Tammy and the T-Rex (1994) Poster

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One of My Biggest Guilty Pleasures
TheMovieDoctorful17 December 2018
There are 2 kinds of bad dinosaur movies; the painful ones and the fun ones. This is one of the latter. I think Tammy and the T-Rex was kind of destined to be a guilty pleasure of mine from the very beginning. It hits so many notes for things I enjoy and resonate with, most of them subjective, that I just can't help but love it. I love the 90s culture, I love dinosaurs, I love camp, I love Terry Kiser, I love Denise Richards and I love Beauty & the Beast stories. I was also a leather jacket wearing dork in High School who briefly dated a cheerleader at one point and have a flamboyantly gay close friend. This movie has all of those things and you're telling me I'm not supposed to enjoy it? Yeah, right.

God damn it, I don't care that the editing is laughably bad, with audio clips repeating themselves and scenes frequently ending abruptly and awkwardly. I don't care that the story makes absolutely no sense, I don't care if the film obviously uses a human actor in an obvious $20 costume whenever Michael/T-Rex needs to use his hands or we need a closeup on his moving feet, I don't care that the cast overacts to a degree that John Travolta would be envious of (Actually, this may be a bonus.) I don't care that the music feels like something off of a bad Power Rangers episode. Honestly, the only thing I really care about is the film's censoring of its graphic and brutal violence. The cuts here are obvious and laughable, made for the sole creative decision of marketing to a dinosaur hungry young audience fresh off of Jurassic Park. Never mind that these are 2 completely different movies targeted towards completely different target audiences, apparently all dinosaur movies are the same. While Tammy & the T-Rex still retains a lot of the zany, bonkers humor and manic, over-the-top energy of the original vision, stripping it of its violence just makes it lose a lot of its identity.

I'm surprised how much I really dug the characters of this film. No, the acting isn't the best (Or the 2nd best...Or the 3rd best...Or the 26th best), but I do really like these characters. Denise Richard's Tammy is lovably bubbly and energetic, Theo Forsett's Byron is charming and funny, Paul Walker's Michael is a lot of goofy fun in the limited screentime he has and Terry Kiser chews the scenery as one of those deliciously overacted bad guys we just never get to see any more. I was surprised how emotionally invested I was in this admittedly horribly made film.

A big part of my enjoyment comes from just how much heart this film has. This is the kind of bad movie where everybody on board really believed in the product. Everybody in the cast & crew really wanted to be here and you can tell they had a lot of fun. You can't help but respect the earnestness and humbleness of a movie with a crying T-Rex attending his own funeral. A movie that starts off with a cheer-leading team practicing to "Dinosaur Man" by Simon Stokes and the Black Whip Thrill Band (A song with lyrics like Dinosaur music inside my brain, Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna go insane") It's a very charming movie if nothing else and nobody can take that away from it. Not even repeating sound clips or a T-Rex with obviously human arms.

This joins Idle Hands as one of those insane 90s guilty pleasures that I would honestly love to remake. Turn it into a Troma Entertainment style Horror comedy exploitation like Tromeo & Juliet, Polutrygeist or Class of Nuke 'Em High and this could honestly be really good for the kind of ridiculous, absurd, goofy schlock that it is. Come to mention it, taking the stoner comedy elements of Idle Hands would probably make this even more entertaining. I wonder how much it would take to purchase the rights for this.
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BandSAboutMovies5 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tammy's a popular high school cheerleader whose new boyfriend, Michael, might be the love of her life.

You are a movie viewer that can't believe that Denise Richards and Paul Walker are in a 1990's straight to video comedy that for some reason has near-insane levels of gore and blood.

If only Tammy's jealous ex-boyfriend Billy didn't kidnap Michael and throw him in a wildlife preserve, where he's mauled by a lion and then has his brain implanted into a robotic T-Rex.

Yes, this is all true. Of course, if you rented this in the 1990's, it was rated PG-13. Now, thanks to Vinegar Syndrome, we have the original vision of this film, which is...ridiculous to say the least.

Co-writer and director Stewart Raffill (The Ice Pirates, The Philadelphia Experiment, Mac and Me, Mannequin 2: Mannequin On the Move) described how this movie got made to the Bristol Bad Film Club by explaining that he went into business with a South American theater owner who had an animatronic T-Rex bound for a Texas park. "The eyes worked. The arms moved. The head moved. He had it for two weeks before it was going to be shipped to Texas and he came to me and said, "We can make a movie with it!" I said, "What's the story?" and he said, "I don't have a story, but we have to start filming within the month!" and so I wrote the story in a week."

