RoboCop 3 (1993) Poster


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About what you would expect for a second sequel
mjw230529 January 2005
Firstly if you don't like Robocop at all, then obviously leave this alone, if you've never seen Robocop, watch the first film, then come back and read the rest of this.

Robocop started out as a hard ass cyborg, you simply wouldn't mess with (He even helped spawn a video game, in which he fought the Terminator, you've got to be Tough to be mentioned in the same breath as a Terminator - you get the point, he was hard) and, he was portrayed by Peter Weller, who did a good job.

In number 2, Peter Weller was still there and Robocop was still fun and still tough, even if it wasn't a great movie.

However, now on to the third film, take my advice and miss it, even for Robocop fans, there little here to enjoy, and this is why.

Robert Burke, has replaced Peter Weller as Robocop, and i not knocking him as an actor (I Don't know much of his work), but he isn't Robocop, Period. Also Robocop is now as weak as a kitten, and Oh yes, and he can fly now too, Yawn!

This movie simply insults the Robocop name, in every way, i can't think of a single reason to watch this film, it's another case of no sequels necessary (although Robocop 2 - wasn't all bad)

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Darn shame!
fibreoptic29 February 2004
Righty ho, what went on here then? I can't believe they made this and saw fit to release it! It lacks nearly everything the original Robocop had....especially a big killer robot!

Robocop 1 had ED-209.

Rococop 2 had the huge vicious psycho cyborg Cain.

Robocop 3 had a samurai robot that looked like a normal guy and if you managed to get a decent hit on him he would break like a dodgy little action figure! The director must have realised that this was a bad move half way through making the movie so he added a few more of these unmemorable villains to make up for the fact he didn't have a big impressive killer robot in it and failed miserably.

Sorry but that sums it all up for me. There is of course a load of other faults that i won't go in to but that was the main fault when i watched it.

A few little cool bits in this movie but the bad far outweighs the good. If this hadn't been so sucky we would have probably got treated to a Robocop 4! Damn! 3/10
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Good story but still need better production design
SnoopyStyle14 February 2014
Omni Consumer Products has been taken over by a Japanese corporation. They are now trying to clear out the city of Detroit with a private army of Urban Rehabilitation officers to make way for the construction of Delta City. Now the inhabitants have taken arms against both the law and the criminals. RoboCop (Robert John Burke) is reprogrammed to take out the inhabitants but he has a change of heart with the help of Officer Anne Lewis (Nancy Allen). Then they send in the samurai robot Otomo.

The Urban Rehabilitation officers look stupid. They need to look scary. And the criminal gangs look like bad campy 70s stereotypes. There is a general problem with the production design. All of it looks cheesy. And I don't know what a samurai robot is suppose to look like, but this is as bland of a samurai robot as there is. I do like the story more than RoboCop 2. It's a lot clearer and less messy. However the B-movie production design continues. The franchise needs a darker cooler reboot.
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ReelCheese11 June 2006
This highly-disappointing sequel finds our hero going against law and order by siding with a group of down-and-outers who stand to lose their neighborhood because of evil corporate interests. Along the way Robo crashes cars, battles robot ninjas and flies through the air like a six-ton Superman. Alas, none of it can save ROBOCOP 3, a film into which very little real effort seems to have gone.

When watching ROBOCOP 3, one can't help but think the producers lazily expected the well-established Robocop brand would simply sell itself this time around. Making matters worse, they tried to move away from a more adult-style of action and sci-fi and deliver something you might watch with older kiddies. I mean, robot ninjas??? What is this, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? This thing even attempts to deliver a do-the-right-thing message, but the whole effort is so muddled and ridiculous it can't succeed (nor should a movie like this even try).

I am willing to cut movies a lot of slack, but this one's a stinker. No wonder Robo was reduced to a cheap Canadian-filmed TV series following this disaster.
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briangcb12 May 2005
the first Robocop was amazing, Robocop 2 was a worthy sequel. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? half the cast was comedians, the acting was god awful, the script was stupid. I mean how do you go from solid R rated flicks to a PG 13? Now this film shows the fall of OCP, and many people jumping out of windows or shooting themselves. Ironically that's what anyone viewing this film would want to do. Which is why they don't have theatres on the top of buildings.

this film should be erased from history, and maybe if they make another robocop call it robocop 3 again, to help people forget about this one.

