Shatter Dead (1994) Poster


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Apocalyptic Horror Vol. 4: Prepare To Be Physically Challenged!!
Tromafreak5 August 2008
Instead of complaining about what's wrong with Shatter Dead, like everyone else, let's talk about what's right about it. Directed by Scooter McCrae, Shatter Dead really accomplishes what it's going for. Other than originality, it flaunts a certain quiet, empty, apocalyptic feel. Inspired by God knows what, Shatter Dead centers on a woman named Susan. Susan is trying to make her way home to her boyfriend without blowing someones undead head off, certainly no promises, because this "begging for change" is wearing a little thin. After one of these undead minorities steals the gas out of her car, she sets him on fire. just to let you know what kind of girl we're dealing with. After a run-in with a radical group, who are promoting the way on the undead, Susan finds shelter in a house, especially meant for the living, I guess. There, she meets some interesting characters, some hit on her, some want her soap, but all Susan wants is to sleep. Susan's slumber is soon interrupted by the New Order. Armed with a shot gun and bad intentions, Pericles Lewnes and some Howard Stern guy are on a rampage, determined to convert the living. After ruining the life, or I guess death of a hot young zombie and witnessing a birth/death that you just wouldn't believe, Susan realizes, it might be time to move on. Off to see the boyfriend, but once Susan arrives, she finds a whole new problem. Unlike the more traditional, or even the not so traditional Zombie films, in Shatter Dead, the zombies are only technically zombies, When their heart stops beating, the soul no longer separates itself from the body, and they just rot, for all eternity. This being a punishment from God. Why would God do such a thing? well, That's cleared up in the first minute of the movie, unless you weren't paying attention. The real difference between a zombie and a Shatter Dead zombie is that most zombies in this movie have no bad intentions, they just want to keep on going. Just because there's no flesh-eating doesn't mean there's no gore, just to clear that up. Slightly blasphemous, although, dwelling on that would be missing the point. The point being, Shatter Dead is a damn fine, original, independent film that doesn't seem to get the recognition that it deserves, considering most of these other reviews. Guys, if you really think Shatter Dead sucks, track down Zombie '90 Extreme Pestilence, for a truly enlightening experience. The theme of blasphemy, along with the whole video camera issue tells me that Shatter Dead wont be getting a ten. Nonetheless, this is probably the highest I'll ever rate a zombie film that was shot on video, so, Scooter must have done something right. The misunderstood art that is Shatter Dead deserves no less than 8/10
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A unique but weak attempt at a horror flick!
ryutzy28 April 2006
Shatter Dead exhibits much weakness within its plot and structural makeup. The story appears to be dreamed up as some kind of twisted fantasy of the director as the filming process progressed. The "blood and guts" effects were possibly the largest downfall of the film. The same effect could have been achieved by merely dumping spaghetti and meatballs on the actors and actresses. A majority of the acting was unprofessional and cheesy.

Sadly, the only scenes which are able to keep an audience awake are the ones which contain nudity. Sound effects are another large problem which adds to the films downfall. The camera crew is able to be heard brushing up against the camera. That is acceptable in a documentary or a film of that caliber but not a "walking dead" movie. In conclusion, Shatter Dead merits a 3 on a scale of 10 for not containing key element of a credible film.
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a thing about extras
microfame3 March 2010
As many other reviewers here stated, there were some worthwhile concepts in this film, but the execution really held it back. I think it verifies the importance of good actors, to get viewers to "buy-in". Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" was a very low budget film, but it's truly great, in some measure due to the excellent lead actors. When acting is as stiff and wooden as in "Shatter Dead", it has the effect of ruining the illusion of the movie over and over, taking you out of the story.

But I wonder if anyone else, like me, watched the behind the scenes and blooper extras and wished they had liked the movie more? I've found that often with bad movies. It does humanize the actors and creators a bit, doesn't it? Especially for me here, when Scooter was talking through some of the bloopers with the "Howard Stern/Fartman" guy, and there was a sudden close-up of the actor's mouth saying "Fire!", which, as Scooter says, and any Star Trek fan knows, is that great shot of Kirk's mouth as he surprises Khan with a phaser barrage..."Alright it comes." I myself quote that little line with fan- friends, so that made me feel some kinship with Scooter, no matter how much his film kinda fails.
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Deeply disappointed.
Ky-D19 June 2005
After hearing much hype about this supposedly graphic yet thoughtful zombie movie I gave it a shot, much to my dismay.

