Carnosaur 3: Primal Species (1996) Poster

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Were they serious??!!??
RockStrongo10 December 2005
This is one of the most hilariously bad movies I have ever had the privilege to see.

I watched this on DVD with a bunch of friends one Friday night and we just couldn't stop laughing from start to finish.

The story is simple enough: terrorists hijack a convoy they think is carrying weapons grade uranium, but it's actually carrying a bunch of man-eating dinosaurs. Easy mistake to make. Cue a startlingly incompetent team of Army Special Forces to tackle the prehistoric beasts. They are led by Colonel Rance, played by Scott Valentine; a man who seems to have perfected 'Smell the fart' acting, as advocated by Joey in Friends.

There's plenty of gore and an awful lot of shooting, but unfortunately Rance's team seem to have a problem aiming their weapons in the general direction of a horde of giant, lumbering monsters. Also, the lights always seem to flicker and go out whenever a Velociraptor attacks (preumably so we can't see how bad the creature effects are).

Having said all that, we all had a great deal of fun betting on who was going to get their head bitten off next.

As a Jusassic Park / Aliens style action adventure this movie stinks worse than a dinosaur's crotch, but as ludicrous, tongue-in-cheek entertainment it's a roaring success.
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Killer dinosaurs have never been so hilarious!!!!!
Phillemos21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The third installment of the "Carnosaur" trilogy features a bunch of Keystone Kops-quality military commandos trying to kill two Velociraptors and a T-Rex. I give it a 4 out of sheer sympathy and my affinity for dinosaurs. The movie is definitely the worst of the trilogy, it really can't be taken seriously. More significantly, however, watching this movie I can't help but notice some interesting parallels between the "Carnosaur" and "Xtro" trilogies. The first installment in both franchises is a dark, disturbing film that has become a cult classic, the second is an "Alien" ripoff, and the third is a tongue-in-cheek, almost slapstick (whether intentional or not) movie that has you rolling on the floor laughing. Also, like the "Xtro" franchise, all the "Carnosaur" movies are completely unrelated to one another. They they only carry the franchise name to drum up interest in the "sequels," I guess. Obviously "Carnosaur" and "Xtro" have two different production groups at work here, but if you've seen all three movies of both franchises you find yourself referring back and forth between the two.
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Still sort of good on a B-movie type of level.
Boba_Fett11383 May 2012
The entire Carnosaurs-series often gets made fun of but in all truth and honesty, they are somewhat enjoyable for what they are and not all that bad at all, with the exception of the first movie.

The thing that I particularly like about the series is that none of the movies are related and each movie is basically a new story, with different characters and settings. It makes the series incredibly differs and makes each movie feel new and fresh. It also totally isn't necessary to watch the previous two movies, before you watch this one. Every one of them can be watched independently from each other.

But no, don't worry, I'm not completely crazy. Of course this is not a great movie by any means but it at least is fun and also very self aware. Thing with this movie and all of the previous ones as well, is that it knows that its bad. Especially also the actors seem to be very well aware of this. Because of this, the movie never gets awkward but simply enjoyable to watch instead.

Now, the whole idea of the movie itself is quite stretched out however. The characters for the longest time are very busy with a whole bunch of stuff, expect for trying to find and kill the dinosaur. The movie too often really isn't going anywhere with its story, or any of its characters. Still, this doesn't make the movie annoying or anything. Just a tad bit ridicules but it strangely enough adds to the movie its entertainment value at the same time.

The action and killings are being somewhat disappointing but then again, I wasn't expecting too much from it anyway. After all, the entire series isn't exactly known for its creativity and originality.

It's watchable enough as a B-movie flick but it of course is far from being a great movie as well!

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A b-movie with spirit
riddlersrule17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A series of B movies that unlike the usual formula, actually get BETTER as they go along. I have all 3 Carnosaur films on DVD, and I can be honest about them. The first one almost sucks. Luckily it has a few cool parts and grisly special effects to keep it going. The second one has better story and action, raising the standard of the film to "good", and by the time we reach Carnosaur 3: Primal Species, we've officially hit good, short, dumb fun. With a perfect mix of Dinosaurs (that actually look pretty nice, especially the T-Rex), with good dialog for the kind of movie it is, a second straight to video sequel, lots of action and humor, it makes you laugh and smile with pure middle-of-the-night-entertainment. If you wanna watch Jurassic Park that bad, then watch it, but don't bitch about how this is a rip-off, because it's not. The book that the original Carnosaur movie is based off of, came six years before Crichton's Jurassic Park was published, so back off it, and enjoy it.
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''If you see anything bigger than a donkey shoot it''. ** out of *****
Welshfilmfan17 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Primal Species comes from B Movie legend Roger Corman and as such everybody who watches this needs to realise that this is a Low Budget B Movie and it knows it.

