Nekromantik 2 (1991) Poster


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Nekromantik 2
Scarecrow-8831 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Schmadtke's corpse is dug up by a female freak who sexually molests it named Monika(Monika M), a nurse whose friends enjoy watching a seal being mutilated for kicks. Her pad decorated with photos concerning the human body's anatomy, Monika M is consumed with her obsessions. She meets a punctual nerd named Mark(Mark Reeder), whose profession is dubbing porn films in German. Mark and Monika begin a blossoming romance, but she envisions him as Robert when they are making love. Soon Mark begins to realize the kind of perverted sick puppy he's in a relationship with, pondering whether or not to break ties with Monika M. Meanwhile, Monika M decides to ditch (most of)Robert's decaying body, sawing the head and arms in a disgusting, lengthly sequence which will be certain to test the threshold for the grotesque of even the most strong-stomached gorehound. Keeping Robert's severed head in a wooden chest and his pecker in her refrigerator, Monika M will have to come to a decision regarding Mark and the result is quite a hatchet job, let me tell you(*wink* *wink*).

Well, you do see a little bit of necro-loving, and if you are looking for some shocking, disturbing subject matter, director Jörg Buttgereit doesn't fail to deliver the goods. We get to see Monika M passionately kissing the slimy rotted mouth of dead Bobby, and she cries agonizingly as the saw tears away during the gruesome decapitation sequence. Oh, and Jörg Buttgereit's camera quietly observes Monika M slowly disrobing the bloody rags from Bobby's decomposing corpse, her hands ever so gently caressing the gaping wounds. There's a calm in how she goes about her business, taking her time to go over this new man in her life. I'm sure animal lovers will be chomping at the bit to see the seal being cut open with it's skull pulled away, as the ladies enjoy their little get-together, gnawing on their snacks, a muted fellowship of fascination and intrigue, eyes glued to the television screen. Mark's reaction to this repulsive display(..after the girls bid adieu)on screen, is perfect as it reflects the normal gut response regarding just what kind of fiend he has been dating all this time..this revelation( not so many words, just an expression of horror)places a wedge between them, not hard to understand considering the circumstances. Yet, Mark and Monika will contemplate their relationship, and what he decides will greatly affect the eye-opening outcome.

Jörg Buttgereit's methodical, slow-moving approach(..such as this extended sequence where Mark and Monika begin courting, taking in a trip to a carnival and zoo)might turn viewers off as much as the bizarre content. He claims that his film is more of a romance..sure, it's one hell of a warped romance, that's for sure. The "success" of the first film(..and this sequel) I think derives from the matter-of-fact style the director shoots his subjects. What's even more interesting is the fact that Monika M is quite an attractive young woman who wouldn't need to raid a grave for sexual gratification, and maybe that also adds an extra wallop to the film. Jörg Buttgereit takes plenty of time shooting the sky or a lizard / snail under Monika's surveillance as she conducts her sickening activities.

The opening of the film carefully studies Monika's desecration of Robert's grave, preparing us for what is to come. Watch at your own risk. Not for the easily nauseated.
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"Because it's perverse to like films like this." Make of it what you want.
poolandrews23 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Nekromantik 2 is set in Germany where a nurse named Monika (Monika M.) digs up the corpse of necrophiliac Robert Schmadtke from the original Nekromantic (1987), she takes it back to her flat where she has sex with it. Being a necrophiliac isn't easy you know, things like rotting corpses are a pain so Monika decides to saw the cadaver up & just keep the important parts like the head & penis. While this is happening Monika is also seeing a guy called Mark (Mark Reeder) who starts to have suspicions about her when she asks him to have sex but not to move while doing so & the strange photo's of him in dead positions don't help either, unable to be totally satisfied in bed by either the living or deceased Monika devises a plan to have the best of both worlds...

This German production was co-edited, co-written & directed by Jorg Buttgereit & I have to say Nekromantik 2 is an acquired taste to say the least. The script by Buttgereit & Franz Rodenkirchen doesn't really have a plot so to speak, it's a bizarre & often grotesque character study of someone who has necrophilia & if that sounds like something you would enjoy watching then the original Nekromantic & this sequel are the films for you as I don't think there are many other films quite like them. There's hardly any dialogue, there are no sub plots & it's a very basic film with a slowish pace & an extremely distasteful subject matter which to be fair to it doesn't shy away from when showing the gruesome details. There are some pretty nasty moments in this especially a gory & twisted ending that you need a strong constitution to watch. There are some strange scenes though, particularly when Mark finds Robert's severed penis in Monika's fridge & doesn't seem to say anything, I mean wouldn't you? Wouldn't you say something like 'darling why do you have a severed rotten penis in your fridge?', well OK maybe not.