Strait-jacking Romero's infamous 'Dawn of the Dead' line about there being no more room in hell for it's plot, 'Shatter Dead' follows the exploits of a rather unpleasant female as she attempts to get to her boyfriend in a world were the dead don't die. Along the way she meets assorted boring humans, a wack-job preacher, and some living dead just trying to get by.

The film tries for high-concept, but lays limp at low-execution. The locations look like spots near the director's home, the actors don't ever act, the script is thin past the set up, the gore FX aren't convincing, the direction is uninspired, etc, etc. Just nothing about it ever works. The film could have tried to rely upon the strength of the set-up to at least flirt with some existential examination, but instead the filmmakers fall back on dime-novel psycho-babble and pseudo-religious rhetoric.

As far as providing exploitive thrills, yet again the promise is not delivered. There is some violence and blood/gore, but it's cheaply executed and badly edited together. On the sexploitive front, things fare no better. While there is a fair amount of nudity, it is mostly of the lead female who (I am sorry to say) is not very attractive. For the whole movie only one bit, just one, actually stood out; a late movie sex scene where a blood drained zombie male is forced to strap on a hand-gun in order to engage in intercourse. That one blurb of exploitive lunacy accounts for the 2 rating.

Not much of a horror movie, not much of a sexploitive movie...just not much of a movie.

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Bad, and not in a good way.
eyehateyou24 January 2003
When I borrowed a friend's copy of Shatter Dead, I expected to get some thrills of the zombie gore-fest variety. What I received was really really bad. It wasn't even good in a really really bad way. The first thing that upset and disgusted me was not blood or wanton violence but rather that it was shot on video, not film, immediately cheapening the whole experience. The pictures on the DVD case (yes, DVD) misled me into thinking that this would be a professional piece of work. I have seen many low-budget films, but this takes the prize for worst makeup. Some characters, many of which I'm sure were willing locals and student volunteers, donned grey paint on their skin. Others had some some cheap looking gashes about the face. Most, however were not made up at all. It was also very slow paced, a bit confusing and featured both flat staging and acting. It was hard to tell whether it was the poor acting or the poorly written lines ("Don't be scared, I'm scared too") were what made me want to turn it off.

Having ripped in to this movie quite a bit, it's only fair to share some highlights. Indeed writer/director, Scooter McRae puts an interesting spin on the old living dead yarn that discusses "souls" as being un-killable, despite condition of the body. It also receives my thumbs up for explicitly using, one more than one occasion, a hand gun as a phallus. It's also encouraging to any aspiring filmmaker to see the manifestation of McRae's ideas and labor, on DVD no less. I guess it won some sort of award, too. Bottom line, this flick is for hardcore low-budget horror fans only. If, on the other hand, a friend owns it you might want to watch it. If not for a laugh, then at least to broaden your filmic horizons.
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Sha-Doobie, Crapper, Crapper.
johnnyohno20 June 2002
Having read of this film and its charms in such reputable genre magazines as "Rue Morgue" and "Fangoria" over the past eight years or so, I finally got around to viewing "Shatter Dead" in its newly released DVD format. That said, I find myself shaking my head (and just shaking in general) as to how anyone with an IQ higher than that of the most scholarly of algae could summon up anything positive to say about this terrible waste of time and money. While the premise of having the living dead trying to live amongst us is an intriguing one to this long-time viewer of hardcore porn, (Oops! Did I say hardcore porn? Sorry, I meant to say zombie movies.) there is nothing at all intriguing about watching a lousy student film (which is to say, a student film) shot directly to video, starring said student's film school chums running around backyards and stripmalls with the same blatantly latex makeup jobs as if they'd all consumed cases of Schlitz Malt Liquor with Vicatin chasers. Much more interesting would be a film about a pencil factory where the evil CEO falls into the grinding machine and his soul comes to inhabit millions of number two pencils the world over. Mankind, armed only with his own moxie and a few good pencil sharpeners, in the end are no match for this fiendish plot, and soon succumb to the heathen pleasures of permanent and non-permanent inks. I call it, "Get the Lead Out!", and while it may not exactly be coming to a theater near you anytime soon, when it does, you will find it a much more harrowing experience than say, "Shatter Dead", and you will believe (!!!), or, at the very least, you'll think twice before chomping on our bright yellow friends. As I close, I am reminded again of this kindergarden klownfest's declaration that "God Hates You!". Well, duhh! Tell me something I don't know! Of course God hates me. He told me to watch "Shatter Dead".
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Never watch this "film" (spoilers)
jerronspencer28 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
'Rage...building. Contempt...growing. 'Hatred...inevitable.' This 'film' is a crime against humanity. I watched in horror as the movie progressed from one clip to the next. When it was silent, I begged for dialog. When there was dialog, I plead for silence.


