Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity (1987) Poster

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To Infinity and Beyond...
barnthebarn7 July 2008
Titan movie has Elizabeth Cayton and Cindy Beal as slave girls who escape from a prison craft and end up on a strange planet. Fairly fun movie with good creatures from John Carl Buechler's workshop and watchable acting from the leads. It's a shame that Elizabeth Cayton has quit acting (now employed as an office assistant for a radical American political figure) as she is attractive enough and talented enough to make the film work. Good score by Carl Dante for what is a pleasing effort from early Full Moon territory. Not terribly sexy but with plenty of skin on show those not bothered about production values should also find something to enjoy.
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Two Attractive Women
Uriah4331 July 2013
Two attractive women named "Daria" (Elizabeth Kaitan) and "Tisa" (Cindy Beal) have been captured on their home worlds and are being sent by a prison spaceship to another planet as slaves. They manage to escape from their chains and steal a small escape craft which then crash-lands on an island of a nearby planet. Traveling through the jungle they come upon a castle which is ruled by a man named "Zed" (Don Scribner) who eagerly extends his hospitality. Also there are two other survivors from an earlier spaceship crash named "Shala" (Brinke Stevens) and her brother, "Rik" (Carl Horner). While Zed appears to be friendly they soon discover that his passion is hunting and they are to be the hunted. Now, obviously with a title like "Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" a person shouldn't expect this to be a first-rate movie. And it clearly wasn't by any means due in large part to the extremely bad dialogue. Likewise, the acting wasn't that good but both Elizabeth Kaitan and Cindy Beal made up for it with their alluring attire throughout the movie. I certainly had no complaints. Even so, there was definitely room for improvement overall and if the director (Ken Dixon) had a larger budget and better writers this would certainly have been much better. As it is though, I have to rate it as slightly below average.
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Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity: Certainly a spin on the original story
Platypuschow8 May 2019
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity is yet another adaptation of The Most Dangerous Game (1932), only this time it's in space. Because you know, you can't have a franchise having never gone into space at least once apparently.

This is an odd one, you see originally the adaptations tended to stick to the original story and setting for the most part. Then in the 1970's we had several exploitation style versions, whereas this is a blend of the two.

Its title starts with Slave Girls so inevitably there was bound to be plenty of T&A though it's surprisingly light here. Yet on the flipside this is fairly loyal in places, in fact they've ripped some of the script from the original so it's quite an unusual movie.

It tweaks the original tale for a sci-fi setting. Here for have a couple of friends who escape slavery but crash land on a mysterious planet. They're welcome warmly but quickly begin to realize their host has nefarious intentions.

Instead of crossbows and knives we have various laser weapons and instead of henchmen we have cyborgs. Undoubtedly this is the most original adaptation I've seen yet, but originality doesn't count for much when it's this naff.

Should you want to watch this classic tale I'd advise sticking with the original 1932 version or on a bigger scale Turkey Shoot (1982).

The Good:

Oddly loyal to the source material

The Bad:

