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I Enjoyed It
utgard1428 December 2013
Air Force trainee (Matthew Broderick) is caught with a girl in a plane and is punished by being sent to a research facility where they train chimpanzees to fly with flight simulators. He becomes attached to one chimp in particular named Virgil, who was trained to speak sign language by Helen Hunt. Eventually he learns that the chimps are subjected to deadly experiments. So he seeks out Virgil's trainer so they can try to save the chimps.

Obviously this is an easy movie to deride. With its animal rights and anti-military themes, it's going to lose some audience members at the door. I'm not saying that the movie is completely fair on these issues. It's a pretty clear black & white/good vs bad kind of story that tugs at the heartstrings more than it engages the mind. But it does it very well. I enjoyed the movie a lot despite not agreeing with its oversimplified viewpoints 100%. Broderick and Hunt were great but the chimps really steal the show. It's hard not to feel sympathetic towards their plight. I also liked the ending, which many seem to think is silly. It was Disneyesque but appropriately hopeful. It's a good film. Check it out if you're not overly cynical.
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Project Protect.
hitchcockthelegend24 February 2013
Matthew Broderick's big smiling face booms out on the DVD cover, there's also Helen Hunt looking strangely alluring, while a small silhouette shows a man and chimp holding hands in the glow of something bright. Lovely, just lovely. Yet this is something of a bum steer considering the film is very rarely funny or sexy!

Project X comes from the stable of films involving animals that are made to illicit a prescribed response from the human being. More so if you happen to be an animal lover as well. It all looks very dated while the message and thematics at work are frayed around the edges. In fact better treatments of "animal testing" films have been made both before and after Project X. But this in no way means Jonathan Kaplan's movie isn't any good, because it is. The cast are engaging, there's no demonising of the military humans and it hits all the right emotional beats of its subject matter. It just needs to be said that any expectation of a thought provoking and believable picture will only lead to disappointment.

Get the tissues ready and pray for a punch the air ending, while enjoy those awesome chimps as well. 7/10
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Sad. Enriching, But Sad, And Very Well Done.
FiendishDramaturgy13 May 2007
Matthew Broderick, Helen Hunt. An Air Force pilot rescues smart chimps from lab experiments at a strategic-weapons research center, but then has to figure out what to do with them.

This film will break your heart, if you have a love for animals. You are introduced to the chimps (they're given CHARACTER development, if you can dig it), then you are shown what happens TO the chimps in this research center, and then you are shown what happens because of this treatment. Once you are emotionally invested in the premise, the tension of the surrounding atmosphere begins to build until the climactic crescendo.

This is actually not as bad as I remembered, but not as good as I hoped, watching from a more mature perspective. The performances are typical of the time, perhaps a tad better, but this work is horribly dated, as is practically everything from that era. I wouldn't say it rates a remaking, as it's fine as it is, but someone will in order to carry a "fresh" message that what goes on in these laboratories is wrong. Eventually, we'll see posters and ad blurbs for Project NeXt or something like that.

All in all, it's good for a rainy Sunday, but don't set your hopes real high, and ... in spite of the levity , heartwarming moments, and the kid-friendly ratings, this is NOT for younger (or tender) children, who could be traumatized for years by the treatment these chimps receive.

It rates a 6.8/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Wonderful film--GREAT MUSIC!!! But where is the soundtrack???
knohl13 November 1999
Ever get that feeling to just watch a movie and bawl your eyes out? I'm one of those people who feels that it's healthy to really cry once in a while. This movie will do it to you. Many sad moments during the film--but I must say the ending is one of those happy tear-jerker endings. Truly, the personification of the chimps increased the emotional awareness of the film--you react to the chimps' feelings at least as much as the humans'. What I think really made the emotions fly out of me was the music. James Horner's score takes you through the clouds on wondrous flights of melody and also puts you through torturous periods of mourning and sorrow. His use of a gorgeous flute instrument combines innocence with a bit of an African tone. Being a great James Horner fan, collecting scores such as Legends of the Fall and Titanic, I was very disappointed to find that the score for Project X is only available on the black market! To this day I can't figure out why. If you've seen this film and know anything about the soundtrack, feel free to e-mail me. If you've not seen it, pop it in the VCR and you'll see what I'm talking about. Just make sure you grab a box of Kleenex!
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This Was No Monkey Business
view_and_review9 November 2019
I saw Matthew Broderick and Helen Hunt and thought, "Comedy." Comedy it was not.

