Weekend at Bernie's II (1993) Poster

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Goofy sequel. Very early 90's style.
insomniac_rod26 July 2009
This sequel was more goofy-humor oriented than the original that had tongue in cheek humor mixed with black comedy.

In this sequel you can't forget about quality because you will get insanity instead. There is no need to tell that the plot is a total joke that deals reviving Bernie with voodoo. Could that work?! Well, it does but the results are not very favorable. We get silly situations mixed with the main character's stupidity surrounded by a goofy vibe.

This sequel should only be recommended for HUGE fans of the original. If not, stay away from it because it's not even half as funny as the original.

At least, Jonathan Silverman, Andrew McCarthy and Terry Kiser are back. They're the best thing from this almost-mess.

If nostalgia is a common denominator in your film experience, then you should watch it; otherwise, it should be kept as an obscure sequel.
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melsonv9 May 2002
I watched this film for only one reason, which was that the original was fantastic. This story had a lot of potential which wasn't really used at all. Without as many laughs, and quite a bad story, I found this movie rather a let down. It was occasionally funny in places, but it's nothing special, and over all, disappointing. Stay with the first movie, it's much, much better.
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Maximum antics, minimum laughter
StevePulaski31 May 2011
Bernie hasn't changed much since we saw him last. He is still deader than a doornail in Weekend at Bernie's II. After one very solid comedy, its name is now tainted with a sequel leaching off of it. Not a bad sequel, but far from a good one. After finishing the first film, I picked up the DVD for the sequel and thought "A sequel that comes four years after the first one, about the same dead guy? How the hell will they explain that one?" Well, this time the insurance clerks Richard and Larry (McCarthy and Silverman) are using their dead boss Bernie (Kiser) to find $2 million dollars in the U.S. Virgin Islands. After being resurrected by two voodoo artists, Bernie walks towards the treasure whenever music is played. His bow-legged, slumped over style of walking when dead has spawned a dance called Move it like Bernie.

Turns out the mob and a representative from the insurance company want this money too. So Rich and Larry need to get there before the money is stolen. It's the classic maximum antics, minimum laughter sort of the deal. Numerous events and antics keep happening minute after minute. But only one in five appear to be somewhat funny.

I must compare Weekend at Bernie's II to Dream a Little Dream 2. Both of the sequels were made years after the first to try to cash in on the first movie success. While both sequels aren't very good, at least Dream a Little Dream's sequel makes a bit more sense for existing since it's a comedy. With this, it's about two goofballs propping up a dead man and dragging him around like he is alive. Material wears thin and reality catches up. I find it hard to believe the girl in the conga line didn't notices he stinks.

The most fun I had was the end chase scene through the forest preserve, and even some scenes were sporadically funny. Seeing McCarthy and Silverman portray the characters they started was another amusing thing. Not to mention some great music to tie the film together. But ultimately, this film needs a reality check, a humor check, and a reason check. It doesn't satisfy enough to meet comedy minimums.

Starring: Andrew McCarthy, Johnathan Silverman, and Terry Kiser. Directed by: Robert Klane.
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Seriously did the first movie need a sequel at all?
Aaron137514 February 2010
Andrew McCarthy and Silverman are back and in desperate need of a paycheck which is the only reason they could have ever wanted to appear in a sequel that was not needed or should have been made. The first film ended, the man was dead, the story was over, but they somehow create a very flimsy premise to bring everyone's favorite corpse back from the dead yet again. Yes, he is sort of brought back from the dead in this one as he walks yet again anytime he hears music, basically a zombie that does not crave human flesh, but music. The two dudes from the last movie are back too, and this time they may as well be criminals as they basically want to steal Bernie's corpse to try and access some stuff as Bernie may have some money hidden somewhere. They may as well be bad guys with their motives in this one. There are two guys who use voodoo to reawaken Bernie and a voodoo lady who puts a curse on them. Yes, it is as bad as all that. Still, there are a couple of laughs to be found here and there, just not enough to make this a good or okay or tolerable movie to watch. Like I said before, some movies should not have sequels to them and this is most certainly one of them. The first one was rather enjoyable to me, but even then they seemed to be stretching the premise thin, here it just breaks apart as the whole zombie thing is simply ludicrous.
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Wow, what a terrible movie
lnpsolutions11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be THE worst sequel, or at least one of them, that I have ever seen. I wasn't expecting another Weekend at Bernie's (which was a classic, btw), but I was expecting some decency, considering the main 3 characters all came back.

