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This movie doesn't know what it's supposed to be
ozoneocean21 January 2012
It's a WIP movie: Women in Prison. In this "Reform School" the girls night time gear consists of g-string panties, lingerie, high heels... basically sexy to a silly degree. This has all the clichés you want, with nudity, violence, girl fights, all that sort of stuff. Wendy O Williams was great as the ultra violent gang leader Charlie. She also did great work on the sound track.

We know this is a WIP cliché film and the purpose is titillation and all that sort of stuff, but it didn't really seem clear to me. A lot of the violence was pretty brutal for the sort of movie it was and many of the scenes are quite realistic, with realistic, emotional performances from some of the key actors, which is quite at odds with that "women in Prison" titillation theme, especially when you have inmates incongruously wearing high heels, thigh high stockings and g-strings to bed!

It seemed almost like a bizarre mash-up of two different films that'd been crudely rammed together: You have Wendy O Williams and her gang of ultra-sexy, violent, tough girls, and the huge lumpy, hilariously sadistic and over the top Pat Ast as "Eddie" doing their very best to make it a sort of Rocky Horror Show ridiculous soft core romp (which would have been marvellous), VS this other theme with the sympathetic characters Jenny, Lisa and Dr Norton where it's a serious look at abuse of power and the horrible toll abuse takes on its victims- almost as it they're going for Cool Hand Luke or Full Metal Jacket sort of stuff...

That made a weird mix that didn't really fit together well at all. It's as if the film makers were trying to be too smart for the material.
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Quite the experience.
lewiskendell5 November 2010
"Don't just stand there, bring me something to wipe my shoe."

I had never seen a "women in cages" movie prior to seeing this, so I really had no idea what to expect. Which is good, because no expectations could have prepared me for this, anyway. Reform School Girls is lurid, sordid, exploitative, pure cheese, and yes, even entertaining. If you can handle the absurdity of it all, anyway.

The plot is paper thin (Othello, this is not). A young woman gets sent to a reform school/youth prison after a botched bank robbery, and tangles with the corrupt warden and head matron, as well as a gang of vicious girls. That's basically it. And there's lots of underwear. 

Basically, you probably already know if you like these kinds of movies, or you're a newbie like me. If you're unfamiliar with the genre, aren't easily offended, and have a fondness for campy/tongue-in-cheek absurdity, I suggest you try this out for the sheer novelty of it. I'll be seeing a few more, just to see if they can possibly get even more over-the-top than Reform School Girls.
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Tacky, trashy and tasteless fun from director Tom DeSimone.
BA_Harrison10 November 2012
Set in a correctional facility for young female offenders, Reform School Girls is technically a Women in Prison movie, but don't expect anything too sleazy ala the films of Jess Franco—as far as the genre goes, this mid 80s effort from seasoned trash director Tom DeSimone is one of the lighter examples, designed to be fun rather than offensive.

While it does deliver most of the standard WIP ingredients—cat-fights, communal shower scenes, bull dykes, fragile first-timers, and physical abuse—it's all done in knowingly camp fashion with tongue firmly in cheek. The big-breasted women saunter round their dorm in sexy lingerie, the nastier inmates and members of staff are grotesque caricatures, the dialogue is deliberately tasteless ('I thought I smelled fish'), and the plot is about as cheesy as it could get.

Let's face it, any film which sees a scantily clad Wendy O. Williams, lead singer of punk/rock group The Plasmatics, stood atop a speeding bus on a collision course with a sadistic, overweight, shotgun toting head matron called Edna (a memorable performance from Pat Ast) was never intended to be taken all that seriously.
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Classic 80's b-movie
richusa55525 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a lot of fun especially if your into WiP flicks. Of course the plot and dialogue is kind of weak and at times I wondered why am I watching this movie, but there's just something about girls wearing lingerie in prison and those big eighties hair do's.

Frequently the girls are scantily clad and then there are the showers scenes. Surprisingly Jenny, played by the sexy Linda Carol, was only sixteen years old when this movie was made but looked like she was about twenty to me.

The plots pretty basic, Jenny the star, rails against the oppressiveness of the schools authoritarians played by Sutter and Edna, the warden and henchwoman. Jenny's befriends Lisa, a pathetic cry baby who comes in the prison clutching her teddy bear, and Jenny feels she has to protect her. Spoiler!! Eventually Lisa gets her ass branded in a pretty cool scene, kind of funny too.