Director Buttgereit does OK on what was probably a low budget, shot in German you'll have to read the subtitles so bear that in mind. The film feels like an underground experimental effort at times although as mentioned already you'll need a strong stomach & not get easily offended. There's the predictable gross scenes of sex with a corpse, there's an extremely gory decapitation & a sequence where Monika saws Robert's corpse up in a bath, it's lovingly shown in detail complete with severed body parts & intestines. Also bear in mind the special make-up effects are excellent & pretty realistic & it's filmed in a matter-of-fact sort of way so there's no exaggerated sound effects or goofy rubbery limbs. Add that to the fact there's a scene of a seal autopsy & it being sliced to pieces so animal lovers beware & anyone who gets queasy easily. I wouldn't say there's anything scary here, it's more disturbing piece of work overall.

Technically it's OK, it's basic, barren & doesn't have much style but it's generally well made for what it is. The acting is OK by people who probably needed the money.

Nekromantik 2 is not a film for everyone, I found a certain morbid fascination with it & it's got some nasty scenes in it which helps although I'm not sure everyone will agree with me & take many positives from it. I'll leave this one in the air & say this one's down to personal opinion & tastes.
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Better than the first but still tasteless.
Boba_Fett113817 January 2009
Well, the one thing I liked better about this movie, when comparing it to its predecessor, was that this movie had a more professional look over it. Because of this the movie also was more 'pleasant' to watch and easier to follow.

Yes, it made the movie and what it tried to achieve more understandable all. However this doesn't mean I liked the movie much though. The movie still remained a bad and tasteless one that uses simple and cheap gore to disgust the viewers.

It tries to set up its mood by building up things incredibly slow. It has many long, slow moving sequences and besides that the movie is also featuring sequences that just don't add enough to the movie and seem to be only put into it to disgust its viewers. How can you find some joy and entertainment in seeing a woman making love to a corpse a watch a the autopsy of a seal? I couldn't even watch that sequence since seals are my favorite animals.

As a sequel it also doesn't add enough. I mean, this movie basically features the same sort of story as the original. It has the same sort of sequences, though this movie succeeds better at it at trying to tell a story as well. Not that its much of a story though. Jörg Buttgereit tries to achieve much but succeeds at little. He also directed the original first movie, as well as some other German shockers, such as "Der Todesking" and "Schramm". He must have a real sick mind to make movies like this really and it's not like I can't handle any gore or disturbing sequences. The gorier the better really. This movie however just goes too far, even for my taste.

The acting is horrible within this movie. Just like in its predecessor they try to conceal this by giving the actors as little dialog as possible. I'm sure this movie would had been far worse when it featured more dialog, so it was a good choice really. Yes, it also adds well to the atmosphere and style of the movie, which basically prevented this movie from being a completely horrible one.

More watchable than the first movie but still mostly a movie of bad taste.

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Slow and ultimately pointless
DocEmmettBrown11 September 2002
The first Nekromatik was an original concept and was executed in a darkly original way (as has become Buttgereit's style). Sadly the sequel seems merely to rehash the original's ideas and does so without the flair and inventiveness of the original. Admittedly the ending truly must be seen to be believed and easily equals if not tops the originals ending, but the rest of the film (a gruesome dismemberment and a pointless seal autopsy aside) is extremely slow paced, especially the 'art' cinema scene. With a film as original and shocking as Nekromantik a sequel was never going to pack the same punch. If you're a fan of the first film I strongly suggest you check out Schramm or the excellent Der Todes King instead.
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Two gore scenes sandwiched between an hour of boredom
stuthu10 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*******CONTAINS SPOILERS*************** Anyone with a more extreme taste for horror cinema would surely have come across the Nekromantik films at one time or another, and after finally hearing so much about them i procured copies of 1 and 2. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.. I will not go into part one here, but part 2 was simply a really low budget (it looks horrible, which kind of gives the film a dirty nihilistic feel) art fest with two extreme gore sequences...