A chimpanzee by the name of Virgil left the comfy confines of a Wisconsin University for the cramped cages of Lockridge Air Force Base in Florida. There he was being trained to do flight simulations by Jimmy Garrett (Broderick). Jimmy was enjoying his job until he found out what the chimps were truly being used for: to test their ability to withstand radiation while flying. These chimpanzees were being routinely killed presumably to find out how a U.S. pilot would fare in the same situation.

Sad, I know. Jimmy had grown attached to Virgil and couldn't bear to see him sacrificed in such a manner. This movie actually tugs at the heart strings. We can easily rationalize harming other creatures for the benefits of mankind, but this was a sad case. I don't want to prop this movie up like it's an Oscar-worthy movie, but it was done well.
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ferris bueller and the monkees
PIST-OFF7 December 2005
after the initial ferris bueller movie, this is probably the second or possibly third best in the series. (glory was also quite good). this is a great film for kids around the age of 8 to 12 because it can be an intellectual exercise for them without being dragged down by intellectualizing. the movie is a warm hearted exploration of the meaning of non-human intelligence and the "sanctity of life". there is some decent supporting performances, but the show mostly belongs to the various chimps throughout the movie. each chimp manages by the end to establish a distinct character so that at the end, even though there may be several chimps on screen you can easily distinguish which one is which. watch this movie with planet of the apes. i give it a seven point three out of ten.

7 out of 10
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Charming - only the humans are exploited
tim-93518 August 2007
This is a happy tale about the nasty Government trying to cancel research and the animals that helped in the project. Matthew Broderick is a young Air Force pilot seconded to the project who does his best to understand the animals and bonds with the chimpanzees.

The chimps are being taught to fly planes, and the project seems to be about using "expendable" chimps instead of flesh and blood humans on dangerous missions. It's not surprising that the project leaders can't see the injustice of cancelling the animals with the project as there were always intended to be disposable. Shame on them. And there is the set up for the build of tension and the eventual chase sequence.

Please will everyone note that chimps are NOT monkeys, they are apes. Monkeys have tails, apes do not.

The humans are slaves to the system, and there is too much smoking. Naughty.
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It is a comedy the whole family can enjoy! No wait it is a emotional drama, no maybe a message movie?
Aaron137531 January 2010
Hence the problem with the movie. It kind of reminds me of another Matthew Brodderick movie "Wargames" in that it starts out as a comedy then takes a turn to another genre and the comedy does not really come back after this turn of events. It did not really hurt that film, but it really hurts this one. Just seems to me you are going to put monkeys in your movie that it should be a comedy and a comedy the family can enjoy without having to explain the darker scenes and why the film is just not funny anymore. The story starts as this pilot is caught in an embarrassing situation and his punishment is to train chimps how to fly in a secret government project. A rather pointless project that you would figure any scientist could have brought the questions Brodderick's character does in the film about said film. There are some funny things during the film's first half though nothing hysterical. Just basic monkey stuff, which kids would enjoy. Then after Brodderick witnesses the project first hand all the humor disappears and so does any reason you might want your kid to watch this film as it does become more of a drama and if they are not severely upset by the film they will be severely bored with the movie.
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Wonderful movie, an 80's classic.
RedTrinity5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched this movie was in year 5 at school, and it left a permanent mark on me as one of my all-time favourite flicks. I enjoy it today just as much as I did when I was a child.

The storyline is very touching, and delivers a powerful message about how humans have continued to exploit animals in the name of 'scientific research'. Viewers are taken on a moving journey from start to end, as the film visits scenes which are heartfelt, humorous and horrific. You can't help but get that fuzzy feeling inside as you are introduced to the chimps on a more personal basis (and each one has its own unique little personality - from the aggressive attitude of Goliath, to the raw cheekiness of Goofy) and then shed a tear or two when both you, and Jimmy Garrett - Matthew Broderick's leading character - realise what the true intent of all the flying training actually is.