Apparently, the dead have risen, but all they really want is a good job and benefits. The hero tries to stay away from some rather lame bad guy, and ends up becoming one of the undead. Sound generic? It was...except for the almost pornographic pistol sex.

Plot? Story? Character? PHAW! Who needs 'em? Please, God, let this be the last time any living creature has to view this fetid pile of monkey droppings. Never, ever watch this movie. Never. Never...never.
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really bad road warrior zombie film
lthseldy119 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wouldn't be as bad if it just had a half way decent leading actress in it. All through this movie I had to look a pathetic looking vagabond wandering around zombie town searching for a place that had non-dead existing humans left. I still couldn't understand why two half way good looking guys even considered this woman good looking. Anyway....This story starts off as Susan finishes her grocery shopping and is soon attacked by a group of zombies with the most unconvincing makeup that wouldn't even be fit for trick or treating on Halloween. This makeup looks as if it were bought at your local Dollar Store and slapped on a few innocent cheap paying bystanders. And then there is the Preacher who for what reason I don't know is in this movie steals Susans car and leaves her alone to fend for herself. She then shacks up at a local house where there are more ugly people like her living there and the house is soon invaded by a man dressed as Howard Sterns character Fart Man (they couldn't have that much originality so they they had to borrow from none other than Howerd Stern) who then shoots up the place and all the zombies are dead. I did think that the baby incident was a little gross but laughable as I watched a plastic doll being breast fed in a bloody bathtub. I do not recommend this film at all to anyone unless you cannot afford a doctor to cure you of your insomnia or that you have the need to loose weight by laughing so much.
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Horrible, even for zombie standards
ant44221 September 2002
I had heard that this movie was so cool and creative, so I had high expectations. I was immediately disappointed when the movie started and the picture looked like it was filmed by a camcorder. The female lead's acting is so bad, I contemplated turning the dvd off. That bad. I kept on watching because I paid a pretty penny (more than the average price for a dvd) to get a copy of this movie (from the distributor). I also wanted to see if the story and gore were any good. Good luck. The story is about a girl trying to get back to her apartment, that's it. There was some crappy gore and a xxx scene involving the female lead, her boyfriend and a pistol (a pellet handgun in reality). You can probably figure out the rest. I threw away the dvd, just as I threw away my money when I bought it.
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A 90 Minute Dark Mood Piece
filmbuff197417 August 2006
Before I go into my review I want to say I too had heard much about this film from the Alternatvie Cinema and Fangoria magazines.I have watched many of these shot-on-video productions and have found on the balance that they are entertaining enough to purchase for my personal video collection and place right next to the bigger budgeted Hollywood productions I own.The key to my enjoyment of these films is to allow for the lower production values due to the limited financial resources available to these filmmakers. Shatter Dead is no different.

My review: I enjoyed Shatter Dead.The premise is that the world is populated with zombies because The Lord's Angel of Death decided to intervene in human affairs by impregnating a mortal woman.Our protagonist named Susan (who by the way is unconventionally attractive despite the assessment of another reviewer) travels through this bleak world trying to find her boyfriend.Her antagonist is the Preacher Man who is rallying the undead for some purpose that wasn't clear to me in this viewing.