The first is a massively long sequence of the 'protagonist' cutting up the dead body of Rob which she has dug up, the scene drags on for what seems like 25 minutes, with Monika slowly sawing each limb off the corpse and pulling out its entrails. The comes the wholly unnecessary seal autopsy. I still have no idea what the point of this footage was, but i ended up fast forwarding through it. The final sequence is what got this film 2 stars from me. This scene involves Monika finally deciding that she wants the best of both worlds, that is her living boyfriends body, with her dead boyfriends head. This scene is extreme to say the least, but doesn't make up for the rest of the movie...

In between the gore sequences we have incredibly long and tedious scenes of the girl and her new boyfriend, random cuts to snails, and black screens??? As a whole, the movie is fairly unwatchable. I fast forwarded through 70% of the movie (and i never do that) because it was simply painful to watch.

Its like Jorg Buttface was giving a slap to the face of gorehounds, saying "im going to give you one real cool gore sequence, but before you see that, you're going to have to sit through the *beep*est 90 minutes of celluloid you're likely to see this year!" And i include the cutting up of the corpse.. Even though it has great special effects, it drags on and on and on and on and on and on, not only testing the viewers hardened stomach (which anyone who watches this would clearly have), but also the viewers patience.

Don't believe the hype about this movie. You have been warned.
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It's painful to live in Buttgereit's sequel to the dead
fudgepax2611 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I embarked to see Nekromantik 2 in optimism and happiness. since it was a cold night and I remember how the original made me feel after viewing, leaving me in a strange daze. I had nothing to do, especially on a week night. Watching Nekromantik was a huge thrill,I heard soo much about it's ending. How Jorge Buttergereit had more money,the movie has bigger budget.I watched as the plot unfolded…the film went on and I kept paying good attention at the first 20 silent minutes. I leaned back and forth through my twirly chair,earnestly to what went on.

Reader, I'm sorry, I really wanted to love this film, everything about had me annoyed, confused, overwhelmed and impatient. I admired Jorge Buttgereit for making a sequel out of his audacious first film. Here, he uses the same concept with a woman who recoils having sex with a dead person. The film is shot the same way as the original, it has no dark atmosphere, Buttgereit uses his score again, only different. He uses dreams again to see what may lead a head to his characters, but doesn't to the depths to them, there's hardly anything dialogue or hero to look up to. Before The SURPRISE ENDING I wanted to do cruel things to the screenplay; I yelled and tried to turn it off.I hated this movie,to tell you

Monika ,our new hero goes in the cemetery in broad daylight and digs up Rob Shmadtke who had a less boring life then her. She takes him to her apartment is a little better than Rob's was. There's no bodyparts around, only odd drawings .If you think Monika has sex with Rob's corpse, sure. But she's too good to get sticky with him! Monika is not a necrophiliac, she's just a poser. We see Betty! But sadly only for a moment, how a movie with her going on with her life with Rob's corpse. Sounds good, right? After she meet the bible salesman dresser, Mark, who works in dubbing in porn. We see Mark and Monika stroll around the park, this hapless Happy Together scene goes on forever, nothing eventful happens at all. This film is actually dead, but doesn't know it.There was nothing new at all in Nekromantik 2,there's an seal autopsy with women fixed to the screen,it may have worked in the first Nekromantik but it has no reason in this.

Lucker the necrophagous, kissed, aftermath, and Nekromantik had better ways of showing us the characters lives, and they had better ones.Monika doesn't really know what she wants in life or in death,we don't really get to know much about her except she likes having sex with Mark without moving,watching animal autopsies and hanging with friends.

A few things that annoyed me :the swaying of the camera in a bar scene where Mark yaks with a friend, Monika M's face and acting throughout,she even cuts Rob's body apart. She keeps his head and penis in the fridge, which Mark finds but ignores it. If I were to see it again and again, I might be able to take something good with it, but the problem is, when a movie's not worth seeing twice, it had better get the job done the first time through. But sure,I'll try seeing Buttgereit's Schramm and the Death king.I just won't watch this again…but maybe the ending.

One more thing,what the hell was it with the damn editing?cutting to black abruptly,it looked like a slideshow.