Cheesy stuff

Ending gets pretty dumb
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A true camp classic!
bfan839 December 2003
As I have mentioned before I'm a huge fan of Brinke Stevens,so I decided to buy this movie. AND I LOVED IT!!! The robots were so funny! They looked like they were controlled by a remote control. Also, I liked how the girls(including brinke) ran around in their underwear being hunted most of the time. And the guy who played the bad guy was so laughable! Talk about a bad case of overacting! Anyways, I still loved this movie! It's the type of movie where you eat tons of pizza, and drink alot of beer!
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the main guy does his menacing job pretty well
christopher-underwood29 September 2013
Obviously there are worse films than this and probably worse films of this bikini beach babes genre but really..... So what do we have here if we strip away the intergalactic clap trap bookends and the superfluous robots and monster? What we have at heart is, A Dangerous Game, and nothing wrong with that except chasing girls around in the deep dark jungle is not quite as super fun than filming on the beach or the bed. So the film makers were a little torn between the two. Perhaps I should just concentrate on whether the look of the girls being chased, bedded or bathed is worth the effort of sticking with this and as there are plenty of better films doing this, the answer is probably 'No'. I should add that the main guy does his menacing job pretty well and the girls do scrub up pretty well but compared to say, Cannibal Girls or even Beach Babes From Beyond, this one just doesn't cut it and the main reason is the hopeless and inept dialogue.
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selfdestructo17 April 2023
Another Full Moon movie with an inspired title that's a real yawner. I saw "Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity" with Elizabeth Kaitan and Brinke Stevens, I'm thinking, campy sci-fi loaded with naked ladies. Boy was I wrong. There is hardly any nudity in this very short 74-minute movie (with extra padded and slow rolling credits). There's barely any evidence they're slave girls! The acting is beyond awful, and the special effects are limited to someone using a magic marker on the film. There are no "characters" in this movie. Everybody speaks in the exact same manner: Stilted. I am positive writer/director Ken Dixon made sure every actor on the set remained 100% dedicated to his ridiculous script. Also, I sound like a broken record. All these Full Moon "classics" that are "remastered" remain some of the worst looking Blu-rays I've seen. I mean, it's obvious no effort is put into them. For the record, I like plenty of FM's movies. This ain't one of them.
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The bad acting overshadows everything else
Omnipitus17 August 2002
The acting in this movie is so bad, that it's actually quite funny to watch, which is the only reason I didn't give this movie a 1 ! Other than this : Predictable plot, boring and un-creative monsters, a trying-to-hard wanna-be bad guy, almost amusing robot guards that argues among themselves and of course... very nice half-naked girls in leather bikini's.
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The Most Dangerous Game with a cheap 80's make-over
Red-Barracuda1 February 2022
I wasn't too far into this one when I noticed that it had a plot-line extremely similar to another couple of old movies I had seen. It turned out that, yes, this is yet another movie based on the 1924 short story 'The Most Dangerous Game'. This old yarn is about a rich hunter who lures unwary travellers to his remote estate only to then later set them free and then proceed to hunt them down to the death. And who would have guessed that Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity would be an adaption of this oft adapted adventure yarn? Its actually quite a faithful adaption too, albeit with bikini babes and robots.
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It's something
BandSAboutMovies19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Daria (Elizabeth Kaitan, Vice Academy 3, 4, 5 and 6) and Tisa (Cindy Beal) have escaped from a space prison and made their way to a planet that only has two robots - Vak and Krel - and the scar-faced Zed (Don Scribner). They're soon joined by Rik (Carl Horner) and his sister Shala (Brinke Stevens) for dinner, which soon becomes The Most Dangerous Game in space, with Zed hunting them down when he isn't trying to assault them.

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity was cited by Senator Jesse Helms, who had voters complain they had seen the movie on cable, and he wanted the rights to block objectionable cable content as part of the Cable Act of 1992. Luckily, that never happened.

Director and writer Ken Dixon also made The Erotic Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The Best of Sex and Violence, Famous T&A, Filmgore and Zombiethon. He originally had Ginger Lynn playing Daria, which is ironic as Kaitan also became a lead in the Vice Academy series when Lynn's Holly character went to jail.

It's got a great title and Brinke Stevens. Sometimes that's all you need.
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Picky, Picky, Picky.....
wdbrown17 December 2004
It is difficult to understand how some criticize a movie because its title doesn't make sense (like most science fiction titles?), or because the acting was poor (look at the box and read the credits before buying). The title of "Slave Girls" should give you a hint that this is not to be taken seriously, but for what it was meant to be: a, hopefully, entertaining ninety minutes, or so, where you can enjoy beautiful women in and out of bikinis. Once again, if you are hoping for great cinema I suggest reading the box, or at least look at the picture before you rent this.

With that said, is it entertaining? I found this to be an enjoyable variation on the classic short story, "The Most Dangerous Game." It has humor, doesn't take itself seriously, and is certainly easy on the eyes.....and brain. No thinking is required for this move. Just enjoy it for what it is.
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Well, at least it was as you would expect it to be...
paul_haakonsen29 March 2023
I have to say that I had zero expectations when I sat down to watch the 1987 movie "Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" for the very first time here in 2023. In fact, I had never actually heard about the movie prior to stumbling upon it by random chance.

And this movie was corny, so very, very corny. And cheesy. Oh, the 1980s cheese runs thickly here as the movie unfolds during the 74 minutes that director and writer Ken Dixon were at the helm. I have to say that I wasn't particularly entertained, much less impressed with what I was witnessing on the screen. Sure, the movie is sort of watchable, but it was by no means a particularly outstanding movie experience.

The acting performances in "Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" were okay. I mean for a movie of this caliber, then it was not too shabby. Of course you will not be in for any prestigious award winning performances. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie.