Shatter Dead works as a film despite lapses in story logic.I suspect Scooter McCrae had mined much of the independent black & white comics that were being published during the late 80's and early 90's.Shatter Dead has the same sensibility as the horror comics out of that independent publishing era in the comics scene.The feature has this almost freestyle jazz mood piece except replace the jazz with heavy metal and you get the mood and atmosphere of Shatter Dead. Worth a look.
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An ugly 'Home Movie' chock full o' unwanted nudity.
dfolt20 November 2004
Ugly. Ugly would be the single word to describe this 'home movie'. Ugly writing, ugly direction, ugly lighting, ugly sets, ugly acting and ugly actors, sheesh! I don't have many qualms about nudity in films...but I've never witnessed that much unwanted nudity in my life. The make-up falls in to the 'Dime Store' variety; I've seen children with better make-up jobs on Halloween. In the 'Special Features', the director talks about going to film school (and he has the nerve to bash actual film makers and other film schools). Anyway, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he went to film school AFTER shooting this home movie mess.
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I liked it
dlennard15 April 2008
As long as you're not expecting a gory, flesh-eating flick, "Shatterdead" is a fascinating, thought-provoking, at-times-shocking take on the whole zombie genre. The dead are walking the Earth 'cos God hates them and won't let them into Heaven. So they just wander round (a bit like homeless people, only slightly less messed up). My God! It's a slacker apocalypse! Our heroine - the anorexic-yet-vaguely-appealing Stark Raven - is trying to get home to her boyfriend but has to fight her way through zombies who range from apathetic to militant. They want zombie rights and they want them now! Or, better yet, they want the living to join them in the land of the dead. "Shatterdead" is low-budget verging on no-budget and most of the acting and FX suck. But if you can ignore that, you'll find a pretty good little flick in here. I enjoyed it a lot - it's a real gem among the dross that came out during the low-budget/no-budget horror boom of the 80s and 90s. Just don't judge it by the standards of higher-budget films.
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Not sure if rubbish, or genius...?
Shaza12325 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A few weeks ago, I came across the flick Shatter Dead, a title that meant virtually nothing to me. Intrigued enough, I figured I'd give it a shot. Little did I know that Shatter Dead was no ordinary movie. What I was about to experience in the next 84 minutes, cannot be described by words. Never have I seen a movie, so terrible, yet so intriguing at the same time. Be warned, the following review is highly uninteresting.

Played on a scratchy VHS tape, ominous music played as the opening credits appeared. From very early on, I was feeling a sense of dread and uncertainty. The title appeared, "Shatter Dead", plain white letters, simplistic and straight forward. Drums started playing as a female voice sung a sweet melody in the background in some foreign language. Sensually and seductively, a white haired lady was making love to a woman doggy-style. The drums kept playing and the voice kept singing. It climaxed in the white haired lady growing large white wings from her back. Then as quickly as it started, it was over as the scene cut to black and I sat there confused by the most bizarre opening scene I have ever seen. What the hell was that?!

The scene cut quickly to 17 months later where the streets were empty as church bells rung, and our main actress, Susan, played by Stark Raven, made her way down the street. As isolated as the streets were first implied, Susan was passing many people who were hurt, bleeding and mutilated. They are all dead, yet alive. Zombies who don't need to feast on brains, but who are homeless and poor. Zombies who need to beg the living for money. As a news reporter states, the freshly dead are unsure what to make of themselves. They are simply there. Of course, not all the zombies are helpless bums, some of them are thieves. No, scratch that, RELIGIOUS thieves! Not sure why they need cars and petrol, it's not like they really do anything with it. Maybe they're zombie hoarders? They gotta do something with their eternity on earth I guess.

Now if any of you are still reading this boring write up, some of you might be wondering, "But what caused this zombie apocalypse of useless zombies?" Well there's a very simple and obvious explanation to that. You see, that angel chick that was doing the other lovely lady at the beginning, well that angered God and now people can't die. See? Makes perfect sense. Of course director Scooter McCrae helps us out by putting that little tidbit on the back of the DVD box just to help us out anyway. So yeah… The more you know.

Anyway, we follow Susan through this post apocalyptic film and see the world through her eyes. That's pretty much it. They don't really make her motives very clear. Why is she wandering around aimlessly? Why does she have a gun? It's not like she can kill anyone anymore. So many questions, so little answers. Don't try to understand this movie, it's a pointless exercise. All you can do this just roll with it.

