Four Times That Night (1971) Poster

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Four Versions of the Same Story
claudio_carvalho16 July 2009
While walking in the park with her dog, Tina Brandt (Daniela Giodarno) is flirted by the playboy Gianni Prada (Brett Halsey) in his fancy sport car. They schedule a date for the night, and Tina dresses her elegant and expensive dress. They go to a night club to dance and Tina returns home late night. Her mother Sofia (Valeria Sabel) sees Tina sneaking with her dress torn apart and Tina tells that Gianni tried to rape her. On the next morning, Gianni tells a different story to his friend. Later, the doorman (Dick Randall) tells another version of the story. Last but not the least, the possible truth is disclosed.

"Four Times That Night" is a surprisingly delightful and erotic romantic comedy of the master of horror and thriller Mario Bava. The plot brings an immediate association with "Rashômon", with four versions of the same story told by four different people. Daniela Giordano, the former Miss Italy 1966, is gorgeous, sexy and hot and it is delightful to see her wearing miniskirts or naked. In 1991, Elizabeth Perkins and Kevin Bacon filmed "He Said, She Said" where they are reporters and give their perspective and opinion of the same event in a variation of this storyline. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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A different type of Bava
bensonmum213 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
  • Four Times that Night is the story of what happened during Tina and John's first date. According to Tina, John tried to rape her and she barely escaped with her innocence intact. According to John, Tina was an insatiable wild woman he couldn't get away from. According to John's voyeuristic doorman, while John was in the bedroom having "homosexual sex", Tina was having her own lesbian encounter. So, just what did happen?

  • Mario Bava wasn't afraid to try different genres. He directed Gothic horrors (Black Sunday), gialli (Blood and Black Lace), sword & sandal movies (Hercules in the Haunted World), westerns (Roy Colt and Winchester Jack), spy movies (Danger Diabolik), science fiction (Planet of the Vampires), and so on. But Four Times that Night is his only "sex comedy". Bava called it his "blue movie". While it may have represented a departure for Bava, you can clearly see his trademark style all over the movie. Everything from the bright, rich colors to the camera zooms screams Bava.

  • While I enjoyed the movie, it's far from being my favorite thing that Bava ever made. It is interesting to see how different people's perceptions are given the same set of events. In the fourth segment of the film, we get to see what really happened. And, as is often the case, reality can't match the sensationalism that our imaginations can dream up.

  • Much of my enjoyment in the movie comes from the casting of John and Tina. Bret Halsey and Daniela Giordano are simply perfect in their roles. They are very believable even in the most absurd situations.
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Certain charm about it
ODDBear19 February 2008
A great looking couple share an evening of dancing and groping. But just what happened isn't exactly certain as she has one version of the evening's happenings, he has another and the pervy concierge has yet another tale to tell. And finally there's "the truth" which is explained away be some shrink. Or is it the truth?

Well, this could have been a disaster of a film. Luckily it isn't as Mario Bava, one of Italy's finest visual directors, imbues the film with enough striking imagery, beautiful set design and fluent camera work to keep viewers interested. It's not particularly funny but it has a strange kind of charm to it. But hey, if you're a nut about light sex farces you may find it great.

One thing's for sure; the leading lady (Daniela Giordano, a former miss Italy) is one of the most striking eye candy ever to grace the screen. She also delivers a spirited performance and American Brett Halsey is also quite lively.

Give this a spin on a slow night.
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Best sex comedy ever?
lazarillo29 May 2005
It's ironic that Italian horror maestro Mario Bava might have made with this movie what is literally the best sex comedy ever. Not that that is saying a lot--American sex comedies generally range from awful to downright painful, and let's not even speak of British sex comedies. Italian and continental sex comedies are slightly better (but that may only be because they rarely bother to translate them to English so most of the lame jokes and wretched double entendres go over my head, and I just wait around for Edwige Fenech or whoever to take off her clothes again).

Since it was directed by the famed Mario Bava,this movie has been translated into English, but it has an intelligent, conceptual humor that really requires no translation. It's a comic variation on the Japanese melodrama "Rashomon" where a first date between a man and a woman is told from the very different perspectives of him, her, and the doorman. Of course, being a comedy there is no rape and murder as in "Rashomon", but simply a torn dress and scratched forehead. Also, where "Rashomon" eventually resolves the differing accounts with an objective fourth story, the fourth story here is told by a blowhard pop psychologist and is at least as implausible as the other three. The message here seems to be that the truth itself is subjective, which makes this more akin to "Last Year at Marienbad" than "Rashomon" (although it's a lot more fun than either). It's also very subversive--the doorman, for instance, interrupts his obviously very fabricated tale (involving lesbianism and swingers) at the worst times to clean his glasses or go get a pair of binoculars (to the hilarious chagrin of the lecherous milkman he's telling the story to).