* out of ****
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Decent Sequel, Doesn't Live Up to the Original
EVOL6669 September 2005
The first "Nekromantik" is one of my favorite underground horror films. Although "Nekromantik 2" is shot beautifully and has some really good gore scenes, it just doesn't have the punch that the first one did. There are many scenes that are long and drawn-out and detract from the pace of the film. Some scenes seem like they don't belong in the film at all. There are some genuinely funny scenes that are good for a laugh, and definitely some strong gore that rivals the first "Nekromantik", but I found myself checking my watch too often. Buttgereit and crew could have easily shaved a half hour off this film and made it a more sleek and streamlined film, but being that Buttgereit seemed to have a bigger budget this time, it appears he wanted to spend it on filming as much footage as possible, not always to the benefit of the viewer. Still a decent experience and definitely worth checking out for the extreme horror enthusiasts, and the ending is suitably matched to the first film. Give this one a look 7/10
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Uninvolved, tedious, yet gory.
hohumdedum221 November 2004
Having never seen the original Nekro, I was really disappointed in this film. Yes, gore galore, yet the story was as though it could've been developed by a junior high student. It was interesting to see a female take on such a disgusting role, but if that is what it's going on, then it's running on fumes. Though I'm sure it's audience is limited, I can't imagine watching this except FOR the gore scenes, which are pretty grueling as few and far between they are. It could've been splatter masterpiece, but I feel as though there was much restraint in this. Needless to say, the ending was a sweet release, so to speak, in that finally it was over, and the "money shot", which still was not all that impressive. A failed effort that only gives you a taste of what could have, and should have been. 3 out of 10.
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The wedlock between Thanatos and Eros.
glyptoteque17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite a beautiful course of death, and I should like to think that those who became enamored of Nekromantik,also here should find a maggoty morsel or two, to satiate their rotten pallets. I certainly did. Necrophilia has no favorites, and this time around, the haunts are reserved for the ladies. And who ever said that a corpse is worse off in the tender and dismembering hands of a woman, than in a mans'? This destructive little thing tells the tale of Monika, a nurse, whose greatest wish when coming home,after caring for her patients, is to have an absolutely still and passive face to greet her lovingly. And what better cadaverous candidate, than good old Rob whose been nursing coffin-boards for the last five years? A beautiful relationship soon evolves, and in the loving hands of Monika, Rob soon learns how to part with those tiresome appendages one calls legs, arms and head. But it seems that love moves in mysterious ways, and while her decaying amour is patiently waiting in a plastic bag, a second relationship between Monika and porno-voice-over-dubber Mark ensues. At first Mark seems completely at ease with this new found affair, but as time progresses, he is faced with, among others, the question: "Is a severed, rotten penis your everyday, refrigerator affair?" While Mark have seemed to be the most eager in the relationship, Monika on the other hand is sporting a deadened, sour face(Sexy, nevertheless!), which according to the German psychiatrist Erich Fromm in his great book "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness", is often a hallmark characteristic of a necrophile. And exactly what kind of necrophile is Monika? In order to interpret the blood-feast to come, in which she at the climax of sex decides to saw off Marks head while still on top of a writhing him, one could see it from two angles. 1. She has mixed feelings regarding necrophilia, it is hard to come to terms with(In the beginning she vomits when she fondles Rob.) the loneliness of love for the dead, and Mark could represent her genuine hope of connecting with Life as well as Death. She has no intent of killing Mark, but in the battle between the fresh spring-shoot and the moldy, autumn leave, Death proves to be the victor, and in the end she must succumb to her lust for murder. 2. She is a calculating dame, and from the very beginning she is dead set on procuring for herself a fresh body. She really doesn't fancy Marks face, and do not need another one since she has Robs to begin with, and what better thing to do than wed Robs head with Marks body?! In my opinion both angles are just as plausible. While Nekromantik relied minimally on dialogue, and was perhaps a bit more surreal and introspective( Not to say that Nekromantik 2 isn't.Far from it!), part 2 has got more dialogue. Except from the obviously bigger budget this time, and that it has a woman leading the show, that is probably the only difference between the two. While I find the end sequence in Nekromantik rewarding and special, nothing had prepared me for the end sequence in Nekromantik 2!! The first time I saw it, it blew me away. Even if you are a seasoned gore-hound, I can almost guarantee you that you have never seen an ending as bloody and bizarre as this! F**king excellent! The music comes yet again courtesy of Daktari Lorenz,John Boy Walton and Herman Kopp, and this time Mark Reeder(playing the part of Mark.) has thrown in a few tunes as well. If you decide to buy the double disc edition of this sweet candy, listen especially to Reeders "Nekrowaltz" and "Pure", Waltons "Menage A Trois", and Kopps "Supper"! Perfect. I love the films, and I love the music! And that's the end of it.
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composite movie: extreme ironical and romantic experimental
sir_job12 February 2007
I have seen that movie yesterday evening. It was a very interesting and absorbing experience. the first sequence depicts a suicide, alternating with the credits, a guy butchering is belly while ejaculating. so your are directly in the point. After that you have the story of a women who get his body back from the cemetery... and you have a whole allegory of a breaking up and a new love. She keeps the body in her apartment, meets a knew boy, tears the body into pieces and just keep the penis... in all those sequences we are on the verge of throwing up. it also alternates moments of true romance, while kissing, cleaning and finally sawing the body, with ironical or even wry sequences, for instance the wooing sequence (photo, ferris wheel, ice cream and the stripped underpants...), the bar discussion over what is a woman and the cinema sequence showing an experimental with 2 people on a devastated roof talking about ornithology and eating tons of eggs. the photography and the montage are very free and experimental. the music that alternate very fast creates a very special ambiance... a real strange experience
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Jonny_Numb7 October 2005
The original "Nekromantik" was a pretty bizarre misfire attempting to craft a movie out of a subject as taboo as necrophilia, but this so-called "sequel" is even worse. Not only is the one-note joke REALLY dead this time around, but the title seems like an afterthought, since most of the movie revolves around what looks like a couple's home movies, with some very lame corpse sex intercutting the plodding pace. Every aspect of "Nekromantik 2" is a cut below its predecessor, from the cheap effects (the "corpse" being the saddest one of all) to the indifferent direction (which Buttgereit must have slept through), to the fact that the whole concept was exhausted (albeit poorly) in the first film.
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I guarantee you've never seen an ending like this!
DaWHo20 February 1999
Very interesting, very well made and (obviously) very disgusting follow-up to NEKRomantik. Director Buttgereit's impressive skills as a film maker are evident throughout: from the opening credit flashback of Part 1's climax, to the infamous seal autopsy, to the must-be-seen-to-be-believed closing sequence. With an "art house" visual style and a fine performance by Monika M, it's well worth sitting through the sometimes slow moving action. Often difficult to watch--the squeamish need not even try--but I guarantee you've never seen an ending like this! Highly recommended.
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Luckily for us, Buttgereit gives us a bit more tone, melodrama, style, and grit and that's why 'Nekromantik 2' will outlive the others.
bryank-0484411 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's good to live in a world where a sequel to 'Nekromantik' was made, released, and critically acclaimed. Only three years after the first film, director Jorg Buttgereit went back behind the camera and made 'Nekromantik 2' for his loyal cult audience. Actually, the German authorities seized the movie a few days after it was released, but luckily for Buttgereit and us, they did not confiscate the original negative of the film, hence now we have an excellent Blu-ray from Cult Epics in glorious high definition.