A bunch of terrorists high-jack a Lorry and kill an entire army doing so, they believe it to hold uranium, but No..... It contains two Dino's with a taste for Human Flesh... Then a Crack team, who might as well be called Delta Force get called in.

OK, This ain't Jurassic Park, and Yes The Dino's are never clearly seen because it's obviously a guy in a Costume that's not too dissimilar to Barney the Dinosaur - only slightly LESS terrifying,but come on guys this had about 1% of Jurassic Park's Budget and as such does what it can.

Does this deserve to be in the bottom 100?....HELL NO!!! I think the nearly half of voters who give this a 1 - are being WAY WAY overly harsh, it's much closer to a 4... it's actually a lot better than a whole host of other movies not in the Bottom 100, and has a similar production value to a Sci-Fi Channel Production. (again Movies which get a overly harsh time from critics here on IMDb)

The acting is as expected in a B Movie although none of the actors take it that seriously, neither does the script

All in All it's an enjoyable B Movie - Not for Film Snobs

** out of *****
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Ignore this. . .
Everum16 November 1998
Well here I go with another B industry movie. It's sad enough to see some badly made films but I don't care if a B industry or C industry produces the film. Show some effort in your work. The characters are really bad. The acting isn't in question in this one (surprise), but plot is. How can a tight-knit squad witness two of their fellow soldiers butchered, and then go on as if nothing happened. What sickened me was how the writer even threw in the remaining members a scene where they joke about how nice the doctor's ass was. Give me a break.
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Oh Geez I'd rather watch Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom over this piece of Garbage!
Baxter3339 May 2021
Well to start off I haven't seen any of the previous Carnosaur Movies since they are not available in UK so I had thought before I became aware of The other Carnosaur Movies thanks to the Internet this was the only Dinosaur Movie that ripped off Jurassic Park but boy that is quite an understatement ripped off because this Movie is so bad it even makes Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom look like a good Movie. The Special Effects are laughable, The Acting is so bad it looks like it was directed by a 5 Year Old and The Characters are just total idiots I really couldn't care or feel sympathy for anyone of them getting eaten I just forced Myself to watch it due to being a Die Hard Jurassic Park Fan but after a while wanted this nightmare to end and I don't mean nightmare referring to it being a Horror Movie since I can usually handle Horror Movies I'm calling it a nightmare due to how unrealistic the Dinosaurs look epically The T-Rex it's so bad it is particularly laughable but seeing it devour that irritating solider who talked way to much throughout was totally satisfying since he wouldn't shut up throughout 90 per sent of the movie and his wise ass joke on Donkeys near the beginning was not the least bit amusing either. The Actor playing The leader Terrorist is probably the only thing I can give this Movie credit for as he had an interesting resemblance to Albert Wesker from Resident Evil and probably was the only character I was rooting for as he was the best actor in the whole movie a pity this character was short lived after being devoured by the raptors near the beginning of the movie though. Apart from that there is really nothing that this movie does right even Die Hard Jurassic Park Fans should stay clear of this movie at all costs if you it in your local video shop don't even touch it with a 20 inch pole stay away far away at all costs!
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Third and worst installment of an otherwise enjoyable series.
kclipper26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Monster fans might get some minor excitement over the third and final entry in producer, Roger Corman's Jurassic Park parody/rip-off about carnivorous dinosaurs (hence the title) munching on military macho types while scientists pursue their agendas for the hungry reptiles used as unstoppable biological weapons. Its a premise that worked well on a modest budget with laughable creature effects and plenty of gore for the first couple of films, but now it seems that all of the originality and ambition has been exhausted in a final attempt to cash in on a sequel-happy studio franchise. Rubbery-looking monsters, nonstop "Warsploitation" clichés, and amateurish performances are just a few reminders that the 1990's direct-to-video craze has been long swept under the carpet resulting in many rare out-of-print digital copies making their way across the Internet. The 'Carnosaur' trilogy is one of those long forgotten series of films that fall into that category. Its too bad that the series ended on a ridiculous note such as this. Billed as 'Primal Species', this is so predictable and washed-out that it doesn't even really matter if Scott Valentine's "war face" is hilarious, or if watching moronic cops and brainless bad guys getting chewed up by what looks like a toy T-Rex you had as a child is your thing. The direction is incompetent, and the editing is a disaster. The monsters get very little screen-time as the camera clumsily fumbles around the action, and minimal bloodshed and gore give this last installment an unsatisfactory grade. Its laughable at best.
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Avoid it!
alexx-24 September 1999
In general I like dinosaur movies but this one is pure crap. No script, no dialogues, no acting. And the brave colonel Rance trying to show he is tough and so curving his mouth resembles as a twin brother the stupid Proctor from the Police Academy. So this was a complete waste of time (fortunately not waste of money as I saw the film on TV). And I really cannot understand 7 people who graded this sh*t 10. They must've joked. My advice, if you see this title run from it!
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Beyond a doubt, the worst film I've ever seen.
julessj11 May 2008
I don't know where to start; the acting, the special effects and the writing are all about as bad as you can possibly imagine. I can't believe that the production staff reached a point where they said, "Our job is done, time for it's release". I'm just glad the first two in the series never made it as far as the UK. I would actually recommend watching this film just so you can appreciate how well made most films are.

