The Baby (1973) Poster


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Oh Baby!
brefane22 March 2006
Worthwhile,off beat, modern Gothic tale centering on a dysfunctional family that emasculates the only male in the family by keeping him a baby:even though he is fully grown. And lucky "Baby", all the women in the film want him for their own reasons. An unusual premise, with effective performances, efficient direction, and good use of location makes for an enjoyably twisted B movie. The movie drags a bit toward the end, and begins to seem a bit thin, but it remains compelling. A real find on budget DVD.

Comer is well-cast in the lead and Roman's performance is classic. As Roman's daughters, cult figure Marianna Hill (Red Line 7000,Medium Cool, High Plains Drifter,Dead People) and Suzanne Zenor are convincingly creepy. And did I mention Beatrice Manley Blau as Comer's mother-in-law? Now, she's scary!

Slick and sick little film that ends with a nice twist. Shelved by the studio;than given a limited theatrical release. A bit difficult to categorize but, definitely worth seeking out. The DVD, regrettably, has no extras but, the transfer looks good.
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A very odd piece of 70's Horror
imbluzclooby26 November 2005
I first saw "The Baby" on a late night horror show called "Grimsley". It was on TV so of course they had to edit the very few graphic scenes, but it is still nonetheless disturbing. But as a 9 year old kid, watching a man-child in diapers didn't scare me a bit. Monsters scared me. So this movie was just goofy and at the same time interesting. Why would anyone be interested in such a warped conceit as "The Baby". It's just weird and intriguing. But it also has a sweetness to it. The outcome of course is a very eerie twist and touching outlook on love and compassion. Whether or not this film intentionally tried to freak you out or just paint a strangely humanistic picture, it succeeds on the freakish level. But its played with total seriousness. Serious and corny. Don't be surprised if you catch find yourself shaking your head repeatedly at this movie, you will also be surprised at how much it will mesmerize you.
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Warped family values
capkronos15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There were many 1970s horror films that gleefully deconstructed the family unit (IT'S ALIVE, THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE, THE HILLS HAVE EYES and many others), but nothing quite like this! Compassionate social worker Ann Gentry (Anjanette Comer) is assigned the case of her career; paying frequent visits to "Baby" Wadsworth (David "Manzy"/ Mooney), a mentally regressed fully grown adult male who wears diapers, crawls around on the ground, cries in an infant voice, sleeps in a crib and sucks on baby bottles (and *cough* other things when he can get his hands on them). Baby lives at home with his domineering, husky-voiced, ball-busting, man-hating mother (Ruth Roman), whose idea of child discipline incorporates an electric cattle prod, and two pretty, but equally strange, grown sisters; Germaine (Marianna Hill) and Alba (Suzanne Zenor). All the kids have different fathers but none of them are anywhere to be found. Neither is Ann's husband; by all indications she lives the life of a widow at the mansion home of her her wealthy mother-in-law Judith (Beatrice Manley Blau, who was the co-founded of the Actor's Workshop in San Francisco). The whole family claim Baby is simply retarded and incapable of improving, but Ann thinks otherwise and the case becomes a personal crusade for her. After frequent visits to the home, she becomes convinced that Baby is actually a fully functioning adult who has been kept in mentally adolescent state by three women who have some serious mental problems of their own.

Beginning as a strange, engrossing, well-made melodrama of one woman's consuming infatuation with her charge and getting through to the family, it turns into a full blown horror movie by the end with multiple kidnappings, bloody knife and hatchet murders and a character being buried alive. Sure it sometimes feels like a mixed bag of silly, tasteless, campy and downright sick ideas, but the performances are good enough to bail it out when it needs it and compensate for the shortcomings. Ruth Roman is especially terrific here. She possesses the same exact effortless campy qualities that made Bette Davis and Joan Crawford seem so at home in the horror genre during their twilight years. There's a memorable scene when she stumbles into the room to see the teen babysitter, uh, doing something she shouldn't be doing with "baby," and she proceeds to beat the living s--t out of her while screeching "You lying bitch!" in her great deep voice. I'm used to seeing Marianna Hill as the lady-in-distress in such films as MESSIAH OF EVIL and BLOOD BEACH, but she's way better here playing it all wide-eyed, aloof and unhinged. Comer does well as the offbeat heroine and David Mooney is excellent in a role that could have come off as a complete joke in someone else's hands. Michael Pataki shows up briefly as Dennis, "one of" Alba's boyfriends during an amusingly gaudily-colored birthday party scene, and Virginia Vincent (the mom from THE HILLS HAVE EYES) is in the movie somewhere. I kept my eyes peeled for her, so she was either cut out completely or was simply an extra during the party scene.

