Mixed Blood (1984) Poster


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Pure Paul Morrissey
wmennisny-617-25427612 August 2015
I first learned about this film reading "Andy Warhol's Diary" (he loved it). What makes it more interesting for me is that I've lived in Alphabet City for the last 13 years so it's fascinating to realize that the locale where "Rita" is kept hostage is ONE BLOCK from my doorman building! The film has the raw feel that is classic Paul Morrissey. It's entirely entertaining and one particular standout is Rodney Harvey. (Jose)....what a gorgeous boy who I came to learn od'd at the age of 30.

To conclude, this is a gritty and very entertaining film and well worth checking out. Not Morrissey's best but I enjoyed it a lot.
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You just might say I had mixed reactions
jordondave-2808520 April 2023
(1985) Mixed Blood ACTION CRIME DRAMA

Co-written and directed by Paul Morrissey that has a low budget, and although interesting, it could've been better. The movie focuses on some of the worst slums called "Alphabet City", a slang name of a neighborhood located within the East Village in the New York City borough of Manhattan. Its name comes from Avenues A, B, C, and D, the only avenues in Manhattan to have single-letter names. And depicting a point in time when crime was frequent since it was common knowledge that some of the NYC police were corrupt. Anyways, out of two rival gang factions competing for illegal drug selling, it sympathizes more on one of them lead by a lady who derived from Rio De Janeiro whose name is Rita La Punta (Marília Pêra) who happen to have a good looking son she calls Thiago(Richard Ulacia). Complications arise as soon as one of two rival gang member, Carol(Linda Kerridge) sought a liking to Thiago, Rita's second hand man, allowing the possibility for The German (Ulrich Berr) to take full control. Besides the budget being low, viewers would also have to endure many second rate acting. It explains itself well but could've been better.
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I don't know
cwilson-463 March 2008
I am on the fence with this movie. A lot of it made sense - the community of family sticking together and defending their home (or gang territory).

What I didn't understand was the complete lack of fear these "kids" had. I mean - the majority of them were teenagers - babies - and they are going around selling drugs, shooting at each other and throwing kids off rooftops. It was totally insane.

Also, in every scene - everyone had their hands in their coat pockets while they were walking down the street - or just leaning against a building. It was like the director told them all the same thing and they did it the same - in every scene.

Also the tight a*(&^ jeans on these kids. I just don't get it. With kids these days - it's either the tightest jeans you could wear so that every bulge you have shows or the complete opposite, where they wear the low rider jeans and they are so dropsy at the waist line, that you see their underwear or their butt crack and the jeans are half way to their knees. Then when they want to run from the cops - their jeans are either to tight or too dropsy that they can't run properly.