The film starts with Michael (Walker) and Billy getting into a fight where they won't stop squeezing one another's scrotums. In fact, this movie has more balls-related attacks than any other movie I've seen in some time.

Terry Kiser, the titular Bernie of Weekend at Bernie's plays Dr. Gunther Wachenstein, who messily takes the brain of Michael and places it into that robotic dinosaur. He then flips out and goes wild, searching for the bullies that put him in this horrible situation. Oh yeah - John Franklin (Isaac from Children of the Corn) is Michael's uncle who doesn't care at all about what's happening.

Efren Ramirez - Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite - shows up as a pizza boy and George "Buck" Flower is in this as well.

What you're watching this for is to see Paul Walker's soul inside a barely moving dino that messily dispatches of his tormentors. I have no idea who the audience is for this movie, but I count myself amongst it.

Once you realize that it comes from the man who brought you a child getting shot in the original cut of Mac and Me, it all makes sense. Also knowing that Raffill did the second Mannequin film makes the stereotypical ways of Tammy's gay friend Byron Black make at least some modicum of sense, too.

You have to love a movie that misspells the lead character's name - when she's the title of the movie - as Tanny in the credits.
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Amazingly good fun and garbage
skrstenansky14 December 2021
I absolutely love this film, while it may be terribly made and i dont rate it high is because its honestly a bad movie, but its still fun. Lots of funny moments and ridiculous story with lots of memorable moments that always kept me entertained. One of my favorite trash movies 5.5/10.
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High on life
lfaruqui16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tammy and the T-Rex is a wild ride from start to finish. This cult classic is a must-see for any fan of over-the-top, campy B-movies. The film follows Tammy, a high school student whose boyfriend Michael is turned into a robotic T-Rex after a scientific experiment goes awry.

The special effects are cheesy and the acting is campy, but that's all part of the charm of Tammy and the T-Rex. The film is packed with hilarious one-liners and absurd plot twists, and it never takes itself too seriously.

One of the standout moments of the film is the scene where Michael, as the T-Rex, goes on a rampage through the town, causing chaos and destruction everywhere he goes. It's pure, unadulterated fun, and it's sure to have you laughing out loud.

Overall, Tammy and the T-Rex is a joyous celebration of the ridiculous, and it's the perfect film to watch with a group of friends when you're feeling high on life and in the mood for some good, clean (well, maybe not so clean) fun. Whether you're a fan of B-movies or just looking for a good laugh, Tammy and the T-Rex is sure to deliver.
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really bad that it becomes cheesy and good, and the gore makes it more cheesy
trashgang14 August 2020
I went totally blind into this flick. I do that more and more because trailers are mostly tricking you. Already over 25 year sold and having Denise Richards in it, what could go wrong?

Well, if you ever pick this up and taking it seriously then you will be left with a bitter feeling and even as you might think it's a comedy, wrong again.

I don't know if the production took it seriuosly but hell. The sound is mostly just one the edge of distorded. Some shots are blurry. In some shots you can see the rew makingshadows on the wall behind the actors and they aren't standing still, and even a mic can be spotted here and there.

But why watch it? simply if you dig cheesy gory flicks then it's a must see. Effects are really cheap and funny sometimes but hey, the gore is attached. And then we have the dinosaur. It's mechanical but once transformed with a human brain it comes alive and it's out for revenge and it's the T-rex that makes it funny, and of course the reaction of the cops. The arms of the T even giving the big finger.

So, cheesy lovers or B movie lovers pick it up. Don't take it serious and then you may even like it. Denise geeks do know that she is in most flicks for her beauty, which she shows the last minutes. I never heard of this flick until a week ago but I well never forget it.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1/5
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Teen angst plus camp horror with black humor equals fun nonsense
Wuchakk27 December 2022
The boyfriend of a teen girl in the Los Angeles area (Paul Walker & Denise Richards) is seriously injured whereupon a dubious doctor (Terry Kiser) places his brain in a 3-ton mechanical tyrannosaurus rex, which creates serious problems when the 'dinosaur' crashes a party.

"Tammy and the T-Rex" (1994) is similar to the contemporaneous "Leprechaun 2" and "Leprechaun 3," albeit even sillier. It fills the bill when you want to turn off your brain for some goofy entertainment with horror trappings.