I don't know how any of the other IMDb users could find it scary when the "terrifying" dinosaurs waddle down corridors with rubber arms flailing around.
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Carnosaur 3: Primeval laughs
zizou-real2 September 2008
OK..... This is the third in the series of carnosaur. Lets star with the dinosaur puppets! In the start of the film you cant See the Dino's cause when the body count starts you can only See the Dino's eye vision, pretty smart to hide the bad puppets! and maybe in 16 minutes forward on the film some special force team with Scott Valentine as the leader Rance, the team walks into the warehouse and then they begins to find body parts and dead body's after the Dino rampage, after a while some big box comes failing on the team and you can hear a velociraptor scream, pretty creepy!!! and then a black girl walks forward and now one blooper is found! It pops up a raptor hand and slashed her face but if you pause when the raptor hand comes you can See that its just a guy with a hand puppet!? WTF! The story is simple. 1. Some terrorist's attacks some truck cause they though It wash some weapons in there. 2. They where dead wrong it seams to be ten tons raptor and one giant t-Rex in there! How did the t-Rex fit in there??? 3. Rance and some nerds will kill the dinosaurs! Sadly some stupid blond girl told him to capture one of them alive=( 4. Holy Jesues the raptors have wheels on their feats! 5. The Dino's is now on a boat in the pacific. 6: Strange i didn't know that the t-Rex had a strange thing on hes neck??? 7. THE END. The film is good if you want a good laugh. 5/10
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Good entry, definitely worth a look for fans of the series
slayrrr66613 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
`Carnosaur III: Primal Species' is an above-average quality sequel in this series of the films.


A team of terrorists hijacks a top-secret military convoy, thinking they have captured weapons-grade plutonium. Instead, the convoy was carrying dinosaurs, and the dinosaurs attack and kill the squad of terrorists. A military recovery team learns the convoy is stopped in a warehouse on the local waterfront, and immediately goes out to retrieve it. The dinosaurs attack the squad, leaving only three soldiers. Back at their headquaters, their captain (Scott Valentine) refuses to go back unless they kill the dinos, but the scientist in charge of the operation (Janet Gunn) orders them to merely capture the dinos. Heading back out to the warehouse, the team gets additional help with a Marine Task Force. Together, they still can't control the dinosaurs. They finally find a way to get them under control: luring them out to a ship, sailing them out to see and blowing the ship up.

The Good News: While this film won't win any awards for its FX, the dinos are still pretty realistic. It's still pretty better than the first one, but the second one is the most realistic of the movies. This film isn't as gory as some would believe, but only a few scenes are actually gory. There is the traditional limb ripped off and even some bloodsplatter, but this is the driest of the three films. The locale of the movie is a nice change, making the switch to a warehouse instead of in an open area like the first one. It was also very good in designing suspense. There was a lot of scenes were you were waiting for a dinosaur to pop out of somewhere and take a bite out of someone, and more often than not, that did happen. I have to give a film some recommendation when it delivers on suspense that it sets up.