I will have to watch this movie again to understand it a little bit more, before I can truly judge it.
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Oh boy! This is is a silly, sick movie
carmie-31 November 1999
I can't help it - I love to watch this movie - I love the cheesy soundtrack (salsa rhythms played on an old Casio keyboard). I love the way Marilia Pena delivers her lines. (This is the wonderful woman from Pixote!) If there is anyone out there who actually liked Spike of Bensonhurst - you would also enjoy this - I own both movies - They are both by Paul Morrisey (He made many of the Andy Warhol films) - It's a hard sell, recommending this movie - I imagine it could outrage a lot of people - It is alternately a dark comedy and a bittersweet drama - Hard to find people who appreciate both -
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Something like a brazillian kids get shot in this one.
dfranzen707 June 2019
The most interesting aspect of this movie, by far, is the fact that it was directed by longtime Andy Warhol cohort Paul Morrissey. But unlike his stuff from the 70s, like Flesh for Frankenstein and Trash, Morrissey's Mixed Blood is rather mundane. It's a pedestrian story about rival drug gangs in NYC, one Latino and one Brazilian. There's a fair amount of action and fake blood, and the overall look is one of grime and grit and other traits typical of 1980s New York. And if you look real hard, as I did not, you might spot John Leguizamo in his film debut. He's part of the Latino gang, the Maceteros. But other than that, there's not much to say about this movie. It exists, it's directed by Paul Morrissey, and then it ends. Sure, it feels realistic, but so does a root canal.
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It's pretty bad...but so bad it's good!!
Jeneefra12 June 2009
OK...I was surprised at all the positive reviews...I really expected to see more reviews panning this movie. Now even though I think this movie is BAD (mainly due to horrible acting by pretty much everyone EXCEPT Marília Pêra, who is completely whacked and SO good at it.) I do have to say that I love the soundtrack, the disturbing poverty of the neighborhood with it's dilapidated buildings and drug dealers at every corner, crude dialog kind of intrigues me...and what's with Tiago?? I still cant figure out if he has a mental disorder or if his accent really is just as bad as his acting! Whatever the heck is up with this movie, I cant keep myself from watching it!! If you are a fan of "bad 80s" then you will love this movie! I may even have to buy it to add to my collection...which includes Roller Boogie...is that wrong?
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Pathetic gangster film carries the wrong blood type.
emm7 March 1999
MIXED BLOOD should pay special tribute to a guru of Andy Warhol who can't pinpoint New York City on a map. This gets cheesy starting at the first few seconds. A good story about "Mommy's" boys running a crime operation is dumped into the city landfill by mistakenly showing off poor production values, and a cruddy place to shoot a movie. I gagged throughout the whole thing, and you will, too. For the actors who were put on minimum wage, learning to use the sixth letter of the alphabet perfectly explains the name of the setting ("Alphabet City"). Godmother Rita is a slightly overweight Fran Drescher who performs a ridiculous singing number, turning this film into a laughable nightmare that later gets silly without even being noticed. You can smell the laughing gas that floats directly at your face! And if you can't stand the bloody violence that is eating our society, well, you most likely will, as poorly choreographed scenes will have you coughing up your fajita. MIXED BLOOD doesn't decide on whether it wants to speak Spanish or English. "Pathetic" is the word that speaks for itself. You might be interested in it if you still love Menudo.
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The cinema of Paul Morrisey.
Captain_Couth15 October 2003
Paul Morrisey's Mixed Blood (1985)is a grim and bleak look at life on the streets of New York City. Morrisey shot the movie on grainy film stock.

By doing so he gives the film a newsreel type aura. This is no Hollywood movie folks. The acting feels real and so does the situations. He pulls no punches in showing how these people survive day by day. The action scenes are abrupt and to the point. There's no staged or choreographed action set pieces. Everything about this film has a feel of true life. Many people will be turned off because of this. What do they know? Mixed Blood is great film that will sadly fade away into obscurity. A shame a great film maker like Paul Morrisey has never gotten his due.

Highly recommended. Not for all tastes.
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Clotting factor needed!
JamieNYC29 December 2013
I adore the music of Hector Lavoe and Willie Colon; love salsa dancing; and after 33 years in NYC, anything about my now ex-home. So when Turner Classic Movies ran this flick, I DVR'd it eagerly. Glancing over the preceding reviews, I imagine that Paul Morrissey has numerous articulate and devoted friends -- or maybe since moving out of the city, I have lost my sense of humor. About the only thing I like in this movie is the music, and its nod to the competition between Puerto Rican Fania salsa and Domincan merengue, a battle to the death that merengue won.