Some people might look at this sequel much like how they viewed the first film, which is a sadistic film that depicts deplorable violence and sex acts so depraved that it would make the seasoned cinephile blush. Others like myself, view the original film and 'Nekromantik 2' as a work of art that is expertly crafted to show a woman and man's search for love and sexual satisfaction. Sure, they go about it in a much different way than we're used to seeing, and in this case, we follow a woman who engages in sex with corpses, but there is so much more to the larger picture than just having sex with the dead.

Buttgereit wants to show us the simplistic nature of a human trying to find love and not be lonely, and how sometimes that might be more of a struggle than not. But don't worry, for all you gore hounds who are just interested in seeing the gruesome, slimy parts, there are plenty of moments to satisfy your sick appetite. 'Nekromantik 2' gives us a recap in full of the climactic scene from the first film in black and white. Soon after, a woman named Monika is seeing digging up Rob's corpse (from the first film) and bringing it back to her apartment. There, she undresses the black and moldy corpse as she tries to have an orgasm. To my disappointment and to Monika's, she is unable to achieve the ultimate feeling.

Monika then decides to start looking for love in the living. Unfortunately, that role goes to Mark who makes his living by dubbing voices in pornographic films. Monika and Mark seem to be the loving couple that could be in any romantic comedy as they see movies and go to the park together. However, Mark is unaware of Monika's unnatural need for the dead until he sees a few images in her apartment and walks in on Monika and a few friends, watching some truly disturbing shows on television.

