Gunfighter's Moon (1995) Poster

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Another fine Lance Henriksen performance ..................
merklekranz2 March 2011
One of the better westerns to come along since the "spaghetti western" era. Lance Hanriksen is a tough gunfighter, who comes to the rescue of a town about to be besieged by three other gunfighters looking to spring one of their henchmen from jail. Kay Lenz is married to the stand in sheriff, and Henriksen is her daughter's long lost father. While there is some melodrama, the tense concluding gunfight is excellent. The film has good character development, and certainly qualifies as "female friendly". Seek this one out if you are a Lance Henriksen fan, because it is one of his best performances. ................................ - MERK
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Gunhawk slings lead, tough men fall dead
helpless_dancer18 April 2003
I liked this one ok even though it was filled with overzealous actors who either paid no attention to their director or this manager offered no direction at all. The facial expressions and body movements were so overdone as to be hilarious. The one player who had any experience with gun handling was relegated to playing a loser who couldn't even draw his piece without breaking it open and spilling out the rounds. The biggest drawback to this film came when the seriously wounded gunfighter left his sickbed and hobbled off to exchange lead with 3 blood hungry thugs. No way, Jose. I thought we were going to be hit with a 'Shane' moment there at the end but, thankfully, it never came to pass. At least there were no hay bales laying around as there are in many westerns. Fun but dumb.
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A Good "Fantasty" Gunfighter flik
neometer5 July 2005
This is a very good "fantasy" gunfighter flik. I have watched it many times,yes there are some "goof ups" but it is still 10 stars better than " Gods Gun " which just today played on the Lone Star channel. It is well worth a look.Just don't look to hard at the time lines and there are more than one if you listen closely to some of the dialogs. This is also one of the movies that try to look at least some what the way the old west did. unlike movies like The War Wagon where Kirk Douglas wears pants that look more like tights than anything a man would have worn in those days. So don't look to hard just set back and enjoy the ride, it's fun
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LeonLouisRicci10 September 2021
While Henrikson Never Disappoints, here He is in His Element.

His Dual Delivery of a Cold-Blooded Legendary Gunfighter and a Family Man Unrequited can Freeze Your Blood and then in a Heartbeat ...Smile with Sincerity and in a Blink of an Eye You Believe Every Bit of it.

The Shootist Side is Never Abandon, but is Not Gun-Shy about His and the Film's Concern of a More Personal Side to the Man's Estranged Family that is Really the Heart of the Story.

Not an Easy Thing to Pull-Off in a Gritty Character Study of a Gunslinger in the Old West. But this Good-Looking, Thought Provoking Movie is Handled Top-Notch, by a Low-Budget Film Crew.

The Few Flaws of Cliched Side Characters that are Over-Written and Over-Acted to the Point of Parody and some other Nit-Picks, can be Over-Looked.
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A Gunman Faced with a Painful Decision
Uriah4316 November 2022
This film begins with two cowboys walking into the saloon of a small town and demanding to know where to find a notorious gunman named "Frank Morgan" (Lance Henriksen). As it so happens, Frank is sitting at one of the tables and, after being challenged to a gunfight, kills both of them immediately. The next morning, while still feeling the effects of too much alcohol the night before, Frank learns from his girlfriend "Rosa" (Yareli Arizmendi) that his former wife "Linda Yarnell" (Kay Lenz) has sent him a telegram and wants to see him right away. So, in spite of Rosa's best efforts to keep him there, Frank immediately saddles his horse and leaves. Four days later, he finally meets up with Linda and is disappointed to learn that, rather than reconciling, she wants him to help her new husband "Jordan Yarnell" (David McIlwraith) defend himself against several heading their way. Not only that, but he also meets his teenage daughter "Kristen Yarnell" (Nikki Deloach) who knows absolutely nothing about him but is fascinated by the notorious gunman she has heard so much about. Things being what they are, Frank is faced with a clear dilemma--he can let the outlaws kill Jordan, and subsequently be held in contempt by Linda for the rest of his life, or he can risk his life defending a man who has taken the only things he cares about and who has nothing but contempt for him. What he doesn't realize is that there is another gunman on his trail who also has a score to settle with him as well. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I found this to be a surprisingly good Western due in large part to its solid plot and outstanding performance by Lance Henriksen who played his part to near perfection. Be that as it may, I recommend this film for fans of the genre, and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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Surprisingly good
picobenguet13 June 2022
I had low hopes for this, intending to just skim through the movie, but that wasn't the case, I ended up watching it completely. It was engaging, a simple story about a legendary gunfighter and his family relationships.