The female lead is Daniela Giordano, a former Miss Italy. She was not nearly as ubiquitous in continental sex comedies as Edwige Fenech, but she's very memorable here. She is introduced to the audience bending over in a short skirt playing with her dog,"Coolie", so named she says because of his "coolie nose" (this is a joke people who only speak English might not get, but suffice it to say that Giordano has a really nice "coolie"). The male lead is Brett Halsey who appeared years later in several latter-day Lucio Fulci films. He's not quite as funny here, but at least this movie is SUPPOSED to be a comedy. Definitely recommended for Bava fans and non-Bava fans alike.
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Rashomon's sexy Italian update
The_Void23 August 2006
Master director Mario Bava is best known for his horror films, and that's hardly surprising as films such as Blood and Black Lace and Black Sabbath certainly represent the best of his oeuvre - but he also made a few films outside of the horror genre, and Four Times That Night is surely one of the best. I can't say I'm a big fan of sex comedies, as while I enjoy seeing sex in movies; I tend to prefer it with a little more sleaze than what films like this tend to offer. However, by taking his central plot theme from the Akira Kurosawa masterpiece 'Rashomon', Bava has made a sex comedy that is interesting for the way it pans out, rather than because of the sex theme. The plot follows Gianni and Tina; a man and a woman that meet in a park. They end up going on a date together, but it ends mysteriously when Tina returns home with a ripped dress and Gianni is sporting a nasty looking scratch on his forehead. Both Tina and Gianni give their version of what happened on that night, and the story is given a third angle from Gianni's doorman.

It's clear that this film is never going to be as deep or as fascinating as Kurosawa's masterpiece, but as a slice of light entertainment; it works fine. Bava is famous for his use of lighting and technique in order to create atmosphere for his horror films, although this movie doesn't allow him to do that. That being said, Bava's fingerprints are all over the film; as the garish use of colour features prominently, and the seventies style is what helps to elevate the film above the usual level of a gentle sex themed comedy. The film benefits from the presence of Daniela Giordano; the sexy female lead whom Bava makes best use of at all opportunities. She is joined by Fulci muse Brett Halsey, as well as Dick Randall; a man more famous for his producing credits. Bava attempts to give the film some substance by way of a psychologist explaining how different people view the same events from different perspectives...but I find it hard to believe that three people could view the same event in such wildly differing ways. One slight criticism of the film is that it's not very funny...but it's fun enough, and worth seeing.
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date rape Rashomon
SnoopyStyle17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gianni is a hound dog. Tina is out walking her dog. He follows her in his car. She agrees to go on a date. They go to a dance club. She goes back to his apartment complex. She returns home with a torn dress. Her mother is distressed about the dress until she tells her about a harrowing escape from the lecherous Gianni. Next we see the story as Gianni recounts the night to his buddies. The third is the peeping Tom doorman who recounts a wild night of debauchery. Finally, the truth is revealed.

This is essentially a Rashomon tale of a date rape allegation. It has some great possibility of drama. The first two is a story of he said, she said. That's fine. The third one goes off the deep end. I kept thinking how the creep would know what's being said inside the room. The answer is he wouldn't. It's all lies from a crazed pervert. It's supposed to be funny but humor is hard to translate especially here. I really don't see the humor although the situation is a rather modern one.
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FOUR TIMES THAT NIGHT (Mario Bava, 1969) **1/2
Bunuel197625 November 2007
I honestly didn’t know what to expect from a Bava sex comedy which, thankfully, emerged to be not quite as low-brow and vulgar as most genre offerings (which the Italians would soon make their own); for the record, Lucio Fulci also dabbled in the subgenre a few years later with the THE EROTICIST (1972), which has just been released on R1 DVD. Even so, the film also wasn’t particularly interesting per se, albeit a typically stylish effort from this director. As a matter of fact, despite being undeniably amusing in its RASHOMON (1950)-like multiple (and hugely contrasting) depiction of the central situation, it made for a rather tedious – and dated – whole!

Anyway, the plot involves a young couple (Brett Halsey and Daniela Giordano) who meet by accident one day and then decide to go out together that night – which ends with the girl having her dress torn and the man with scratches on his forehead! Both of them then recount the way things went (she to her mother and he to his pals) – according to Giordano, Halsey tried to rape her; he, on the other hand, passes himself off as a shy person with the girl an insatiable vamp!

