for Europic enthusiasts
=G=28 June 2002
"Place Vendome" tells of the rise of a widow from an abyss of alcoholism to rescue her late husband's prestigious and bankrupt jewelry store on the renown Parisian mall Place Vendome. Her daunting task is to make her way though the shadowy word of diamond trade from whence she came some 18 years before while hawking several rare cut diamonds. With sinister undercurrents and a polished veneer, the film swirls around an emotionally void Deneuve, her encounters and long over due reconciliations. Those used to Hollywoodish hardball drama with exaggerated characters will likely find "Place Vendome" refreshing or underdone or both. Good stuff for Europic buffs in which Deneuve proves again she's more than just another pretty face.
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Tricky, Very Stylish, Fascinating, Moody
trpdean27 October 2003
I loved this movie. Yes, I can understand that it is often opaque and may make you reach for the rewind a few times to understand what it was you were just seeing - yes, there are many characters and not too much explanation - but it's not more complicated than, say Funeral in Berlin or The Maltese Falcon.

This is the sort of movie that people who think they might want to try a European movie should see - the clothes, the style, the characters, the stunning contemporary settings, the 85% explained plot, the beautiful women, the roles of jewels and mistresses, striving and excess, guilt and recrimination, forgiveness and imbalance, and an underworld pressing close up against a very haut monde.

I think this and My Favorite Season are as good as anything Deneuve has ever done. Both are quite remarkable given that she has been in movies for over forty years. All the actors are quite remarkable - and Emmanuelle Seigner (whom you may remember from Frantic with Harrison Ford, Bitter Moon with Hugh Grant) is all slender strong beauty - and a wonderful blonde contrast with the older blonde, heavy-set/blowsy (in character) Deneuve.

The movie completely jumps any moral compass headings - and yet somehow one doesn't mind.

So even though you may feel you must watch it twice, you'd enjoy it both times.

It's as cool and elegant a movie as I've ever seen. And yet almost as sad a movie as I've ever seen. It's wonderful.
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Watched it for Deneuve
josantoddi12 June 2021
Catherine Deneuve did an excellent job in this role. She carried the whole movie. I find her so beautiful to watch. Really love her. Period.
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Diamonds are a girl's best friend?
brogmiller31 October 2020
By the time she made this Catherine Deneuve was already a veteran of over seventy films and almost twenty years had passed since she came of age as a 'mature' actress in 'Le Dernier Metro' for director Francois Truffaut. Her entry into films was undeniably aided by her good looks but it is a combination of astute career choices and a tireless work ethic that have sustained her long career. In Nicole Garcia's film she again proves that she is a mistress of her craft as Marianne, alcoholic wife of a diamond merchant. Facing bankcrupty he commits suicide and her subsequent attempts to sell diamonds that he had stolen get her into all sorts of trouble with an assortment of well-tailored, well-groomed low-lifes. This is definitely for those who like their films to be stylish and glamorous. It looks wonderful courtesy of Laurent Dailland's cinematography and Thierry Flamand's art direction. It is decidedly not for those who prefer worthy vehicles with a social message. This is the kind of film that usually attracts the comment: 'Style over substance'. There is little substance here to be sure but Garcia has assembled a good cast, notably splendid actor/writer Jean-Pierre Bacri, best known for his collaborations with his wife Anges Jaoui and the delectable Emmanuelle Seigner whose character beds not only Marianne's husband but her former and current lover also. Small world! Granted, Mlle Garcia's film might not be flawless but it is certainly well-polished.
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Good movie when your bored.
PatrynXX15 November 2002
Unlike that silly In The Bedroom, This was the perfect movie to watch when I had nothing much else to watch. As far as a french film, it was so so, but I felt it was rather good in it's suspense. Not too well setup, but it was a fairly good rental. Emmanuelle Seigner is simply stunning. The dvd contains severall interesting movie trailers too.


Quality: 5/10 Entertainment: 7/10 Replayable: 4/10
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Marianne, her men and her diamonds
dierregi23 June 2021
Deneuve steals the movie as central character Marianne, a juicy part of recovering alcoholic that allows her to act randomly, both as a shrewd business woman and as an irrational, weak creature.

In her youth, Marianne had a love affair and a business relationship with jewels thief Battistelli, who dumped her into the hands of a victim twenty years previously. Being a fast operator, Marianne married Vincent, the victim, who was also a famous Paris jeweller.

Her new life of luxury drove Marianne crazy with boredom and depression - obviously, being rich is such a bore - and finally to alcoholism. Fast forward and Vincent's business is on the brink of bankruptcy, therefore he steals five huge diamonds and commits suicide, like everybody in his position would.

Marianne wakes up from her stupor and decides to sell the diamonds herself. Unfortunately, the diamonds owners are already on her tracks and convince her to frame ex-flame Battistelli, because he's damaging their business. But - guess what? - Marianne still has feeling for Battistelli...

To this mix are added two extra roles: Seigner as an eye-candy, younger version of Marianne and Bacri as a definitely not eye-candy, destined to be the third man who will support Marianne.