First off, this movie was supposed to take place instantly after Bernie's death, since they actually went to the morgue to see him. Yet, no joke, Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman looked 10 years older. I know it was only 4 years between movies, but they seemed to age A LOT between the two movies. It was almost comical how much they aged in a matter of "days". Shoot, even Sly Stallone, 10 years between Rocky movies didn't age that much.

Secondly, McCarthy and Silverman seemed to forgot how to play the characters properly. The movie was basically a continuation of the first, yet they were acting completely different. Both actors did a terrible job of channeling the original energy of Larry and Richard.

Lastly, the entire premise of the movie was RIDICULOUS! Bernie cursed and would start dancing when music came on? Good God, this was a tough one to make it through. 4.4 overall rating here is VERY generous for this debacle of a movie!
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One of the most pointless sequels I've ever seen!
callanvass18 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Larry and Richard are blamed for insurance theft and fired in the process. Larry comes up with a dangerous scheme to not only get their jobs back but, but find money in the Virgin Islands to make them rich. Unfortunately for them, two bumbling buffoons (Steve James & Tom Wright) have conjured up a voodoo spell to bring Bernie back to life. It backfires when they mess up the spell and Bernie can only move when he hears music. Meanwhile, a company security officer (Bostwick) is after everything as well.

This is the 3rd time I've seen this movie! That makes no sense, I know! I always feel that maybe I'm missing something. As a fan of the original movie, I've always been bemused about why they decided to go through with this movie. I know Andrew McCarthy's burgeoning, 80's career had hit the skids at this juncture, but it was an awful decision. Look. I really liked the original and I know it was a surprise hit. I don't think anyone clamored for a sequel though. Everything that made the original work so well is nowhere to be found here. It seems so forced and contrived that it's not even funny. Not only that, there was no need for a sequel! Everything was solved in the original! There is usually a hint of sorts that a sequel will commence. I didn't sense that in the first movie. It's filled with plenty of cringe worthy slapstick that is not funny in the slightest. The only thing I was mildly amused at were the gags at the morgue. They try to repeat the formula of the original, but it feels corny. There are only so many things you can do with a dead person before it gets stagnant. Not to mention the voodoo thing is very stupid. Jonathan Silver and Andrew McCarthy's act has worn very thin. McCarthy's cocky persona was fun in the original, but it's overbearing in the sequel. He mugs his way through a lot of it and doesn't seem too inspired. Silver is dull as the straight man. The chemistry they shared is gone. Terry Kiser's physical acting is remarkable, but him dancing to music gets old very quickly. It isn't his fault he had nothing to work with! He has no lines at all. Barry Bostwick is fine in his role. Steve James & Tom Wright do fine as the idiots, but they weren't very funny.

Thank god they had the smarts to stop here! Hopefully McCarthy doesn't get any bright ideas about his glory days to try to get a sequel done. Bernie's dead! Watch the original and leave this movie in obscurity where it belongs

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Not The Best But Not That Bad Either!
darkmanishere99018 March 2006
First of all, let me say that the first "Weeeknd At Bernie's" is a tough movie to "follow up." The premise (while by the end of the first movie it may have seemed worn out) was fresh for its time and the humor was totally there. As for the sequel, I was glad to see Richard and Larry still hanging out together. It was also nice to see that their characters didn't change much. Richard was still the brains behind the operation and Larry was still as crazy as ever. Yes the plot was kind of silly (to put it mildly) and the whole voo-doo thing was kind of lame. However, the 2 people chasing Larry and Richard added some new humor to this film that the first movie kind of lacked. Who made the movie? Well Bernie DUH! Bernie provides lots of good laughs with his silly dancing, and even though he is dead, he brought lots of life to this movie at times. Beyond that, the music in this film really helped it along. With the music, it really made you wish you could go on a vacation wherever the boys were at. To put it another way, the music REALLY helped this film. While this movie isn't the greatest comedy ever, it really does not deserve all the horrible things people say about it. Richard, Larry and Bernie make this film worth watching at least once. Now if only they would have made a soundtrack to go with the movie. And before you ask, yes the music was that good! :)
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mcfly-3123 July 1999
What an awful follow up. Sure, you want the Bernie character lifeless but not his script. Klane, who wrote the first, does the same here and gets to direct. Camerawork is not his problem, its his laughless dialogue, something he had no trouble with in part 1. Here he depends too much on slamming Bernie about in a variety of ways. He gives McCarthy and Silverman no goofy lines to go along with the visual stuff like last time. The only real gag that netted a chuckle from me was the "Bernie Boogie," at least thats what I called it. When Kiser hears music his body starts moving about in a silly dance. But aside from that theres not much here.
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He is DEAD, people! A CORPSE!
elvisbloom3 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, the ending of the first film did (sort-of) leave the door open for a sequel. That being said, it was more of a joke. I know, it was a hit and all, but couldn't they just make the dead person someone else? Now before you freak out and say "Replace Terry Keiser???? Are you crazy???" Just listen. Bernie is DEAD! Long dead! It doesn't take a Sri Lanken fisherman to tell you the body get bloated and rots! Right away! Anyone ever heard of riga-mortis???? That stiffening that happens when you die? OK..... They COULD have made our two heroes visit Bernie's twin brother Ernie to tell him what happened. Ernie dies and for some reason they have to cart around HIS corpse. BUT NO.... Now they break Bernie out of the morgue. But Bernie is on the move thanks to some Voodoo curse that makes him dance around when he hears music. Oh the humanity. Whoever wrote this garbage was on some serious drugs and whoever green-lit it was on more. Now we know, corpse humor can be VERY funny, the first movie proved that. I actually would give the first one a 7. This one however is in one country and will live there forever. Hopefully it will die there. If you have made it this far into my review, bless you. You have way more free time than I do, and that is saying something. Bottom line. This Movie sucks donkey pp.
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Reality Check
Hollywood_Yoda1 May 2019
To all the reviewers who gave this film negative reviews and said it wasn't as good as the first, I'm sorry to say that you are wrong. It wasn't supposed to be like the first film at all. This film was meant to be more slapstick funny. I'll admit, it was low-brow humor, but it was still very funny.