The Bad News: For some reason, this had some scenes that could've been taken out of the movie, despite the fact that it's barely over 1 hr. and 20 mins. The scenes showing the Soldiers and the Marines getting to know each other could've been trimmed, and several other small scenes could've been cut out. Also, there are a lot of shots of very obvious puppet dinosaurs shown. The T-Rex at the end is a very good example. It looked real in only a few seconds in the whole film. In fact, the dinos are only in a few minutes of the movie. They were missing for most of the movie. I counted only about a half-hour worth of screen time for the dinos. This should've been dragged out far longer for a film about dinosaurs, and it being so short in the first place, would've only made the film that much better. The recasting of Rick Dean, who was Monk in part two as Polcheck in this one, was a nice touch but confusing, as he seems to play the same role in both movies: a wise-cracking soldier who doesn't seem too interested in the rules of the situation.

The Final Verdict: If you don't mind watching about a half-hours' worth of dinosaurs in an 1hr. and 20 min movie, this isn't that bad of a movie. It may leave you confused why it's so long with so many scenes that could've been cut out, but it is still a worthwhile edition to the series.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Adult Language.
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TCurtis919221 July 2013
"CARNOSAUR III: PRIMAL SPECIES" (1996, Winfrey) is the third instalment in the gory film series and the best of the five.

John Carl Beuchler's dinosaurs are infamously rubber and waddling/rolling. The chemistry between Scott Valentine and Rick Dean is good and the cast are actually okay.

The film is an editorial nightmare. Doors opening and closing in the background, hats on hats off, corpses vanishing and reappearing etc. It's hilarious.

Rubber dinosaurs, blood and gore, tension, humour and really strange (sometimes successful) directing, is "PRIMAL SPECIES" in a nutshell.
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lol, great a ratarded T-REX!!!
djeb200426 February 2009
OK I had higher hopes for this Carnosaur movie simply because it seemed like the sequels were getting better as they came out. I did like Carnosaur 2 better than 1. I figured well this one is newer so it must be better right? Well... I quickly learned I was wrong. I was extremely confused with the casting. They brought back Rick Dean for another spotlight character and Michael MacDonald as a police officer. Now for Rick dean lol, in Carnosaur 2 I thought he fit the role pretty well and wasn't really annoyed by him, now in Carnosaur 3 wow they placed him as an elite soldier. Now we are getting goofy here. The movie actually started out pretty good with a decent gun fight and dinos escaping out of there little freezer trucks, but as soon as Scott Valentines team showed up we had a mix of a romantic comedy with very funny performances from retarded and floppy dinosaurs.

I'll start with the raptors first, they had there tails drag the ground, which in the second one they were up in the air which looked more common for a dinosaur that can run up to 50-60 mph. Now when they ran they wiggled back and forth and the heads didn't move at all. there hands were floppy all over the place and since they were extremely poorly shot by the director they looked stupid and out of place.

The t-rex was extremely pathetic, they would of been better off using the one from the previous 2 movies. At least that one looked somewhat frightening. The one in this film looked like it was smiling all the time. The legs when it walked was hilarious, like it was john wayne in the old west all stiff legged and stuff. LOL another thing I noticed is that the hands did not move, they were stuck next to its body so it looked and sounded (god the sound effects were awful) retarded!!! Now if I was the director and realized that I had this to work with maybe I would of maybe tried a little bit harder to hide the fakeness fact. As for the rest of the movie, well this was the sloppiest and loudest military team I have ever seen. The weapons they used wouldn't make sense for the scenario. They even had an arm wrestling scene inside the warehouse where the carnosaurs were roaming, now I was tickled at this scene because I thought that while this stupidity was going on that the Dinos would get in there and cause some damage. Instead the director wasted about 7 minutes of our time. I would like to look at this movie as the 3 stooges of dinosaur movies. You have retarded military, retarded dinosaurs, retarded scenario and you have a wonderful 83 minutes to spend of your day watching this.