-50 out of 10
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So 'BAD' it's funny......
roh322023 April 2005
Robocop 3 is an 'insult' to the classic original. First of all, the character of Robocop is played by someone else and the result is just plain embarrassing. The film is very soft on violence, which was a poor decision on the director's part because the original film is notorious for its excessiveness and loved by fans. A PG-RATED Robocop is just a desperate attempt to cash in on the wider audience, which proves that the film was made by profiteers, rather than film-makers. This film is so bad, it's literally dripping with cheese. Robocop flying is an unintentional funny moment in the film and the part where Robocop drives a car off a bridge and lands on all four wheels, is just plain ridiculous. This film was the nail in the Robocop franchise's coffin. I honestly wish that it had never been made.
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Should have pulled the plug
grahamsj330 January 2004
The Robocop idea went far enough with number 2. The third installment is just awful. Peter Weller had sense enough to stay away from this set. I enjoyed the first, thought the second was OK but hated this one. This story was contrived and the acting abysmal. When I began to watch this I had a feeling it was going to stink and sure enough, it did! Don't bother with this one.
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An abominable way to close the trilogy
Leofwine_draca3 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This lame sequel to the brilliant original masterpiece is yet another example of the law of diminishing returns. Also, unbelievably, it's aimed at CHLDREN, astonishing when you consider the level of mindless violence which filled the first two films. There's not a lot of originality this time around, and film is mainly a rehash of the first, with a plot about punk gangs and soldiers and rebels thrown in.

Nancy Allen dies in the first half hour, probably because she didn't want to appear in this garbage. In the first film, when someone died, it meant something. Now we just don't care anymore. To add insult to injury, the lead actor has been changed, as Peter Weller was wise to decline his invitation to return. Robert Burke simply doesn't have the power of Weller, a much under-rated actor in my opinion. Burke's as wooden as a plank. The rest of the cast simply go through their clichéd, uninspired motions.

The main disappoint for me was the lack of violence in this film. Let's face it, it was the violence that made the first film what it was. Now, a few people get shot and that's about it. Instead, there are lots of 'comic' scenes which fall flat and show that the material was wearing thin. Robocop was never designed to be a protector of children or a kindly saviour. He was a mean, vengeful cyborg cop who shot the baddies repeatedly and threw people through glass windows and stuff. To see him flying around in the sky in a jet pack is just a travesty, it really is. Degrading stuff.

The special effects aren't that bad, apart from the aforementioned hugely unrealistic jet pack scenes, but there's nothing remarkable on offer here, little stop motion animation. The only good thing the film has to offer in the way of effects are the cyborg samurai, Japanese guys who are robots underneath. When their faces smash and stuff it's pretty interesting. Otherwise, it's time for this Robo-outing to visit the scrap heap. Or the realms of television, which is where in fact he went after this abomination.
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End of a trilogy, what a way to go out on a whimper instead of a bang.
Captain_Couth21 February 2005
Robocop 3 (1993) was an unwanted sequel that helped killed a studio and sat on the shelf for over two years. Why was this movie made? Who knows, it didn't make a dime and the film makers tried to make him kid friendly which killed the series in the process. The movie was so unwanted that Peter Weller didn't want to reprise his role of Officer Murphy for a third time. Whilst the second film was extremely dark and depressing, the third installment swung wildly in the other direction. Two wrongs don't make a right. The director and writer Fred Dekkar should have known better. He made a couple of fun and watchable movies in the past. What ever made them click misfired on all cylinders in this boring and safe for the family sequel.

Well, this movie killed it's box office draw. Nobody wanted to see a kid friendly Robocop. The next time it appeared was on the small screen in two syndicated television programs. Neither raised a big stink and Robocop went back into mothballs. A shame really because Robocop was cool. Hell, part two is a classic compared to this celluloid tripe.