Despite all of this, Mark is like Monika in a way. He's just a lonely person looking for love, so he stays with her. That is until the climactic scene of the film that is guaranteed to shock you. Buttgereit definitely does not shy away from any of the blood and guts by any means, but 'Nekromantik 2' is not all about the gore. There are some long extended scenes of Mark and Monica just being a couple in it's most simplistic and natural way. Though one is more distant than the other, both are trying to find their better half in life, and Buttgereit reveals each emotion and action with a calm and collected view as if to tell us that's it's okay to choose this lifestyle.

More often than not these days, horror directors tend to only rely on the gore aspect and only want an action scene that follows into another action scene. Luckily for us, Buttgereit gives us a bit more tone, melodrama, style, and grit and that's why 'Nekromantik 2' will outlive the others.
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It bored me to death
tomplanlos13 March 2004
After being quite dissapointed in watching NEKROMANTIK 1, I gave Budgereit one more try by watching the second part of his stupid necro-drama. It´s even worse! It was so boring, that even a fly that comes across my sight would have been more interesting. The Plot could have been told in 15 Minutes. The Actors are as stupid as the whole movie itself. The music was getting so intensely on my nerves, that I nearly decided to watch the movie without sound. (Additonally I wouldn´t have missed much, because the dialogs are absolutely needless and explain nothing). The only "highlight" is the scene in the end, when Monika cuts off Marks head while having sex and replaces it with Roberts head. But this single scene doesn´t compensate more than 100 minutes of gaping boredem mixed with cheap thrills. That´s what NEKROMANTIK 2 is all about.

If you´re looking for gore you´d better check out some of Peter Jacksons early movies...
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An Idiosyncratic Sequel
Crap_Connoisseur10 September 2006
Joerg Buttgereit's films have their own unique place in horror movie history. Few directors have even come close to producing anything as beautifully depraved as "Schramm", "Der Todeskoenig" or his signature film "Nekromantik". The latter film is a superbly original romantic comedy about an unusual love triangle between a woman, her lover and a rotting corpse. It comes as something of a surprise that the sequel is content to re-hash the original - only without the sardonic humour or the perverted sense of romance. Nekromantik 2 is a strangely dour affair; the film is slow, affected and a little bit too clever for its own good. Thankfully, Buttgereit plucks enough grim and gross ideas from his wonderfully sick mind to make the film a worthy, if somewhat disappointing, sequel to a true genre classic.

Nekromantik 2 picks up where the original film finished - with Robert pleasuring himself while violently committing suicide with a kitchen knife. The brutal imagery of Robert ejaculating blood while stabbing himself has lost none of its bite. After such an eye opening beginning, the film quickly takes on a more solemn tone. Monika, a nurse with a taste for necrophilia, rescues Robert from his grave and takes him home. The painstakingly detailed depiction of erotic corpse cleaning is textbook Buttgereit. From this point on, the film loses momentum - mostly due to the fact that nothing really happens apart from Monika meeting Mark at the movies and beginning a relationship with him. The courtship between Mark and Monika is painfully boring to watch and incredibly drawn out. There are tedious close-ups of them on a ferris wheel, an unnecessary dating montage and an uncharacteristically dull sex scene.

The film only begins to show signs of life when Monika starts asking Mark to play dead during sex and shows him a family photo album full of dead relatives. It soon becomes clear that Monika is finding it difficult to choose between the decomposing object of her desire and her living boyfriend. In an excruciating scene Monika appears to choose Mark and cuts Robert into pieces with a handsaw. This sequence is wonderfully grotesque but incredibly long. Buttgereit appears intent on testing not only the viewer's ability to hold down their dinner, but also their patience. Despite chopping him into small pieces, Monika can't seem to part with Robert completely, so she keeps his head and his penis in the fridge. Strangely, Mark doesn't take finding a decomposing penis in his girlfriend's icebox as an indication that he should look for a new woman. The film falls into another slump until the gory conclusion, with the exception of a particularly unsavoury and lengthy clip of a baby seal being dissected. Thankfully, the conclusion is premium Buttgereit as Monika finds a way to enjoy the company of both Mark and Robert simultaneously.

