SS Experiment Love Camp (1976) Poster

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Not the greatest prison-movie.
handodk14 July 1999
Yet another nazi-prison movie, that followed after Ilses success. This one has the usual stuff;lesbian warden, sadistic guards, forced co-workers and lotsa young women in shower/softcore sex scenes. The only highlight in this movie, is when the hero has his testicles removed, so the Kommandant can have them implanted (he lost them on the front, to a russian girl). Rather predictable and the torture scenes are kindda boring - for anyone who have seen this type of movie before.
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Total garbage.
HumanoidOfFlesh4 October 2003
Sergio Garrone's "SS Experiment Camp" is a total failure on every possible level.This film was banned in Britain as a video nasty,but it surely isn't as outrageous as many people claim.In fact it's pretty tame even by today's standards.There is some torture and humiliation and lots of nudity and soft-core sex.Some scenes are pretty mean-spirited for example one woman who refuses to go through the experiments is put into the tank.The temperature is first put up to almost boiling point and then the dial is turned the other way making it icy cold.Still the film is extremely dull,so fans of Italian exploitation may be disappointed.Avoid this one like the plague-watch "Beast in Heat" or "Gestapo's Last Orgy" instead!
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Nazi nonsense
Red-Barracuda4 June 2006
SS Experiment Camp was one of the films to kick-start the video nasty furor in the UK. As a result, for the past 25 years or so, it has been considered a notorious film. However, like The Driller Killer, it primarily attained it's infamous status due to the crude cover art used on it's video box. Those people who actually watched the film discovered that it was nowhere near as shocking as it's reputation suggested. Furthermore, it is actually unintentionally hilarious on a number of occasions. SS Experiment Camp is a bit of an enigma.

The story involves a group of women who are delivered to the aforementioned SS Experiment Camp. While there they are subjected to some inexplicable experiments, which often seem to involve forced copulation with a group of Nazi studs (who it has to be said all look strangely Italian). The purpose of the experiments is to find the best stud from this Aryan select and transfer his balls onto the camp commandant who, as we discover, lost his when a Russian woman he was raping bit his off.

Now, the above synopsis may well make the film sound deeply depraved and offensive. Well, it is sleazy and in highly dubious taste but the execution of the film is so amateurish and unrealistic that it really sounds a lot worse than it actually is. The depiction of the camp is more Butlins than Belsen at times. The inmates seem relatively unconcerned for the most part and the Nazi baddies are often hilariously unconvincing. That said, there are some nasty moments, particularly the treatment meted out to the young girl at the orgy; she ends up hanging naked upside down in a shot that recalls the aforementioned distasteful cover shot. But, generally speaking, sequences that achieve such offense are uncommon here. The scenes showing the experiments, while certainly tasteless, are often more strange than anything else. The copulation in a tank of water idea being an example where it is too bizarre to take altogether seriously.

The film does, however, have two uproariously funny sequences. In neither case is the humour intentional...

Funny scene #1: In the first scene we have one of the Nazi studs returning to the dorm and saying how much he is looking forward to banging some hot women in the next experiment. The good Nazi, Helmut, takes offense at this and says, "I think every time you open your mouth you talk sh*t", to which the bad Nazi replies, after a long pregnant pause, "Hey, I don't like that last remark you made....about sh*t". Cue a silly fight.

Funny scene #2: The second hilarious scene begins when Helmut discovers, just as he is about to have sex, that he has no balls. He then runs naked through the camp in search of the commandant. Once he finally confronts him, he delivers the truly immortal line, "OK you bastard...what have you done to my balls?".

Both of the above scenes make the film worth enduring in a comedy sense.

