The Untouchables (TV Series 1993–1994) Poster


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Quite an Excellent Show
user-415-1333745 May 2023
To fully understand the appeal of the Untouchables TV series, its necessary to first know the state of TV in 1993. Star Trek: The Next Generation was about to go off the air, leaving a very popular gap on Saturday night with repeats available on Sunday. Into this slot was then put the Untouchables which attracted a large audience who were looking for a new Saturday night TV show. The show easily drew people in who recalled the 1987 film, which this series is essentially an extension of with a longer drawn-out narrative and a lot more background for the characters. The series essentially told the story of the film, and in two seasons the series had to end because there was no more story after Capone went to prison. In this sense, The Untouchables was way ahead of its time, essentially a pre-determined length serries much like Fringe or the 4400 would be a decade or so later. Pure genius all around, great acting, and awesome action for a TV show, at the level of a made-for-cable movie yet syndicated on network television.
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Good Entertainment
GeneralB16 April 2001
This 1990s version of "The Untouchables" was actually pretty good, and was one of the better programs on FOX when it aired. The stories were engaging although, as in previous versions of "The Untouchables", they perhaps took their creative license at bit too far at times(Al Capone and Elliot Ness in a boxing match?!!). However, the real strength of the show was the performances. Tom Amandes and Paul Regina work well as Elliot Ness and Frank Nitty, and John Rhys-Davies does an even better job as Malone. But the greatest performance is without doubt that of William Forsythe as Al Capone, who really steals the show, and makes it quite worth watching. I think he did a better job in the role than Robert De Niro did in the 1987 movie. Indeed most of performances were better than those in the movie, which was itself not a bad piece of work.
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Well-made TV drama
Lucinda1238 April 2008
This was such an excellent show! I, too, was shocked and disappointed when it was dropped. There are few shows for which I actually made time in my schedule to watch, but this definitely was a weekly "event." In addition to the great stories, acting, camera work, etc. it also had first-rate scenery and costumes that really added to the portrayal of that time period. (Sometimes it was a little too violent for my taste, but hey, it's Al Capone, so what do you expect?) And, yes, one of the all-time greatest TV theme songs. My fingers are crossed that this series will someday come out on DVD. I would not only get a copy for myself, but also several gifts.
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the untouchables
shydimple530 April 2008
Can someone plse tell me where I can buy this TV series of the untouchables from 1993-1994? I have been racking my brains trying to find it and the soundtrack for it is impossible!! I really love this show and I would like to add it to my collection. I think that William Forsythe is an excellent actor to play the role of Al Capone. The show has its moments where you just get right into the action and puts you at the edge of your seat! If there is anyone that has any leads on where to buy this DVD/VHS or even know about the soundtrack, plse don't hesitate to reply.

Thank you =)
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untouchables 1993 TV show
zano206024 September 2007
This show was the best one i have ever seen. Great stories and great acting in this series. I have been watching the clips on you tube, which are great. I think this show was taken off way to soon and may be why we will never see it on DVD. This was the best untouchables show or movie made, it was ahead of its time.We need to do whatever we can to get this series to DVD. I gave it 10 in voting for it. If anyone has DVD info on this show please let me know about.Or if anyone is selling DVD's i'm very interested in buying them. please email me at jpisano@bostonvolvo if you have info. Why do we need to have a minimum of 10 lines for this??
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For A New Generation
bkoganbing22 August 2009
This revived version of The Untouchables drew from both the original Robert Stack television series and the Brian DePalma film that won for Sean Connery that Best Supporting Actor Award. As such it had the strengths and weaknesses of both.

The Untouchables themselves under Eliot Ness were as described a group of incorruptible federal prohibition agents at a time when that group generally could be bought and sold. They were the group who hurt Al Capone and Bugs Moran the rival gang heads in Chicago in the pocketbook with their raids on their illegal distilleries. They did not however bring Capone down, that was the job of some hard working accountants in the US Attorney's office in Chicago who got him for income tax evasion.