Buttgereit's excruciatingly long and detailed depictions of corpse cutting, animal dissection and dating rituals do not make for great viewing but the parallels that these sequences draw and the clinical detachment with which Buttgereit draws them, are intellectually stimulating - if clumsy and pretentious. That is not to say that the film is entirely without humour. The film within a film about ornithology is very amusing and a clear swipe at "art-house" filmmakers. The irony is that Nekromantik 2 is 10 minutes of necrophiliac sex and extreme gore away from being art-house fodder itself. Those 10 minutes make up for a lot of the film's posing. The make-up and gore effects are typically gross despite the extremely plastic looking corpses. The seal dissection looks like it has been stolen from the Greenpeace archives as it appears to be authentic.

The acting and general production values are still rather amateur in nature. This is easy to disregard when you are being swept along with Buttgereit's gory magic as with the original "Nekromantik". However, these flaws are far more obvious at the snail's pace with which this film proceeds. Monika M puts in the best performance and makes an appealing lead with her clear blue eyes and Germanic disinterest. Buttgereit's direction and script remain as idiosyncratic as ever. I'm convinced that Buttgereit is a genius but this film only shows rare glimpses of what he is capable of. Nevertheless, Nekromantik 2 does give us something to think about while we wait patiently for his next dose of cinematic perversion.
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An inch better than the first movie...
paul_haakonsen1 January 2019
Well, first of all this sequel was actually the length of an average movie, whereas the first movie ran at about an hour only. So that at least works in favor of the movie...

Or so you would think. Alas, but no, that was not the case. Why? Well, because this movie was incredibly slow paced and with very little of any interest or any consequential worth, so it just felt like time stood almost still while a whole lot of nothing transpired on the screen.

I am rating "Nekromantik 2" 3 out of 10 stars, whereas I rated the prequel 2 out of 10. The reason for a slightly higher rating for this sequel was because they upped their game significantly in terms of production and effects. This actually felt like a movie, whereas the first one was more amateurish and like a home movie recorded on tape.

The storyline in "Nekromantik 2" was quite simple, and very similar to the storyline in the first movie. Just as shame that it was so pointless, because there was very little entertainment in the movie, truth be told.

Sure, "Nekromantik 2" also has some fairly gross and bizarre things in it, much like the first movie. It is also visual, but not on the same lewd level as the first movie. The sequel was a bit more refined - if one can use such a word about a movie such as this.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the kind of movie that you are watching. But don't go placing any wagers on this being phenomenal acting that will be remembered for years to come.

I watched "Nekromantik 2" solely because I just watched part one and I had both movies lined up. I decided to watch the sequel despite of being nowhere near impressed by or entertained by the first movie. So now I have seen both of these so-called cult movies, and will never return to watch them again.
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Puerile, inept and vile
latakiahaze8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Even worse than Part 1 (if that's possible). Buttgereit's vision of romantic love for the dead is again revisited in this tiresome lame melodrama. Stodgy and boring by equal measure, with a truly excruciating sound track. (Oh and yes, Joerg's penchant for animal cruelty is back with a vengeance - this time it's a sea lion rather than a rabbit being eviscerated). There really are no redeeming features in this vile and turgid mess of a movie. Even the corpse looks ridiculous in all its green slimy glory. Editing and acting are atrocious, plays entirely for shock value and fails even and that.
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you will loose your head
trashgang15 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After the unexpected success of the first part it came clear that there would be a second part. Starting of were the first one ended. That was/is already the reason for most of the viewers to eject the DVD. The person spanking the monkey and by getting his orgasm cutting himself is offending. The acting is better but still worse, the story line is also a turkey but this kind of movies must have it from the gore factor and yep, there's a lot. Taking a bath in the blood of your victim for example. Like the first one the movie is a bit too long but the second part also became cult due the fact of , again, the love scene. But this time the effects are better, no blur, delayed visions, this time straight. And what a sequence it is, a girl making love to a guy, suddenly she takes a knife and cut of his head, all watchable in front of the camera, before he dies she makes sure that he still has a hard on. Having that done she immediately replaces his head with the rotting head of her ex lover, anyway, if your not into gore this part will make you vomit, not for the squeamish. Again, catch the limited double disc DVD, be sure not to loose your head