Recommended for die-hard Robocop fans. Other need not apply, except children who want to see Robocop in action.
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I don't care what people say...
gothamite273 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care what people say. I think this film is cool. It is flawed, but it is still far cooler than RoboCop 2 (or RoboCrap as I like to call it). The drama in this film makes it unique amongst its predecessors, and it is much better than the likes of 'Batman: Forever' (another film unique in its own franchise).


The plot sees OCP going ahead with Delta City. They hire a mercenary group called 'Rehab' to 'escort' the people from their homes and into rehabilitation camps. The police hate this idea and once a stray bullet hits officer Ann Lewis, RoboCop is seriously p***ed off.

The plot is simple, but it is superior in its simplicity. It is the campy one-liners and gags that let this film down on more than one occasion. Things like RoboCop commandeering a pimp-mobile and Sergeant Reid having to deal with a drag queen prostitute are just a few of the things that had me fuming at the television screen. I'd say it is for this reason that a lot of people hate this film with such a passion. Another reason that this repelled Robo-fans was because it had very little political satire other than the fact that the main characters were trying to beat the system for the good of the people. There is very little 'MediaBreak Advertisement' sequences, and even the ones that are shown have strong relevance to the story. This is probably because this film is aimed squarely at children so that more action figures can be sold.

However, I quite enjoyed the drama of the people rebelling against the corporate monster OCP for the rights to their own homes. I especially loved the part where even the Detroit Police Department thought that OCP had gone out of line, throwing their badges at an OCP executive, and leaving the building to go and help the civilians reclaim their homes. This is something you don't usually get in a superhero film (if you want to call any of the RoboCop films 'superhero' films).


It is pretty obvious that they gave RoboCop a removable gun/flamethrower attachment (it attached to his hand) to sell action figures. The same applies with the jet pack seen at the end of the film. However, I felt that they were incorporated into the film quite nicely, and the flying scene, however fake, is pretty cool if you take it with a pinch of salt. Especially with Basil Poledouris' theme music booming in the background.


Overall, RoboCop 3 does not deserve to be in the 'Bottom One-Hundred Films' list. I believe it should be in 'The Best Sequels' list. If you enjoy RoboCop because he's a superhero and not because the films he appears in (usually) have strong political satire in them, then this is the film for you. 6/10.
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One of the worst science-fiction movies ever
fender_bronco23 January 2005
When I was very little, I became a fan of the first 2 Robocop films. So when I heard they were going to release a third movie, I couldn't wait. Then I saw the movie, and couldn't believe what I had just saw. I was terrible. The story was actually good and could have worked. But they had to do what ruins a lot of other movies:add a little kid character. It also featured a very horribly written character of a robot ninja. And without Peter Weller from the first two movies, this movie just wasn't the same. And a PG-13 rating? The whole point of the Robocop movies was to make some of the most violent and swear-filled movies you'll ever see. So my advice to you would be to watch the first two Robocop films, and pretend this one was never made.
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So, lets just ignore the plot then?
Robo_130 August 2003
Robocop 3, is far and away a better film than most people give it credit for. The very fact that it's the third in the series, that it had the violence toned down, and it's not Peter Weller seems to have really put peoples backs up. It shouldn't, and those people who seem to be on some vitriolic campaign to slate this film are ignoring it's most important merit. It's plot. The plot carries on the established Robocop saga, in a far better way than it predecessor did so, and I think it's about time a little light was shone on this fact. Mc Daggett is a strong and believable villain and Robert Burke did an excellent job in replacing Weller. The plot is extremely well structured and paced, and tells a genuinely interesting story of corporate greed stampeding over peoples rights. Now I'm not saying Robocop 3 had any big social message, but the rebels were entirely believable, Robocop's side switching was handled very well, and the whole story just gelled naturally. It wasn't exempt from problems of course. Niko was maybe a bit to much for most Robocop fans to accept, the SFX and action scenes were well wanting of a couple more mill being spent on them, and the end fight between Robo and the Otomos just flat out sucked. However, what should matter to most people is the story and acting. On both of these levels Robocop 3 scores and I genuinely wish people could see past the number 3 at the end of the title and give this film more of a chance. Anyone who seriously thinks Robo 3 is one of the 100 worst films of all time deserves to be sat in front of "Dude, wheres my car", until they scream for forgiveness : )
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I've seen worse!
nickpaul-johnson27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't understand the all-negative reviews regarding this movie. I thought it was quite decent. Let's discuss the reasoning via Pros and cons.