All the actors do a great job in this movie, including Matthew Broderick who is just as entertaining to watch in a serious role as he is in a comedic one. A young Helen Hunt also does a fantastic job as Virgil's loving trainer. Even William Sadler, who plays the sturdy-faced Dr. Carroll, undoubtedly depicts himself as the "bad guy" of the story, and does it well - even if in the movie's reality, he is a man who simply holds a difficult job... one which he intends to do well at all costs.

Of course the chimpanzees steal the spotlight of this movie, they are just amazing to watch, and their acting skills and behaviours are very believable all the way through. You almost forget that they are only acting in the same sense as their human co-stars.

The orchestral soundtrack by James Horner, to sum up in a single word, is beautiful. Viewers are taken on an emotional roller-coaster which effectively tugs at the heartstrings. I challenge anybody who cares about animals to sit through this entire movie without shedding a single tear! In fact it's one of the best movie soundtracks I have ever sat through, everything from harmonica to African wind pipes are utilised to put the finishing touches on all the scenes.

Some of these scenes in this movie can be disturbing, especially for a younger audience. Initially seeing this for the first time a a child, I found the two flight chamber 'radiation' scenes so powerful, I dare admit that they actually have haunted me in nightmares occasionally over the years. Today, I STILL find it difficult to sit through them, and prefer to reach for the fast forward button whenever they are fast approaching. The method in which these scenes are filmed - slow motion effect, eery sound effects over background silence, in-depth depictions of sadness/shock on the chimps faces, the look of horror on Broderick's face as he witnesses the fate of the chimps first hand - can come as a pure disturbance for any animal lover to watch... especially knowing that the movie is/was based on real life experiments.

Alas, that is the true nature of animal experimentation, and the movie does such a good job depicting it from an in-depth point of view - how the subjects of the fatal tests come to grasp with their impending doom, their 'fight to survive', and how that in turn effects their human trainers, who can't help but bond with them. And of course it has a climax happy ending that we're left hanging for.... the irony of the humans unknowingly training the chimps toward their freedom, as well as for the fateful project.

I love this movie and think its an absolute 80's classic, one of the best. Definitely a gem that has, in my opinion, been horribly underrated. They certainly don't make movies like these anymore, which is a shame.
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could it be possible?
willrams8 September 2003
A young inductee into the military, Mathew Broderick, is given the task of training chimpanzees used in a mysterious "Project X". He becomes friendly with the chimps, and does have suspicions about the secrets to withhold inormation about radiation. One of the chimps was stolen from Helen Hunt, but when she finds out about the project, he falls in love with her. There is a big chase scene when all the chimps raise hell to escape and eventually fly out in an airplane - that is what they were trained to do. A lot of emotions are shown in this film, and the chimps surely steal the show. 6/10
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Too silly
imseeg27 March 2022
Yup, this movie is really TOO silly. Just my opinion, because I really get bored watching real life monkies "act" in a movie. If you do love monkeys "act" please do have a go at watching it...

Not any good then? No, not really. It's one of those movies in which time hasnt been kind to it. It's not really funny and THAT's the biggest let down...
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Surprisingly, very good
Tito-86 April 2000
Much to my surprise, it was easy to like this film. All of the primates did a great job, and although some scenes were a little hard to believe, the overall story had a good message and many terrific moments, especially towards the end. It was a very funny film at times, but for me, the more dramatic moments worked the best. A very enjoyable experience.
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A strange mixture of thriller, animal shenanigans, cold war politics, and even Spielbergian whimsy that's so oddly strange I can't help but recommend you see it to believe it.
IonicBreezeMachine22 May 2021
After being captured in Africa, young chimp Virgil is sent to Graduate student Teri MacDonald (Helen Hunt) where she trains him in sign language as part of her thesis. When Teri's grant is terminated, the NHF that owns Virgil supposedly relocates Virgil to a zoo in Houston, Texas under protest from Teri. However Virgil actually ends up in the custody of the U. S. Air Force for usage in flight simulation research. Airman Jimmy Garrett (Matthew Broderick), whose brash, rebellious behavior has landed him in trouble with the Air Force Brass is reassigned to the Experimental Pilot Program where he will train Chimpanzees in flight simulators, including Virgil. Virgil and Jimmy quickly bond once Jimmy learns about sign language, but eventually he comes to realize that the flight sim training is only part of more extensive research that is deadly to the Chimpanzee subjects.