Some of the plot devices didn't seem right, but until you watch the film in it's entirety and don't compare it to the original right away, it has it's good parts. The only part that didn't make much sense to me, until later, was the harpoon gun under the ocean. It took a few minutes to figure out why, but it gave a lot of laughs afterward.
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Full of more terrible ideas than any other movie in history. However, that might be the point.
deputydoofus1 February 2000
This has to be the most terrible movie EVER made. How terrible could it be? Well think of the first movie, think of a sequel that has no reason to exist. Add voodoo, chase scenes involving stealing the corpse, and a conga line with Bernie in the front. Think of the most terrible acting in history, irritatingly bad music, and the lack of any sort of a basic plotline. Oh, it's worse. It's much, much worse.

OK, they threw in the jokes that worked in the first one, most concerning the complete abuse of the corpse. However, this movie threw other ideas that don't make sense, such as voodoo for no particular reason whatsoever. This movie is particularly hilarious if you miss the scene where Bernie has voodoo stuff done to him. The scenes involving the dancing Bernie are so hilarious for no other reason besides they are so stupid.

Not only does it have one terrible idea, but it will surprise you with how many terrible ideas it was able to come up with. There ends up being about 8 different plotlines that make no sense, and you have no idea what the movie is about or where it is going.

This movie is terrible in every conceivable way. Why does the voodoo only make Bernie dance? Why did they bring Bernie to Hawaii? In the first movie, at least they were fearing for their lives. The scenes that involve acting are the most boring and show how terrible the actors really are. And it certainly is conceivable that Lysol will certainly make a corpse smell minty fresh. And think of how abused the corpse must the corpse be. They appear to have absolutely no respect for the dead. However, if you miss a couple of key scenes, this movie will provide the most uncontrollable laughs in your life. There are even a few genuine laughs as well, particularly those that include the mortician. Characters like him seem to know how terrible the movie is. They seem to know what the audience is thinking and base the laughs around that.

They must have known how terrible this concept was from the beginning, so they had to make it as terrible in every conceivable way. If I gave someone an assignment to make the worst movie ever made, and they came back with this movie, I'd pat them on the back and give them an A+.