Besides Denise in her prime, Shevonne Durkin stands out on the female front as Wendy. Then there's the doctor's statuesque assistant, Helga, played by Ellen Dubin. Michele Maika is also worth a mention as Michelle.

This is a fun flick but the eye-rolling Byron character is too prominent and almost singlehandedly ruins the experience.

The film runs 1 hour, 22 minutes, and was shot in Los Angeles and nearby Calabasas & Camarillo, both west of Hollywood.

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Don't take this one too serious !
Dylan-2930 June 1999
The movie is fun to watch if you don't take it too serious. An upbeat beginning, absurdity ( the dinosaur on the phone ) and nonsense as main feature of the story, very bad special-effects, some cool and fresh ideas plus the VERY hot Denise Richards ( Every man will be thrilled by her performance ! Guys - she is so sexy ! ) make this made-for-teenager-movie not good, but charming. 5 out of 10
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GORE CUT Is immensely fun.
redwedding3 January 2020
I've never seen the original cut of this movie, but I can tell you right now that the gore cut of this film is one the best experiences I've ever had showing my friends a vinegar syndrome release.

This movie is completely bat crazy, and I really wish there were more films like it. From the crazy German doctor, to the jealous ex this movie just delivers on so much, and it never takes itself too seriously.

Now, if you want a serious flick this is obviously not the right choice, but if you're going into a movie called "Tammy and the T-Rex" expecting high art, you my friend have already made a mistake.

Enjoy the film for what it is.
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'Tammy and The T-Rex' is An Odd Film
BenTramerLives788 December 2020
Denise Richards stars as the titular Tammy, a teenage girl with a bad boyfriend out to end her friendship with a boy (Paul Walker) by any means necessary. The jerk boyfriend is tipped off that Walker's character is at Tammy's house and what follows next is, well I really don't know what happens next. The boy is attacked, taken to the ICU, is stolen by an evil doctor and his minions, and his brain is put into a T-Rex. This is one of the oddest films, but the weirdness is apparently intentional as this plays off as a campy sort of parody of classic science fiction films. I hope that was intentional anyway. If you like goofball teen sci-fi films or like the idea of Denise Richards doing a striptease for a brain without a body then this is the movie for you.
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Pure B movie goodness.
Hastor-220 January 2002
Everyone says this movie is bad, of course it is... do you think the people were actually serious when they made it? NO! It is to be enjoyed as a B movie. It shows a T-rex make a phone call, then check the pay phone for change after he's done, then it shows him crying with tears pouring from his eyes. I assure you no one thought they were making a great cinematic moment, they were just being silly. If you can't appreciate this movie for what it is, then you shouldn't be reviewing B-movies. They weren't made for you.
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So horrible it is funny
deenablue0410 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Boy loves girl. Boy gets eaten by a lion, really? Boy's brain is inserted in robot TRex. Hilarity ensures. Bad acting. Bad 90's music, dancing and fashion. Denise Richards wants to forget this one.
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Yes! It's good! (Bad-good)
Aizyk17 July 2000
I was channel surfing the other night on DirectTV, and came across this movie with the wacky title. When I read the nutty plot description and noticed that it starred Ellen Dubin (from Lexx) and Denise Richards in an early role, I selected it out of curiosity. I expected to watch it for maybe five minutes and then get bored and turn to something else. I ended up, however, being really surprised by how entertaining I found this film to be. I knew I had to see what other people at IMDb thought about it. And just as I expected, almost everyone here hated it. I'm not surprised that most people don't "get" this movie. Those without any sense of camp will have no appreciation for it.

Let me explain something to everyone: This movie is bad, and the people who wrote and directed it KNEW that they were making a bad movie. Most of the characters and things that go on in it are totally, utterly ridiculous, and the filmmakers obviously reveled in this fact, to a degree of aggressive silliness. Realism and reality have little to do with this film. Basically, it's a send-up of other B-movies--romance, sci-fi, horror, etc--and a clever one at that. But apparently very few seem to have recognized it as such. Do people really think that the filmmakers were just too dumb not to realize that real-life funeral-goers would have noticed a huge T-rex watching the burial service from behind some shrubs just a few yards away? Or that the creepiness of the tender love scenes between Tammy and her grotesque dinosaur "boyfriend" was an accident? The movie's deliberate outrageousness and low-mindedness is what makes this movie fun and is the source of some of its funniest moments. For the first half of the film, I couldn't believe what I was watching, and couldn't believe that anyone would make a film like this.