Pros: the movie itself fits right in the time-line with the first two RoboCop movies. We know that OCP is the big villain in all three of them because of their idea of wanting to take over Detroit with their Delta City design which would involve taking out old neighborhoods (as the character Mayor Cuzak pointed out in RoboCop 2). In the this installment, it seems that OCP tries to actually GO THROUGH with the Delta City redesign by means of brute force through a group know as the "Rehabs" who forcefully drive individuals and families out of their homes and on buses just so they can build their Delta City. Robocop with his new gadgets and tools made by Dr Lazarus take the side of the citizens as any good police officer would and finally deal a final blow to OCP towards the end. Plus we get to see a better character development out of RoboCop and Alex Murphy.

I actually thought it was rather action packed and the plot line was pretty clear. You want a horrible movie? Watch From Justin to Kelly or 50 Shades of Grey!!! Robocop 3 is way better than those two.

Cons: The plot line seemed a BIT predictable and Peter Weller was not there to reprise his role as RoboCop. Also sucked that Officer Lewis gets killed by OCP. I kind of zoned out at the non-action parts, but nonetheless, the whole movie was watchable.

Give it the benefit of the doubt and try watching it before knocking it.
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Pretty weak
danielcereto1 April 2021
Just watched all the original RoboCop movies and this one is by far the weakest one from the three. First, the script is bad and poor executed. Second, the Fx's are pretty cheap. Looks pretty bad. Last, acting is mostly amateurish and unbelievable. So, overall a pretty weak ending for the RoboCop movies.
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Robocop saves Sesame Street
mjtonino4 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst possible turn the series could take. Form the violence in the first movie and the mindless violence in the second, the third movie is suddenly as lame as possible.

First off, let me say I don't understand why people find this third movie a better movie then the second. Because it tries a story line with a little more thought in it? True perhaps, but that's all it's got going for it. One painfull moment follows the other. I like lists, so let's list some.

<<!!!As always, SPOILERS ahead!!!>>

A black woman who's not even 40 calls herself an old woman during the deportation, the deportation itself is a complete fraud (pick out a cop and follow him around. It shows that their instructions were just "run in that direction and act mean, but for crying out loud, don't hurt yourselves!"), the laptop reprogramming of the ED-9something, cops who don't know how to defend themselves when they've got guns and the punkers got sticks, robocop who loses every fight he's in, dream sequences on screen like a soap opera (in the first movie they were just a read-out of the brain activity. A lot more real), Robocop obviously not weighting anymore then a normal man these days (2 of the rebels carry him) and the japanese man responsible for the killing can just walk around among his victims, never in danger. And do I even have to mention the flying he's doing?

Add unmemorable villains and not one engaging action sequence and this movie has really nothing going for it. The decission to have no blood in the movie is almost funny when they have no trouble having a couple of suicides in the story. The story itself, isn't that worth it then, one might say? Let's just say it's impressive how they can make an almost epic theme reminding of the holocaust so incredible boring and unadmospheric. I certainly didn't care for any character, that's for sure.

At least Robocop 2 had action and humour going for it.

2/10 (hey, it still is robocop)
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RoboCrap 3 a horrible asshole STINKER sequel ever
ivo-cobra89 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers

RoboCop 3 is the worst unnecessary terribly sequel ever made in the 90's and it is the biggest dog pile of sh**t ever! It is rated PG-13 a family film so why? This movie has so much problems I can't even begin to count.