I keep a lot of movies, including lots of westerns (Winchester '87, Unforgiven, The Naked Spur, Lawman, Once Upon a Time In the West, Day Of The Outlaw, Stalking Moon, The Revenant, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Ox_Bow Incident, My Darling Clementine, The Searchers, Open Range, The Last Gunfighter, etc I can go on and on), and this movie is not going to the garbage bin. It is not as great as those I mentioned, but it's decent enough to keep and rewatch one fine day, 6/10.
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Only for Lance Henrikson completists
imdb-73912-4911812 November 2022
Every once in a while, I read reviews on IMDB and wonder if I am living in an alternate reality from the other reviewers. This is one of those cases. Gunfighter's Moon is a typical 90's TV movie in execution. The acting is uneven to say the least. I was ready to bail out after the first scene. It did average up a bit after that, but it is still a bunch of budget Canadian actors turning out performances at about the Hallmark standard. Lance Henrikson does well in roles that don't demand a lot of expression and this one asks more than he can deliver in some cases. The big villain does his best Snidely Whiplash impersonation when he finally arrives on scene. The only truly convincing part is played by the dog. The story is fine and it is a watchable movie, but with so many superior golden age westerns to choose from, there is not a pressing reason for anyone but a big Lance Henrikson fan to seek out this one.
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excellent film props.
Mike-36913 October 1998
Excellent Western. No stellar stars but lead actor (Hendricksen) and lead actress (Kay Lenz)have a stellar performance. The supporting cast wasn't bad either. Believability waned a bit when Frank was shot and became bed ridden, yet was able to physically overcome both Jordan and Spud, then proceed to take out three "professional gunfighters." Frank's unbeknown daughter spent too much time dolting over him, without really explaining why. The development of Spud was also a bit confusing. But I considered it a western similar to Silverado, without the big budget and well worth watching.
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Lance Goes Wild
refinedsugar22 August 2023
This film is apparently quite popular with folks and I'll admit as a big fan of Lance Henriksen it was nice to see him doing something fresh. A different genre from his typical action / horror appearances and it was actually one of two westerns he'd star in during 1995. Without making comparisons to that other flick, I'll just say 'Gunfighter's Moon' has some real strengths and I don't know why I hadn't viewed it sooner.

Frank Morgan (Henriksen) is an aging, infamous quickdraw gunslinger trying to keep a low profile that is until a telegram arrives from an ex-lover many moons ago informing him he has a grown daughter. Anxious at the possibility of a change in life direction, he rides off only to find he's been duped. His ex Linda (Kay Lenz) doesn't want to rekindle things with him or even establish their daughter to him necessarily. She has selfishly summoned him to protect her new husband who's acting Sherriff from being killed from the outlaws soon to arrive to free their jailed associate.

The allure of Morgan (his name is well known) and his weary outlook on life, always having to kill, be challenged is somewhat mature. People are scared of him and the film doesn't spell it out, but he's done some dark things and isn't the cliché good guy cowboy. Counterbalance that with predictable melodrama, a slow pace and sufficient, but no noteworthy supporting cast whom a little bit of time gets spent on. Ultimately Lance carries the film. When the trio of bad guys ride into town in the finale things take an upturn, but it's over all too quick. I would have liked to have seen and heard more from villain Walt Shannon (Brent Stait) as he's a burst of energy and also Morgan's equal in skill.

'Gunfighter's Moon' never slips into boring or painful, but it's obvious the story is it's weakness. The believability factor gets pretty strained by the end, but Lance Henriksen fans who haven't seen this yet by chance are recommended to give it a go. The visuals, music and sound effects deliver the atmosphere you want to see in a western flick.
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Strange Blend of Cartoonish Parody and Family Drama
cengelm15 May 2005
The film opens with a sunset and a red sky and there are riders who ride in slow-motion. This is quite unusual because normally it's the way a Western ends and rides are often accelerated by fast-motion. Soon we are in a Mexican-lead barroom where the superhero (a good Lance Henriksen as a squint-eyed Eastwood lookalike who looks almost as old as Eastwood himself in the nineties) is challenged by some minor gunslingers. Later he enters the town where the husband of his former love is a replacement sheriff because the real sheriff got killed by badmen. Surprisingly he also meets his daughter who doesn't know about this fact. A strange relationship with contradictive feelings develops. What could be a good drama is mostly hurt by the contrasting cartoonish Western cliché inserts. All that is related to the Old West lacks credibility here. The characters as presented feel way to modern. They just try to be Westerners.