And then I loved it!
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Troma Meets The Family Channel
juderussell-8409419 January 2020
One of the greatest "how did they pitch this?" movies I've ever seen. I, somehow, avoided the PG-13 cut all these years and only recently witnessed the new uncut Vinegar Syndrome cut and I can't even imagine how they trimmed down this fairly gory movie into a PG-13. It's filled to the brim with Troma/early Peter Jackson style gore and the tone of the film is very similar as well.

Denise Richards seems to have a reputation as a bad actress by some, but after seeing this, I can't understand it at all, because she commits so hard to the ludicrous premise of her boyfriend's brain being transfered into a mechanical dinosaur that you just want to give her an award of some kind for all her effort. Did I mention that her boyfriend pre-brain into mechanical dinosaur is Paul Walker?

Weekend at Bernie's Terry Kiser shows up as the evil scientist who stole Walker's brain in the first place and John Franklin from Children of the Corn is his assistant and computer wiz.

Tammy and the T-Rex surprises at every turn, makes you laugh, and even makes you root for the relationship between a beautiful high schooler and a mechanical t-rex. If that's not art, I'm not sure what is.
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Ha-ha-ha-hrarr, rahr, ha-ha-ha-hrarr, ha-hrarr, HA-hrarr
pyrocitor26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In Ancient China, discovered skeletons of massive, prehistoric beings were coined "dragon bones." In 1676, more enormous bones were discovered by English archaeologists, starting a frenzy of research and fascination for these "terrible lizards" from the past. Through the years, these "dinosaurs" flourished as a phenomenon, boosted in cultural currency through guest-starring in Arthur Conan Doyle's revered 1912 fantasy adventure The Lost World. This boiled into a frenzy point with the release of Steven Spielberg's beloved Jurassic Park, which thrilled kids of all ages, and pushed boundaries of cinematic effects.

But all of these discoveries and breakthroughs of science and art were all merely stepping stones towards a singular purpose. A guiding light of purity and vision that would revolutionize and reshape our world as we know it. I speak, of course, of the reality-bending brain stew that is Tammy and the T-Rex.

For what are centuries of scientific innovation and curiosity in the face of a script (probably) cobbled together by drunken teenagers in response to the creative prompt, "Okay, we have a $100 t-Rex suit - what can we do with it?" A script that toddles from almost manically nonsensical plot point to brain-boiling cliché and back again with the gleeful sense of 'f*ck it' abandon that lurks in only the most fearlessly stupid Z- movies. A script bonkers enough to make Roger Corman choke, mid-joint-puff, in incredulous disbelief at its brazen schlockiness. A script where it's implied that Denise Richards had sex with an animatronic dinosaur isn't even the most jaw-dropping moment. Let's begin.

Yes - centuries of paleontological exploration pale in comparison to teen heartthrob Paul Walker, dopey grin plastered on like a tranquilized yak, strutting around in a lilac crop-top sweater, knocking over every foreseeable piece of furniture, and triumphing in a genital-squeezing "testicular standoff" with the local bully by wearing a cup (always wear protection, kids). His lady love? Ms. Richards, who oscillates between sultry fawning at her gentleman caller, or dementedly screeching "Leave me alone!" at him, stomping away with no provocation. And this is all before he becomes a dinosaur. Yes. Pay no attention to the contours of reality warping slightly amidst the sheer shrieking lunacy of this film which exists, amidst all odds, expectations, or even boundaries of human decency. Watch on, babies - you ain't seen nothing' yet.

The best worst movies are always little more than the sum of their parts, and Tammy does not disappoint in its montage of what-the-f*ckery. You want brain transplants (orchestrated by the outrageously campy, perennially boob-fondling Terry Kiser)? You want lion attacks (free-range, Midwestern suburban lions, to boot)? You want the local African-American police chief ("Sheriff Black," natch)'s shockingly homophobic police force continuous attempting to solve crimes by slapping the victims? Surely you asked for a woman grieving the death of her boyfriend by going to party with the insanely psychopathic party of big-haired '90s-stereotypes who murdered him? How about a robotic t-Rex dialing a pay phone, bellowing into it, then checking for change, all with its astonishingly free-roaming Mr. Fantastic stretchy arms?