The movie frequently is lame such as when the warden burns Lisa's teddy bear and Lisa explains that it belonged to her brother who died locked in a fridge and when the house burned down this is all that was left. This overacting seemed totally out of place in this light movie so I don't know why the editors didn't cut this dribble out. Also Charlie played by Wendy O. Williams, androgynous punk star and former sex worker, plays a thirty seven year old teenager which didn't ride well with me. This movie could have been a whole lot better but its still pretty entertaining.
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You're just a sh*t-stain on the panties of life.
lastliberal23 May 2007
Taking time out from the John Wayne Marathon for a public service. In anticipation of our favorite heiress going to jail next month, I wanted something that she might watch to give her an idea of what to expect, I found this movie with some bizarre characters like Wendy Williams, lead singer for the infamous 80s punk rock band, 'The Plasmatics,' who committed suicide a few years ago. She was absolutely beyond belief as she paraded the entire movie in leather or panties, and even a thong at the end.

Of course there was Sybil Danning, from the Grindhouse segment Werewolf Women of the SS as the bible-spouting Warden, who looked the part of an SS She-Wolf.

Pat Ast was the 350-lb matron who burned a bunny, stomped on a kitten and got justice for her evil laugh.

There were two shower scenes and one Rambo-type fire hose scene that was way more cool that Rambo: First Blood.

Food fights, girl fights, riots, and bra and panties for most of the movie. Our little heiress should get a good taste of prison life with this film.
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Failure. A movie that doesn't know what it wants to be
gridoon19 February 2007
Neither a serious WIP drama, like director Tom De Simone's earlier "The Concrete Jungle", nor an outright spoof of the genre in the style of "Naked Gun", "Reform School Girls" is a film that suffers from identity crisis. The serious, sometimes even cruel moments offset the comedy, and the over-the-top moments undermine the seriousness. For a film categorized by Leonard Maltin as a spoof, it's quite astonishing how few not only laughs, but even attempts at comedy this one really contains. It's not a total loss: rocker Wendy O. Williams (who also sings on the soundtrack) has an incredible, ROCKING 37-year-old body which she proudly displays throughout (RIP Wendy), and there is some nice girl vs. girl wrestling. But Sybil Danning, the big "name" of the film, is COMPLETELY wasted - if you're thinking of seeing this for her, forget it. (*1/2)
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Doesn't Know What it Wants to Be
BloodTheTelepathicDog2 October 2010
I had heard that this film was a parody of women-in-prison films, so when I rented it I was expecting to laugh, as well as see the usual exploitation elements--hopefully lampooned--but they weren't. This isn't a parody, though it tries for laughs in some places (who can forget the stomping-of-the-cat scene?), which makes it essentially just another women-in-prison flick.

Here we have misunderstood blonde Linda Carol taken to a reform school run by Sybil Danning and her obese henchwoman Pat Ast. Linda takes mousy Sherri Stoner under her wing, but when she runs afoul of butch reform school veteran--and Pat Ast's main squeeze--she puts a target on her back that remains there throughout the film. Linda tries to keep her weak-willed friend from harm while also trying to keep Wendy O. Williams from branding her backside. Reform school shrink Charlotte McGinnis is trying to get Danning fired for running a suspect reformation camp but she needs the help of Linda Carol in doing so. Linda finds it hard to help with trips to solitary, beatings in the bathroom and failed escape attempts.

STORY: $$ (This would have been better had DeSimone went with the parody angle. We have all the WIP stereotypes here but he fails to make fun of them. Rather than a parody, we are treated to a by-the-numbers Caged Heat clone).

ACTING: $$$ (Not too bad. Linda Carol is fine in the lead role. her beauty helps a great deal but the lady can act too. Pat Ast is terrific as the Warden's sinister right-hand. Wendy O. Williams doesn't give the greatest line reads but she was right for the role. Sybil Danning fans will be disappointed because she has little to do here, other than issue midnight scripture readings over the PA system).