Even though it's well worth checking out, it does go way overboard during the hard-to-swallow finale and note to future filmmakers - Do not put a platinum blonde wig on the stunt double of a redhead. There are no special features on the Geneon DVD I rented, not even scene selection. When you pop it in, it plays. Simple as that. But the quality of the print is excellent.
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God, I Love The 70s!
Zen Bones8 February 2005
They could never make a film like this today. If they did, it would have an all-star cast, a loud, obtrusive score, and dizzying, roller-coaster camera effects. Back in the 70s they had to get by on talent, imagination and audacity alone. Luckily, they had plenty of that back then. This is not a 'twisted" film, at least anywhere nearly as twisted as say, "Bad Boy Bubby" or "Sonny Boy" (now those movies are reeeeally twisted!), but then what can one expect from Hollywood? This movie is like Diabolique made as a 1970s TV movie-of-the-week with a drive-in sleaze chaser. There's definitely a lack of credibility in this movie's plot - not that a woman couldn't keep her grown son in the mental state of a six-month infant. That's plausible and has happened before, but it's extremely unlikely that the authorities who knew about this kid all those years wouldn't have insisted on special schooling and therapy from day one. But who cares? Here we've got a film with two wicked Barbie Doll sisters who have venom in their veins and just looove to tease men. There's some great bad seventies fashion and a 'wild party' scene (well, wild for the suburbs. Ahh, Hollywood – so out of touch!). And what can you say about Ruth Roman? She's Joan Crawford, Bette Davis and Ernest Borgnine all rolled into one. They just don't make broads like that anymore!

As mentioned by others, there are lots of twists and turns in the plot, but most anyone can figure them out very early on. But again, who cares? This movie works because of its audacity in the face of its conventionality and well, there is an intelligence at work somewhere in the midst of its drive-in movie formula. Take that whole scene with the babysitter for instance (for those who haven't seen this, you'll just have to see for yourself). I knew what was going to happen, but the way it built up so naturally seemed very honest and real. Which is why it freaked me out so much. Every now and then the film slips that comfort rug out from under you. Freak city! Then it relaxes safely in the realms of convention, but that's okay too because the whole movie has such charming camp appeal. Let's make that clear: this is a camp movie, NOT a horror movie! It's stupidly being marketed as horror, so it's understandable that the kiddies who are looking for lots of gore and boobies are feeling disappointed. Stick with Argento, kids! Oh yeah… huge kudos to David Mooney (Manzy – whatever) who played 'Baby'. He should have become a star.
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Bizarre Enough to Hold Your Attention
rwint3 September 2001
Bizarre, truly twisted tale of a mother who keeps her grown son in a perpetual infant state. Conflict arises when a social worker tries to intervene. Very low budget and flatly photographed yet it's offbeat enough to keep you going all the way to it's twist ending. There are not too many roles requiring grown men to wear diapers, sleep in a crib, and cry, but if there were Manzy would most certainly win the award. Hill and Zenor, as the two daughters, are sexy enough to create some diversion. Roman and Comer make good adversaries, which they play to the hilt!!
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Pleasantly bent
eminges28 November 2001
The Baby joins a select club of really flaky little films from the poofy-hair-on-guys era, early 70's to early 80's; the best of these was Night Warning, William Shatner's wigged-out Impulse is another, the MST'd Touch of Satan is another. The Baby and Impulse even share the services of the wondrous Ruth Roman, who in The Baby looks more than ever like Victor Mature in full drag. All these feature somebody driving around in a Dodge Dart or a Maverick and plot twists that make you ask, "What were these people ON?"