No? Well, how about non-sequitur revenge sequences of incongruous extreme gore, where villainous lackeys are flattened like Looney Tunes cartoons or have their genitals eviscerated, but the lead antagonist's death is treated like an accidental afterthought? And don't forget to YouTube the even-more-legendary 'Italian cut,' which graces us with about five extra minutes of gratuitous massacre that, strangely, fill in at least two of the plot holes more gaping than the t-Rex wounds left behind, and roughly 15 more seconds of pointless striptease. You're welcome.

Oh - you didn't want all of those things? Well, you've taken the wrong train to crazy-town, my friend. Cry me a river of t-Rex tears. Watch out for Nic Cage riding a rainbow unicorn dressed in bondage gear on the way out (not really - though now I feel guilty for disappointing you. Don't worry - Tammy is still worth it!).

The most truly astounding thing about Tammy is that, amidst the ludicrously incoherent sequences of howlingly deranged, campy madness, director Stewart Raffill (of Mac & Me fame, naturally) corrodes enough of a hole into audiences' brains that bits start to actually work. The second act, as Tammy and her robo-dinosaur beau go 'shopping' for new bodies to transplant his brain into at the morgue is so voraciously stupid a mash-up of The Bachelor and the Home Shopping network that its inherent satire is bound to be an accident. The animatronic t-Rex suit itself exceeds the hazy cheapness of the film ensconcing it, so, naturally, Raffill forces it to perform ravingly nonsensical feats to highlight its artificiality - throwing a barbell at Terry Kiser's bodybuilding henchman with its tiny t-Rex arms, or streaming tears, awkwardly lurking at the periphery of its human counterpart's own funeral - like a grotesque parody of Jaws, reaching heights of delirious comedy gold. And that ending - taking the term 'climax' to phantasmagorical heart? Let's just say if your jaw hasn't already hit the floor, look out, neighbours below.

Still, there's something to be said for the fact that a premise that would've easily settled into a stale revenge monster-horror flick in more studio-produced hands instead perseveres as this flamboyantly surreal, brain-baking road-trip-fairy-tale- fantasy-sci-fi-comedy. There are worse films (believe it or not). There are many, many, many better ones too. But even had Spielberg reworked Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park screenplay with Jeff Goldblum beat-boxing his "ha-ha-ha-hrarr" laugh, wearing triceratops horns, lifting up literal dinosaur skirts for two hours, it would not have resulted in a film as unforgettably, ravenously wacky. Behold: Tammy and the T-Rex - the eighth wonder of the 'any film can get green lit; believe in your dreams, kids' movie world. Life finds a way.

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Excellent Trash Movie
ortega-114 June 2003
I bought this film merely because of Denise Richards, who I think is one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. I was deceived by the title and the picture, both of which made me think it was a movie for children. Boy, was I wrong. This is a Trash movie, what made me glad that I bought it. Now I can place it among the other titles of my B-Movies collection. Is this a bad movie? Of course it is. Surprisingly as it may be for most people, it was made that way ON PURPOSE. And, what may sound even more surprising is that some people (such as myself) really do appreciate this genre of film. Trash, B-movie, whatever you call it, are based in 4 concepts: Hot chick (Denise Richards couldn't be more appropriate), bad acting, cheesy special effects and a ridiculous script. This movie succeeds in all of them.

Thus, considering the logic of those who are into Trash movies, this one deserves an 8 or 9 out of 10. For the rest of you, who just can't get what is to enjoy in a truly bad movie, I guess it would be 1 out of 10, considering a conventional rating system.
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Only 1 reason to watch
e_peyton3 January 2020
There is only 1 reason to watch this movie.... Denise Richards.
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Odd Movie For Sure
Reviews_of_the_Dead6 February 2020
This was a film that I never heard about growing up, which is interesting as this was around the time I was hitting up the video store a lot. I heard about it of course through podcasts when Vinegar Syndrome did an updated Blu-ray featuring the R-rated cut. I decided to check it out for my podcast when I used a randomizer for a show in January and this number came up. The synopsis is an evil scientist implants the brain of Michael (Paul Walker), a murder high school student, into a Tyrannosaurus. He escapes, wreaks vengeance on his high school tormentors and is reunited with his sweetheart Tammy (Denise Richards).

We start this off inside of a gymnasium where a bunch of cheerleaders are practicing. The one we're focused on is Tammy. As they're finishing up, Michael comes in from football practice. The two of them are dating and there's an interesting situation where he gives her a bracelet and flower, but she tells him she can't take it and they hint about something he shouldn't do. We meet her best friend, Byron (Theo Forsett) who goes into the school. Things take a turn when Tammy's ex-boyfriend, Billy (George Pilgrim) shows up. The two of them get into a fight which has to be broken up by two cops, Norville (George 'Buck' Flower) and Neville (Ken Carpenter).