It's very sleazy. There's acres of full-frontal naked female flesh. It's occasionally gratuitously violent. But above all, the notorious SS Experiment Camp is, in the final analysis, a rather silly film.
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Mean but BORING exploitation trash
Coventry8 June 2005
Okay, I honestly don't know why I watch movies like this. They handle about an unpleasant substance, the production values are extremely poor and the videostore lady always looks at you like you're some kind of dangerous psychopath when you rent them. Yet, these Nazi-exploitation movies have an enormous cult-value and they bring intriguing controversy. Well, usually that is, since this "SS Experiment Love Camp" is an utterly boring mess! The story is set in a vicious medical camp-base, where the best German soldiers are brought to copulate with resistant enemy women. Supposedly, this serves a higher purpose but they're never actually telling us what that might be. When a stud-soldier unexpectedly falls in love with his mating partner, his body is used for another – much more vile - medical experiment, namely the world's very first testicle transplant! "SS Experiment Love Camp" is an infamous video-nasty and, although it really sounds like one, it's hardly worth calling a shocker. The repulsiveness is limited to a few sequences (a girl gets both boiled an iced in a water tank, another one is hung bleeding by her feet) while the rest is of the film talkative dullness about the superiority of the Third Reich etc etc... The cast of characters features your usual lesbian warden, a perverted elderly guard and a fugitive doctor. The camera-work is weak and the torture devices are pathetic. If you do feel the uncontrollable desire to watch a Nazi exploitation movie, you can never go wrong with "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS" or Tinto Brass' "Salon Kitty". Please, do avoid this garbage at all costs.
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Not worthy of its banned status
theundertaker18022 October 2001
This is one of the many sleazy World War 2 Nazi camp movies. The poor female POW's get raped and groped by all and sundry at the camp, but in an amusing comic twist the commandant decides he wants a new pair of testicles and so removes them from one of the hunky guards, who doesn't seem to realise until he goes to bonk one of the French prisoners. This provides one of the most amusing scenes when he confronts the commandant and says "What have you been doing with my balls?". This is another title responsible for the "Video Nasties" furore by the media. Although by today's standards it could be passed with BBFC cuts.
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Meets all expectations.
oulamies6 December 2015
Maybe one of the saddest things a human being can do is to watch a movie like "SS Experiment Love Camp" and criticize it. It's like what did you expect? I understand it when people analyze and discuss compelling works of film like "Apocalypse, Now", but the fact that you with your own will sit through a nazisploitation piece of litter such as this, and have the balls to talk crap on top of it? Oh man, that's ridiculous. And the fact that I'm making an effort to write about this 1976 video nasty, proves that I'm one of these freaks.

As one might suspect, the title gives away everything you possibly need to know. It's exactly what it says. Some people might confuse this to an actual porn feature in whatever weird store that holds this thing in their shelves, but it's a lot lower than that. There are many many naked chicks and almost every scene introduces a pair of genuine POW tits, but the sex/orgy scenes deliver nothing more than the usual sleazy scrubbing that goes on just so they can reach a full feature length.

There's basically four sections to this film: soft-core eroticism, surgical scenes to show some gory guts, female torture scenes, and pointless dialogue about the cunning plans of the Nazis. It's like these ingredients were put in a blender to produce an extra sloppy script. And yes, there is a romance between one of the Nazis and a prisoner. Who would have thought?

Many people find "SS Experiment Love Camp" boring, and that's because it is boring. Even the most deviant scenes aren't much anything to behold. Everything relies merely on naked breasts and screaming. Fans of gore will be disappointed and bored to death, while woman haters get what they want. God forbid if a feminist ever gets near this thing. That's also the beauty of exploitation cinema; most of the stuff that was produced in the 70s alone would never get into a theater these days.

This movie is bad. Watch it if you're a weird exploitation buff like me who just can't keep away from this crap. Also mandatory for video nasty perfectionists, all sorts of psychos, and SSadists. If some mistake this to a cheesy "so-bad-it's-good" flick, they have made a mistake that will probably just leave a bad taste in their mouths.
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Sex film for a worse tomorrow!
Bloomer3 March 2007
SS Experiment Love Camp is a film that makes Love Camp 7 look downright lovable. And I don't mean that in a 'This isn't a film for wimps, while Love Camp 7 is' kind of way. I mean that relatively speaking, Love Camp 7 has a lot going for it and may engage or entertain you in its special fashion, but that SS Experiment Love Camp most certainly does not, and won't.