The first RoboCop was a classic best action rated Hard-R film, the second one was amazing underrated science fiction action film that stays true to the original film. This movie is abomination. A young girl reprograms ED-209 so that he stays a loyal as a puppy! I don't want to see a droid been loyal as a puppy that is horrible wooden and awful lame stinker of a movie.

You have two samurais and RoboCop get's his ass kicked by one of the samurais and he doesn't do anything. A little girl safes RoboCop from 2 samurai cyborgs so that they destroy each other with their swords. Awful.

There is no Peter Weller in this movie I am glad that he pass this movie to do other projects. Nancy Allen returns she is hot in this movie but by the first hour she is killed off! Why? What happened why did Nancy Allen insist to be in this movie only to get her character killed off? So that she could get a paycheck? What is wrong with her.

What happened? Why did Frank Miller and Fred Dekker made such a terrible script? The screenplay is terrible the dialogues in here are terrible not memorable and pretty dull. Was it because ORION had a finical problems and in a desperate attempt they try to make a family action PG-13 movie to get more audiences? sadly this movie failed! Peter Weller, Dan O'Herlihy and Belinda Bauer did not return, the movie it self doesn't have an adrenaline or rush excitement or anything. This movie sucks ass. Robert John Burke makes terrible type of RoboCop he is awful and another STINKER cop again.

His suit is awful I hate that RoboCop has a Gun Arm and he replaces his awesome gun from the first two movies with a machine gun on his left arm wow stupid. Why RoboCop has a prototype flight-pack and he flies after he was ass kicked by a samurai. Gosh the effects for this movie were horrible and really poor.

This movie is poor and really a shame it could have been a good movie but it turned in to a lack of pile of sh**t. I hate this movie I hate it, why couldn't have been a good movie why?

Fred Dekker really make a terrible horrible direction and I don't really like it a lot. This time they used music from Basil Poledouris in which audience complained about the music in the second movie but even the music score does not help and make this movie unique like the first one was it doesn't. This Robocop in here is awful and this movie stinks Frank Miller you make a lousy sequel that no one wants.

I do have this movie on Blu-ray disc and I am not going to broke it or throw it away like mostly people do I am going to keep it in my collection but I am not going to watch it anymore because I HATE this movie to death!