Recommended to those who are deeply interested in Westerns. There weren't that many made in the nineties.

5 / 10
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World Class Western
dbwc26 August 2005
Mr. Hendrickson's performance was Oscar Caliber......Film work is flawless.....story was beautifully poignant and melancholy. How this film was overlooked by the public in general is a perfect example of what is really wrong with our society today.....they just weren't "told" that this was a world class film to be cherished for all of very sad! The camera work when the lone rider is returning to the little town through the open meadow and enters the stream at "full tilt" was superb! You have to know and love horseflesh to fully appreciate the "mechanics" of that scene....the rider and the animal were flawless in execution which is the way it should be. David R. Newman, Texas.
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This is my all-time favorite movie!
VanSulli4 February 2004
I first saw this movie on a cable movie channel about six years ago. I only caught the last half of the movie, but I loved it so much I searched the TV listings and would watch it every time it came on. I would set my alarm for 2 or 3 AM, whenever it was scheduled, Finally I was asked what I wanted as a Christmas gift. The only thing I could think of was Gunfighter's Moon! When I received it, I was thrilled. I have watched it so many times that I have lost count. It never gets boring or old. It is a classic. Lance Henriksen was incredible as he portrayed Frank Morgan. I found myself "caring" for Morgan as he went through a range of emotions and conflicts. The only thing I am disappointed with is there was no sequel - I wish Gunfighter's Moon 2 had been considered and released. Maybe it will be. This movie has it all - love, struggles, gunfights, hard men and Lance Henriksen with an incredible smile.
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The only western I really like and I love this movie above all others.
mwalid121 October 2006
A notorious gunfighter with a conscience who comes to steadfastly resist his past until the true love of his life calls for his help. The feared gunman cannot ignore this plea and despite the danger he will face and in spite of the pleading of another who loves him, he answers the ominous call. This hardened gunman becomes torn by the request of his one true love. His dilemma is further complicated by the curiosity of a smart young lady who admires the legend but is disillusioned by the reality of the man behind it. After facing a near death encounter the gunman exacts a tormented promise from his lost love and skillfully saves a town. His humanity however is the big winner as he sacrifices something more painful than death but finds a reason to live and let live and even more so comes to know even greater love.
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A great exaggeration
chimoves5 April 2003
Well this is one of those Westerns that seems almost a spoof of Westerns and then surprises you with how much fun it is to watch... over and over again. Lance Henriksen is simply outstanding as the gunfighter Frank Morgan. He plays his role with a sense of restrained exaggeration. Note the way he mounts and dismounts... his conversation with the dog, his eye movements in the first shoot-out. The rest of the cast does a good job in providing Lance with numerous opportunities to sling out some good one-liners. Morgan ends up facing off with his ex-wife, a town sheriff, a puffed-up deputy, multiple bad guys and a long lost daughter. Yikes! This film had me smiling and laughing out loud all the way through. The exaggeration of characters alone is worth the price of the film.
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Outstanding surprise
Pro Jury25 July 2000
Q. How to add yet another Western to the world's vast library of movies that is both: (one) not completely predictable and (two) shamelessly plays up to Western hero stereotypes?

A. Gunfighter's Moon.

I loved everything about this movie and hope to find a widescreen version of it someday if such a thing exists. Although I have only seen this movie on pay movie channels, I was very impressed by the quality of the sound. Guns exploded. And (specially in the screen where the hero "kidnaps" the beautiful girl) the gallop of each horse pounded like thunder!