Could have been a decent tale, but it is told at a glacial pace, with bizarre scenes (Marianne on the train playing cards), and without ever gaining momentum.
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Want to see a great performance by a great actress?
richard-1492 September 1999
Only for Catherine Deneuve's performance, this movie deserves your attention. She is troubling, beautiful, captivating. A whole life's experience is generously invested in this performance. The story is not bad, some other performances are not as satisfying (e.g. Dutronc), but it is an enjoyable movie overall. And again, a great lesson in acting.
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Wordwhisperer26 June 2021
This had a good start, a good plot. However, all that was completely set back by the script. A script that has huge gaps in it, very few explanations about some characters and even about some of the actions shown. It seems like the script was rewritten many many times.
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A stylish French thriller (contains spoilers)
bburns9 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I hate French movies. Hate them, hate them, hate them. All things being equal, you couldn't pay me to see a French movie. French dramas are dull, depressing films about people smoking cigarettes and talking about nothing in particular. And French comedies are like bad Jerry Lewis movies with subtitles. Nonetheless, I was dragged to see "Place Vendome" and was pleasantly surprised.

This is a thriller about Marianne (Catherine Deneuve), the widow of a prominent Parisian jeweler who is involved in some shady deals before he commits suicide. Marianne is an alcoholic who spends 348 days a year voluntarily confined in a mental hospital. When she is out, she needs a nurse to look after her. When she is sober, her hands shake and she is frightened of everything.

Before her husband dies, he tells her about some hot rocks stashed in the house. After he dies, she tries to sell them so she doesn't have to sell her husband's business or go bankrupt. Everyone is too frightened to buy them, but plenty of people want to take them.

She also finds out her husband had a mistress named Nathalie (Emmanuelle Seigner)who looks exactly like she did twenty years ago. It turns out they have more than that in common. They are both intimately acquainted with the jewelry business, legal and otherwise. There is not a man that one has slept with that the other has not. And they are both in over their heads on both the business and romantic fronts.

What I really liked about this film was that it reminded me so much of Hitchcock's romantic thrillers, particularly "Vertigo". There is a scene at the beginning where Marianne has a breakdown in the middle of a stairwell while Richard Robbins' (or is it Bernard Herrmann's) swirling clarinet fugue score plays. This, I thought, was a wonderful homage to the bell-tower scenes in "Vertigo".

There are faults of course. There is just too much coincidence to keep my disbelief suspended for long. And I really would have liked to see more of Nathalie. But overall, this is a stylish thriller from a country where I least expected it. 8 out of 10.
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Deneuve...good...Place Vendome...bad
sharkfinsoup30 June 2001
I love French movies, and Catherine Deneuve is one of the actresses I like the best. In the 90's, she has done outstanding work in Thieves/Voleurs and My Favorite Season/Mon Saison Favori.

I was extremely disappointed in this film...a diamond scam film that has been done before, and better. It does have some good points: there is a very nice vintage noir atmosphere, and Deneuve gives a nuanced performance has the alcoholic wife of the owner of an upscale jewelery store (in Place Vendome...Paris, hence the title). He commits suicide and she is suddenly thrust into a world where there is no one to take care of her and she must find her own resources.

She does a nice job of this, but unfortunately, the film didn't make me care very much about her or any of the other characters. The plot involving stolen diamonds is convoluted, and doesn't appear to make make much sense. It looks like it was re-written too many times and some of the motivating scenes and explicatory scenes got left out.

I really wanted to like this movie, but I felt like this was perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen Catherine Deneuve in.

It's not bad like a really bad Hollywood movie is godawful bad, with explosions and trash talk trying to fill the emptiness, but it's just dull and not fun.

Two stars.

If you are looking to rent a film with Catherine Deneuve, try "Thieves" or "My Favorite Season"

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Simple story featuring world weary characters, beautifully acted.
stanton-715 November 1999
The plot of this film may centre around scams in the the diamond trade but don't expect slick plotlines and witty, glamorous characters. The film offers instead a look behind the glamour at individuals worn down by their lives, by wrong decisions and damaging relationships. These relationships have developed between characters involved at some time in questionable aspects of the trade and appear to suffer as if mirroring the dishonesty and deceitfulness of the scams. It is a story told at a slow pace allowing the details to unfold and to enable us to get to know the characters and understand their motivation. The acting is superb, particularly Catherine Deneuve, and the film ends on a note which suggests some kind of atonement and reconciliation.
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Stodgy film-making that takes forever to get to its point
masked film critic11 March 2000
"Place Vendome" makes a few strange decisions early on. You would expect a thriller set in the Paris jewel industry to be glamorous and sexy, but Nicole Garcia has other ideas. Instead, she presents the industry as corrupt, jaded and full of downbeat, sleazy people. Deals take place behind closed doors, in cheap hotel rooms, and dimly-lit office suites. Garcia does everything to make this atmosphere suffocating - there are few outdoors scenes initially. When the action shifts briefly to London, there are no establishing shots. The only clue that we're no longer in Paris is that the dialogue switches to English.

This, no doubt, is an attempt to add realism to the milieu. It succeeds, but at the cost of draining the film of interest. Little narrative momentum is created, and the low-key lighting, presumably aimed at creating a noir atmosphere, ends up murky instead.