Released in 1987, Project X reteams Mathew Broderick with Wargames screenwriters Walter F. Parkes and Lawrence Lasker(albeit the latter in a producing role). The film is a strange mixture of Wargames, Top Gun, and The Barefoot Executive with a premise that starts out fairly realistic only to get stranger and more outrageous as it goes on. The movie is made with clear effort on display as its cast of chimp actors are incredibly well trained with distinguished personalities and moments of both humor and pathos, and while I do recommend people see the movie, it's without question one of the most tonally confused films I've ever seen with a strange mixture of drama, thriller, and animal shenanigans humor that just leaves you wondering "how?"

Matthew Broderick feels fairly miscast unfortunately in this film as he's positioned as this maverick rebel that feels like it was more in mind with someone like Tom Cruise or Charlie Sheen. Broderick feels like he's here purely for the Wargames connection, but in Wargames he was more fitting with the character written for him and with Broderick's wide eyed soft-spoken delivery he just doesn't sell the character he's playing. The movie's tone is all over the map with scenes of drama, humor, and tension transitioned fairly haphazardly from one to another and more often than not the scene transitions end with fades to black that don't create much of a sense of flow.

The movie does do a good job of making the chimp's feel like characters with Virgil well trained in Sign Language and conveying mood and character without the need to overly humanize the apes. The scenes where we see Virgil bond with Teri and Jimmy are well done with a lot of heart felt moments and there's some rich material showing how for lack of a better word human these apes are. The movie stretches credibility in a third act that juggles comic, tragic, and even elements of nuclear paranoia and the climax further stretches belief with an absolute howler of an ending involving the ultimate fate of the chimps. I'd be lying if I said the film didn't keep my attention throughout its runtime (tonal inconsistency and all) but in terms of sheer entertainment value this is without question the most effort that has ever gone into a chimp movie and it certainly feels like it.

Project X is a strange film. It tries to bring attention to the troubling ethics of primate experimentation but it tone that swings uneasily to comedy, drama, and suspense without much in the way of transition makes its message feel somewhat muddled. Most of the cast do a fairly good job, but Broderick feels miscast in a role that would've suited an actor who could convey more brash arrogance. The movie stretches credibility to a near breaking point in its third act, but in terms of keeping my attention from beginning to end I can say Project X never left me feeling bored.
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Rather Lame
gavin694210 February 2017
An Air Force pilot (Matthew Broderick) joins a top secret military experiment involving chimps, but begins to suspect there might be something more to the mysterious "Project X".

I really thought I was going to love this. 1980s Cold War paranoia, Matthew Broderick, Helen Hunt, etc. I mean, this couldn't be a bad movie, could it? And while not "bad", it really never gets all that interesting. It just exists, and I don't know why.

Hunt is alright, but Broderick seems out of place. His voice makes me only think of a laid back, slacker teenager. Yes, this is obviously because of "Ferris Bueller". But I didn't notice a big change here. I would think a pilot would take himself a bit more seriously, but that was not the impression I was left with.
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Simplistic in plot and sentiment but will make for a good family film if you have slightly older children
bob the moo19 November 2006
Jimmy Garrett wants to be an air force pilot but taking his girlfriend up in a jet while drinking champagne was not a move that seems likely to aid that career goal. That little stunt sees him bust down to helping in a special pilots project (Project X) which he hopes will see him trained up to be a pilot but really sees him looking after chimps who are being trained as pilots for some reason. Jimmy takes to the job once he befriends chimp Virgil, who appears to have been taught sign language. Things are good and Jimmy's technique benefits the programme until, that is, the painfully naïve chap learns the aim of project x.