Ted Post was already in his late fifties when he did The Baby, so the lame direction can't be written off as a young director learning his craft. It just plain sucks. Anjanette Comer stands around screeching and flapping her hands for emphasis like she's at a community-theater audition; it's hard to see any of the luminescent Aimee Thanatogenos from The Loved One, just eight years before. And Baby is a hoot - this was pretty much the entire career of the hard-working young actor trying to make us believe he's a teenager operating at a 9-month-old level, but somebody decided to dub in the sounds of a real baby coming from his adult voice-box, and you don't buy the bit for five seconds.

But there's just enough here to make it worthwhile to stick it out for the snapper ending. Anybody who says they guessed where this was going is lying like a red dog. It's no Night Warning, but if you've seen Night Warning and you need another sip from the same bucket, it'll do.
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THE BABY (Ted Post, 1973) **
Bunuel19768 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I had noticed this one in the "Drama" section of my local DVD outlet some time ago, but I decided to look it up this week and discovered that it's considered something of a cult item, and a sick one at that - so I just had to go out and rent it sooner rather than later!

Well, as it turned out, it's got one of the silliest premises ever - a full-grown man with the mind of an infant is jealously guarded by his immediate family (mother and two 'normal' sisters), until a female social-worker (played by Anjanette Comer) takes a special interest in the baby and determines to 'cure' him!! The sight of a man in diapers emitting baby-ish sounds - obviously, and unconvincingly, dubbed on the soundtrack by a genuine toddler - is enough to give anyone convulsions of laughter but this is augmented further by the jealous fits of rage displayed by the gorgon-like matriarch (with a scary wig to match!) played in the grand manner of a Joan Crawford (indeed, the film can be considered a late addition to the "Baby Jane"-type of horror films which proliferated in the 60s) by raspy-voiced Ruth Roman who viciously whips a baby-sitter caught breast-feeding her precious 'child' (unbeknownst that one of her own daughters has a tendency to 'sleep' with him)!!

Its open-matte transfer and soft look give THE BABY the flat atmosphere of a TV movie, while the plot is too superficially developed to have any lasting effect; what's more, its 70s attitudes date the film no end (particularly a hilarious party sequence, held by the child's family to celebrate his birthday, featuring a lot of bad hairdos and even worse dancing)! The twist at the end - which sends the film briefly (and very mildly) into 'slasher' territory - is clever enough under the circumstances but, at the same time, it can be seen as just another bizarre idea in a film that is so preposterous that it has to be seen to be believed!
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Leave your jaw on the floor
iago-628 February 2006
A movie sure to have you staring at the screen in shock, The Baby is guaranteed to turn out to be one of the stranger things you will ever see. Here's the deal: Ann is a social worker who stops by the house of a Mrs. Wadsworth, played by Ruth Roman (who was also in one of my favorite little movies, The Killing Kind, though I don't remember who she was there). Mrs. Wadsworth lives with her two daughters, Germaine and Alba, and her son, whom they all refer to as Baby. Baby is a 21-year-old man who has been in an infantile state apparently since birth. He can neither walk nor speak, or really concentrate on anything. His sisters are also, uh, quite something: Germaine, played with wonderful zest by Marianna Hill, is an extremely strange woman with this massive mane of hair, and tiny, evil eyes. If anyone ever had to cast a woman who is revealed to be a real, evil witch at the end, here's your woman. I actually want to see a lot more of her. She was awesome, and she can preen and glare like nobody's business. Which obviously wins her big points with me.