So what can I tell you about this movie? It's a SOV 90s flick for starters. But don't let that discourage you, it's actually pretty decent. It has a really awesome apocalyptic and depressing tone. The best way I can describe it, is similar in the vein to Leif Jonker's Darkness. Now that's actually quite the compliment. But let me empathise that this movie is no masterpiece. In fact, it's severely flawed. I would even go as far as to call it a word that IMDb won't allow me to use. Despite its excellent concept, the execution sucks, often times it's ridiculous to the point that I have no idea just how serious this movie is supposed to be. I suspect the filmmakers were very serious when they made this movie, yet somehow saw past the atrocious acting, terrible sounding and weird dialogue. I can only conclude that they were all high on something. And when I say atrocious acting, I mean it! Stark Raven has got to be the worst actress I have ever seen! No offense, Miss Raven, seriously, I dug your portrayal but they could have hired a robot with more emotion. She only has one expression. Whether she's cautious, or angry, or happy, or aroused, she still has this same look on her face. The only time it ever changed was during a sex scene. Must have been damn good sex, is all I'm saying.

If you check out the other reviews for this flick, you won't see many good reviews, in fact most people hated it. If you're expecting Dawn of the Dead, you'll hate it too. But if you go in with an open mind, you'll see something truly unique. Horrible acting aside, this low budget SOV has some passion. Certainly there was a message in this about religion. I'm not sure what it was, but the tag line "God hates you!" might have something to do with it.

Even though I might not have understood the interpretations the filmmakers had intended, they still made a damn interesting and creepy movie, with some unintentional humour and out of place jazz music to boot. And on top of that, this movie finally answered the great philosophical question that I believe everyone single one of us have all wondered in some point in our lives. No longer shall we have to wonder how to get it on with a zombie, since the lack of blood flow will prevent an erection. Shatter Dead provided the answer, that I believe shall satisfy all viewers.

So, what the final verdict? From a cinematic standpoint it sucks, but I can't help but really like it. There's just something so terrible yet so fascinating, that can only ever be experienced.
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Completely Absurd
zombiecad30 December 2004
GOD HATEs YOU Of course he does!He made possible the distribution of this incredible piece of "whatever".No one in his right mind or an IQ over 2 digits can possibly love this movie and I' pretty sure that most of the good comments we hear about it are from people who played in it or family members and by the way if you had the extreme pleasure of playing in this home video production would you show it to your family members?

I'm a zombie fan and I never thought that the day would come when I'd have to say this but, I'm a shamed...I spent time and money trying to find this piece of art and I have to admit this is the WORST attempt to entertainment ever made on the face of this earth. Finally if you are brighter than a "Q-Tips" do the Devil a favor don't buy this cause then you'll be convinced "GOD REALLY HATES YOU"
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Not a film for Zombie film fans
yank_soto1 April 2004
More regrets:

I have to be the biggest sucker in the world. What other person would go out and buy so many of these backyard home video horror movies? Why did I buy into all the hype that these little genre websites give to these pieces of garbage!?

Well I've learned my lesson. Yes, I was an idiot to go out and buy so many of these films but having done so, I feel safe in saying that any positive reviews that junk like this gets has to be written by cast members or the directors themselves because there's no way anyone besides people involved who could actually like this crap.

First off, this is not a movie for fans of traditional zombie films! Shatter Dead is a cheap looking home video. It's not a horror film in any sense, it's nothing more then a wanna be art film. It's got the most vile looking cast ever assembled to carry the lame story forward. It's got the lowest production values I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of these type films lately. There was no way of getting behind any of the character's because they all sucked! A bunch of art film school students making a video in their backyard. Nothing more!!! The only good thing about this garbage was the DVD sleeve which worked like a charm in suckering me into buying it.

If one is desperate for a z-grade zombie film then they'd be better to look into MEAT MARKET 2 which I also recently bought. While that movie was nothing great either, it's at least a zombie film that entertains the viewer. Shatter Dead does nothing but annoy and bore the viewer.

0/10 AVOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Interesting Idea... Terrible Budget
gavin694219 October 2006
What happens when the Angel of Death impregnates a mortal woman? Well, I guess the dead walk the earth and the dead hate the living. Because "death" ceases to exist and the dead want their old lives back.