I am giving this movie F 1/10 doesn't deserve to be called RoboCop 3 by the way the acting from everyone is wooden and terrible in here and RoboCrap is a wooden bitch in here. This and RoboCock (2014) are both stinkers and they both suck a dick. They both can kiss my ass!
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I know a lot of people hate this movie, but honestly I would buy Robocop 3 for a dollar even with its flaws!
ironhorse_iv16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
All I need is 20 seconds to comply. This American cyberpunk action superhero film written by Frank Miller of comic book fame & directed by Fred Dekker is a guilty pleasure of mine! Set in the dystopian future of Detroit, Michigan, the plot centers around RoboCop (Robert John Burke) trying to save the city from falling into the hands of a corrupt armed force created by his creator company OCP called the Urban Rehabilitators under the command of Paul McDaggett (John Castle). Without this 1993 film too much, this third movie in the 'RoboCop' franchise was a tepid attempt to make future installments in the series more family oriented by aiming for a PG-13 rating. While, I know a lot of people hate that Orion Pictures did that. They need to understand why they did it. The majority of the fan base were primarily children who readt the comics. So it make sense to market it to them as Orion was having financial problems. Plus there was a TV Show in the works so they needed all the eyes that they can get. Although the move seem likely to succeed. Sadly the movie bomb at the box office as it face tough competition from other children target movies like 'The Nightmare before Christmas' that debut one week earlier. To make it worst, Miller upon finding out that his script was yet again heavily altered from what he originally wrote; abandoned the film & swore off Hollywood for a very long time until 2005 'Sin City' was in production. Despite that the motion picture still maintain many of the comic book writer's dark ideas such as corporation funded militarizing of the cops forcibly relocate residents into camps without the ridiculously trashy, bleak and mean spirited nature. However the gritty foul language of the piece was cut down to cheesy insults that doesn't sound like it should be coming out of the mouths of criminals. Regardless of that, I was glad that some of Miller's edgy satire Meta humor toward the media & commercialism is still there and uphold the same style from the first two films without the overused of gratuitous T&A. Women are lot more respected here even if female characters like police officer Anne Lewis (Nancy Allen) isn't given much of anything to do besides being the key that drives Murphy to seek revenge. At least they made diversity female characters like Bertha (CCH Pounder) into a somewhat of a badass and made Dr. Marie Lazarus (Jill Hennessy) into somewhat of a heroine. As for Remy Ryan as Nikko Halloran. She does seem like annoying John Conner Terminator 2 unrealistic hacker rip off and perhaps the most extreme example of a studio trying to get children to see the movie. Nothing against the actress, but I found her character to be shallow and stereotypical. The villains were a mixed bag as well. Rip Torn replacing the old man played by Dan O'Herlihy in the last two movies didn't really add anything nor was his absence explained. Plus the whole stereotypical Japanese company meager felt too cartoony for my taste. To add onto that, I really hate the snail paced duel with the Japanese robot Otomo (Bruce Locke). It was awkwardly done. That action scene could had been done better like 'Ghost in the Shell' style. If anything John Castle was perhaps the best one of them all. I love that lowrider car chase with his character. As for Robo Cop, it's kinda sad that Peter Weller didn't return to play the titular protagonist. Robert John Burke played him pretty robotic bland despite the character gaining most of his past personality from the last two movies. Did I miss something here? Did he get his memories erased yet again before this film started because direction 4 is also back? It's never explained much like how the residents can't hear the giant wrecking ball about to hit their houses in the opening. Despite that the majority of the action scene with him were alright. This include the street battles between the police and the Rehabs. It was somewhat cool to watch even the jetpack flying climax was a bit disappointing because how fake looking the green screen flying was. I love the ridiculous funny moments as well like RoboCop's car breaking through and jumping from concrete parking lot. Follow up with him shooting the roof of his car to get out and got roasted by Molotov cocktails. It's so over the top. I was laughing my head off, much in the same way he plow through the broken elevator door later on or get a pimp car totaled. It's has that it's so bad, it's good vibe. Despite me liking the movie, I do have to agree with Miller that the film was a fire hydrant and a row of dogs did urine on it. Regardless we can all agree that the music is always great to listen to. I'm so glad to see original composer Basil Poledouris returned to do this film. He brought back many of the recurring music that were missing from the second flick. Overall: While 'RoboCop 3' is indeed the most terrible movies from the franchise even worse than the 2014 remake. It's far from being totally forgettable. There is plenty of things in the film worth watching. In short while I can't recommended viewing for all viewers. For those diehard fans that love to collect them all. Dead or alive; its DVD is still coming home with me.
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Suprisingly good
haydenscott-3693828 May 2019
Now, before I watched this movie, I had heard nothing but bad things about this movie. That it was a horrible end to the trilogy and by far the worst of the four movies, but honestly, it's not bad at all. It carries on the tone of the 1st movie much more than the 2nd, the action is much better than the second, and there are much less bad scenes than in the second, or even the remake. I personally think Robocop 3 is an under-rated classic.
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Too Watered Down
rangesterling28 June 2021
This sequel didn't have the same feel as the first two, they dropped the rating to rated pg-13, it felt like watching kids movie at that point. Robert John Burke did ok job, but not as good Peter Weller. They should've not bothered making this one.
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view_and_review3 January 2005
Its been a while since I've seen this movie... I think it was 1993 that I saw it. But I do remember this.... it SUCKED! The first Robocop was good, kinda gory, but still good. Robocop 2 was an improvement even, I thoroughly liked it and even watch it to this day. It was going to be hard to follow up Robocop 2 and the epic battle between Robocop and Cain. But they tried to follow it up anyway, or can we really say that they tried?? Because when you watch this drivel it would only lead to the conclusion that they let their kids write, produce, & direct. It was a gimmick, a parody, a joke.