Visually then "Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" was cheesy. The props and costumes, or lack thereof, were bland. Especially the robots, they looked like something had fallen off a low budget bargain bin. The zombie and the mutant (or knock off predator) in the movie, however, were actually quite nice. Sure, it was low budget, but I actually think they had done a pretty good job with those.

"Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" came and went without leaving a lasting impression on me. And I am sure that I will have forgotten all about the movie come next week.

All in all, my rating of this cheesy 1987 movie from writer and director Ken Dixon lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Highly Entertaining
chiantang_tw5 March 2006
This is a b-budget film for sure, but it still succeeds in entertaining. The two slave girls from beyond infinity get stranded on a planet. They encounter a wealthy land-owner, and then the adventures begin.

This movie has scantily-clad women, robotic sidekicks, a hammy villain, campy dialogue, cheesy sets, everything you need for the genre.

The script and the editing work better than most b-budget films. The directing and acting fit the mood. Even the sets and the robots, cheap as they are, stand well compared to other films made at this economic level.

It's not Shakespeare, but it's enjoyable.
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God made some men kings, some beggars. And most women hot, it would seem.
BA_Harrison4 June 2020
Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity can be summed up in just a few words: 'The Most Dangerous Game', in space, with hot women.

The villainous Count Zaroff becomes Zed (played by Don Scribner, who is like Christian Bale, minus the talent), the island becomes a remote planetoid, and the ship-wreck survivors become space-wreck survivors. Zed mounts the heads of his victims in a trophy room, as did Zaroff, and writer/director Ken Dixon even throws in an homage to The Most Dangerous Game's 'log over the ravine' scene (which itself re-used sets from King Kong '33). Some of Dixon's dialogue is lifted almost verbatim from the earlier movie.

Of course, originality is not the main attraction here: it's bums and boobs that the viewers wants, and it's bums and boobs that Dixon delivers, the film opening as it means to go on with a big-breasted blonde in a bikini being menaced by a cyborg mutant (oh yes, the film has those too, as well as mutants, zombies, and mutant zombies!). The action then focuses on two slightly smaller breasted but no less tasty slave girls, Daria (Elizabeth Kaitan) and Tisa (Cindy Beal), who escape captivity in a stolen space-craft, but wind up ditching into the sea on a remote planet.

Washed ashore, the scantily clad women wander into the jungle and chance upon the home of Zed, who invites them to stay (because why wouldn't you?); also guests at the tropical fortress are two survivors of another wreck, Shala (Brinke Stevens) and her brother Rik (Carl Horner). However, 'fate weaves a twisted tapestry' as the unexpectedly erudite Daria keenly observes, for their seemingly genial host is actually a raving loony who enjoys hunting human prey.

As straight-to-video B-movie trash shot on a meagre budget goes, Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity isn't the worst, largely thanks to the sheer quantity of skin on show. For most of the time, the babes wear the skimpiest of slave-girl attire (three small triangles of leather and a couple of bits of string), and all three take off their tops at some point, with Steven's getting fully nekkid. Also adding to the fun are the rubbery monsters, Zed's two bickering robot servants Vak and Krel (Kirk Graves and Randolph Roehbling), and just a smidgen of hokey gore (some unconvincing severed heads).

5.5/10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb. By no means a great film, but still a fairly entertaining one.
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where it all started
kaefab23 January 2022
Stupidity at its best my god this movie has it all, really super bad acting and dialogues, women with almost not clothes on....

All that a z grade movie could ask for, the FX are not that bad for a low budget movie.
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Cheesy sci-fi version of "Most Dangerous Game" is 'Beyond' silly
Michael_Pilkington14 December 2002
Two women in loin-clothed bikinis (Elizabeth Kaitan, Cindy Beal) escape from a prison ship only to crash land on an uncharted planet inhabited by a hunter (Don Scribner) who likes to kill humans as a sport. The only way for them to survive is to participate in this brutal "Dangerous Game"-like sport. Will they make it out alive?

Silly outing may not have the best acting or writing, but the cheesy special effects and comic relief by bickering robots saves this one. If you're in need of a good laugh, round up some beer and friends because it helps if you're drunk in order to enjoy this romp. My evaluation: ** out of ****.
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The spirit of cheap exploitation is alive and well
Leofwine_draca14 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Um, what's a "fantazoid monster"? There sure weren't any of those in the film I watched. What I did see were lots of low budget effects and sets, but the camera tended to avoid these and instead linger on our two heroines as they paraded around in lingerie and leather bikinis. Which makes the film a cheap exploitation piece, but we all knew that from the title, didn't we? This film is credited as a remake of the '30s classic THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME, but it changes the setting from an island to a futuristic planet. It's total rubbish but that's not to say it isn't worth watching. It does pass the time nicely and it's a good title to have in your collection. The acting is non-existent, although the girls don't stumble too much with their lines and there is a great role from Scribner as Zed, the psycho hunter.