Very much aimed at a young teen audience, this film is a solid family drama with a conscience and a message about animal testing. The basic plot is pretty obvious but it is effective in drawing the audience in with humour and of course the fact that monkeys are legally very cool and cute. I doubt anyone watching is as naïve as Jimmy and most viewers will see the obvious plot development long before it is revealed and from there it continues along a fairly predictable path. It is to its credit though that it is still quite engaging, exciting and touching despite this simplicity and older children will eat it up. It does have a message about animal testing but don't expect it to be balanced or weigh up pros and cons or anything like that because this very much has its Disney agenda. It is still sweet family fare though but it does take a lot of swallowing in both the simplicity of the message and the high-concept of the plot.

Broderick takes billing after all the monkeys which I suppose is only right. He is solid and works well with the chimps but the film is not his by any means. No, the film belongs to Willie (Virgil), Okko (Goofy) and the others. Virgil in particular is expressive and very well trained – in fact trained to the point that he does convince as the character he plays. Support is basic by comparison but still does the job. Sadler does his usual bad guy shtick while McGee, Stark and Hunt are all solid for what they have to do.

Overall then a basic but enjoyable family film that is simplistic on all levels but is cute, sentimental and quite dramatic. Probably not anywhere near good enough to stand up to viewings by discerning adults but it will make for a good family film if you have older children.
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corny, but lovable animal story
helpless_dancer23 March 1999
This was pretty corny and unbelievable. What I call a silly drama. The acting was good, but the plot was totally unrealistic. At least, I don't think a monkey can fly a plane. The government is experimenting with chimps to see how long they can fly a plane in a simulated situation after taking a lethal dose of radiation. Helen Hunt's pet monkey gets into this program, and she is driven to rescuing him before his turn comes up. With the help of an air force cadet, she breaks the chimp out of the installation, but is in for big trouble from the military big-shots. Some tense moments follow, but they are so hammy that I couldn't get to worked up over the whole deal. Cute family show with some profanity.
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The chimps make it stand out...
Howlin Wolf28 November 2001
Matthew Broderick in a project ('X', naturally) with some chimpanzees. The question is, can you distinguish which performer has the most charisma/acting ability? Oooh, it's a tough call...

Nah, only joking, this is actually a half decent movie - even with Broderick in it - if you can handle family orientated movies that are slightly saccharine in nature. Kids with reasonable attention spans will probably love it. Don't remember there being much here for adults, though; but then, I was a kid myself when I last watched it, so I wouldn't have cared.

Go ahead, watch it if you feel the need to nurture the little child that we carry inside ourselves, through to adulthood. Unfortunately, mine is no longer with me. We were legally separated last week, and he lives his own life now (sob!) The docs said I only had a 50% chance of survival after the operation, but I made it back here to write this review in memory of the 'little guy', who will live on inside my heart; if not, sadly, my brain...

Don't let YOUR tiny alter-ego escape into the wilderness; watch the movie and see what you think...
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Hidden modern gem
drystyx24 April 2008
The eighties have to be considered part of the modern movie era. And already, this is a hidden gem.

The plot is about a government project which uses chimpanzees as guinea pigs in dangerous experiments, and about a man's change from bureaucrat to caring individual.

The plot could have been mundane and mushy, but instead was well crafted.

The film is expertly directed and written. We feel the pains and struggles. It is very moving, and sure to create a tear among the hardest hearts in places.
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This is one great movie starring Matthew Broderick and Helen Hunt.
Willis-428 September 1998
What are you people thinking with these ratings? This was a super movie filled with emotions, and finally a decent movie concerning man and monkey. Matthew Broderick and Helen Hunt do a wonderful job, and the movie touches a part of your soul. Great film.
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It's All About Us As The Self-Styled `Lords Of Creation'
Dave Godin18 March 2000
Yes, I agree with all the other positive comments posted on this film; it is a remarkable triumph that not only redeems our emotional sensibilities but makes us again realise that the unquestioning acceptance of `intellectualism' as the yardstick by which everything must be measured, has made us damn and paralyze one of the best parts of our being. With the rise of contemporary secularism, (and, so no one should misunderstand me, I write as an atheist), we have allowed science to become our replacement religion; seems like mankind just has to have something to `worship', but in doing this, we have, (just as we did before with religion), sanctioned diabolical cruelties against sentient beings, whether human or animal, in its name.