'Sex experiments in pursuit of a better tomorrow!' screams the tagline. Being carried out by various fools in a Nazi-run slave brothel during WWII, these experiments consist in the first place of observing how German soldiers couple with female prisoners in transparent waist- high water tanks, or on white-sheeted beds. Cue softcore sex scenes. The second kind of experiment involves no sex but lots of particularly idiotic violence. I'll admit that the cruelty of some of these scenes is affecting, but it's hard to get away from the pervading feeling of stupidity. For instance, can you really learn anything by sticking a tube in a woman's ear and then blasting her eardrum with several atmospheres of pressure? The folks playing the unflappable camp staff act as if they really think they can. Truly, it's not just for the purposes of sadism. 'What, she's dead? Get another one in, we'll try the experiment again.' They're also obsessed with perfecting the 'uterus transplant' procedure, a yucky effect you get to see at least three times. Unsurprisingly, these operations, which were clearly going nowhere, come to nothing. The film is for the most part a momentumless series of such softcore sex and shabbily portrayed torture scenes, further undercut by the silliest-looking dubbing I've seen in a film of this genre and the least convincing casting of a period film ever. The German troops look and act - and above all, sound - like American GIs.

Even for folks who want to watch them - like myself - these Nazi sexploitation films are acknowledged as being pretty hard to surpass in terms of bad taste, so when one is executed as dumbly as SS Experiment Love Camp, it sort of topples over into a zone where it could easily be viewed as a complete insult to humanity. You've got a film about Nazi experiments, but they're quite ridiculous. The film's hopeless in its period detail and everyone has a broad American accent. Jewishness isn't mentioned at all (not totally exceptional for this genre, but in this film, again, it somehow looks worse). There's almost no development, no suspense and no engagement value of any kind, except during the last twenty minutes, when they throw in the testicular transplant plot development which I haven't previously mentioned. The ball action and some unintended laughs are about the only things which stick out of this quite dull, dumb and thoroughly poor entry in the genre.
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Garbage exploitation crap
The_Void16 May 2006
When I decided to see every film on the DPP 'Video Nasty' list, I knew I'd be letting myself in for some rubbish; but I really didn't expect anything this depressingly awful. This movie transcends the bounds of 'so bad it's good' and just becomes bad. There are some other bad films on the list, but most of those at least have some redeeming values; this one really does have nothing. The centrepiece of the film has to do with the 'first ever' testicle transplant, and that's the only narrative that runs throughout. The rest of the film is padded out by lots of pointless 'experiments' and other tedious happenings, and it's clear that director Sergio Garrone wanted to make this as sleazy as possible in order to sell tickets - but I like sleaze, and this isn't it. This film was, like The Driller Killer, banned in the UK because of the cover art; and that's hardly surprising, as aside from the aforementioned transplant and a few sex scenes; there really isn't anything here to warrant banning, or seeking the film out for. I've been thankful to the DPP and their shopping list in the past, as it's allowed me to discover some great hidden gems such as The House on Straw Hill and The Witch Who Came From the Sea; films that I otherwise might not have seen, but I'm annoyed that I bothered to see this. On the whole, there's nothing to see this movie for; and I certainly don't recommend it.
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Bad video nasty....
MovieGuy0114 October 2009
I did not think much of the film SS Experiment Camp This is a sleazy WW2 Nazi horror film which is more like a comedy in parts In this horror film the poor female POW's get raped and groped by The prison guards at the camp. In an amusing part of the film the commandant decides he wants a new pair of testicles and so removes them from one of the hunky guards. The guard doesn't seem to realise he's been castrated until he goes to have sex one of the French prisoners. SS Experiment Camp was banned in th UK from 1976-2005 because it was thought to controversial. it was eventually passed uncut in 2006 because there was not anything in the film that was thought unsuitable.
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Secret Gitmo training film?
lastliberal9 November 2008
This video nastie was initially banned, but allowed release without any cuts. Supposedly it was the cover and the subject matter that was found offensive, and not the actual film.