Now I'm not saying I wouldn't watch this, bc actually i do recommend everyone see this movie that wants 83 minutes of pure entertainment. It may seem like I'm ranting but really I'm hyping this movie up to what it is. Its really a lot of fun to watch because while watching this you think to yourself, "did the director really make this seriously?"
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Look out! It's a rubber raptor!
BStalker29 October 2000
Here in England, we've not had the pleasure of seeing Carnosaur 1+2 and the film is just titled "Primal Species". Without the precedent of such un-doubtedly classic prequels, I had no idea what the film would be like (except for some guesswork based on the video cover).

Nothing much needs to be said about the film except that it is one of the worst of the worst of the worst films ever. Not that that's a huge criticism. It's extremely entertaining. To be honest the sight of those men in rubber dinosaur costumes was funnier than many proper comedies. Equally funny is the swat team leader's constant smirk and attempts to sound hard. The main death's were enjoyable too, firstly because the sight of fake monsters chewing on people is funny, and secondly because it meant that another annoying character had been wiped out.

For an alternative night's entertainment, I would recommend this in a double-bill with something like Demolition University. You'll laugh till you ache or simply fall asleep. Either way, you'll be happy.
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More Like Carnosaur £3.50
tony-howe10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the first two - only this one which is called Primal Species in England. I don't think I'll be bothering to look them out though.

This is an awful film. Terrible acting, bad dialogue, cheap rubber monsters. Everything about it is so nasty. The most sympathetic characters die really quickly and leave you with the annoying ones, especially one called Polchak, who is an incredible jerk. No-one like that would survive 5 minutes in the army. He lasted for ages but I was pleased when he finally got his head got chewed off - I was having nightmares he was going to survive. The Colonel was rubbish too - all moody pouts and clueless shouting. And the specky Doctor looked and acted like she was out of a porno. I was waiting for her to take her glasses off, shake her hair and turn into a vamp, but she didn't. Pity that, as it would've livened the film up no end.

Didn't Roger Corman used to make half decent films once?
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Horrid but funny !!!
mikelcat21 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Everything in this film is bad , the story , the acting , the effects but its funny , funny , funny !!!Scott Valentine with the army uniform thats ten sizes too big is so bad with the permanent attempt at a scowl on his face as the leader of a special ops group its hilarious ! The ''terrorists'' are as scary and realistic as the ''raptors'' , this is so phoney and bad at everything it tries you have to laugh .The part where the giant T-REX who somehow snuck on board a ship and then somehow got below is blown up and you see the metal pole sticking up where its head was is the perfect ending .If your into bad films , this is the pot of gold , the mona lisa of b-b-bad !!!
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so bad you should watch it
hangetsudachi2 June 2005
This movie is the worst movie i have ever seen... it is humorous how bad it is.. the entire time i was watching it i half expected music to start and the doctor starts dancing..(i've seen porno's with a better plot) When the raptor was trying to get in the door i think someone was throwing a plastic doll against the door from about 2 feet away. But as i said it is so bad you need to watch it so that you can see just how bad it is me explaining it isn't going to do anything compared to if you watch it .. i don't recommend renting it but if it comes on TV watch it for about 30min just to see what i mean. I couldn't watch more than 30min but if you can sit through the whole thing then you have some good willpower
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One Good Thing About It = The Short Running Time
FilmFanInTheHouse20 September 2007
Primal Species (1996, Dir. Jonathan Winfrey)

International terrorists get a surprise when their cargo turn out to contain living dinosaurs. The army commando team now have to think fast, if they want to prevent the extinction of the human species, instead of the reptiles.

You look at the cover and you gain your first impressions of the film. That is pretty much it. The acting is only just acceptable from a few characters. The story is poor, with the whole film based on the army and the marines trying to kill the dinosaurs. This film came out three years after 'Jurassic Park'. Instead, this film looks to have come out 13 years before 'Jurassic Park'. The dinosaurs costumes are so poorly made, and i do mean costumes. There are obviously people dressed up, and this film makes no attempts at hiding this. A scene when a dinosaur runs down a corridor is created in a way, in which it looks like someone is riding the creature. The is one good thing, which comes out of this film. The short running time. At only 1 hour and 15 minutes, it doesn't waste too much of your life, but still try to avoid it altogether.