It then introduces us to Dr. Wachenstein (Terry Kiser), with his assistant Helga (Ellen Dubin) as well as his henchman Karl (John Edmondson) and Bobby (John Franklin). The doctor has created a mechanical T-Rex that Bobby controls. Dr. Wachenstein wants to put a brain inside of it though, thinking that it will be better if it was more autonomous.

That night Michael gets a call from Tammy to come over. He is sneaking into her room when Wendy (Shevonne Durkin) and Michelle (Michele Maika) see him. They tell Billy who brings his friend Weasel (Sean Whalen) and their crew over. They bust into Tammy's house, chasing Michael away. They end up catching him and taking him to a wild life safari in town and leaving him. After a run in with some of the giant cats, he's taken to the hospital.

Dr. Wachenstein and Helga show up and convince Tammy and Byron that Michael passed away. They steal his body to take it to their warehouse. It is there the brain is removed and put into this giant T-Rex. Michael wakes up to find out his new fate and attacks the henchmen of Dr. Wachenstein before escaping. He's out for revenge and to get back to his girlfriend.

If you couldn't tell from this review, this is an odd movie for sure. As I'm watching this, I'm not really sure who the audience was for this. It looks like it was originally released as a sci-fi comedy with a PG-13 rating. The R rated cut I saw has a bunch of blood and gore that was removed. That is why I'm not sure if this was marketed toward comedy fans, but it is a film that the horror community is embracing now that Vinegar Syndrome put out this movie.

I do have to say, and this includes me, if this film was released without the cuts back in the day, I'm not sure that it would have the buzz that it does now. I think because of this rare cut that is now being praised is why this is getting the treatment that it did. I'm not mad for having watched this and doing this review. It is just odd and that's the best way that I can describe this.

The story behind the movie is interesting. They had access to use the mechanical T-Rex so they took advantage of it. The story is implausible with how it plays out, but being that it is a comedy I'm willing to overlook some of the odd flaws for sure. I do like that having this cyborg like machine getting its revenge as that is something Michael was ready to do before passing away. That makes sense and it could do a lot of the things we see as well.

It was a bit boring if I'm going to be honest. I didn't really know what to expect early on, but as it progresses, it lost its way. I noticed myself picking up my phone to look at other things instead of paying attention and needing to tell myself to focus. That isn't a good thing when watching a movie if I don't really care where it is going. It does seem this movie is more intended to watch with friends from what I've heard. I just think the movie wasn't all that well thought out which explains it. The ending was intriguing with what happens to the T-Rex and the implications as well.

Something that shocked me was the cast. We have a young Richards and Walker here, as I'm assuming neither really had been in anything as of yet. We don't get a lot of Walker as himself but you can see from this that he had talent. Richards was hit or miss for me. There were times that she overacted and I think part of that could have been the script. I could see flashes for her as well. Dubin was solid as a villainous scientist much like Kiser here. It was fun to see Flower, Carpenter, Whalen, J. Jay Saunders, Franklin and Durkin who all appear in other horror movies I've seen over the years. The acting though in general was decent for a movie like this.

I was pleasantly surprised by most of the effects. Not all of them look good or real, but they went with practical ones which works for me. The blood and gore that put here is better than some legit horror movies I've seen. The T-Rex was done with an animatronics so that helped. There was some really bad effects at times as well that made me chuckle. I also thought the cinematography was done in a way to hide things so that's a plus.

The last thing was the soundtrack, which felt very much like the 90's. It isn't very good, but I do have to give it credit for fitting for what they needed here. It just definitely isn't one that stuck with me or would ever listen to again.

Now with that said, this isn't a good movie. I did find it fun and just an intriguing piece of cinema. We have a cast that is pretty solid, but the performances aren't great. The concept of the movie is wild and how the R rated cut was filmed doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm not sure who the target audience was as it isn't really that funny and yes it has sci-fi elements, but I don't necessarily classify it there either. I did find it to be a bit boring as well, but the blood and gore looked good for the most part. The soundtrack fit for what was needed, but not really one that I would write home about. I found this movie to be slightly below average overall and a good portion of this is just craziness that this was made.