So Ann the social worker shows up for a case visit, and makes it clear that she is "quite intrigued" by the case. The mother and sisters don't want to let her see Baby, but she insists, and we see him for the first time. He is a fairly cute 21-year-old (looked a little younger to me) guy. Ann the social worker continues to visit, and one is surprised how quickly she adjusts to the fact of this adult acting like a baby, and we start to feel a little freaky when she is almost immediately saying things like "That's my baby! He's a good baby!" It soon becomes apparent that Ann is a little more than just interested in this case, and is actually quite obsessed with Baby. This point is driven home by a scene with her supervisor asking her why she is spending so much time at the Wadsworth home and so little time with her other cases. There is a little discussion about some terrible accident that befell Ann's husband, implying that she's all lonely and sexually frustrated now, and one begins to wonder if her obsession with Baby had somewhat of a sexual edge to it. This is further reinforced when we see Germaine take off her clothes and climb in bed with her infantile brother! The sexual thing gets a further boost from a scene in which one of the babysitters is having a bit of trouble with Baby, and soon enough he is sucking her breast! The movie continues to pile on some disturbing suggestions about female sexuality as the woman is clearly aroused by this and lets it go on—-until the mother comes home and beats the living crapout of her! I tell you, this one's a shock a minute! One of the big strengths of this movie is that you REALLY don't know direction it's going to take. There is tension from every direction. On the one hand you know that this is a horror movie and bad things are going to happen. You have this domineering mother and her creepy and violent daughters—-are they going to start killing everyone who threatens to come between them and Baby? And Baby himself is a grown man—-is he going to get angry and really hurt someone? And that Ann, too, does not seem to have all her screws in place, and seem really, REALLY obsessed with Baby—-is she going to try to kidnap him, or what? It keeps you guessing, and that successfully delivers a lot of tension throughout its running time. I truly did not know what was going to happen—and did not expect what DID happen. And how many movies can you say that for nowadays? In the middle of the film, things progress without really going anywhere, and we have somewhat repetitive scenes in which Ann visits and is obviously not welcome, she plays with Baby in a creepy way, and Mrs. Wadsworth gets ever more bitchy. Still, it's all so interesting that it never gets boring or feels like it's wasting your time. There are quite a few good bitchy lines, like when Ann threatens to turn Mrs. Wadsworth in, and she says "You're a damn bitch!" Also, consider this exchage between Ann and a guy who's coming on to her: "Don't tell me you're a dermatologist?" "No, just a skin freak." This takes place during an awesome 70s party, footage of which, as surely you know, is always welcome.

The other strength of this film is the complicated relationships of power and intricate series of compromises each character makes in order to stay close to baby or not get thrown in jail. Also, the score by Gerald Freed is, if not great, at least unusual. It contains a great deal of unusual instrumentation, including a lot of cello and acoustic guitar, and one long stalking scene seems to contain up to 10 minutes of pure music with no dialogue.

There's no way I would even reveal part of the ending to you, but suffice to say that after the one hour mark there are twists and turns that will take you completely by surprise. As I said, it's unusual just for what the story itself is, and it's very unusual to really have no idea where the story is going to end up. If you like it weird, it's waiting right here for you.

Hey, there are lot of other reviews of bad and cheesy movies on my website, Cinema de Merde, which you can find through the URL in my email address.
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Thoroughly demented!
gridoon25 July 2002
Don't bother looking for a single sane character in this twisted, demented sickie, because there isn't one; you just keep watching and waiting to see who will prove to be the most perverse of them all. If you can accept the hard-to-swallow premise, then the film is fairly entertaining. Plus, it has an AMAZING ending. You won't see it coming, no matter how good you think you are at predicting plot surprises. (**)
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More schlock than shock
atlasmb13 July 2014
"The Baby" is one of the oddest films you will ever see. A social worker is suspicious of a family that includes a grown man called "Baby" who behaves like an infant and wears diapers. The women in the family seem invested in his remaining baby-like. The mystery of this horror film lies in learning their true intentions. Or does it?

"The Baby" feels like the second offering in a grade B, drive-in horror double feature. Some of the production values are adequate, but they are undermined by the rambling background music and the incessantly annoying and fake baby sounds that supposedly come from Baby.

The film has its roots in "Psycho", but falls far short of Hitchcock's mastery. The director does use light effectively and he is able to frame a scene, but otherwise the film is nearly laughable.