As Bernard Shaw, (and, by default, this movie) reminded us, the arguments used to justify vivisection are those which can be used to justify ANY atrocity, and PROJECT X rekindles that spark of humane compassion that materialism and self-regard have almost eradicated from our consciousness with their constant bombardment of `rational', dictatorial, and authoritarian notions. `We mustn't be emotional about these things' the `intellectual' and the `scientist' will retort, but why not?! Why not give animal beings the benefit of the doubt, if for one second there actually were any?

PROJECT X is a modern parable in both ethics and attitude; a powerful indictment of our misuse of animal beings. Mankind can't have it both ways; if, as the scientist argues, evolution is the means, then it is wrong to deny the opportunities this process bestows, (and which have so benefited us), to other species. If it is not the means, as the religionist argues, then it's simply a question of blasphemy, because these people assume rights which are actually denied them in Genesis.

A most worthy film which is well worth watching more than once, and a reminder that love and compassion can also be powerful agents of subversion!
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Lord of the Apes.
jerekra5 March 2009
There are a lot of great ape films. King Kong, Mighty Joe Young, Congo, Planet of the Apes, and Gorillas in the Mist are all great ape films. However I feel that Project X is not also a great ape films, but one of the greatest and most under rated films that I have ever seen.

A young chimpanzee named Virgil is raised by a lady named Terri at a university. THere she teaches him how to use sign language. After a few years she loses custody of Virgil and he is to be sent to a zoo. However instead of going to a zoo Virgil is sent to a U.S. Air Force base where they use Chimps to simulate flight to help the Air Force understand some war tendencies better. At the base a young man named Jimmy starts to work closely with Virgil and develops a friendship with Virgil that will change both of their lives.

A big reason why this film is awesome is that it has awesome acting. Matthew Broderick is awesome in this film. He is a great actor but this is his best film in my opinion. Broderick shows great emotion at various points in the film. ALso he has a great presence with all of the chimps in this film and is truly a "Lord of the Apes".

Helen Hunt is pretty good too. I do not think that this is her best film the way I do with Broderick but she is pretty good. I think she plays the trainer who is sad to see her animal student leave great.

However as good as Broderick and Hunt are, there are other actors in this film just as awesome. Those whom I am speaking of are all of the chimpanzee actors in this film. VIrgil is awesome as the main chimp in the film who learns sign language and has a deep understanding. I also liked Goliath, the circus chimp who likes to smoke and does not like to listen to people more than he has too. The chimps do a great job of adding humor and understanding to the film. A lot of what they are doing is funny at times but by watching them and what they go through you gain an understanding of why it is important for animals to not be used as lab rats.

The message in this film is a great one. Many animals are used in tests that are not unusual to the ones done in this film. So by showing this on screen it helps people to realize that it is important to be ethical to animals and not just use them as lab rats.

I should warn viewers that there are some very touching parts that get emotional in this film. A lot of parts in this film touched me greatly and made me nearly get choked up. But I think that this helps to get the films message across.

A great film. Really under rated. Great acting by humans and apes. Highly recommended.
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This obscure gem has got everything!
zacdawac15 August 2007
We have the most charming and endearing non-human character in the history of cinema. Lassie, Benji or even Toto couldn't hold a burning piece of blue wax to the impossible not to love Virgil. We have two lead actors with enough charisma to hold their own, while maintaining the quiet humility necessary not to upstage the simian lead. We have many genuine laughs and just as many heartfelt tears. We have characters, human and non, that we love and care about. We have genuine and sincere passion and emotion. We have a powerful political statement and a film that's actually about something.