NUDITY: $$$$ (Like most WIP films, there is plenty of it to go around. Linda Carol is nude several times--she has an extraordinary body. There are a couple shower scenes, which would have been a great opportunity to parody, but it is missed. Rough-looking Wendy O.Williams is topless in the shower, as is about every other woman in this film. Sybil Danning, however, keeps her clothes on throughout the movie).
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Pretty damn good for an exploitation flick
guyfromjerzee6 January 2006
I was expecting this movie to fall into the so-bad-it's-good category, but I was wrong. I found myself surprisingly engaged by the film's plot (Yes, it actually had a plot). I was expecting just a bunch of scenes that serve as poor excuses to showcase naked or scantily clad women. Mind you, there are some scenes like that, but nothing more than you would expect in a woman-in-prison movie. The actors play it straight, rarely acting like they're in a B-movie, as they seem to take their roles pretty seriously. Don't get me wrong, "Reform School Girls" is by no means a film of substance. But it's very entertaining without being too much of a guilty pleasure. Plus, the theme song (performed by Wendy O. Williams herself) is a great, catchy tune!
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lots of skin
nxgn_not_not21 November 2001
Considering the budget, they did well. I took issues with the # of costume changes though. Are we going for realism here or total farce? It is my impression that @ one point they were thinking reality rules . but then somebody got a little carried away, maybe it was Wendy O. Williams maybe it was Pat Ast with her Maniacal laugh, but it definitely got out of hand. Could as easily have been PG or XXX. As it went in the can, it is a romp for those that like "John Waters Lite."
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Not quite as trashy or sensational as I expected.
innocuous17 January 2005
I found this film to be rather boring, though the shower scenes livened things up a bit. A few general comments:

Linda Carol actually did a fair job in the lead role, though her lack of experience was pretty obvious. At least she was the only one who wasn't chewing the scenery. Was she really 16? Seems to me that she was a bit young to be making exploitation films like this. She certainly had the body for it, though.

Wendy O. Williams is just sad in her role. As someone who actually saw the Plasmatics play and who still has three of their vinyl LPs, I can't help but wonder where she went wrong in her career. I believe that she was 37 when this film was made, but she looks like she is in her late-40s. Totally inappropriate casting. Plus, her accent/dialect/speech mannerisms are possibly more irritating than Fran Drescher's. On the other hand, I have to give her an A- for keeping in shape like she did. It's a shame that she ended up taking her own life, but there was always that underlying impression of her that told you she had been seriously damaged during her life.

You may also think that you will get to see some of Sybil Danning's assets, but, sadly, this is not the case. In fact, unless you have a uniform fetish, Danning is about as close to gender-neutral in this movie as you can get. Even Pat Ast exhibits some sexuality in this move...but not Sybil.

Finally, I was prepared for a little more skin than the movie actually showed. Based on other comments, it sounded as if the movie was 40% shower scenes. In reality, though the "girls" are pretty skimpily clad throughout the movie, the actual nude scenes are quite brief. Now, I'm not saying that the movie would have been better or worse with more nudity, but that I expected more based on what others had written. I think you actually get more nudity in "Starship Troopers".

Overall, this was an interesting movie and I was able to watch it all the way through, so I give it ** out of *****. With a few funnier scenes, it might have made it half a star higher.
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Jenny is sent to a women's reform school. It is run by evil warden Sutter and her henchwoman Edna.
maddi-watts14 August 2011
This movie was so bad that I signed up for an IMDb account so that I could tell people how bad it is. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy this film. It's incredibly unrealistic, has some of the worst acting I've ever seen, and is pretty much just weird soft core porn.

Seriously, a chick gets shot in the chest and just gets up and wipes off the blood and continues. Don't waste your time like I did.