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B-movie Bomb
Deadsoonx27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bizarre it's like if Saved By the Bell tried to make a Saturday morning horror movie. I'll admit it had me laughing a few times but as a B movie it doesn't go far enough and I watched the Unrated version. I can't imagine how tame the PG-13 version is. It needs more gore and at least some nudity.

I had no idea what this movie was about, I just saw it was being released on 4k Blu-ray and it had Denise Richards so I gave it a shot. The first 20 minutes are the worst and I almost shut it off. But once Paul Walkers incredibly bad and wooden acting are gone and he's a dinosaur it gets better. God rest his soul but when you are in a movie next to Denise Richards in her first starring role and you still somehow manage to be the worst actor....we'll be lucky for Vin Diesel and the Fast and the Furious series.

As someone else mentioned the creepy kid Malichi from Children of the Corn is in this, much older and still looking like a career virgin. Also the old guy from They Live with the distinct voice is a cop and the 3rd movie I've seen him in this week.

Final thought: The fact this got a 4k Blu-ray release is proof physical media is pretty much dead for the mainstream public and will now live in the shadows like records bought only by collectors and diehard geeks.
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A goofy, fun guilty pleasure
rivertam2618 February 2020
Or is it Tanny and the T rex because that's utterly confusing. This movie is a mess but it's also a big guilty pleasure. From the director of Mannequin 2 and Mac and Me comes the tale of a young girl whose boyfriend is murdered and his brain is implanted in a t rex. This R rated cut is wonderfully goofy and gory and it's a perfect example of something so bad that it's good. It can be a little much at times but it mostly works. It also stars a very young Paul Walker and a career best Denise Richard's which is kinda scary, lol. All in all it's a fun, goofy mess that just works.
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Ridiculous Stupid Funny Movie
santurcedc11 May 2020
I came across this morning early yesterday morning, 5/10/2020 by accident. With Paul Walker being in this movie, he caught my attention because he was hot eye candy to watch on the screen regardless of his poor acting skills. I must tell you, this was a very silly dumb movie with poor acting and special effects. The Dinosaur in the movie looked very fake. I recognized John Franklin aka Issac from the 1984 film, 'Children of the Corn'. At times this movie had me laughing sitting on the sofa. I wouldn't not pay money to go see this movie, however, it is something worth watching during the 'Stay at Home' order due to Covid 19. RIP, Paul Walker.
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Tammy T
questl-1859229 December 2020
B-movie GOLD! Denise Richards in a movie where a mad scientist turns transplants her boyfriend's brain into a ridiculous looking t-Rex? Sign me up! This is so stupid, so absurd, but everyone knows it and goes with it. Such stupid, mindless fun and I was so into it when I watched it. Obviously, this is a ridiculous and bad movie but entertainment counts for something. If you're looking for some serious camp and 90s trash then this might be right up your alley.