I really liked this guy and found myself rooting for him. Gelled hair, black clothes, hairy chest, heck, even a medallion, he was the coolest bad guy (terribly clichéd too, but you come to expect that with films like these). The sets of this film are less than impressive. 95% of the backgrounds are obvious drawings, and I haven't seen recycling of the same sets over and over again since I watched PLAU DEAD (where they had the same street as two different locations, the difference? Parked cars in one, no parked cars in the other).

The special effects range from good to atrocious. The monsters look good, as do the robots, but the laser blasts are that bad computer effect which appears in hundreds of '80s sci-fi films such as these. Even DR WHO used it copiously. As expected the girls find various ways of taking their tops off, but don't expect this to be some soft-core porn epic, there's very little nudity. What there is, is lots of action to keep you watching. A real cheap and cheerful piece of trash. I expected it to be from Troma but not this time, however the spirit of cheap exploitation that we all know and love is definitely there.
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Giant turkey
gaus7 August 1999
After wondering about what may be the worst film that I have ever seen, this one takes the price. This film is cheap, stupid, boring & it gives you no feeling that you are on an another planet (besides from the two stupid robots).
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Our Universe is vast and full of wonder
grayghost-402259 February 2023
This film is a paragon for the sci-fi/fantasy B-movie scene. It met all my expectations for the genre, and it was appropriately short. By the time your attention is waxing, the movie is nearly finished.

The biggest appeal of this film is the sets. They're large and detailed for a genre that was often just shot in woods and fields. I thought the erotic scenes were a bit more tasteful than other films at the time, and there is very little fetishized violence towards women for a film with "slave girls" in the title.

The dialogue tries incredibly hard to be witty, only for the actors to underperform it such that it is almost unbearable at times. That is, until Don Scribner shows up. He seems genuinely unhinged and is clearly enjoying the script, making him the star of the show. He kept me glued to the screen through the exciting end.

The sequence in the temple was the most fun in the whole movie, kinda surreal with monsters and hand-to-hand fighting. I wish the madness contained within only bled out to the rest of the island.
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Throw away the key.
bombersflyup9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity is a stupid film, the end.

It's uh, "The Most Dangerous Game," with bikini-clad girls and robots. It's low budget and riddled of stupid dialogue and woeful performances. The characters aren't too concerned with anything that's happening, have a chat here, have a sit there. The premise it's based on isn't good anyway, why the hell would he want to hunt them, when they're already his prisoners. It's dull and unmemorable, despite the situation in which they're saying the things they're saying being preposterous. It also fails to tantalize, given the subject matter, despite attractive girls in it.
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Nothing can save this movie
okpilak1 July 2023
I expected a bad movie, and those expectations were met. Besides the title, the writing, producing and directing by the same person is a real clue. This movie had everything one expects in a low budget B movie. Poor acting, poor sets, poor dialogue, poor special effects and a very well know plot. But what elevates a B movie is humor. When the actors seem to know exactly what type of movie they are in. This movie took everything so seriously. Sure, the women were in scanty costumes, sometimes not scanty enough, and the little nudity that was present was not enough to save this stinker. It is entertainment if you like stupid. In fact, I found it boring.
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Slow & Poor Audio
nixflixnpix13 July 2022
It's a pretty standard full-moon pic.

Slow in the middle. And all dialogue is near-inaudible due to bad mic'ing. But it's alright. Worth a watch. But stream it for cheaper instead going for disc.
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The Most Dangerous Game with a mix of sci-fi and sexploitation!
TodaysHaul31710 February 2024
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity is a 1987 sexploitation film co-written, produced, and directed by Ken Dixon (The Best of Sex and Violence, Famous T & A, Filmgore, and Zombiethon). Ken Dixon was mainly known for his Full Moon documentaries and clip features. It was produced by the legendary Charles Band (The Puppet Master franchise, Trancers franchise, Subspecies franchise, Evil Bong franchise, Demonic Toys franchise, Ghoulies franchise, Troll franchise, The Resonator, Pet Shop, Robot Wars, Tourist Trap, Laserblast, Beach Babes from Beyond, Castle Freak, Blood Dolls, The Creeps, Hideous!, Head of the Family, Oblivion franchise, Dollman, Doctor Mordrid, Intruder, Prison, Sorority Babes in the Slimebowl-O-Rama, Creepozoids, From Beyond, and TerrorVision). It's inspired by "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell!!!!