My rating: 6/10(for it's camp value, and the laughs I had during my first viewing.)
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sequel surpasses the original and moves in a very different direction
disdressed1229 April 2007
you know,I'm a bit mystified.this sequel to the original has an even lower rating.for my money,this movie surpasses the first one.we have the three main characters,Richard and Larry(Jonathon Silverman,Andrew McCarthy)and of course,the dead guy,Bernie(Terry Kiser)however,the difference is this movie has a better story,and although it could still be called a black comedy,it has a lighter tone to it,and is hysterically funny quite often,thanks largely to Kiser,who brings a whole nother(i swear it's a real word)dimension to the dead guy.there are more pratfalls and physical comedy in this movie.there is a sort of running gag involvong Barry Bostwick's character,which is quite amusing.i won't say too much about the plot,except that it continues pretty much right from where the first one ended.also,this movie is not a rehash of the first,but rather goes in a different and very creative(in my mind)direction.as a matter of fact,i kinda was hoping a third one would be made,just to see what they could do with it.anyway,i give "Weekend at Bernie's 2" a strong 8./10
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Enjoyable film
mjf-762398 February 2017
I can't understand why the score for this movie is so low, if one were to watch Weekend at Bernie's 2 you would assume they watched and enjoyed the first. The second is a very similar style to the first and provides some good laughs through out. The main thing I like about this film is the fact that unlike a lot of sequels we pick up right where the first left off, none of this skipping forward in time nonsense. The three leads are brilliant, however I felt there were slightly less one liners in this one, which was a shame as my favourite aspect of the first was basically any joke that came out of Larry's mouth. Overall I would say if you loved the first one you will at the very least enjoy this film and if you weren't so keen probably give this one a miss. A strong 7/10
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How low can you go?
SnoopyStyle15 December 2013
It's right after the first movie, and Bernie (Terry Kiser) is now in the morgue. Larry (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard (Jonathan Silverman) is suspected of colluding with Bernie by the company's investigator Arthur Hummel (Barry Bostwick), and are fired. Meanwhile a couple of bad guys try to use Voodoo to get the $2million. They reanimate Bernie but only when rhythmic music is playing. Then they lose Bernie on the subway, and he's returned back to the morgue. At the same time, Larry and Richard discover where Bernie hid the money. Only Bernie needs to get it from the bank in person. That when they decide to get Bernie from the morgue....

The first one was a one joke comedy, and it was only passably funny. This one is even less than that. The only funny thing is the sight of Terry Kiser bopping around at the sound of the music. That last about 2 seconds. Then it gets stupider and stupider. This was never a smart franchise. I'm not talking about the characters, but rather the comedy. It's a one joke concept without much to back it up. But the stupidity in this movie really piles up. For example, it seems much more simpler to just try to pretend to be Bernie instead of dragging his dead body to the bank. It never quite improves.
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It was funny, but I have seen funnier.
strangegirl_200521 April 2003
I thought it was funny when Bernie was dancing around without people knowing that he was dead. That is the only reason I remember that movie. It was okay. I am not too critical of comedies, because most are simply designed to make us laugh, and if they succeed without being overly cruel or vulgar, they are generally not bad movies to watch.
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Andrew McCarthy in His Youth Guarantees a Bad Movie
nafps3 September 2022
Like so many of the 80s Brat Pack, he started off with zero to little talent, zero acting or comedic skills. He got by on his looks, being cute in a bland non threatening way, and that's it.

Any film of his in the 80s or 90s was awful, awful, just awful, and this one is no exception. Jokes you can predict hours before they happen, all of them unfunny, and liked only by the heavily stoned or people who think early Jim Carrey or that "Ernest Goes to..." guy were too intellectual for their liking.

It was only in this century, once his looks were gone, that he finally bloomed as an actor. See him on anything post 2000, but skip films like this embarassing garbage.

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What was the point?
MoreThanAFan23 March 2010
Weekend At Bernies (Part 1) has always been one of my all time favorite dreadful movies.. i class it as one of those films that are so tacky, they are kind of great...... Which is more than i can say for this sequel!

I just don't get the point of it. There is nothing new or different about this movie.. they achieved nothing by making a second film..

All i can think is, They thought a lot of money was to be made by making this... I wonder if it was worth it?

I guess if you'd never seen the original, this film would be OKAY.. In a bad way!... but as a follow up to the original.. it just kinda sucks.
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Worst film I've ever seen
do_you_know_who_i_am27 April 2002
Words cannot express how poor this film is.

There is no plot, the acting is appalling, basically the whole film is the same joke, that Bernie comes to life when music plays, repeated over and over again.

With a running time of 97 minutes, it's about 95 minutes too long.

It might have been OK as a short sketch on a comedy show, but the premise is way too flimsy to work for that amount of time without boredom kicking in.

The guy who plays the corpse works very hard, but this really is a poor film, even by American standards.
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Not awful.
TheOneThatYouWanted21 January 2024
This movie is better than the current ranking. Worth a watch.

Is this movie worth watching? Yes, if you watched the first.

How was the plot? Funny.

Was the budget enough? Yes.

What is this movie saying about our world? Lol.

What is your emotional response to this movie? Laughing.

What did this movie make me feel? Like watching another comedy. Smile.

What moments, character, or ideas resonated with me while watching this movie? The dancing.

What thoughts does this movie spark in me? A smile.