Gore 5/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 5/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
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Unnecessary Long
owjan-4597920 September 2020
Not as good as the first sequence, too much mocking around and long shots with no purpose.
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Dig into one of the decayed's most deliciously deviant romances!
Weirdling_Wolf27 March 2021
I'm just a cold Nekromantik at heart, and my truly blackened B-Movie desire worms restlessly 'deep inside'. Granted, there's been some stiff competition for my grisly splatter movie affections over the years, but I swiftly buried all the pretenders and grave you all of my lurid love! I'm deadly sincere, I swear on my mother's jaundiced eyes, there will cadaver be another one like you! You're just 'tomb' much for me to handle, you're my one true angel of death baby! Don't be a rotter watch the one horror sequel that doesn't stink! Dig into one of the decayed's most deliciously deviant romances! Hey!??!! Life's too bloody short not to!
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Yes, we get that you're provocative. Anything else?
tonosov-5123818 August 2022
Padded to the absolute extreme. The first entry was short and to the point. The sequel stretches the thin plot line to the absurd. Even if it's intentional, like a scene in a theater, which was a clear satire of art-house, it does not make it less infuriating. Regardless, the decapitation scene is fantastic.
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mrdonleone1 October 2019
First of all, let me say this movie is great. It is funny, romantic and absurd, exactly what I want from a flicker. So it's simply perfect and I want much more of this if can.
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For horror fans who thought that the first film didn't go far enough.
BA_Harrison9 November 2016
As if we could ever forget, director Jörg Buttgereit reminds viewers of how his first Nekromantik film ended during this sequel's opening credits (it wasn't pretty, as I'm sure you will recall—a suicide that involved a whole mess of bodily fluids). Amazingly, the ending to Nekromantik 2 is even more shocking and gory, and to get there one has to wallow in an even greater level of depravity.

Buttgereit's film opens with attractive necrophiliac Monika (Monika M.) paying a visit to the grave of Robert Schmadtke (the central character from the first film) and exhuming his body, taking the already decaying corpse back to her pad for some icky sexual antics. Soon after, however, the young woman embarks on a regular relationship with a live dude, Mark (Mark Reeder), and decides to ditch her dead guy, dismembering the stiff in her bath-tub (keeping only his head and mouldy tally-whacker for old time's sake!).

As hard as she tries, though, Monika cannot completely shake her craving for humping the deceased, and begins to imagine Mark as Robert during sex. After fighting her urges, the girl finally gives in, hacking off Mark's head during sex, and swapping it for that of the decomposing Robert. It's one hell of a sickening scene and is sure to shock all but the most hardened gore-hounds.

But while extreme horror/splatter fans are more than catered for, there are downsides to this sequel as well: at 104 minutes, it's waaaay too long, the generous running time allowing the pace to drag and for Buttgereit to indulge his pretentious side a tad too often. Thus, viewers are treated to a dull scene in the art-house cinema where Monika meets Mark (did we really need to see so much of the poncey film they were watching?), random shots of snails and slugs, a bizarre musical interlude in which a man with a ponytail tinkles the ivories while a woman wails a song, and a sickening moment in which Monika watches the dissection of a dead seal with her equally twisted friends (animal lovers might want to look away: this bit is really stomach churning).

Overall, I think I slightly prefer the original film (if only because it's about half an hour shorter), but if you're a fan of Buttgereit's style, definitely give part 2 a watch: there's more than enough nastiness to make it worth your while.
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Superior sequel
Horst_In_Translation4 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Nekromantik 2" came out 4 years after the original movie and the writer and director, as usual, is Jörg Buttgereit. I thought the first film was really bad in all aspects. This one is equally absurd, but slightly superior from start to finish. The acting is better (especially by the lead actress) and same goes for the script. Buttgereit probably improved his skill in the years between the two films. The lead actor is worth the watch, not because of any skill he possesses, but because of how campy and ridiculous the character is with his porn movie voice acting. This film is also considerable longer than the first, roughly half an hour. The title already tells you that this film is again about obsession with death and the female protagonist (pretty hot) has the rotten corpse of the main character from the first film in her bathtub. I felt that I could take this film here a lot more serious in terms of mental disorders than the previous film, which was just pointless and embarrassing and trying to be as shocking as possible. "Nekromantik 2" does have some substance in terms of story. And hands down, the final sex scene is pretty hot. All in all, the negative still outweighs the positive, but it is no complete failure like most of Buttgereit's other works I think. Certainly among the director's better efforts.
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Dull all throughout, but the ending kills
grob24828 July 2000
The original "Nekromantik" was great. Unfortunately, the sequel is pretty boring, but with one exception: its ending. I guess the whole film is sort of preparing for the grand finale, which is something else. Totally raw and brutal! Worth seeing just for that. The movie was actually seized by the authorities during its premiere.
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