Jenny is sent to a women's reform school. It is run by evil warden Sutter and her henchwoman Edna. Jenny will stop at nothing to escape but she also has to deal with Charlie the bully.Jenny is sent to a women's reform school. It is run by evil warden Sutter and her henchwoman Edna. Jenny will stop at nothing to escape but she also has to deal with Charlie the bully.Jenny is sent to a women's reform school. It is run by evil warden Sutter and her henchwoman Edna. Jenny will stop at nothing to escape but she also has to deal with Charlie the bully.
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Why movies were invented
deheor5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a absolutely fun resurrection/send up of the classic New World women in prison movies of the seventies. This reform school seems to be made up almost exclusively of hot looking women in their 20's except for star Wendy O' Williams who was mid-thirties when this epic was made. The plot is WIP classic, young innocents confront harsh reality of life behind bars and everything you would expect from such a film is delivered in spades. Sadistic Warden- Oh yeah, Sybil Danning can play that role in her sleep and nearly does so here. She really isn't given that much to do. Instead she stands aside and lets the films true villain handle the beatings. Evil Prison Matron- This is role Pat Ast was born to play and it is obvious that she is having the time of her life. Her evil laugh gets a good workout and plus she stomps on a KITTEN. Tough new inmate- Linda Carol gives a strong performance as the frequently naked rebel who will not tolerate the rules of reform school and as a result brings hardship on herself and her friends. Sweet Innocent- This is where Reform School girls earns bonus points not just for casting an actress who is good in the film (Sherri Stoner) but someone who achieved celebrity years later as a figure model for Disney thus attracting a new audience to the film of people who want to see the little mermaid naked. Prisoner who runs things- Many people have complained about Wendy O Williams in the film but I thought she was a lot of fun. Sure she was a tad older than most juvenile delinquents but her over the top performance suited the film perfectly. Kindly prison Doc-Charlotte McGinnis plays the only nice staff member in the entire prison so therefore she is the least interesting person but at least she helps get the films climax going. Bad people get their due ending-Fun ending which features gun fire and an exploding bus caps the film off in style with an added bonus of a killer song sung by Wendy O Williams played over the end credits. Although many people were put off by the nudity and occasional violence I think anyone old enough to remember Caged Heat will have a great time with this film as long as they have a high tolerance for kitten stomping.
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I'd Stick With Eleanor!
ferbs5425 July 2007
"Reform School Girls" (1986) is a highly entertaining, completely over the top, necessarily derivative contribution to the Women In Prison (WIP) subgenre. Featuring flamboyant performances by butterface favorite Wendy O. Williams (despite the fact that Wendy was 37 when she essayed this teenage role, and looked exactly the same as when she fronted for the Plasmatics), as well as Warhol veteran Pat Ast, the story here nevertheless centers around Linda Carol's Jennifer, who is sent to the "graybar hotel" after abetting her boyfriend in an armed robbery attempt. She immediately runs afoul of Wendy's Charlie Chambliss, the toughest chick in the "school" (the place really seems more like a prison than a school, it must be said), as well as Pat's grotesque head matron, Edna Dawson. The film dishes out all the familiar WIP set pieces, such as shower scenes, catfights, a prison break, several riots, and a very uptight warden, here portrayed by cult actress Sybil Danning, underutilized in this particular role. Entertaining as this whole spoof is, and despite the often very funny lines, I couldn't help thinking that the film that "Reform School Girls" seems to be mainly patterned after, the 1950 Eleanor Parker vehicle "Caged," is infinitely preferable in every department. The monstrous matron played by Hope Emerson in that earlier film makes even Edna's rants of "complete control" seem tame in comparison, and good as Linda Carol is, she's no Eleanor Parker! I suppose it all comes down to whether you're in the mood for an entertaining spoof or a more realistic--and thus more harrowing--WIP experience.
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You'll want your money back.
rdoubleoc3 May 2020
Not very often do I want my money back from a .99 cent rental, but this movie is horrible. I don't mean Buckaroo Bonzai or Cats (2019) horrible either. I mean Blair Witch Project bad.
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80's cheese and squeeze
ManBehindTheMask637 February 2011
This could be the greatest t&a movie of all time. It's the ultimate 80's women-in-prison movie. It's got loads of nudity, some very sick wardens (the awesome Sybil Danning), and Wendy O. Williams spending most of the film in a g-string! This is a low-budget exploitation film that delivers the goods. There was actually some pretty good acting in the film. If only i would have owned this film when i was 12! It's a fun and cheesy movie that gives you exactly what you'd want from a women-in-prison flick. The scene where Wendy O. Williams crashes a bus is a classic. 80's cheese and squeeze.I highly recommend doing a double feature with Hollywood chainsaw hookers...that'd be a fun night.
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Remarkably insubstantial
Leofwine_draca22 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A mildly scuzzy women-in-prison movie of the 1980s, REFORM SCHOOL GIRLS is far too cheesy to be a successful movie. It was somehow posited as a spoof of the then-popular movie, but the laughs are in short supply unless you find terrible overacting amusing. The story is the usual mix of prison flick cliches, rivalry, gang culture, exploitative shower scenes, and cruelty. Sybil Danning has a small role as the warden but the cast is mostly unknown. It does get unpleasant at times - that branding scene! - but overall it feels remarkably light and insubstantial, with a real lack of characterisation making it hard to care about what happens to any of the cast. Wendy O. Williams steals all her scenes as the resident psycho.
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Lots of women in underwear, but not much else
jellopuke8 October 2017
This was supposed to be a spoof of the women in prison movies, but it comes across as just boring, even with lots of girls in the buff or tiny underwear. The plot is paper thin and the Wendy O. Williams part is a massive eyesore. She looks like she's 40+, not an under 18 year old. The ending is alright and the evil guard is suitably over the top, but the rest of the movie is played too straight to work as a spoof. At least it was short.
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What the hell.
punctate9 March 1999
This film looks like it was directed by your dog. If it wasn't for the nude scenes, this film would be perfect Mystery Science Theatre 3000 material. This film had a very unrealistic vision of female prisons. The director only got two things right. The film had a pointless plot as well a very weak plot. The acting was bad and unconvincing. The tension was cheesy and stupid. I recommend people don't watch this film. A all around American B-movie. Ed Wood would be proud of Tom DeSimone. Oh and another thing, the music reminded me of Pod People. A 0/5 for this prison.
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Diamond in the rough
The Red Bull25 July 2007
My friends and I are always looking for the diamond in the rough (as it were), that one movie that's just so bad it serves as the topic of conversation for the next few days. I read a few comments after viewing this movie and don't think people realized: This movie is exactly what it claimed to be.