What themes are present in this movie? Death.

Why would someone want to watch this film? To laugh.
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The word 'lame' doesn't even begin to describe it.
slam16316 September 1999
It's tempting to view this film as a daring avant-garde experiment. I like to think that the director was trying to see if it was possible to take all the conventions of comedy film and produce something that was completely, utterly, entirely unfunny.

The answer, to judge by "A Weekend at Bernie's II", is a resounding 'Yes'. This may not be the worst film I've ever seen, but my brain seems to have repressed all memory of the others. "Weekend" hovers just on the borderline; bad enough that the thought still causes pain, but not quite so bad that my internal censors have obliterated it from my consciousness.

The plot involves a walking corpse, two protagonists who might just as well be walking corpses, a collection of villains who suffer a succession of 'comic' mishaps, and a pretty girl with nice breasts. There's some voodoo involved, a tropical location, and some money which all the characters (including the dead one) want to get their hands on. It's basically just a weak rehash of the standard hidden money and awkward unwanted object plots (in this case the awkward unwanted object is a dead body that exhibits rather more life than anyone else on the set), and primarily serves as a means to string together a series of slapstick set pieces. The slapstick is both entirely predictable and unfunny, and the humor as a whole seems to be pitched at the low end of the fourteen-year old level (i.e. 'smut lite' and people getting hit in the balls).

It's difficult for me to imagine what the director and the cast thought they were doing when they made this, or why they went ahead and released it once they'd made it. I doubt anyone involved with it earned very much, but surely between them they could have got together enough money to buy up all the prints and have them burned.

This is a movie that has nothing whatsoever to recommend it. It's not even enjoyably bad. It's just a non-movie in which nothing interesting or funny happens. I gave serious thought to walking out, which is not something I often do. If I'd seen it in a cinema, rather than on a long-distance bus doing a steady 60mph through the Mexican desert, I might even have done so...
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MovieFan98316 January 1999
Did it really need a sequel?? The answer is no, but although it wasn't needed, it was still funny sometimes, and i liked it somewhat. 6 out of 10. Rated PG for language and brief nudity.
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Shake Your Groove Thing, Bernie
gavin694218 September 2006
If you saw the first film (and why would you watch the second if not the first), you know this movie is about two guys who have a dead friend named Bernie, who they like to cart around in order to attract women. Now they are also joined by two men from the Virgin Islands who turn Bernie into a zombie.

The people I was watching this film with generally thought it was awful. I thought it was mildly entertaining. Of course, I was drunk and distracted by those around me (including some attractive young ladies). But unlike the guys in the movie, I couldn't impress my guests with a dead corpse.

Why did I like this movie? Well, every time the Virgin Islands men played music, the corpse of Bernie would do a little dance and walk around. I found this very interesting: a zombie Bernie! I don't know if it was voodoo or Santeria (guess I missed that part), but it was pretty much the only angle you could go with a sequel, unless you wanted a rotten, smelly decomposed thing being dragged around. And I liked it! They made the witchmen lovable and humorous! I could write a better review if I hadn't been drinking or being distracted by young ladies, but the general impression I got was that this film was fun and I really liked it. I would gladly watch it again or even watch a Bernie double feature.
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Silly, funny and fun
bavis1217 January 2004
Don't take this comedy seriously, it's a laugh a minute and has beautiful scenery. I love this movie. Follows the story of the first with two quys that still want Bernies money, but now he's dead. Doesn't matter they still take him along. With there screw-ups and the VooDoo and it's a laugh all the way through.
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Good, fun...
RosanaBotafogo9 March 2021
Not as good as the first one, despite using the same formula, or probably the lag of almost 30 years does not help much, but the scenes of the dancing dead are hilarious, great performance by Terry Kiser, and his dancing bootie...
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The smell of a dead body.
magellan3331 January 2006
"The smell of a dead body." That is what I used to describe how bad this movie stunk. I can't believe they were actually considering a third installment based on how weak the premise was for this dud. Bernie is up moving around thanks to the workings of some voodoo doings. Just play the music and Bernie is on his feet and moving about! What a lousy concept. I was willing to dismiss the fact that Bernie would be smelling ripe and attracting the green flies, but to have him up and about at the sounds of reggae, that is just too much. Weekend at Bernies was no classic, but it was a funny movie that can be enjoyed for laughs. Weekend at Bernie's 2 just takes the whole concept a little too far. On a side note, MAD TV once did a trailer for a spoof called, "Weekend at Tupac's". That was funnier than Weekend At Bernies 2.
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