A group of bikini-clad babes named Darla (played by Elizabeth Kaitan from Vice Academy franchise, Silent Madness, Savage Dawn, Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, Nightwish, Twins, and Dr. Alien) and Tisa (played by: Cindy Beal from My Chauffeur and Dragon Ball GT) escape from a prison ship from space. They end up crash-landing on an isolated jungle planet. They're greeted by a pair of bickering robots, other stranded travelers which includes Shala (played by: Brinke Stevens from The Slumber Party Massacre, Sole Survivor, Body Double, Nightmare Sisters, Sorority Babes in the Slimebowl-O-Rama, Grandmother's House, Transylvania Twist, Jack-O, Teenage Exorcist, Haunting Fear, and Mommy), and an ambitious hunter Zed (played by: Don Scribner from The Cooler, The Guide, Moon in Scorpio, Future Force, Twisted Justice, and Prime Target) who's tired of wild animals. He wants to test his guests in nightly adventures while sizing up his latest prey!!!!

I've always enjoyed this 80's science fiction and sexploitation hybrid take on the classic The Most Dangerous Game story. It's an exciting very low budget version of the humans hunting humans sub-genre. The screenplay doesn't take itself serious and it knows exactly what type of movie they are trying to produce here. Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity features some great scream queens. Elizabeth Kaitan is a fantastic lead in this. Horror icon Brinke Stevens elevates this exploration feature with her small role. Don Scribner goes over the top & hams it up as the charismatic villain. All of the women here provide exactly what you would expect from this type of sleaze fest. Just don't take it serious at all and turn off your brain before experiencing this. It's only here for pure entertainment and nothing else. RECOMMENDED!!!!
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Yeah, I like it!
Pucki27 May 1999
This is by all means one of my entire B favorites. A decent futuristic re-working of "The Most Dangerous Game", well photographed with some nice sets, the one and another unintentional laugh, and - main asset - three very attractive babes to look at. Special effects are OK for the money spent, acting is not too bad compared to the average Band/Corman/DeCoteau/Ray-quickie standard either, this is still fun if you're watching it for the twentieth time.
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B-Movie Goodness.
lewiskendell29 November 2010
"Alone, he'll only pick us off one at a time. The three of us outnumber him."

There are two kinds of horrible acting. There's the kind that makes a movie painful to watch, and there's the kind that makes a movie hilariously entertaining. Slave Girls from Infinity fits into the later category. It's an example of the very cheapest, lowest budget B- movies, and half of the fun comes from how awful these "actors" are.

The other half comes from seeing the half-naked slave girls running around jungles in bikinis and lingerie. The story is a half-hearted riff on "The Most Dangerous Game", featuring our two slave girls escaping from a slave starship and landing on a planet where their rescuer is eventually revealed to be an evil (as well as campy and flamboyant) killer. And there's two utterly useless (and occasionally pervy) androids. And mutant. And a zombie. And a "Phantom Zone". And the most hilariously random, awkward, ad impromptu love scene I've ever seen in a movie.

The dialogue is beyond terrible, the sets are reused over and over, and the inside of the spaceships and special effects wouldn't look out of place in a middle school play in 1982. Needless to say, camp value is through the roof. It's also the ONLY reason to watch this. If you like a good bad movie, you're in luck.
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Title is very misleading. But, these types of movies always are
jrwufgrad29 June 2021
If this was a different take on the most dangerous game, then it lacked the dangerous, and the game. It opens with people running through a jungle setting. That must be what they are talking about. Yes, there is a guy playing this type of game, but it lacked on anything it was trying to do. Somehow, two women escape a prison planet, only to end up on this planet and be held prisoner for the "most dangerous game". Yes, the elements of the game were there, but it was so short lived. As soon as they get out in the jungle, they quickly end up back at the main bad guys castle or whatever. The rest of the movie takes place in there. The acting was lacking as much as the game. The women were great to look at, but that couldn't really save this thing. It wasn't thing I have watched, but it could have been way better. Watch it with friends to add some needed excitement.
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