My affection and personal attachment for the musical, THE PRODUCERS is well known by everyone who knows me well. However, this not so well known gem is truly Matthew's shining masterpiece!
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Apes Are Our Friends!
g-bodyl24 December 2014
The big takeaway from watching this gem is that apes are our near-human kin and should be treated so. They are not lab experiments to eventually to be wasted, but they are our friends and should be treated as such. That is the main theme this under-seen, very obscure film dishes out. The film is an excellent family adventure even if it is a typical 80's cheesy flick. The film explores the relationship between humans and apes and how bureaucratic people will achieve what they want through devilish means.

Jonathan Kaplan's film is about a young, hot-head Air Force pilot Jimmy Garrett who is transferred to an experimental division within the Air Force. There he befriends a chimpanzee named Virgil who has above-average intelligence. When Jimmy finds out the ultimate plan of the military, he recruits the help of a grad student named Teri who actually raised Virgil as her own and together they must foil the military plans before it's too late.

The acting is pretty good. Matthew Broderick takes advantage of his popularity by making a very good family film and his performance is more family-friendly compared to his other films. Helen Hunt is not my favorite actress, but she gets by here. William Sadler is good as the villainous doctor, even though he is not outright malicious.

Overall, Project X is one of those films that no one has ever heard of. That should definitely be changed because it's a fun family adventure that features lot of smart, and sometimes cute monkeys. Also the film is a cross between the Planet of the Apes movie and Top Gun so that makes for an interesting film. But the overall message is that animal testing is inhumane and just cruel and in that regard, the film can be seen as a political film. I enjoyed the film very much. I rate this film 9/10.
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A Solid Animal Rights Movie
tabuno20 January 2019
12 December 2009. Along with some complex blends of musical strains reminiscent from "Manhunter," "2001: A Space Odyssey," and "Enemy at the Gates" this movie inspired by true events about chimpanzees used for Air Force experiments has Matthew Broderik and Bonnie Hunt in a rather straightforward, but poignant drama about animal rights. While predictable, there are some nice moments and remarkable talents of real chimpanzees on display in this movie. There isn't the usual hokey elements nor over-the-top display of action thrills, but mostly genuine theatrical scenes that would be expected in a movie such as this. This is a solid movie without over-dramatization, backed by a great sound track, and decent acting. A mainstream movie that sticks to its primary mission of exposing a ethical issue that plays to the heart over the Cold War rational debate for national security.
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Very Under-Appreciated
JimSpy16 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like to consider myself a fairly sophisticated movie-goer, with a taste for the avant-garde, the off-beat, the groundbreaking - this movie was none of those - and a dislike for the saccharine or formulaic - this movie was both.

And yet, I would highly recommend it to anyone.

First of all, get over the fact that its billed as a family movie or chick flick or "comedy" (huh?), or that it has Matthew Broderick co-starring with monkeys. This is an extremely well-crafted film, with many of what I call "payoff scenes" - scenes that glue you to your chair, give you a thrill, or a lump in the throat, or goosebumps. For example, the scene where Bluebeard the Chimp is "flashed" in the flight chamber. The slow motion turn of the head, the look of confusion mixed with "what have you done to me?"... I defy anyone to show me a more chilling scene in any movie. Or the scene where Virgil is warning the other chimps about Bluebeard's fate. This scene alone transcends the "family comedy" genre with powerful, primal imagery.

I said, get over Matthew Broderick, but I know it's difficult, as he is the film's only distraction. Sadly, he is in over his head, in this as in any film in which he is required to play someone over 18. Sorry, Matthew, you'll always be Ferris Bueller. Not such a bad fate, when you think about it...

But then, there is Willie, the chimp who starred as "Virgil." Willie's performance will leave you wondering if Lee Strasberg ever admitted simians to his method acting school. (Please, no cracks about Brando) Now I'm sure the technique is to simply film the chimp for hours until he happens to do something usable, but whatever they did, whoever did it was a genius. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember that they give some kind of awards to animal actors; if so, I hope they gave one to Willie. He alone is worth the price of the DVD rental.

Trust me, unless you're some kind of hard-hearted Tarantino-or-nothing type, you WILL enjoy this movie immensely.
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