Don't buy it, don't spend any money on it, but if you can find it somewhere to stream it, absolutely give it a shot!
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The Worst Film I Have Ever Seen!
christopher_greenleaf29 July 2001
I can not agree with the person who posted here saying that the film makers knew that they were making a bad film and that we should be in on the joke and enjoy it. This film should stand as the very definition of hack filmaking. This film is bizzare, disturbing, poorly acted, terribly directed and astonishingly un-funny. Watching Terry Kiser crack horribly lame one liners while murdering a comatose teenage boy is like viewing a Carol Burnett skit from hell. This film is fascinating in the same way a major automobile accident is. Denise Richards looks incredible as always but, her poor acting here and in the box office and critical disaster 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' are examples of why she has quickly fallen off the radar. On a positive note, I think the Dinosaur looked top notch and the special effects were very good.
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watched with my sister and my alien friend.
scentedmeat27 December 2022
I dont really talk much (my gun does all the talking) so this is my first review. So when I came to my home after killing that Krubis guy (man that was nuts) my alien friend gene was watching this movie and me and my sister had an argument with gene just before watching this movie, she wanted him to move out but I wanted him to stay because I wanted his bounty hunting equipments. And it seems my sister got a new alien boyfriend, she says they are just friends but me and gene know that she is lying, she is my only family right now I dont want her to leave me for her new boyfriend. My mom and dad are missing I dont know where to find them. So I am doing this bounty hunting thing so I might come across them. Anyway so about the movie, yeah it was great, I liked the part where they crushed his nuts, oh boy it was so satisfying (my talking knife really liked it, it wanted to cut and gouge those balls). Unfortunately I couldn't complete the movie but I liked what I saw , so it's 10/10 for me.
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The first dino movie I watched
DrDumb20 May 2024
Yes this is the first movie about dino I watched when I was little. I was too young to understand what the movie was about, I just knew that the T Rex was so cool. I watched this movie as the first dino movie then it was the Carnosaur series, the Jurassic park Movies were actually watched after those movies mentioned before. Now, 20 years after, tonight, I watched it again. This is my childhood movie, although it isn't great, the plot sounds silly and the T Rex looks like a giant toy, but I still love it. It's my childhood memory, that is god and nothing can replace it. Good acting too, it was scary to me when i was a child but I wasn't really scared 20 years after, tonight, while I was watching it.
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This movie was hilarious campy, but it's still a piece of B-Movie dinosaur crap!
ironhorse_iv22 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this movie seem like a stupid failure. It might as well, be extinct; because barely anybody has heard of this low-budget 1990s Science-Fiction comedy film. Directed by Stewart Raffill, this film tells the story of a murderer high student, Michael (Paul Walker) whom brain is implant in an animatronic Tyrannosaurus by an evil scientist, Dr. Wachenstein (Terry Kiser) for some odd reason that never truly explain. Now in control of the T-Rex, Michael must find a way to find his sweetheart, Tammy (Denise Richards) while, getting revenge on those who cause his death. Can Michael find a new body with his girlfriend, Tammy or will Michael be in beast mode forever? Watch the movie to find out if you want to! Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, everything about the T-Rex is wrong. I really don't get, how he able to cry tears, eat people, and die. It doesn't make any lick of sense within the means of the story. After all, the dinosaur is just an animatronic control by his brain, not a real creature. I guess, the original script, ask for a real dinosaur killing people, but the special effects were so bad and not convincing enough, that at the last second, they rewrote the story to have a fake-looking creature, follow around Tammy. Still, I really don't get, why the filmmakers made a great deal of hiding the flaws of the T-Rex, if they going to admit, how crappy, it looks. I guess, the movie was trying to be tongue 'n' cheek with how cheesy, its special effects, are, but it comes across as jarring and confusing with its bad editing trying to cover those spots. There are tons of scenes that really, seem to end, very oddly! All those cuts, were very uncomfortable to watch in the PG-13 film version. There's an Italian R-rated version of this movie with a few deleted scenes, but the gore factor doesn't really help much, but it makes for a more finished film than the one, we got in America. The only thing, I can still, might help the film is maybe, some more eye-candy! After all, Denise Richards was attraction chick back in the 1990s. I really hoping to see more of her, in this film. I do have to say, watching Tammy's striptease toward the end was pretty sexy, even how stupid, it was to have Michael's Brain in a Jar sparking wildly as a substitute for an orgasm. Despite that, the movie isn't that great of a watch. Yes, the effects are laughable, but the majority of the force jokes are too offensive, dumb, or dark. Seeing moments like Tammy going to a morgue to find, dead people with huge d*cks to sleep with, is unsettling. Now that Paul Walker has tragically passed away, you will never be able to look again at the scene where the coffin of Tammy's boyfriend is opened, revealing his rotten and maggot-infested corpse. Still, I did, get a laugh of seeing Michael get mauled by lion. Call me, a sadist, but it's just way too bizarre, not to. The acting in this film is just mediocre. Nobody came out of this film, looking strong. Paul Walker's presence in the film is far too little and he wasn't really given much to shine. His look is god-awful. Paul Walker's dated ugly purple short midriff t-shirt, which he wore in the majority of his scenes is just not appealing. Like, I said, before Denise Richards at the time, was indeed, a great looker, but her acting chops, was below standards. Her mood swings, are really noticeable. Terry Kiser as the over the top 'Frankenstein' type scientist was just too hammy to take seriously. I would rather take his deadpan counterpart, Bernie from 1989's Weekend at Bernie, over this. The supporting cast didn't help. George Pilgrim as the side villain, Billy & Theo Forsett as Tammy's homosexual friend, Bryon was a little too much of a caricature than flesh out characters. If anything, Buck Flower as Sheriff Norville is the only one that seem, realistic. Overall: This Frankenstein meets Jurassic Park hybrid film is not really worth anybody time, watching. Not only does it handled adult themes in the wrong immature way, but most of the jokes fall flat. I really don't see, many people seeing this film. If they did, I bet you, that they wish a meteor would come down, put this film to sleep. It's that bad.
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