Firstly, they should never have strayed from the "R" rating because some of that is what made parts one and two. Then they make it all gimmicky with the samurai droids, him able to fly and other useless garbage. THEN they went to a different actor for the role of Robocop!! The special effects were sub-par and the story was even worse. This was a total flop!!
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Underrated and barely watched
mastrmeb7 November 2005
Of all the movies I have looked up on IMDb, Robocop 3 is the most underrated I have discovered yet. I actually liked this movie better than the first or the second because of the variety of characters, plot depth, and story line (which includes an intense battle on the streets between organized criminal and defending Detroit citizens, a hand-to-hand fight between cyborgs, and dramatic moments that made me studder ). Far be it from me to say that everyone will find this movie the way I did, but I just want it to be known that I like this movie. From the original soundtrack and realistic action to the believable environment of a decaying Detroit. I give Robocop 7/10.
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Utter rubbish
CrazyArty8 September 2021
I like Robocop movies but this is terrible. This third film is an absolute shadow of the earlier movies in so many ways.

Here Robocop confronts an evil agency evicting innocent people from their homes for new building projects.

The original Robocop actor wisely decided to ditch this movie so we have a new and weaker actor in the lead role.

The film is frankly a joke, I would avoid it.
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Protect the Innocent
OMTR21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like the second episode, this third installment that completes the 20th century 'Robocop trilogy' was written by Frank Miller, and Fred Dekker who also directs this third and final film in the original Robocop franchise. Legendary composer Jerry Goldsmith also returns, having missed out on 'RoboCop 2' (1990), with another powerful soundtrack that highlights this work with both strength and sensitivity.

Destructive critics simply haven't understood the philosophy of this film, which honors its predecessors, while continuing the fight against the oppression of the OCP. The 'Omni Consumer Products' that grants itself the right to override the rule of law by attempting a coup against the Police Department and the Citizens of the City of Detroit.

But the officer, called Murphy by those who honor his noble values, and Robocop for those who do not deserve this honor, watches over the city and the inhabitants by applying the directives which are his raison d'être:

1. "Serve the Public Trust"

2. "Protect the Innocent"

3. "Uphold the Law"

Directive 4 is permanently removed when the OCP no longer serve the public trust, attack the innocent, and violate the law.

With worldwide box office earnings three times its budget - not including other media sales - RoboCop 3 is a profitable film. But it took 21 years before a... reboot was released in 2014.
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Hey, you got a light? Allow me SCUM *Flamethrowered*
FromRiches2Rags11 December 2023
Just watched for the first time today, having held off for 30 years due to not liking the trailer/ missing Peter Weller/ robo on jetpack plus others slamming it on release.

Being a huge fan of the first 2 films, I think the 15 yr old me would have hated this on release.

However watching it today, there is no doubt there are massive parallels with the current state of affairs in this world.

Who gets called a terrorist and what is the reality? Whose land is being taken while the perpetrators act like the victims on the mainstream news? Who own the news media that spews out blatantly biased propaganda? Why do they still get away with it to this day? Maybe we all have a strength inside us to overcome it and although it may not be like robocop, it may be realized through a higher power.

Back to the movie, yes initially there is borderline terrible acting that can cause ones eyes to roll in shock when compared with the first 2 films, but it gathers pace and keeps you engaged to the end.
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Domesticated Robocop
gridoon202422 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The weakest of the Robocop trilogy, but still a watchable movie. There are moments where it gets the mixture of spectacular, slam-bang action and campy, deadpan comedy which characterizes this series just right (the OCP employee suicide). And the special effects are still first-rate. It's just that the concept of a socially-conscious Robocop is SO corny, and with the toning-down of the violence to an almost laughable degree plus the inclusion of a precocious good little girl (as opposed to "Robocop 2"'s precocious bad little boy) it is clear that this entry is designed to be as family-friendly as possible (the PG-13 rating can attest to that). The change of actors in the title role has little effect (Robert Burke's jaw is adequately square); John Castle plays the oily villain and does a pretty good Laurence Olivier impression. ** out of 4.
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