Of course, many would find the film offensive. It was poorly shot, had no real actors, had really boring sex scenes, and was just a cheap naziplotation film.

I have not been able to confirm that this was used as training material for the torturers at Gitmo. The limited torture in the film would probably not make it of much use. There was no water-boarding, for example, but there was an interesting use of boiling/freezing water.

If you are looking for a cheap film that makes extensive use of full frontal nudity, this may be just the thing. If you love Bush, then you will find a forest here.
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For "Video Nasty List" completists only....... and I think they'll be disappointed
pob7520 February 2020
If you are looking at this page and reading about this film you probably know what you're getting, or should be getting. It is what it is. At best it should be entertaining or at least of some interest to those who have an interest in these films. I should be one of them but this is not good. I watch plenty of similar fodder and am happy to be entertained by many exploitation films of questionable taste. There's a certain pleasure to be gained by leaving your brain in neutral and plopping down in front of some trashy exploitation film or similar. If you watch this genre you have to forgive a lot and just go with it - there's no point picking these films apart - they were never meant to be worthy and few are well-made. Nothing is theoretically off-limits as far as subject matter goes. The "S.S." exploitation films are not generally offensive to me as they inhabit an entirely different universe to the real world or actual events and are completely separate things. The supposed settings are just an excuse (I'd hesitate to call it a plot device) for a procession of sex/violence/torture-type scenes. Even these are not well done. This film is fairly boring. The 90 minute run time feels like a long time. There are many things covered by other reviewers, which I won't repeat here, about the quality/dialogue/acting/"plot" etc. This doesn't have the campy charm of some exploitation films. It won't surprise you that there are multiple sex scenes. These can only be considered rape but the victims are almost all portrayed as willing participants who enjoy it. Two things stand out to me and discomfort me. Firstly I've seen an interview with the director where he seems to suggest that he had extensively researched for this film. He seems to think his film is researched and verging on historical and the tone of his interview suggests he has done the world a service by showing us this. Come on mate!!! Really!!! That makes it more offensive to me than if he just accepted it is a straight-up, bad taste, low budget exploitation film. The testicle transplant mentioned by others is obviously not the only b*llocks associated with the film. The second thing I found odd and jarring is the use of burning scenes - they are so badly done it is hard to see why they are included. The only reason would be to shock but these corpses (surrounded by fake superimposed flames that don't mark them) all start to dance about like some modern interpretive dance troupe. Any potential shock value is gone. (As an aside, I suspect this is part of the "research" - burning corpses DO flex and can sit up etc. What they don't do is flex and extend and move to-and-fro in silly jerky dances - think Peter Crouch's robot goal celebrations - like is portrayed here)