Sure it's hardly an example of a "good" movie, but the increasing ridiculousness of the story was matched only by the quality of the cinematography. Sure they could have spent more time on a foley stage, but when you're looking at a room full of naked women showering, who cares? The only gripe was about one character who obviously didn't belong in a juvenile detention center. As my friend pointed out, they neglected to tell her it was reform school, not old school.

All in all, get some friends, get some buds and prepare to be entertained. The only thing missing from this reform school is a giant tub of Jell-O.
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When you spoof something that is already camp, you better do it right.
mark.waltz23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Director Tom DeSimone had already directed two women in prison films starring Pam Grier, and so he had experience in that genre. This deals with juvenile girls (some of whom look like they've been around the block more times and the good humor man) and features a ruthless warden (Sybil Dang) and an even more evil matron (Pat Ast), as well as a bunch of very masculine female guards who are rather too attentive during shower scenes. The new fish enter the scene with a few experienced sharks, and immediately clash with the bigger barracudas on campus.

Obviously Ast is spoofing Hope Emerson in "Caged", and while she's funny, her acting style is straight out of early John Waters. In fact, this film is almost like an early John Waters film without Waters even having been involved, and it's missing the tasteless intentional comedy of actors like Divine, Edith Massey and Mink Stole. Ast, with her face on the poster, gets the best material, but she's trying to chew up scenery that can't be swallowed.

As for the other actresses, they are just downright dreadful, but then again, outside of few of them in those Pam Grier movies, so was that cast. I'd rather watch the films that this is spoofing because after a while, it becomes completely grating to just be forced to accept the caterwauling of these not quite young women as acting when even braying seems subtle. Charlotte McGinnis as a psychiatrist is completely out of place because she seems to be the only one taking the part seriously and not trying to get laughs when there aren't any. Worth a one-time watch as a curio, but nothing else. When the camp in the original movies is so good, a parody of it just seems unnecessary.
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Entertaining, But A Little Overlong
rachelrachel-3343126 March 2020
Reform School Girls' biggest problem is that the line between camp and serious drama appears to be very thin and it's hard to tell exactly what the creators had in mind when they made this. On one had, you have the over the top performance of Wendy O. Williams and Pat Ast, but there are also several unpleasant and sleazier aspects that aren't treated with the same campy, tongue in cheek quality.