A third version of events is told by the oversexed middle-aged concierge of the complex where Halsey lives, which sees the latter depicted as a homosexual who brought Giordano to his flat so that she could serve as partner for his lover’s lesbian companion. This is the funniest, but also campiest, part of the film – funny due to the banter between the concierge and his dumb listener and campy because of the stereotypical representation of the male gay lifestyle, though the women’s angle is treated with greater sensitivity)! The last interpretation is then offered by a psychiatrist which rather deliberately supplies the most innocent and, frankly, dull outcome possible for that fateful night – since the closing narration goes on to ask the audience whether they actually swallowed his ‘theory’!

Despite having an American lead in Brett Halsey (who’s somewhat uneasy with the fluctuations in his character), the film really revolves around statuesque beauty Daniela Giordano (a former winner of the Miss Italy contest, no less). She looks confident in her various suggestive poses (this is easily Bava’s most explicit film with respect to nudity, though still pretty mild – there’s a similar hilarious contrivance to conceal private parts in bed as seen in DANGER: DIABOLIK [1968]!) but also demonstrates reasonable talent in her various facets of virtuous ingénue, sultry seductress, annoyed object of desire, etc.

Accompanying the film is a lounge soundtrack all-too-typical of its era. Incidentally, there’s some confusion concerning the year in which the film was made – many give it as 1972, but the look and feel of it all simply spells 1960s to me and, in fact, it’s listed in other sources as 1969 (which I’m inclined to believe); others yet seem to concede that the latter is true but then report its actual date of release as late as 1976!! Interestingly, the print on display has the film split into two parts – where the title in Italian is actually given as QUATTRO VOLTE…QUELLA NOTTE (which fits the English translation, whereas the original QUANTE VOLTE…QUELLA NOTTE means HOW MANY TIMES THAT NIGHT!); strangely enough, just as the film goes into its second half, the audio level drops considerably! By the way, this proved to be the director’s first collaboration with producer Alfredo Leone (who eventually got hold of the rights to a sizable portion of Bava’s back catalog!).
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Mario Bava's comedy outing
lee_eisenberg21 December 2023
Usually known for gothic horror flicks, Mario Bava took a break from that and made this sex comedy in 1971. "Quante volte... quella notte" depicts multiple people giving their accounts of a tryst that took place between a male model and woman whom he came across in the park.

A previous review compared this man to Akira Kurosawa's "Rashomon". I wouldn't have initially picked up on that, but I see the similarity. An obvious difference is that "Rashomon" is a multilayered movie while this is simply a fun romp. Personally I thought one scene missed a chance. During the part where the doorman is giving his version, he runs up and down the stairs to music. I thought that they should've used either Jacques Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Underworld" (commonly known as the can-can song) or Franz Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody #2" (commonly used in cartoons to evoke something building up; Daffy Duck and Donald Duck played it on the pianos in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit").

Otherwise, a fun movie. Daniela Giordano was a real piece of eye candy.
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Sort of like a soft-core version of "Roshomon"
planktonrules13 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sort of movie I usually would not watch. I got the DVD because it had two films by the famed Italian director, Mario Bava--a man usually associated with horror films. To my complete surprise, it turned out to be a soft-core porno film!! I was surprised but decided to keep watching because it looked for all the world like a cheapo sexed up version of Akira Kurosawa's "Roshomon". Like "Roshomon", you see some events through three different eyes. Each time you think you are seeing exactly what occurred but the truth is still something entirely different. One account, the lady's, is of her being held prisoner and attacked by a pervert. In his version, he's attacked by a nympho who won't take 'no' for an answer! And, in a strange version, the pervo doorman explains his version which he saw with binoculars--and it involves homosexuality and drugs! In a bizarre finale, some creepy guy in a lab coat and armed with Rorschach-style ink blots explains the truth--that not much of anything happened that evening after all! So is the film worth seeing? Well, it's not entirely without charm and has some clever touches. However, the direction (despite Bava's reputation) is terrible as is some of the acting--and as a result, the film is a bit cheesy. However, compared to a more modern film, its nudity is pretty tame---though I probably wouldn't recommend you buy this for your mother-in-law! Kind of cute, kind of cheesy...and a film that won't be mistaken for "Roshomon" despite its similarities!!
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Mario Bava's delightful 60s update of RASHOMON
Troy-1110 May 1999
Mario Bava is best known for his dark, morid horror films, but he also worked outside of the genre on many different occasions. One such occasion yielded QUANTE VOLTE. . . QUELLA NOTTE, a delightful sex comedy patterned after Akira Kurosawa's 1950 classic RASHOMON. The story tells of a date gone awry, and the different perspectives on what in fact led to the man (Brett Halsey) having scratches on his forehead and the girl (Daniela Giordano)'s brand new dress being torn. Those viewers only familiar with Bava's horror films need to seek out this little known gem -- it reveals a more playful side of Il Maestro, and is an entertaining and endearing film in its own right. *** out of ****
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A Lighthearted Romp with Flashes of Insight
MajesticMane4 June 2024
Mario Bava, renowned for his gothic horror masterpieces, took an unexpected detour into the realm of sex comedy with "Quante volte... quella notte" (1971). This departure from his usual fare showcases Bava's versatility as a filmmaker, as he infuses the film with his signature visual flair and playful sensibilities.