The ending is a surprise, but it falls short of delivering on the film's promise of shock or horror.
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Just ... too demented for words, really!
Coventry9 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What arguments do you use to recommend "The Baby" to any fan of peculiar cult & horror cinema who's convinced that she/he has already seen everything before? Well, let's try this: "The Baby" is horrific without reverting to gory massacres or nauseating make-up effects, it's extremely disturbing even though the premise is far-fetched and totally implausible and - last but definitely not least - there's an unpredictable twist at the end that you simply have to see in order to believe it! This is one of the most original low-budget exploitation movies of the 70's, and it's truly remarkable how writer/director Ted Post managed to make such a fascinating film out of such a demented basic premise! "The Baby" starts out as the portrait of a dysfunctional family, but it gradually transforms into an atypical and thematic horror film with an uncanny atmosphere and frighteningly insane characters. Ann Gentry, a professional social worker in her mid-30's, takes an interest in the odd family situation of the Wadsworths. The mother lives alone with her two adult daughters and Baby! Baby is a fully-grown 21-year-old male, but his mother and sisters treat him as an infant and claim that he's mentally unable to function as a mature human being. Ann is convinced that the crazy women deliberately prevent Baby from developing normally, presumably because they don't want him to grow like the careless and obnoxious men who abandoned them in the past. She quickly reverts to unorthodox methods in her attempts to rescue Baby and risks losing both her job and her life. Especially considering the cinematic era "The Baby" was made, and also the low-budget production values, the basic concept of the film easily could have resulted in a trashy and ultimately perverted B-movie. Imagine; a grown man in a diaper surrounded by overly protective and deranged women! In the hands of certain other directors, say, Doris Wishman or Russ Meyer, "The Baby" unquestionably would have been a non-stop series of sleazy images and shocking sex-rites, but Ted Post approaches the unusual subject matter very professionally and tasteful. There are only two controversially uncomfortable sequences, one involving a teenage babysitter and the other one being the fabulous climax. Ted Post maintains an ominous atmosphere, the Wadsworth women are downright creepy characters and the whole thing is just delightfully man-unfriendly! Fans of graphic bloodshed and gore may be a bit disappointed, but the horrific themes of the film are definitely unique enough to compensate. Literally ALL the acting performances are splendid, but David Mooney deserves extra praise for his credible and undoubtedly complex depiction of Baby. It may not be Citizen Kane, but I guarantee that The Baby will be one of the most unforgettable and curiously engaging films you'll ever see.
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Scuzzy and Darkly Funny
jamiemiller-0761124 April 2022
A social worker gets her most insane case to date when she checks in on a 20-something boy who's being kept to live like a baby by his insane mother and abusive sisters. It's the kind of movie that you can't imagine ever got made in the first place, but the sleaze is offset by the sense of humor and campy performances.
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no spider for this "Baby"
Jonny_Numb29 September 2005
Even after viewing the most pathetic cinematic dreck, I try to avoid the word "stupid" (I once had an English professor who discouraged its use), but that's ultimately the best way to describe "The Baby," a film that's either weirdly stupid or stupidly weird. It is sporadically interesting, but simply doesn't go far enough in its tale of a perky social worker trying to gain custody of 'Baby,' a grown adult male cared for by a gravel -voiced mother and two 'weird' sisters. Director Ted Post seems to have been shooting for a "Spider Baby" vibe, but comes up short on all counts; if this were a carnival sideshow, I'd angrily ask for my money back. The pace frequently drags, there's nary a likable character, and too often it feels like the movie is just killing time in the blandest possible way (to make that idiotic ending seem all the more 'exciting,' perhaps?).
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Grade "A" gonzo flick! *spoiler-ish*
EyeAskance17 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Ruth Roman, once major Hollywood lead and survivor of the ANDREA DORIA disaster, pulls all the stops in the role of Mrs. Wadsworth, a hardened menopausal bitch who has characteristically stultified her adult son into perpetual infancy through cruel behavioral modification practices(with significant help from her two insane, but very foxy, daughters). A young social worker enters the scene, convinced that "Baby" is not the childlike imbecile his family insists that he is, and that there may be an unsettling explanation for his behavior. The Wadsworths, however, are not about to give up their precious "baby" without a fight.

This one's a minor classic of its kind, and with far better performances and production values than anyone would ever expect of such niggling material. Drive-in hyperweirdness with an appropriately bizarre final curtain that must be seen to be believed.

6/10. Recommended.
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Weirdly Wonderful
joshbaileynch6 June 2008
How can you go too far wrong with a film that centres much of its action around a fully grown man in a nappy!