It's still very entertaining at times, but it could use a slight trim here and there even at just 94 minutes. If you're in it for the nudity, you'll be happy.
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Irresistible stuff.
Hey_Sweden10 February 2012
"Reform School Girls" is a deliciously exaggerated entry in the Women In Prison genre. It's all very campy material that the majority of the actors, to their credit, actually play quite straight. The winks start with the fact that its writer / director Tom DeSimone, had previously made another classic, "The Concrete Jungle". Here, DeSimone, cast, and crew clearly have a ball with the trashy 'n' flashy story. Linda Carol plays Jenny, a newcomer to a reform school named Pridemore Juvenile Facility, who mixes it up with both the overbearing head matron Edna (corpulent, big haired Pat Ast, who's an absolute riot) and swaggering top dog convict Charlie (punk rocker Wendy O. Williams, perfectly suited to the role). Also among the main cast is the B movie goddess Sybil Danning, adding to the in- joke tone of the movie seeing that she plays the ruthless warden here and had already played a convict in the earlier "Chained Heat". Ast, Williams, and Danning are a superb trio and make this fun to watch. Carol, by comparison, by playing a more or less decent person (although tough enough to try standing up to the antagonists), comes off as less entertaining. Ast delights in the over the top nature of Edna, setting a stuffed animal on fire and stomping the life out of a real one. DeSimone delivers enough shower scenes / nudity / sex, melodrama, and violence to keep fans content. The sometimes hilarious script features some choice and quotable dialogue. The soundtrack is absolutely kick ass, with Williams singing such ditties as the anthemic "It's My Life" and the title track. The supporting cast aren't slouches, either; Charlotte McGinnis is the concerned Dr. Norton, Sherri Stoner the young innocent Lisa, Denise Gordy the sassy Claudia, Laurie Schwartz the spunky Nicky, and two "Friday the 13th" franchise alumni, Tiffany Helm ("A New Beginning") and Darcy DeMoss ("Jason Lives") play Charlie's flunkies. The movie progresses agreeably through various sordid episodes before coming to a rousing conclusion. In any event, one element you have to appreciate about this sort of thing is the hotness factor of the inmates. It's not exactly boring at any moment, either. There are certainly no complaints from this viewer. Eight out of 10.
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I absolutely, positively love this movie
silveryjessica22 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's quite entertaining. I first discovered it in college, and my gay roommate and I found Pat Ast to be one of the most undiscovered comedic gems of the decade in it. The fantastic lines in this film come one after the other, and almost twenty years later, I still quote it. The usual B-movie WiP tropes abound, with Wendy O. Williams adding just the right amount of wrong. Nothing is terribly salacious, frankly, so if you're looking for a lot of naked women in lingerie giving each other sponge baths, you're not going to find it here, although there is plenty of just plain naked, but if you want some genuine action scenes, a lot of cursing, and some acting that will entertain you, along with some of the cleverest dialogue you will hear in a crappy movie, you will not be disappointed. You can enjoy this film with a clear conscience. It certainly delivers entertainment. PS--TINY SPOILER--there is one scene where a kitten meets an unfortunate end but you don't see anything on camera. It definitely has impact.
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Good music and chicks
ultra_tippergore25 June 2009
First, I'm not a huge fan of Women in Prison films (W.I.P.), but like every men, i love beautiful women in underwear and thongs so this kind of movies always deliver in that department, at least. Reform School Girls is more like a parody of the genre, or at least a not-that serious movie. Its in the line of those Troma movies like "Lust for freedom" or "They call me macho woman". Wendy O. Williams is here performing a bad girl and she is always in thong, just like every other chick in this movie.Well, except for the obese wicked warden, thanks god she keeps her clothes on. Also there is plenty of rock n roll and punk music, much of them performed by Wendy O Williams herself. Thats another highlight. There isn't a lot of nudity, and near no sex. Thats a letdown for this kind of movies but overall, its entertaining and it features very good rock n roll music. 5/10
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Miaow Miaow... Catfight in the dorm tonight!
Coventry6 November 2006
Myself and a mate promptly decided to watch "Reform School Girls" upon seeing the trailer that advised all intellectual viewers – and I quote – to keep their criticism for themselves...or else we'll nail your tongues to the floor. Subsequently the trailer showed a lot of footage of attractive girls showering and guaranteed there was plenty more where that came from. And they're right, too! This greatest trailer ever also perfectly captures the tone of the film, as it's a demented tongue-in-cheek bad girls penitentiary exploitation flick that definitely shouldn't be taken too seriously. My best guess would be that writer/director Tom DeSimone is a pleasantly deranged and sleaze-obsessed guy that single-handedly wanted to bring homage to all "Women in Prison" movies at once. The lead warden (played by no one less than Sybil Danning) looks an awful lot like Dyanne Thorne when she gave image to Ilsa, the She Wolf of the SS and several of the other supportive characters appear to be pure stereotypes as well. There's the sadistic, corpulent and massively lesbian guard, the kinky S&M leader of the dorm (that looks about three times as old as the other inmates), the vulnerable who shouldn't be there and – of course – the tough black chicks. There's only one man popping up in the film and naturally he's a legitimate bastard. Tons of nudity and outrageous cat-fights make this a very textbook example of politically incorrect 80's exploitation, but it sure it a lot of fun to watch. Only the Italian directors deliver movies of this kind that are even better.
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