I hope everyone who sees this movie finds enjoyment.
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one of the best
coreydennis-18 February 2006
Wow, I thought Hollywood had forgotten how to make a good Western until I saw this film. I've bought the DVD, and watched it many times. The whole cast was great, even the dog was way cool, anybody know what breed it was, dingo? Anyway what I think is one of the best things about this film, is one of the character actors named Boise, one of the three bad guys that come into town. He is played by none other than Thell Reed, "The Fastest Gun Alive", which he is in real life. Nobody can handle a Colt, or draw faster than Thell Reed. You can see his influence in the movie by the way Frank wears his holstered gun, and the way he stands at an angle to his target. Lance, Thell, and the whole cast, just make this film one of my all time great Westerns.
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good value
sandmark29 March 2001
this one will surprise you,I enjoyed it very much.Lance Henriksen as the gunfighter with heart is very convincing and does a great job.If you see it at the local video store,grab it,you won't be disappointed.I liked it so much,I asked to buy the video from where I rented it.
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Great movie!
dirkfallows4 July 2006
I really enjoyed this movie. A good story with some great gun play. I've always been a fan of Lance Henriksen and he does a great job here, as usual. Nikki Deloach was great as well, especially considering she was a young actress with little experience when this movie was made. I first bought this movie years ago on VHS. I sold all my VHS movies when I started my DVD collection. I never could find this movie on DVD. The other day I spotted it on DVD, from Platinum. I usually shy away from movies from Platinum. I guess I've always thought of them as lower quality or something since you can buy them for less. I bought this one and it is good quality. No frills though. No extra features on the DVD menu. Not bad since I paid three bucks and change for it.
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A True Classic Worthy of the Genre
hillcountrygreenconnecti10 February 2020
I honestly did not know one single actor in this film and that makes it even more special. Lance Henrikson's performance as Frank Morgan was as good as it gets. Makes me wonder if he studied for the part an for how long. Maybe not at all as he is probably that good. His mannerisms and reactions to other people are worth taking note of. I think he gets a kick out of folks. Good family movie for popcorn and no tech!
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"You Are A lot Like Me"
gattonero97529 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? This is one of my favorite films of all times! Never has there been a more perfect role for Lance Henriksen then as legendary gunfighter, Frank Morgan. His stone-cold stare face, his low-baritone voice, and his way of moving is quite a show to see. You can just feel how tired he really is trying to "prove" how fast he really is with all these young fools who want to become a 'legend' by seeing if they can outdrawing Morgan in a gunfight.

He answers the call of an old flame, Linda Yarnell played nicely by the beautiful but stern Kay Lenz. She fears for her new husband,Jordan Yarnell (played by the good David McIlwraith) who is acting as a stand-in sheriff.

Trouble is Jordan with his trigger-happy deputy Spud Walker (played by the at that time hunk, Ivan Sergei) are guarding a prisoner named Jack Morris (played funny-like but great by Dave 'Squatch' Ward) And his 'kin' His cousin, the evil and very fast on the draw, Walt Shannon (played excellently by Brent Stait) are coming to come and bust him out. I like how Stait portrayed Shannon. He oozed evilness in a vampire-like way! He is accompanied by two shady character like himself. The silent but mean-looking Indian, Julio (played nicely by Byron Chief Moon) and the shaky, nervous, Boise (played by the ironically real-life gun-draw expert Thell Reed!) The climatic buildup to the gunfight showdown at the end, is to me the best I have ever experienced! I can re-watch it over and over and never get tired of watching it!

I will mention the rest of the actors who made an impression on me was the great character actor James Victor as the simple-minded,humble and abused Juan Acosta who Morgan defends and stays with on his stay in the town. They have a great scene I liked where Acosta who works at the bar as basically as a slave to Tom the bartender (played by the wide-eye John Payne) accidentally breaks some glasses and Tom makes Acosta get on his knees and humiliates him in front of Morgan. Frank doesn't like that and makes Tom get on his knees and humiliates him in front of Juan! Acosta says he will be beaten after Morgan goes but it will be worth it because he saw Tom on his knees and "A man on his knees , is half a man" Next is the beautiful and sexy Yareli Arizmendi as Rosa, Morgan's current squeeze that he drops in a flash as soon as he hears that former flame and the love of his life Linda beckons for him. Poor Rosa, she feels used but she truly cares about Frank. Yet because of Rosa, Frank doesn't kill one of the Landon brothers and that costs Frank very badly later on.