On many levels this is a mess, and yet it's still utterly fascinating, shocking and very very funny. Could be read as an early feminist backlash film given the way that women feature as utterly exploitative and controlling figures who seem to want to do nothing other than mother and infantalise men. Ted Post's direction is typically rough and ready, though you can see a little of the influence of Peckinpah (for who Post was a regular cinematographer) in the over-blown, lurid quality of the film and the way it tends to handle female characters. It also owes a fair bit to Russ Meyers and other exploitation film makers of the late 60s and early 70s. I highly recommend it - I promise you will never have seen anything quite like this before and you certainly won't see it's like again.
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must be seen to be believed
ariadne_23-116 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
bizarre film that no-one i know has either seen or heard of, yet somehow i've managed to see it twice on very late night TV...! one of the oddest films i've ever come across, but definitely worth watching - you simply will never have come across anything so bizarre. which makes it interesting. i'm not quite sure what conclusions one is meant to draw from the film - the idea of three women keeping a grown man in a state of perpetual infancy could lead one in a number of directions, none of them particularly pleasing. this film borders on horror, but settles into a fairly straightforward uncanniness that seems to be heightened by the early 70s hippy-style crazy music and clothing. i awarded this a 7 - difficult to know how to rate it, since i wouldn't call it a great film by usual standards, but for sheer weirdness it's outstanding.
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Low budget but effectively creepy
zmarc31 January 2003
This is a low budget thriller about a bizarre family: a woman and her two grown daughters who are raising ?Baby,? a fully grown man in diapers. Supposedly he's mentally retarded, but a social worker who visits has her doubts. She starts to investigate the family. The film delivers some surprisingly good performances: the looks exchanged between the mom and her daughters and the social worker are terrific, and reveal a lot of creepy subtext. You begin to wonder about the motivations of everyone involved. The ending is a nice little twist that's unexpected and worth the wait. This not high caliber art, but it is fun, and delightfully twisted.
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wolverinexfitxmma29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My family and I were searching for a retro 70's movie to watch we stumbled upon this one, unknowingly what it was going to be about, the promotional poster says something about a person in a crib and a axe with a woman looking down at the crib.

We started watching it and it took us 2 days to finish it. We didn't know what to expect when we watched it as stated before .... 1 st day we started it and we saw a full grown adult with a baby's mind, and the mother and her two daughters (his sisters) enabling his behavior and we saw the social worker with a past and is investigating a very disturbing case, including a babysitter. We turn it off cause what we saw was very disturbing. 2nd day we decided to finish it. And it played out with the investigator and the 20 year old baby. The social worker was working very hard to get that man child out the mothers care. But the environment wasn't playing in her favor. So she takes matters in her own hands and takes him away and the family of the man child is hell bent to find him. What unfolds is amazing. It had many twists and turns and unexpected reveals. We love retro 70's and this was very disturbing and be aware of knowing this, so please be prepared.
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Bizarre to say the least.
coldwaterpdh1 March 2012
I went into this one totally blind- I was actually expecting a cheeseball, low budget ripoff of "Rosemary's Baby." Boy was I mistaken.

This movie is totally strange and uniquely disturbing; and I mean that in a good way. The image of the baby playing ball and trying to stand up will be forever burned into my psyche. The day after viewing, I found myself thinking of his awkward movements and his upsetting cries.

Nice little twist at the end- not on the level of some flicks today. but hey for '73, it definitely impressed me.

Recommended for fans of early John Waters, 70's TV horror movies, etc. Would make a good double feature with "Bad Boy Bubby." 8 out of 10, kids.
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Once you have seen the baby, you will never...eevveerr be the same, again.
Inda_Rebel30 November 2000
I first watched The Baby one halloween. It is set in an American town, in the 1970's. The colours are vivid oranges and browns, to the extent where they become overbearing.

The film revolves around a man who is treated like a baby by his family due to his mental development. A social worker is assigned to work with the family. The abuse he suffers is disturbing and shocking. It is a very original film in terms of the antagonist and protagonist. It is weird beyond belief.

The premise is so grotesque that memories linger to this day. I have never been more impressed and disgusted with a twist in a movie. I would recommend this film to anybody, anybody who wants to watch a film that is guaranteed to shock and surprise.
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Awful Movie that Does Not Work Even as Camp
ScottAmundsen8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had completely forgotten this movie, which I first saw on television at least thirty years ago, until God only knows why it popped up on Turner Classic Movies.