The main interest lies, predictably enough, with Catherine Deneuve, in yet another mid-life crisis role. Of course, she holds the attention like the old pro she is, but this is itself a problem. We're introduced to various mysterious characters when Deneuve is off-screen, but they seem lifeless and uninteresting by comparison.

And yet, the final half-hour actually works. Much is explained about the characters' motivations in a haunting flashback scene, set in an unforgiving wintry landscape. Following on from that the film finally develops some tension. However, this seems to be too little, too late. This is a wasted opportunity.
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Catherine Deneuve is a Goddess
bama11118 August 2003
The movie was fine. Only in French films do beautiful women have sex with ordinary looking guys. Having said that, in the 50 years I have been watching movies there has never been a more beautiful actress than Catherine Deneuve. And, in addition to her incredible beauty, she is a wonderful actress. So, even if the movie doesn't appeal to you, you can always appreciate a true beauty. Oh yes, by the way, I did enjoy the movie, too.
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slow, slow, slow
planktonrules20 April 2006
If this movie had been better paced and had more likable and 3-dimensional characters I would have liked it a lot. As it is, it's at best an average movie. But, the movie is slow as molasses and the pacing crawls like a snail. But, given that Catherine Deneuve's character seems underdeveloped and unlikable, the movie SEEMS even longer and slower than it is. It's really a shame, as there were elements of a good story but it just looks like the film was rushed into production before the complex plot was worked out--sort of looking like it was improvised. And, because of that, it's difficult to know WHO Deneuve is--a drunk, an idiot or a person who LOOKS like a drunk idiot but isn't. Regardless, the film just seemed unreal and pointless. In addition, it abounds with shaky camera work--obviously it was shot with cheap equipment. I'm sorry to sound so negative, but the French are capable of much better stories than this.
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a gem
zeikwijf5 February 2022
Rare storyline, very beautifully told, at a slow pace that matches the dishearting of the main protagonist. And, as we discover later on, of the second as well. Those two happen to have a similar vibe, that makes their attachment visible and understandable. Unholliwoodian ending though, thank heavens.

Superb acting of Deneuve. And of the others too.
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Strictly for fans of Catherine Deneuve
notmicro4 June 2003
This film would get absolutely no attention otherwise. Story/plot are a convoluted mess; direction and editing are mediocre or worse. Production values are high, but that's pretty typical these days. Lurches from one jarring and opaque scene to another. Especially bizarre is a scene where Deneuve is quite abruptly shown on a train, drunkenly involved in a tough game of cards. Also a very annoying thread runs throughout the film, where various women are showing yelling at men who are bothering them "no leave me alone", then there's a jump to the next scene where they are in bed together.
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Diamonds are forever. What about true love?
Teodore13 September 1998
The story of a woman that for meny years remained distracted from her own life, from the passions that made her feel alive. The importance of true love is compared with the material value of diamonds. Only one of these two truly lasts in time. She's got to choose witch one values most for her, the thing that will make her find happiness and psychical steadiness again. Award for Deneuve in Biennale di Venezia 1998 (55 festival d'arte cinematografica di Venezia)
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Kirpianuscus5 April 2017
elegance is the basic virtue of this beautiful film. the elegance of story and performances, the elegance of details and the tension. and, sure, obvious, the elegance of Catherine Deneuve. a film about the confrontation against the past, the revelation about old experiences, the struggle for survive and the rules of a small world in which the gems are more important than the people. short, a seductive film. for the theme and for the inspired way to translate it in the image. for the beautiful science of trip in essence of the gestures and states of characters. for the air of an universe who seems be artificial. and for the great job of Deneuve.
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A Girl's Best Friend
writers_reign25 April 2004
I've been checking out the comments for this movie and am slightly surprised that no one has noted what appears to be a fairly obvious metaphor. Diamonds are cold, hard, many faceted and beautiful. Catherine Deneuve is the star here. I rest my case. There is, of course, more to it than that but not a lot more. It's French so it's stylish by definition but Nicole Garcia, like so many French actors/writers/directors, was born in Oran, Algeria - gateway to Lisbon and, by definition, a free world, as we learned in the first reel of 'Casablanca' - so there's also something of the outsider element, the shopgirl who came to the ball because her beauty captured the heart of the Second Son, and who feels always slightly uneasy that it all may end tomorrow. So, what do we get for our money? Style, opulence, quasi-noir, great acting. Is that enough? You tell me. 7/10
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Impressive Deneuve
Vincentiu13 January 2007
The Deneuve's film. The story has not any original element, the action is confuse, the theme of widow in rout is very old. But, the value of this movie exists. And it is present in every scene.

Catherine Deneuve's art is the solution. The art to transmit gestures of an ambiguous fight is subtle and powerful.

The elements of resignation are pieces of beautiful miniature.

The tiredness, relation with the past, limits of memories, color of words, revenge's intentions, search and fear, gems and victims are episodes of an essential trip .

Marianne is not only a character of a French actress but reflexion of a magnificent art, in every acting detail is a touching drop of precision.

A film with faint brightness and misty soul.
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