To me the most shady and lying character is Linda! She lies to everyone! She never tells her husband Jordan the real reason Frank Morgan is there. She loves Jordan so much she beckons for Morgan to come and fight Jordan's fight since Morgan is a true gunfighter and Jordan is not. He is just a plain storekeeper way over his head. And the worst is she never told her daughter, Kristen (played by the cute Nikki Deloach) that Morgan really is her father! She had told her that her real father was a civil-war hero who died years earlier. She told the same 'lie' to Jordan who raised Kristen as his own anyways because he loves Linda so much. And Frank realizes that Linda loves Jordan so much, that she is willing to even go with Frank after it's all done, if he just stands in for Jordan when the bad guys come to town for the showdown. Wow.

In the end, the only character who truly cared for Morgan , was the dog! (played excellent by "Harley" the dog) Harley played 'himself' so good that he reminded me of another excellent dog, The "Dog" in Mad Max 2:The Road Warrior. That dog you may remember was an Australian Cattle Dog or "Blue Heeler", as it's known in its native land. The beautiful story behind the Mad Max dog was that ,it was retrieved at a local pound where he was scheduled to be 'put down' the next day. The production's animal wrangler (trainer) found that the dog could be easily trained for the film. After the film was done, it found a home on a local ranch. This dog, Morgan's, seems to be like a dingo-like dog. So I'm thinking , they have some excellent dog actors in Australia eh?!
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Good old fashioned western story telling of a good story
mrwenjo12 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is great story and movie. Biblical in some ways and a good morality tale - man strays to the dark side and is lost as a vicious killer, develops special skills on his nightmare path, after many years given an opportunity to use those skills to benefit others, does the right thing for the right reasons with no benefit to himself, saves the future of both his estranged exwife who is the love of his life and his daughters, and then just leaves after setting things right and seeing them secure so they may continue their lives without him and all his baggage ...... and has got to be one of the best endings of any western I have ever seen! I will buy this movie if I can find it!
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Henriksen At His Best
thebushwacker18 December 2021
"Gunfighter's Moon" 1995 PG-13 1h 35m. It's an awesome movie. I liked the story! It is fairly well written. // Lance Henriksen really is good as an actor, and has a great evil eye. I would say this is one of his better roles! // All in all, the movie is a good watch. It's very reminescent of the old westerns, but the cinematography is better. Except for the photography, which is spotty. In parts of the movie it is worse than they were in the '50s and '60s. In other parts, the photography is fine. The music is grand. I do not understand that it wasn't a big box office deal back in '95. There doesn't seem to be any box office info for it. All I can find is it was released in Sweden, May 1997 which is 2 years after the date given for the movie. I am guessing it went straight to video, or something, and later was released in Sweden. It was made in Canada. // Surprise surprise - Noflicks does not carry this one, like 30,000 others. But it is free on YouTube! // The Bushwacker 12/18/2021.
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Wait a minute...
homelessviola14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a beautifully rendered, fully developed--for the main characters, beautiful story with some twists and turns, that left me surprised and fully invested in the film. Being a fan of Spaghetti Westerns, I expected something tragic at the end, and while bittersweet, it left me in tears, in a good way. The emotions ratchet up as we got through the story of Frank and Linda and we're drawn in, gradually. While at first, Morgan (Henrickson) seems like just another amoral, run-of-the-mill gun-fighter, we learn that he does have a soft spot for the underdog and that is drawn carefully throughout the film, as we go. 10 out of 10 and yes, I will watch this again. The performances are all outstanding, and the gunplay is satisfyingly quick and well-choreographed.
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There is a sequel
marnieh-076078 February 2024
Loved this movie but didn't like the way it ended. One of the commenters here mentioned they were disappointed there was no sequel. Well...there is. I wrote it. I never could get a response from the production company. I even sent a copy to Kevin Costner's folks as I thought he would be great directing a western but they said he was working on hid own projects. I did manage to get a copy to Ms. DeLoach as I didn't want it to sit in my garage to collect dust. The story introduces some new characters and, sadly, kills off some of the original cast. It is also left open for a sequel. is what it is. It's been 28 years since the original so it's probably way too late even though my story does fast forward to account for the time. I've even been discouraged from turning it into a novel. I enjoyed writing it none-the-less.
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