So, in summary - duller than it should be, not well done, no humour or campy charm as you almost always have in exploitation - even inadvertently. The interview with the director has probably made me judge it more harshly than others of its ilk - it is hard to keep your brain in neutral when he seems to suggest his film is so much more worthy than it so obviously is. Completists will watch whatever anyone else says. No-one else should be bothering with this. It is arguably the most notorious of the S.S. films but is one of the worst. If you only watch one or two consider Ilsa, or even Hellcamp/Beast in Heat before you get to this.
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A totally disgusting and hence quite pleasingly scuzzy piece of Italian Nazisploitation trash
Woodyanders16 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ghastly medical experiments are conducted on the lovely young lady inmates in a secret SS love camp in order to create a superior race. The wicked, but impotent commandant Colonel Von Kleiben (excellently essayed with suavely sadistic aplomb by Giorgio Cerioni) has the testicles of handsome and virile stud soldier Helmut (hunky Mircha Carven) transplanted into his body. When Helmut discovers that he's been severely mutilated, he assists the female prisoners in revolting against their vile and vicious Nazi captors. Director/co-writer Sergio Garrone really wallows in the unflinchingly raw and graphic sleaze: there's a ripe abundance of gratuitous distaff nudity, a group shower scene, a debauched orgy, seamy soft-core sex, and even lesbianism. Moreover, Garrone delivers the in-your-face harsh and disturbing brutality with unsparing explicitness: women are electrocuted, bloodied and mangled bodies are incinerated in a large oven, a couple of gals have their uterusses surgically removed, and the testicle transplant is every bit as gross and sickening as it ought to be. One especially nauseating sequence occurs when a hapless lass gets boiled alive in a vat of scalding hot water and subsequently gets frozen when the water temperature is turned down to a freezing cold level. Another equally appalling set piece features a frail, naked and seriously wounded virginal waif being hung upside down on a pole and slowly bleeding to death. Nice supporting performances by Paola Corazzi as gorgeous blonde political prisoner Mirelle, Attilio Dottesio as noted master surgeon Dr. Steiner, Serafino Profumo as a gruff, savage sergeant, and Patrizia Melega as the dedicated, but lascivious Dr. Renke. Maurizio Centini's rough, unpolished cinematography, the laughably crude dubbed dialogue, the spare, shuddery score by Vasili Kojucharov and Roberto Pregadio, and the downbeat ending all further enhance the awesomely ugly fun of this perfectly foul, putrid and offensive lump of choice crass Nazisploitation junk.
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Testicle transplants and lesbian Nazis—a classic combo.
BA_Harrison23 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sergio Garrone's SS Experiment Camp is one of the most infamous entries in that rather dodgy sub-genre known to fans as Nazisploitation, mostly thanks to its inclusion in the official UK video nasties list during the 1980s. And whilst it is certainly a film that is in very poor taste, using a Nazi torture camp as a backdrop for its tawdry tale of sex and violence, it is also a very silly one and one still worth watching if you're an exploitation completist.

Giorgio Cerioni plays Colonel von Kleiben, head of a team of scientists who are experimenting on female political prisoners in an effort to advance the Arian race. But von Kleiben secretly has his own agenda: by conducting sex experiments using the Third Reich's most physically perfect soldiers, he is also hoping to locate the ideal donor for his intended 'testicle' transplant (his own knackers were bitten off!).

After quite a lot of soft-core sex and the occasional nastier moment (a woman is boiled and then frozen, others have their eardrums burst, and one girl is shot and then hung upside-down), the film finally gets to deliver some truly memorable (and unintentionally funny) scenes. The testicle transplant is guaranteed to get men crossing their legs (particularly when the surgeon pops each nad out, snips and then places them in a tray) and the point when unwilling donor Helmut discovers, mid-shag, that his nuts are missing is hilarious.

SS Experiment Camp may not the best example of the genre (both Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS and Gestapo's Last Orgy are better), but the film is still worth seeing, partly because of its infamy, but mostly because it includes the classic line, 'how have you been doing with my balls?'.

5.5 out of 10 (rounded up to 6 for IMDb).
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One of the better Nazties
QueenoftheGoons28 March 2022
Girgio is quite easy on the eyes, and this is one of the better Nazipolitations of the era. Nice scenes and quite satisfyingly for those late night lonely nights.
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"The most pathetic of the Nasties"
Moshing Hoods30 November 2001
Sergio Garrone's grindhouse Nazi sex flick, shot back to back with the similarly dire SS WOMENS CAMP, is one of the most often cited "video nasties". In actuality it is totally ridiculous on every level, even relative to other genre entries. Owing more to SALON KITTY than ILSA, SHE WOLF OF THE SS yet made with zero flair and a poor grasp of English, this movie would have been forgotten forever had it not been singled out for prosecution at the hands of the DPP. The "experiments" are simply ridiculous and are no more than an intangible excuse for embarrassed soft-core writhing between very Latin looking "SS soldiers" and the well-fed inmates (who throughout the film are treated more as if they are in a holiday camp rather than Auschwitz!).