It's not my goal to hurt anyone's feelings, so all I'll say is that the actors could have benefited from -- direction -- and maybe a few acting lessons?
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Alexander Worka14 December 2000
I gave this film 9 out of 10 but on reflection it really should have been 10 as I can't imagine how anything could ever be better. "Mixed Blood" has a magical quality all of its own. The key ingredients are: hilarious dialogue, cool New York City vistas, fine soundtrack and, most notably, mesmerizing performances. This is not some crappy so-bad-it's-good exploitation film - it is the work of an artist with a unique and sophisticated sensibility and a great sense of humour.
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Reminds me of the Bronx!!!!!!!!!!!
vmeveryware28 December 2008
Yes it was cheesy throughout many parts, but a great deal of this movie was authentic! The fearlessness of the kids, the clothing (from lumberjack coats to RUN-DMCish leather fur hooded bombers). The abandoned buildings, prostitution on dirty mattresses in an empty lot, people getting thrown off roofs, wild random shootouts, disrespect of the police, dirty police, the music, everything was just authentic! One poster on here tends to think that a lot of what went on in this movie was far-fetched, I have news for you my friend, it wasn't!!! That's how crazy it used to be in the ghettos of NY (although I never knew Alphabet city was just as bad as the Bronx or Uptown Manhattan) before Rudolph Giuliani came into office. It's like an unrated, more violent version of the movie Beat Street, lol. I tell ya, I caught this flick late at night on Showtime and I was immediately taken back to the old neighborhoods that I grew up in (bronx & uptown manhattan, Spanish harlem). Many of the scenes brought back crazy memories of the violence and just plain ghetto activity that used to take place back in those days. The bodies outlined in chalk, the casual demeanor when someone you knew got shot dead, aggggghhhhh, this movie was just crazy. If you want a glimpse of what the Bronx and Spanish harlem (and I suppose Alphabet City) were like pre-mayor giuliani, watch this movie. For those of you who have been there, you know what I am talking about. Cypress Avenue, 141 street, stand up!
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This is a funny movie.
Nick Zak8 September 2001
First up, Mixed Blood is no Citizen Kane (Personally, I think Citizen Kane is highly overrated, but you get my point). However, it is a very enjoyable, funny and entertaining. The acting on occasion is poor but in a strange way this adds to the sense of realism. Richard Ulacia is a dreadful actor but due to the fact that he is playing a retarded mummy's boy means that he is perfect for this role!

Marilia Pera is excellent as Rita La Punta (she starred in Central Station) and whilst she shows sincere motherly love for all her 'adopted' drug running boys, she still manages to exude a real air of menace for her rivals drug dealers.

There are some very funny scenes in this film. I suspect most of them were intentional, although some are not. However, be warned if you like Merchant and Ivory films you will not find any humour in this film! If you hate Merchant and Ivory films, you should have a rib tickling time.

On a more serious note, one of the plot lines involves NYC's finest helping the drug dealers eliminate their rivals. In the light of the Larry Davis case (where Larry, a teenager, was allegedly employed by South Bronx police officers to sell drugs) and the fact that, in retrospect, this film was shot in the same year, you really do get a sense of gritty realism.

The musical score is excellent and matches the style and look of the film perfectly. The fine use of latin classics from Hector Lavoe and Willie Colon will have you shimmying in your seat.

If you like Scarface and Carlito's Way, rent this film on a Saturday night (when there is nothing much on TV) and you will not be disappointed.
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A Paul Morrissey Gem!
eatpastry5 January 2007
i just love this film. its now on DVD w/ great commentary by Paul Morrissey. Gritty, realistic, violent...and hilariously funny! as the film started i wondered why i'd never seen this film on TV and after watching it, i realized that w/ the F-bomb being shouted at about 30 times per minute, the film would have to be cut down to literally nothing for TV viewing. The story centers around Rita La Punta--mother & leader of a gang of underage drug dealers/thugs. She's the Portugese answer to Ma Barker and cares deeply about her little gang of hoodlums. Marilia Pera who plays her gives an over-the-top performance that carries this film and adds to much of the humor ("Dis whooore, Dis Beeetch"). Her VERY HOT son Thiago is a bit slow and not too bright but is the apple of her eye and protects him like a mama bear--tho her and him sleeping very close in the same bed together raises an eyebrow or two on just how close they really are. The actor who plays him--Richard Ulacia--shouts all of his lines in an angry thick accent. His favorite being "I don't like it!!!" Did anyone notice that literally everyone in this film had a foreign accent??? because so many of the performances are so over-the-top, the humor comes on subtle, unintentionally and broad at times. the genius in this film is how Morrissey found humor in such a grim and realistic setting. where can i get the soundtrack? i loved the Latin sounds that permiated this movie. Very entertaining, moves along nicely and you will find yourself chuckling uncontrollably at times.
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This Film Should Be Given More Credit
eisfresh10 September 2005
This film should be given more credit. Parts of this film has been copied in many Drug/Gangster Films after this film's release. Example:In the beginning of the film were they throw the kid off the roof. This act is copied in the movie Above The Rim. Scarface may be the only other drug movie that has been copied more. I be the first to admit that the acting is not up to par and in my opinion that really gives the film a more sense of realism. By the acting being that way it is it has given the film a documentary feel in my opinion. It makes you wonder whether or not a film crew was following around real drug dealers. Ricahrd Ulacia as Thiago in my opinion was okay. But Marlia Pera was excellent. The part were she breaks out in song was over the top but it enhanced her character in the movie. That part really showed the characters dual personality. Watch the movie and you will understand what I'm saying. The problem is that this movie will never become mainstream because of how real it is. Scarface was fantasy with some realism, Mixed Blood was all real. It gives you sense on how it was in the ghetto at that time. It shows how dirty some cops are. The Spanish was on point. The soundtrack was excellent. To me that made the movie. They're better films out there but this unique in it's own way
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There Go the Boys of Rita La Punta
riotgrrl2x28 October 2004
Read Nick Zak's review for a great breakdown of this movie. I am just here to say that when I have had an excessively good day, or an excessively bad day, all I want is to come home, curl up with a bottle of wine, and watch this movie from the quiet, poignant beginning to the quiet, bloodstained, poignant end.