This series did not take its characters from the original Robert Stack series that was based on Ness's memoirs ghosted by Oscar Fraley. The characters are from the film that starred Kevin Costner with Tom Amandes as Ness, John Rhys-Davies in Sean Connery's role as Malone and William Forsythe as one mean and nasty Al Capone.

Amandes captured a lot of the self righteousness of Eliot Ness who back in the day fancied himself as some kind of Eagle Scout. In work I've seen him in subsequently, Amandes has been more villainous which may have been his true niche as an actor.

Forsythe was the best thing that series. In his career he's played a succession of great villains, his style of psychotic villain is similar to Lyle Bettger's. Capone by all accounts was a generally easy going man, but had a hair trigger temper which was demonstrated on more than one occasion here.

The Untouchables just like the previous series ran out of real plots and then had the guys going all over the country taking care of all the known criminals of the time. The silliest episode I recall had Amandes and his crew going to New York and tangling not only with Lucky Luciano but with Thomas E. Dewey. Charles Martin Smith played Dewey and on those grounds alone, Tom Dewey's heirs should sue. In fact Dewey had a lot more to do with bringing down New York's criminals than Ness did in Chicago. In fact both men aspired to a political career, but Dewey certainly got a lot farther than Ness who ran for Mayor of Cleveland and lost in a landslide.

Still Eliot Ness and his crew will probably get another look in the next generation, they do fascinate us so.
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100% fantasy - Eliot Ness vs Al Capone
stuartfanning22 October 2019
Unlike the earlier series, practically every episode of this series is made up stories of Eliot Ness trying to bring Al Capone to justice. Episodes featured stories about the two bearing no relation to reality. Entertaining in the main but even in that respect not a patch on the earlier Robert Stack starring earlier series. Strange casting of John Rhys-Davies as Agent Michael Malone as his accent was Scottish although his character was supposed to be of Irish origin. Guess he thought he was playing Sean Connery because he sounded just like him. In interviews Rhys-Davies said he had high hope for the series, but as time went on and the stories became more ridiculous he had enough and left mid way through the second and final season
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One of the great shows of the '90s
Sinnema5 February 2005
"The Untouchables" had many great elements:

1. An excellent cast, including several familiar faces from TV and films: Tom Amandes ("Everwood"), William Forsythe ("John Doe," "UC: Undercover," "Out for Justice"), John Rhys-Davies ("The Lord of the Rings," "Raiders of the Lost Ark"), and David James Elliott ("JAG").

2. Some entertaining -- if historically unrealistic -- stories, combining gangster action stories with looks into the personal lives of the characters, especially the relationships with Al Capone (Forsythe) and Eliot Ness (Amandes) and their respective wives and children.

3. Fantastic theme music by Joel Goldsmith (I'm still humming it, and I haven't seen the show in 10 years). I wish they had released a soundtrack album for the series.

Though the show was on for only a year and a half, "The Untouchables" was able to tell a complete story, fleshing out both the heroes and the villains into complex characters, and it wrapped up most of the plot lines by the final episode.