The concept is rather interesting, and a different spin on the dead versus living horror movie. These dead aren't zombies so much as regular people who have died and whose blood pools when they sit down. The angel impregnating the woman is also nice, but they don't really go into that much so you just have to make up your own story.

Now that I said nice things, let's say some mean things. The acting is weak. Only the preacher seems to have any motivation, and the main character (Susan) walks through the film more dead than the actual dead. And did I mention all this was filmed on a home video camera, so the sound is poor and the video is cruddy? The nudity is non-stop. One character takes a shower, another joins them. There is a sex scene with male and female nudity. There is another sex scene with female nudity. Every five minutes someone is fully naked, which is not only pointless... but these aren't the most impressive bodies you're ever going to see.

There is no reason to rent this film... unless you're a film maker and want to try this one all over again with a real camera. But if you're Uwe Boll, stay away from this. You're the one person who could make it worse.
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Great ideas, lousy execution
dmkay2 October 2003
This is one of the few movies out there that I would LOVE to see a remake of. The premise of this movie is really interesting...the living dead are treated as a social problem, like the homeless, rather than deadly brain-eaters. I understand that George Romero's fourth Dead film was going to have a similar premise. Anyway, it's a great idea, and brings up all kinds of interesting questions: How should the dead be treated, if they are basically just normal people without pulses? If the only disadvantage to death is a little rigor mortis now and then, what's there to fear in dying? And would the world really be worse off if everyone was dead?

The movie also gets high marks for an inventive shower scene and a jaw-dropping scene that can only be described as "gun-porn."

However, it must be said that this movie has lower production values than many student films I've seen, and the ABSOLUTE WORST ACTING EVER. I'm serious. The acting in this movie reaches depths previously unreached. I think most people's home movies have better acting. It's also more than a little slow-paced. Overall, I give it a 5/10.
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Terrible shoe-string budget zombie movie...
paul_haakonsen6 October 2022
When I stumbled upon the 1994 movie "Shatter Dead", of course I had to watch it, as it was a zombie movie of sorts. However, I must admit that I just wasn't harboring any hopes for this horror movie from writer and director Scooter McCrae, as the entire thing just permeated low budget and second rate zombie movie.

But hey, a movie deserves a fair chance, and thus I sat down to watch "Shatter Dead". And boy, was "Shatter Dead" a low budget movie. In every sense of that term. The storyline and plot, as written by Scooter McCrae, was pretty poor. I found little entertainment in the 25 minutes of the movie that I managed to suffer through.

The special effects in "Shatter Dead" were special alright. And I don't mean that it a good way. No, the special effects in the movie were low key, low budget and looked amateurish. And the zombie make-up, for the majority, was just painted faces with shades of grey and green.

As for the acting performances in "Shatter Dead", well... You can surely imagine the level of talent that you are in for here when you sit down to watch "Shatter Dead". Yup, the acting performances were staggeringly amateurish, wooden, rigid and just generally laughably bad to behold. And I suppose that counts for something. Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list here.

While I managed to endure a staggering 25 minutes of "Shatter Dead", I can in all honesty say that I am not going to bother to return to watch the rest of the movie, because virtually nothing appealed to me in the 25 minutes that I suffered through.

My rating of "Shatter Dead" lands on a one out of ten stars. This is a pretty terrible movie, even for a low budget zombie movie.
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Shatter Dud
blurnieghey28 November 2020
Someone gave me this movie about 20 years ago and during that time I have sat through it in its entirety three times. It's a bad sounding, bad acting, slow-paced, just all around cheapo, backyard film, the likes of which I tend to want to throw under the bus, but I'll give it a little slack in that it does try to do something different with the zombie shtick even though it doesn't work. I always say that you don't need a big budget to make a great movie so long as you have a good script and what these guys had could have done just that if they had held off for a while and worked the bugs out of it. Unfortunately, the story comes off like some guy's rough draft and the whole movie just comes off as half-assed and lame. I'm generally a fan of pointless nudity to boost an otherwise boring flick, but I could do without what they have to offer in this one. Instead of eye candy, you get eye head cheese. Unfortunately, as the cost to purchase technology to make watchable movies has gone down, the quality of these backyard flicks has gone down with them and, compared with similar films of this nature being cranked out these days, Shatter Dead is like Gone With The Wind. Don't waste your money, but it isn't a total waste of time if you can watch if for free.
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Interestling take on the Zombie genre but undeveloped
AJ_Nel4 February 2023
Like many, I've heard that Scooter McKray does great no-budget blood spatter scenes and eventually pulled "Shatter Dead"(1994) up for viewing. Though, the script is very light (if it even existed) and the philosophical message side plate shallow, the film does provide a very different take on the Zombie genre and deserves two points for (somewhat) developing the idea. Bar for the acting by the so-called villain (which was another one point to the tally, decent), the acting disappointed. Cinematography was another one point meh. This brings me to my little gripe with the film. Despite using a lot of the standard Zombie tropes (e.g. Stuck in a vehicle surrounded by Zombies), there was zero suspense in the film. Finally, yes, the blood splatter was pretty decent. 5/10.
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Good ideas. Terrible execution.
krachtm14 February 2013
The plot: After the Angel of Death impregnates a mortal woman, all souls are refused entry to the afterlife.