As with all similar films, the only offensive thing about this movie is its total trivialisation of the Holocaust. It is pretty interesting to watch, however... if only to see just how far exploitation can sink.
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Not such a great example.
RatedVforVinny24 March 2019
I'm not marking this film so low (as some would) because of it being part of the grubby, 'Italian Nazi Exploitation' genre; as I have seen way better and superior examples. I'm not sure exactly, how you can make such a boring film concerning the subject of both Nazis and sex but 'SS Experimental' seems to be just that (and dull + dim to). In fact all of my 2 stars are for the impacting poster; a fine example of Exploitation art work. Ironically the same director Sergio Garrone, made one of the best Italian Westerns, 'Django the Bastard', though with this, it's all gone so terribly wrong.
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SSick Is Meant
boredaboi13 April 2008
Well SS Experiment Camp....Love Camp...Hate Camp. This is the notorious banned filmed, What was the bbfc thinking off. I wish i never seen it now. Its a bit like when i was young thinking there was a santa claus, thinking he was real. The same thing applies here. Before i watched i used to think wow what a film SS experiment camp was. But the was mainly to it getting banded and people saying have you seen that film were the Germans have sex yeah SSex...periment camp on people. The only reason it got banned was the concept of the film not the film. If you manage to leave it on all the way you will say the same. I know some people will like it but hey i love Dumbo. Well rubbish acting rubbish effects. Cheap German porn thats it. This film has many other sequels in different title forms love camp etc etc. And The Beast in Heat another stupid porno a man in a cage injected with monkey juice rapes (well if its rape without an erection) women. Go watch them now and tell me what you think. I used to hunt out films like this and think great but this should never have been put on the list. Go watch Sodom or Holy Mountain......SS? ZZ the sleep camp....
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A Better Film Than Legend Would Have It
michigindie24 March 2023
Although this genre of erotic horror film is admittedly not for everyone, those who do enjoy raunchy retro Euro horror will find a few delectable morsels here.

The basic premise is really good--a Nazi medical camp has been established during WWII for the purpose of conducting various unethical experiments on prisoners of war. A group of fairly hot German soldiers arrives on orders, to participate in the latest program: Having intercourse daily with various female POWs to teach them a lesson and identify which of the men is the most virile.

The film shines during the brief and few barracks scenes, when the handsome, bare-chested and muscular men lounge around in their boxers comparing notes about the women they are assigned to plow night after night (all in the same room together, as the medical staff watches and takes notes). Even better are a handful of brief-but-convincing intercourse scenes, showing the boys doing what boys do when given a willing partner.

Less entertaining are the obligatory women behind bars scenes. As in the other entries in this genre, these scenes give the impression that WWII was staffed and fought by women and that women were everywhere you looked on military bases. Nothing could be further from the truth and these scenes, along with the obligatory boy-meets-girl romance subplot, bring the film to a grinding halt.

Things kick in to high gear during the third act, when we discover why the lead officer is looking for the most virile stud he can find...what follows is a wild 20-minute ride filled with surprises and a fairly satisfying conclusion.

Overall, not nearly as bad as the other reviewers would have it.
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chris-25122 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you like the worst of the worst (Or is it the best of the best?) you simply have to check out the Nazisploitation genre. They will NEVER make movies like this again. Thank God.

If you want to imagine what these films are like, just drop your jaw and keep it there for two hours.

SS Experiment, aka SS Experiment Camp, was, like many of the more notorious Nazisploitationers, made in Italy. The explosion of this type of material was the result of the success(?) of other films like "Ilsa She Wolf of the SS", the ultra-crap "Night Porter" and Pasolini's "Salo", three films that couldn't have been further apart in intent if they tried. Ilsa is noteworthy because it is the ONLY film legendary soft-core producer David F. Friedman took his name OFF (Though he also made a strangely nascent precursor to the genre with Love Camp 7 where he actually played an SS officer. (Isn't he Jewish?)) Regardless, everyone involved with these films, be they producers or consumers, (including this viewer), should be ashamed of themselves.