"It's like a Friday the 13th Nightmare." - Officer (Brian Currie)
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"This guy is carved up like Thanksgiving Turkey." - Quality dialogue = quality film, doesn't it?
poolandrews30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Carnosaur 3: Primal Species starts as an American army convoy is ambushed by a gang of terrorists thinking that it is transporting uranium, the terrorists kill everyone & drive off in the trucks. They stop at a warehouse on a dock where they're leader Dolan (Cyril O'Reilly) opens one of the trucks expecting to find the uranium, instead they discover genetically reconstructed Dinosaurs that attack & kill them all. Meanwhile the army has sent Colonel Rance Higgins (Scott Valentine) & his anti-terrorist unit in to sort things out, unfortunately they are attacked by the Dinosaurs as well & half of the squad is wiped out. The warehouse & dock is sealed off so the Dinosaurs cannot escape & Rance is told he & his team are to capture the Dinosaurs so blonde scientist Dr. Hodges (Janet Gunn) can continue her experiments on them, without weapons, with only a few men & orders to bring the Dinosaurs back alive Rance has his work cut out just to not end up as Dinosaur food let alone complete his mission without further loss of life & it becomes apparent that it's not exactly clear who is hunting who...

Quickly following Carnosaur 2 (1995) which itself followed Carnosaur (1993) & directed by Jonathan Winfrey (who apparently has a part in the film as someone called Bob although I don't remember anyone by that name) the Carnosaur series of films aren't getting any better are they which Carnosaur 3: Primal Species proves beyond any shadow of a doubt. I now have had the 'pleasure' of sitting through all three Carnosaur films & actually in chronological order too! Lucky me. This time round the scripting duties went to Rob Kerchner & it's basically a mix of ideas & rip-offs from Aliens (1986), Jurassic Park (1993) & Deep Rising (1998) (yes I know Carnosaur 3: Primal Species was made a couple of years before Deep Rising), I'd probably put Carnosaur 3: Primal Species as the worst of the series.. The film is far too predictable & by-the-numbers I mean there's the Dinosaurs, the team of military soldiers who can't use their weapons & the final 30 minutes which has the soldiers & Dinosaurs hunting each other within the confines of a huge ship. That's all there is to it really, a few people are killed by the Dinosaurs before the hero saves the day & gets the girl, the end. All the trappings & shortcomings of the low budget horror film are here, annoying character's, bad one-liners, stupid decision making, illogical plots, bad special effects & poorly researched science. However, having said that while I wouldn't describe Carnosaur 3: Primal Species as a good film at least it's short at 80 odd minutes, it moves along at a fair pace & isn't too boring, it's perfectly watchable in a (really) bad sort of way & as long as you have sufficiently low expectations it might keep you quiet for an hour & a bit.

Director Winfrey obviously doesn't know how to shoot special effects as the Dinosaur scenes are the worst in the entire Carnosaur series, the T-Rex at the end looks pathetic. It looks like something made by kids as part of a school project from paper mache! The Velociraptors are just guys in poor looking rubber suits that don't seem to have any movement in them at all, Winfrey tries to use quick edits & strange camera angles to try & cover up some of the suits deficiency's & inject some life, pace, threat & menace into them. He fails on all counts. The blood & gore has been toned down in Carnosaur 3: Primal Species, there are a few mutilated bodies, some severed limbs & various bit part character's have they're arms & heads bitten off.

Technically the film is average, there isn't much style to it & the special effects really are embarrassing at times. The music rips-off the theme from Predator (1987). The acting wasn't great & you could tell everyone in front of the camera knew they were making crap.

Carnosaur 3: Primal Species is an OK way to pass the time if you like bad low budget horror films much like myself, however there's very little here by which I could recommend it to any normal member of society. To add to his long list of credits Roger Corman produced. The opening ending suggests that a further Carnosaur sequel could be made, I can hardly wait... Like the other Carnosaur films footage from this was edited into another Dinosaur themed Roger Corman beauty called Raptor (2001).
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Lunk-headed Aliens rip-off
Leofwine_draca16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought CARNOSAUR was a cheesy and cheap B-movie then wait until you get a load of PRIMAL SPECIES, the third in a series that started off with a bad film and got progressively worse from there! Taking place in just two locations (a warehouse and a ship – but don't worry, the two are interchangeable, just supplying a clichéd 'industrial look' background for the action), PRIMAL SPECIES is dull, derivative, worthless and dumb – and those are the good points. This time around, the inspiration is clearly ALIENS, as a bunch of uninteresting soldiers run around shooting at dinosaurs and finding lots of eggs in the process. The script is cheesy and stupid beyond belief, even rehashing the "carved up like a turkey" joke from the first movie! All the characters are mundane and boring, from the female recruit (Vasquez from ALIENS anyone?) to the unintelligible comic relief and the stolid commander. Even the supposedly sexy female scientist is a bore, never cracking a smile or proving her acting worth at any moment.