Shatter Dead is full of interesting ideas, but the execution is just so flawed that I can understand why most people hate this movie. For one thing, it's probably the cheapest, most low budget movie I've ever seen in my life. And, believe me, I've seen a lot of low budget movies. Not even Troma could possibly shoot such an amateurish, low budget movie. It looks like a bunch of slackers pooled together their money, bought a low-end camcorder at Best Buy, and shot a zombie movie.

However, I still liked it. I can't really defend the movie, because the acting, directing, and sets are all terrible. However, I thought the production was salvaged by the raw creativity and daring outrageousness. Sure, sometimes the unnecessary offensiveness and boundary-pushing seems a bit amateurish, but if you're into this kind of trashy, indie filmmaking, you'll probably appreciate it. It seems influenced pretty highly by Frank Henenlotter, who is responsible for some rather boundary-pushing 80s and 90s movies.

If all you want is a straight-up zombie bloodbath, I'd recommend you stay away from this movie. For fans of indie filmmaking, transgressive art, trash cinema, and B movies, this may end up being a curious milestone in your path, just because it's on so many "Best Ever" and "Worst Ever" lists. For others, who like zombie movies, I think it will be a very divisive experience, split between those who appreciate the concepts and creativity vs those who can't stand the numerous flaws and obscenity. I recommend that everyone check it out, even if you think that you'll hate it, just so that you can join in the debate, next time someone asks you if you've ever seen Shatter Dead.

Despite its issues, I honestly think this is a better movie than The Dead Hate The Living, Dance of the Dead, and other clichéd pieces of crap that ended up having ten times the budget.
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Horrendous, unwatchable crap
dworldeater1 June 2023
I thought Shatter Dead looked like a campy splatter film. A capstone to end my day, then peacefully hit the hay. This cinematic turd was a painful watch. Zero level excitement and entry level acting that makes porn acting look like the platinum standard. The Angel Of Death shot a baby in a girl making time stand still. The dead don't die and are forced to stick around way past their welcome. Film is the same way, it feels like it's 12 hours long. You aren't dead either, after watching this you might want to be. I guess little can be expected with cheap trash like this. My time could have been utilized better and I can't get it back. I would advise you to avoid Shatter Dead and pull out something like Planet Terror and watch it one more time.
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Zombies perfected forever
BandSAboutMovies29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After working as a production assistant to Frank Henenlotter on Frankenhooker and Basket Case 2, Scooter McCrae made this as his first movie. He's only made two others since then - 1999's Sixteen Tongues and 2015's short Saint Frankenstein but man, every single one of them is astounding. And upsetting in a way that no shower can erase, no distance can take away.

Shatter Dead starts wiith a female Angel of Death making love to a human woman, stopping death from being real. Into this world walks Susan (Stark Raven) carrying a bag of groceries and an aresenal of weapons that she uses to pick off the living dead that get too close to her. Except these zombies don't want brains or flesh or anything other than money and for someone to pay attention to them, making this as far from a zombie movie - that features zombies - as it gets.

After a preacher and his flock of the shambling masses steals her car on a country road. Soon, she meets Mary (Flora Fauna), an undead woman who committed suicide so that she could remain gorgeous for all eternity. There's also a cult of religious zombies in this town that wants everyone to be dead and has no issue killing people to get them that way.