That said, it's all the laughter in between that keeps me coming back year after year. Marilia Pera (star of Pixote) is magnificent.

Fantastic music, along with believable, realistic characters and dialogue and settings, all beautifully filmed, add up to a mesmerizing movie.

Some of the best scenes are the most banal...ordering food at the caterer, making funeral arrangements...

Look for my favorite funny scene... when the line of junkies has to run to get their spots in line back....the 1st junkie back is the one holding the kid. If you cannot find humor in that, maybe this film is not for you.
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Mixed Blood to be released on DVD - February 2006
nzak8 January 2006
I have already reviewed this great film and, therefore, I will just say that it is still remains one of my favourites. If I owned a cinema I would show Mixed Blood, Hanging with the Homeboys, Taxidriver and The Warriors every Saturday night! Anyway, the reason for the post is to let you know that Mixed Blood is finally getting a DVD release in February 2006. Hurrah!

I suspect that Paul Morrissey has not been pushing too hard for this as he certainly doesn't need the money. I read that he has made a mint on property over the years. Good luck to him! Anyone that can create a good fun piece of celluloid like Mixed Blood deserves a few million.

Lastly, I have to mention one of the really promising actors - Rodney Harvey - who is sadly no longer with us. He is the cool charismatic one who shoots Juan the Bullet at the end whilst puffing on a cigarette! Rodney - you are missed.
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Unforgettable Eye-Opener
musicbones20 September 2000
I see an average of about 40 or 50 movies a year. I'm now 45, so I've seen quite a few. For fun, I've been going back and rating each movie I've seen according to four criteria. They happen to be Grip, Depth, Fun, and Beauty. Mixed Blood came out 9th in one of my favorite years for movies (1985). It is a fascinating poetic eye-opener. The point I want to make, however, is that among all these movies I've seen, this one remains among the most vividly unforgettable.
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New York, New York
rbbdagge26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are two stars in this film - Marilia Pera and a totally run-down Third World New York. In the film, Marilia comes from the favela in Rio but I imagine it looks a lot better than this torn-down American city. Much of the acting in the film is abysmal however, given this is Paul Morrissey coming out of his Andy Warhol days, you have to wonder if this is on purchase. Thiago sounds like an untrained and unintelligent brute but plays an eh, untrained and unintelligent brute. Carol gives a totally flat delivery of everything she says, but plays a VERY bored rich upper class girl mingling with low class rough trade for kicks. Her final words after being shot in the head (....) are "I must look a mess" - hard to think that was written with a straight face.

If you take the film as it is - an 80's period piece set in the slums of Alphabet City before it was torn down to make apartments, and starring people with mostly limited acting experience (Ms Pera excepted) - it's an enjoyable late night film that will keep you interested. What would Andy call it? Probably, Trash.
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