The film's episodic structure presents a series of vignettes that explore the complexities of modern relationships and sexual dynamics. While some segments are more successful than others in terms of humor and insight, the overall tone remains lighthearted and charming. The ensemble cast delivers engaging performances, particularly in the more comedic moments, adding to the film's overall appeal.

However, "Quante volte... quella notte" is not without its flaws. The pacing can feel uneven at times, with some segments dragging on longer than necessary. Additionally, certain aspects of the film's portrayal of gender roles and sexual politics may come across as dated or problematic to modern audiences.

Despite its shortcomings, "Quante volte... quella notte" remains an enjoyable and often insightful diversion from Bava's more renowned works. While not a masterpiece, the film's lighthearted tone, charming performances, and occasional flashes of insight make it a worthwhile entry in the director's diverse filmography.
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Mario Bava's fun comic variant on "Rashomon"
Woodyanders26 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Dashing playboy John Price (handsome Brett Halsey) meets sweet virgin Tina Brandt (ravishing brunette knockout Daniela Giordano, who was Miss Italy 1966) in a park. The two strike up an immediate rapport and go on a date which goes disastrously wrong. Depending on the person relating the incident, the date went down like this: 1) amorous cad Price attempted to rape the innocent Tina, 2) shameless and insatiable nymphomaniac slut Tina aggressively came on to the hapless John, or 3) Tina was seduced by predatory lesbian Esmeralda (a memorably spiky Pascale Petit). Director Mario Bava relates the amusing story at a constant quick pace and expertly maintains a playfully light and bouncy good-natured tone throughout. Antonio Rinaldi's crisp, polished cinematography fills the screen with lots of rich, vibrant colors while Cariolano Gori's frothy, groovy score totally hits the swinging spot. Moreover, this amiably silly and innocuous fluff further benefits from charming performances from attractive and personable leads Halsey and Giordano. Co-producer Dick Randall is a real hoot as the sleazy voyeur doorman. The delectable Brigitte Skay, the ill-fated skinny-dipper in "Bay of Blood," has a sexy bit as naive bimbo Mumu. Bava even manages amidst all the delightfully inane tomfoolery to make a relevant point about how individual perspectives radically vary from person to person. A cute little romp.
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A sweet and sexy comedy from Mario
Red-Barracuda14 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's not the most obvious idea in the world to rework Akira Kurosawa's 1950 classic Rashomon as a sex comedy. But that is effectively what Italian legend Mario Bava has done here. This is not a genre that I am particularly familiar with, the Italian strand in particular I know nothing of. So I can't say I exactly knew what to expect here, especially seeing that Bava's output was mainly in horror and thrillers. Well, the verdict is that it's great, what else can I say? Like other films in the director's back catalogue like Danger: Diabolik and Five Dolls for an August Moon, this one is very pop art. The sets, costumes and overall look are vibrant, colourful and sexy. Perfect for an erotic comedy. And in the hands of a master stylist like Bava it's a visual delight.

The story is about a first date gone wrong. The guy ends up with a scratched head and the girl with a torn dress. How did it happen? Well, we have her story, his story, the janitor's story and finally the analysis of a psychologist. At the end we are really none the wiser and left to decide for ourselves.

It stars Daniela Giordano, a former Miss Italy. And she sure is a knock-out; a very sexy girl who happens to constantly be in either slinky outfits and/or in a state of undress. Well, you'll get no arguments from me on that score. She is the real focus of the movie with good reason. Bava himself is the other trump card of course. While the story is confined to very few locations, he always keeps things looking great with a great eye for colour. There's a little bit of psychedelic action in the dance-club too which never gets old in my opinion. The film's multiple story structure means that it moves at a cracking pace and never bores. It's not especially funny to be honest but it is quite sexy and more than a little bit cool. An unexpected triumph.
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Four Times That Night
BandSAboutMovies26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Often, we put Italian genre directors into buckets. Fulci was only the godfather of gore, which ignores his contributions to giallo, westerns and decades of comedy films in favor of the last fifteen years of his life. Similarly, Bava is often thought of for his contributtons to horror film when the truth is he did everything from peplum and Eurospy films to crime and science fiction movies.