Susan runs from this insanity, making her way back to the preacher, who she shoots in the head and steals her car back. I guess that whole idea that death is better than life and how the old humanity is ending is now something that the man of the cloth can now live for himself.

By the time she makes her way back to her boyfriend and has the food for him, she learns that he's already killed himself and come back from the dead. The blood no longer flows through his body, so to make love, she ties her gun to his crotch and takes it. She soon discovers that he'd poisoned her milk - add this to my Letterboxd poisoned milk list - and he tells her that now she can always be young and beautiful for him. She tries to shoot herself to ruin that but ends up blasting away at him, sending him out of a window to the unforgiving street below.

The preacher fixes wood all over Dan, allowing him to stand and walk almost as the Son of Man carried his cross. Susan tries to use water to bring life to her now dead eyes as Dan knocks and knocks, begging for her to let him in.

Shatter Dead is a movie with a vibe that corrects any issues of acting or pacing or shooting. It's so different when it comes to not just SOV but movies in general.

McCrae told Quiet Earth, "I still love Shatter Dead because it's just as crazy and sexy as it has ever been in my mind. In fact, I think it feels a bit more excessive now than when it was first made since there are not as many underground movies flooding the marketplace as there were back then. Explicit nudity and matter-of-fact sexuality seem more foreign to the current movie-going climate. What was shocking back then just seems unthinkable now, Shatter Dead feels like an artifact of a bygone era of moviemaking that I have a good deal of nostalgia for. I do wonder what modern viewers make of it."

McCrae had originally titled this movie Dead People, which is ironic, as if this movie feels like any other film, it would be Messiah of Evil, a movie McCrae had not seen before he made it. Of that unheralded classic, he said, "I love the film immensely; I think in many ways it's the closest thing we have to an American-made Dario Argento movie in terms of extreme stylization. So many beautiful shots of people wandering through rooms or standing next to paintings that they appear to become part of or disappear into."

Trust me - Messiah of Evil is an untouchable work of Biblical level truth - but this movie gave me the same feeling that it exists on the very edge of something horribly real, at the outside of sanity, beyond the walls of my reality begging and screaming to be let in. It's too real despite living in a world of unreal.

This movie really hit me perfectly. The end of the world is not gnashing and gnawing. It's sighing.
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Phil-King-196722 March 2014
There were a lot of things wrong with this movie which most people have covered already plus there was some fresh and interesting things about this movie which made it a little different to most of the other movies in this genre, however, it was just too slow and dull plus the leading actress was dull too which didn't help, she seem to do everything in slow motion. Surely of all the people in this movie one of them could have done the lead role with a bit of enthusiasm. But then again i think she may have been the directors partner which is why she got the part. Even quite a bit of female full frontal nudity didn't save this although that and the potentially interesting story are the reason i gave it as much as 2/10. I know it was ultra low budget but low budget doesn't mean making the star so bland.

She was even naked when they did a tour of the place they filmed it in in the DVD extras lol. The Director still had the angel feathers which was featured at the beginning of the movie in some random scene and mentioned he was surprising the wings had survived after all this time, then his cat was patting the feathers as he walked away from the cam. Talking of which, i think his cat in the extras was more interesting than the movie. lol

This movie is only for those who wish to add a zombie/infected movie to her/his collection which is why i watched it.
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"God hates you!"
Backlash00728 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Another big disappointment here. I remember reading glowing reviews for Shatter Dead in Fangoria way back in the day when these movies weren't readily available to me. During that time I could only read what Fango said about these wild, indie films and imagine what they'd be like. I didn't imagine Shatter Dead to be this terrible. I'd also read a lot of essays and reviews by the writer/director, Scooter McCrae, and he always seemed intelligent and knowledgeable of his subject matter. So I was really blown away by how awful this flick was. What I thought was going to be the storyline was great. The dead are returning to life but they are not flesh-eating ghouls. They just want to exist in our world (I think McCrae was alluding to the homelessness situation here, but I may be looking too deep). Sadly, that aspect is dropped all too quickly and meaningless gore and porn is introduced. Not what I wanted to see, to be sure. Thankfully someone (the French no less) ran with a similar idea and made the quite surprising They Came Back. I'd urge you to watch that film instead.
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