This series would make an ideal DVD box set. Are you paying attention, Paramount?
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very well done
olds234724 February 2003
I liked the series very much. the acting was top notch, particularly by William Forsythe. the series format definitely allowed the principle characters to be much more elaborately portrayed than the limited two hours available in a movie. I have been hoping that this series would become available in DVD format. I think it would be a must buy item for any serious videophile.
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Great Series!
gstevens-226 June 2003
I can still remember how shocked I was when I heard this program was cancelled. Every episode was good; one even dealing with bootlegging on an Indian reservation( where liquor had not been permitted to be sold for years prior to Prohibition.) I was also struck by the stunning look-alikeness of Tom Amandes to Jimmy Stewart. They could have been twin brothers.Even their voices,mannerisms were similar. I wonder if this had anything to do with the series sudden disappearance. William Forsythe was the best Capone to-date, even outdoing de Niro. The supporting cast was also excellent. I think this series was better than the original series with Robert Stack. What made Stack so good was his toneless performance.Amandes gave the character flesh and blood and a mind. Would like to see the series out again.
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Excellent series and canceled way too soon
rita-butler10 January 2005
I really liked the development of the characters throughout the episodes I have been able to watch. Especially the character of Paul Robbins played by David James Elliott. The story lines were clever and kept me watching from episode to episode. The actor that portrays Elliott Ness does indeed remind me of Jimmy Stewart. With the onset of reality TV programs, I miss the scripted dramas of old and would really like a revival of good series programs such as The Untouchables. If you enjoy gangster movies and shows where the good guys win, you will enjoy this program. In my opinion, it was canceled way too soon. If it were to come out on DVD, I would buy it in it's entirety.
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Canned way too soon
gstevens-225 July 2001
I saw this show early on in its first few episodes and was very favorable impressed by the great performances of Tom Amandes as Elliott Ness( by the way, Mr Amandes looks enough like Jimmy Stewart to almost be his twin brother, I could,'t believe the very close resemblence), and Robert Forsythe, who played Al Capone. Mr Forsythe brought a measure of depth to the usual Capone gangster portrayal. I hope that this show will still be viewable even as reruns. It was canned way too soon.I would even like to see it on vhs. It would be well worth the buying price.
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Definitely worth watching...
Booyah19 October 1999
One of my favorite movies of the 80s was "The Untouchables," and when I saw that a show was coming out on the same subject, I thought it would be another crummy TV spinoff like "Uncle Buck."

But, despite the fact that the TV show didn't have the big names of the movie version, I found the show to be much more believable and suspenseful, without the glaring anachronisms that the movie had (e.g. Frank Nitti being killed at the Capone trial in the movie).

William Forsythe (Capone) does an INCREDIBLE job...he AT LEAST equals the great Robert DeNiro's performance of the same character. Also, John Rhys-Davies and Tom Amandes give great performances and the show's writing was excellent. It's a shame it had such a crummy time slot and was canned so soon.
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As good as it always has been
epevae3 January 2003
Enjoying the airing of the Untouchable series on Polish TV in English, I find the story as fascinating as the times I´ve watched it before. Aside from the excellent choice of actors/actresses, the tragedy and funny side of the topic is clearly tangible in almost all episodes. Especially when Ness is forced to rescue Nitti from a revengeful boy who´s cop dad was killed. Irony at its best.

Although the story happened nearing a century ago, it is as vivid and valid as ever.

Excellent scripts, great actors, and a fascinating story untouched by time.
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A few comments to make...
mistermycroft19 July 2003
Yes, this really was a great show. Two corrections to make on the previous comments that were left: a) The show DID last more than one season; it was on for two. The show ran from January 1993 to September 1994 (the last new episode aired in June 1994). b) Second, it was not on FOX, but on UPN (or whatever they called themselves in the early 90s; it may have been "Universal 9" here in the NY area.)

I think the show ended because William Forsythe announced he was not coming back for a third year. Also, I remember there was some controversy back in 1993 because there was a healthy dose of ethnic slurs on the program, directly mostly towards Italians, Irish, and Poles, and some Italian-American groups were offended by it.
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I really liked this series
Bev-74 April 2000
I honestly enjoyed this series. It moved fast and had great music. In fact, I wish I could find the theme song an a CD someplace. There were moments in which the writers drew parallels between Ness and Capone, revealing that the two men actually had some things in common. I never missed an episode and was truly disappointed that it was not renewed for a second season.
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This TV series Should be on DVD!
aaronj200414 August 2004
I'm a fan of untouchables as much as the next person and i would love for the series to be on DVD i enjoy all the early episodes, especially the pilot the later episodes, i didn't get to see because i was busy watching other movies If the series lasted from January 1993 till September 1994 then they should put both seasons on both VHS and DVD [on either two, three or four disc DVD] to some extent that people would be like "oh my gosh, the untouchables is on DVD! i'm excited! "

My point being , This series should be on DVD and VHS then they'd realize they'd love the series on DVD or VHS as much they did when it was on fox TV from january 93 till September 94
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