Presumably TCM considers this a "cult classic" and there are those who would agree, but I think that is just too generous. A lurid horror tale about a social worker (Anjanette Comer) who takes on the case of a family that is probably the textbook definition of "weird," assuming there is one, the story is stupid beyond belief, most of the acting is terrible, and the whole mess is just so...well, weird (I know I keep returning to that word but it's the only one that fits) that halfway through I confess I simply tuned out.

The weird family in question consists of a matriarch (Ruth Roman), her two daughters (Marianna Hill and Suzanne Zenor), and the youngest child, a grown man (David Manzy) who apparently never progressed mentally out of babyhood; the film tries without much success to make the case that this only son was deliberately stunted by his family. Among the hints the film drops is the sisters' habit of abusing the kid with a cattle prod.

Now, some of my favorite movies are really really bad: THE EVIL DEAD, THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, HALLOWEEN III SEASON OF THE WITCH, just to name a few (and I doubt it is a coincidence that they are all horror movies). But I wasn't able to have any fun at all with this one. Ruth Roman makes an impression as one of the weirdest screen mothers of all time, but the movie is a terrible mess of weird ideas just thrown at the screen like overcooked pasta: no sauce and no taste. What makes the movies I mentioned above work is that there's usually at least ONE character in the mix that represents the "norm," an average person who finds him/herself trapped in a nightmare. Unfortunately, in THE BABY, the social worker, who SHOULD have represented sanity, is just as weird as the rest of the cast; this gives the actors playing the weird family nothing to play against. And it does not help that the acting by Marianna Hill and Suzanne Zenor as the daughters is several levels below high school drama club.

I don't know what possessed Ruth Roman to appear in this Godawful piece of crap, but watching the film I can't help wondering if afterward she did not wish she had gone down with the Andrea Doria.

I've seen some garbage come out of Hollywood, but this takes the cake.
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This is the creepiest and most disturbing thing i ever saw in my life.
atinder10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this movie, My jaw it hit the floor. The baby is one of the most out of this world movie i have EVER seen, it's just , while you are watching this you will being saying what the hell am i watching!

It a must see as it so bloody crazy!

This movie not about a small baby that goes on killing people (it nothing like it's Alive)

The baby is 21 year old man, who sleep in big cot, overprotected Mother and Dauggter won't let anyone get very friendly with baby, when they walk in on The babysitter breast feeding the baby, The sister attack the babysitter.

Soon Ann Gentry social worker who is hired to provide service for the Wadsworth family soon her and family in have few arguments, which go though out the movie.

I not going tell you anymore but there is shocking twist at the end of this movie that you will never Guss and never forget.

Acting is great 10/10.
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Grown Men In Diapers Are Cool...
EVOL66620 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
THE BABY is a bizarro little 70s film that is parts exploit, horror, and drama all rolled into one. Some decent performances and a weird storyline, along with a decent twist ending carry this one.

A social-worker take an interest in a case where a woman and her two daughters have raised her fully grown a baby. As the social-workers interactions with the family deepens, it becomes apparent that the "baby's" family is pretty far out-there, and the social-worker begins to take a more personal interest in the man/child's well-being - but this doesn't sit well with the family, who prefer to keep their personal lives private...

THE BABY starts off strong but starts to drag and falter a bit through the middle. The ending picks up again and has a pretty strong twist to it as well. All of the lead actors, including the social-worker, the mother and daughters, and the baby-man are all pretty damn good for a film of this nature. Definitely worth checking out for fans of strange 70s cinema...7.5/10
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Dated and disappointing .........
merklekranz30 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Although quite original in concept, the execution is now so dated that "The Baby" is nothing more than a curiosity. For the horror/slasher crowd, this will prove quite dull, since all of the blood is spilled after the fact, such as one girl struggling out of a room with a knife in her back. The actual motivation behind the social worker's interest in the baby is a minor surprise, but everything appears stretched to fill a modest 85 minute running time. A home invasion near the conclusion seemed endless. Definitely a one and done watch even if you are just curious. Don't be surprised if "The Baby" proves disappointing. I know one viewing was plenty to satisfy my curiosity. - MERK.
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