This is a film that utilises lots of smoke-and-mirrors style effects to hide the paucity of the budget. The dinosaurs, when they're see, are a rubbery travesty, worse than any similar effects you'll see in a 1950s monster movie. Most hilarious of all is the T-Rex, a life-size model that can't actually move. The bit where the T-Rex explodes has to be the funniest part of a film otherwise devoid of unintentional humour. Whilst CARNOSAUR offered a ton of gore effects to enliven the proceedings, PRIMAL SPECIES has one bloody moment in which a load of severed body parts are found on a warehouse floor. Otherwise, heads and arms are gooily removed, usually in shadowy areas so you can't see what's going on very well. It's not enough to save the movie. Give this farce a miss!
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rwp869 May 2006
This is one of the funniest movies i've ever seen. I rented it as a joke, expecting to get a giggle out of the first few scenes, and let me just say I've never laughed so hard in my life. The first scene where ninjas randomly pop out of the air and start a huge and ridiculous fire fight is one of the most incredibly funny stupid action movie moments of my life. This is not a dinosaur movie, but more a movie that makes fun (and doesn't mean to at all) of the action genre. I didn't see the first two, but judging by the complexity of the plot, I don't think there's to much I missed. If you wanna see a movie that goes great with a six pack or any herbal remedy, than I insist you rent this movie and sit back and watch a 100 years of advancement in cinema get thrown in the trash and get shat on by carnosours
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Carnosaur 3 Primal Species (1996)
jegajotor18 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Terrorist are terrified when the cargo that they stole was genetically engineered dinosaurs,now they send in a team of Commandos to kill the dinosaurs. My ratings for this movie.

ACTING:4/10.THE acting isn't that good especially the main actor in the movie,it's like they made him eat lemons.

SPECIAL EFFECTS:3/10.These are the worst dinosaurs i have ever seen.They look rubbery.But the kills scenes are the highlight of this film.

CREATURE MAKEUP:10/10.The Raptors in the movie are a lot scarier than the JP Raptors. But the main problem is are the SFX,if the SFX of this movie are a bit more convincing they could take on the JP Raptors any time.

MUSIC:10/10.An incredible music score by Kevin Kiner.

ACTION:5/10.Gives quite an amount of action,horror and suspense.

DIRECTING:6/10.Acceptable directing from Jonathan Winfrey.

THE FINAL VERDICT: This is a really fun b-movie except for the FX,i don't care about how people think of this movie.I recommend it
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Fine effort though there's some problems overall
kannibalcorpsegrinder16 November 2012
Receiving word of a terrorist unit at work in the area, a Special Forces unit goes to investigate and finds the terrorists had unintentionally intercepted a shipment of genetically-engineered dinosaurs and races to corral them before they escape.

This here wasn't all that bad of an effort, though it's definitely the weakest of the whole series and has its share of faults. One of the biggest issues in the film is the fact that there's an extreme lack of dinosaur action present, as the short running time barely has them even in the movie and the majority of the scenes are all placed at the end which is quite inexcusable for a film about dinos to begin with. Having the film mostly centered around the two military units getting to know each other and forced to work with each other to contain the dinosaurs makes this one quite hard to really get interested in, since the film's main focus is elsewhere instead of on the main point, and the endless scenes of them getting to know each other gets quite exhaustive after a while. As such, the common factor of having the dinosaurs look like puppets is quite hard to get over, though by this time in the series it should be required knowledge going on that's what's going to be featured. There's still some good dinosaur action at the end where they're trapped in the cargo hold of the ship, which means that there's the exploring of the cramped quarters to exploit in terms of suspense and the usual liberal doses of blood and gore on display, as well as in the first big action scene where they escape and menace the terrorists in the warehouse, but otherwise this is the blatant low-end of the series.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Adult Language.
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A meh sequel
reapercrew-0558411 May 2021
This film I would not recommend to watch this film but if you want to it can still be entertaining.
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