By 1971, Bava had been through his successful mid 60s run of having American-International Pictures bring his movies to America, as well as his attempt at making a western, Roy Colt & Winchester Jack, and was a year from pretty much kickstarting so many of the themes of the slasher in A Bay of Blood and then having a small career resurgenace and reaching America again with Baron Blood.

Bava had a lack of confidence and when that was combined with his shyness, he rarely took advantage of opportunities which would have made his name more internationally known, including working in Hollywood. In interviews - which appear in Troy Howarth's The Haunted World of Mario Bava - he comes across as pretty rough on himself, saying things like "I accept anything they give to me. I am too willing to accomodate any difficulty. This is not the way one creates masterpieces. Also, I'm too cheerful and the producers don't like that: they want people who take things very seriously, and above all who take them seriously. But how can I?" and "I think of myself as one who manages to get along. I don't care about being successful, I just want to go on and on."

So when Bava needed another movie to make, this commedia sexy all'italiana was what it would be, the first of three collaborations between Bava and American producer Alfredo Leone. Instead of the simple titilation and dated jokes you expect from the form, instead Bava creates a racy Rashomon of a date gone wrong, which we learn has led to Tina Bryant (Daniela Giordano, Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key) having her dress torn and John Price (Brett Halsey, The Devil's Honey) with a cut on his forehead.

The first version of the story is Tina telling her mother (Valeria Sabel) that she was like Joan of Arc and John was the devil. After dancing at a disco, she went into his jet set swinger's flat and when he offered to change into something more comfortable, he came out nearly nude and tried to assault her. She barely escaped and her expensive dress paid the price.

Or maybe John is right. He's an innocent man who was trapped in the spider's web, a woman who was more sexually voracious than him, someone who literally lives up to the film's title, demanding four rounds of sexual congress and still being unsatisfied to the point that she injured him. For an Italian man, this is quite an admission.

But the real story? The perverted doorman (Dick Randall, who may be living up to his role; he made so many exploitation movies that he was involved in are to be worshipped including The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield; The French Sex Murders; Pieces and Slaughter High) thinks that the couple who keeps showing up in these stories - George (Robert H. Oliver) and Esmerelda (Pascale Petit) - are both gay and that John has been dating George and needs to bring a woman home to satisfy Esmerelda, who drugs poor Tina and takes advantage of her and then John does the same. This story is written through binoculars, as if someone was writing their own fan fiction of this movie and is shown to not be true.

What may be is what the scientist sees. John and Tina have fallen in love and decide to wait to sleep together. He tries to take her home but the front gate of his apartment building is stuck. The doorman is drunk and looking at a dirty magazine, so when John tries to lift his date over the gate, her dress is torn and she accidentally scratches him. He tells her to tell her mom that he tried to attack her so that she doesn't get in trouble for ruining the dress. She tells him to tell his friends that she was insatiable. The scientist says that the truth is in there somewhere, but he does know that before John took her home, they went and watched the sun rise together.

For someone known for horror and murder, the truth is that nobody shoots a gorgeous woman quite like Mario Bava. He is approaching them not as objects or things to be exploited, but instead from his place of shyness. They are perfect creations to be placed upon a pedestal and fawned over, explored and shown to others for their glory. Giordano, Petit and Brigette Skay (Zeta One, Isabella, Duchess of the Devil) have never looked more irrestiable.

He's also less interested in the sexy parts of this movie - not that they're skipped, mind you - and more the foibles of modern society and how women and men are supposed to play the games of love and sex. Every man wants a Tina who is a lady in the street and a tigress in the sheets, but every man is also worried that when the fantasy arrives that they have been roleplaying their whole lives in solo acts that they will be able to measure up. And when the woman wants more than them - four times that night - it can hurt them more than any words or physical attack could.

There's also a different look at the characters and nearly a different film in each segment. Tina's is chaste and John's is slightly saucy, while the doorman is pretty much a Dick Randall movie, which makes him playing the character an intriguing bit of meta commentary.

Written by Charles Ross (Caught In the Act!, Nympho: A Woman's Urge) and Mario Moroni, this would be a lesser film in anyone else's hands. But when you see the way that Bava frames the scenes, how the colors threaten to explode out of the screen and even the minor moment when Esmerelda uses a swing to attempt to seduce Tina - and the camera gets closer and closer to her through the scene itself and a repeating POV shot - that makes you realize that you're getting what is a master class in how to really make a sex comedy.

Bava probably shrugged, realized he did too much and wasn't paid enough, and started looking for his next job.
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