Of all the Italian Nazisploitationers, this one isn't the best, nor is it the worst. (Others include SS Girls, Gestopo's Last Orgy, SS Hell Camp and Tinto Brass's super-stupid Salon Kitty, which like his pathetic Caligula, has a weird soft-core sheen that makes it extra-unbelievable.) How these actors and actresses performed these roles without running straight out of the studio is beyond me. I guess money talks. But isn't there a point where you look at a script and go, "Sheesh, 100 million people died in WW2. Isn't this slightly insulting to their memory? Let alone the memory of those who died in the death camps of Auschwitz, Ravensbruck and Belson?" I guess not. After all, once you've signed on to do a movie called SS Experiment Camp all bets are off.

Interestingly, these films very rarely acknowledge the Holocaust or the "Jewish" angle at all, and few of them are blatantly racist, which I suppose redeems them a little. But isn't it uncomfortable to think they were made in a nation that actually sided with the Nazis? Isn't this a connection you WOULDN'T want to emphasis? These movies, by the way, would NEVER have been made in Germany. (Could you imagine?!?)

By the way, for those of you who didn't go to film school, Pasolini's Salo was NOT AN EXPLOITATION FILM!!! I cannot stress this enough. It was an appendix to his Trilogy of Life which also included his adaptations of The Decameron, Arabian Nights and Canterbury Tales. Salo is closer to its original text, (Sade's 120 Days of Sodom) than anything else. Actually, most of Salo is verbatim from De Sade's book, with only minor alterations. Please, for the love of God, don't confuse that film with this one! Though I find it somewhat funny that so many people make this connection, I forgive them, because they obviously haven't seen SS Experiment Camp. Believe me, it's not coming to a Cinematheque near you anytime soon!
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Be Thankful For How Appalling This Is
massiveapple5 August 2003
"SS Experiment Camp", as it's known in Britain, first found fame with its promotional poster - in the early days of video in the UK, when only cheap titles were being released, video store owners brightened up their shops with its lurid artwork of a tortured semi-naked girl hanging upside down in a prison yard, with the spooky face of an evil Nazi officer hovering behind. The result was outrage, and the beginning of the Video Nasties panic, resulting in the banning of this and almost 80 other films.

I don't think "SS Experiment Camp" is currently available uncut anywhere in the world, which is hardly surprising - even Anchor Bay would turn their noses up at this one. Obviously it's in UNBELIEVABLY poor taste, and yes it does take ludicrous liberties with its portrayal of Nazi death camps, but what really stands out about this movie is how appallingly bad it is. All these things come together most startlingly in the memorable scene where a lady prisoner, who has been repeatedly raped to orgasm by a sadistic female doctor, piles marmalade onto her bread and sighs "I haven't had marmalade for ages...if these guys keep treating us like this, they've got my vote!" Jaw-dropping.

The torture scenes aren't very realistic, but they're INCREDIBLY mean-spirited (the even-worse sequel to this movie, the charmingly titled "SS Camp 5: Women's Hell" has more torture, which the filmmakers absolutely revel in). "SS Experiment Camp" is a very, very badly made film - those of us with a taste for extremely sick kitsch watch it for its ludicrous, campy sleaziness - for which we should be thankful. If it was a well-made film, it would be pretty impossible to watch without puking your guts up.
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Agent Provocateur
Tweetienator11 October 2021
I can accept every rate or review giving this one a rate of 1 - for sure one got to have taste for sick badness to appreciate a movie like this one. But I can also accept a rate of 10. SS Experiment Camp aka SS Experiment Love Camp aka Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur is pure schund but also a highly entertaining mess - but with vision and a great shot of provocation. Obviously, this is not a movie for someone who grew up with Disney and regards Get Out to be a horror movie. Also I doubt that many of those negative reviewers watched an uncut copy, and I doubt one could make a movie like this these days.
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