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Enter The "very average" Devil
TVM-Liveforever28 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A sheriff investigates people begin to disappear and turn up dead, unknown to him a strange satanic cult called the Penitenties seem to be responsible.

Highly obscure horror/western, but a fairly watchable if undemanding picture. Story goes along at a pretty slow but steady pace with a few twists within it, including the lead (or what I thought was the lead) making a surprise exit. Acting is decent but nothing exceptional, as is the direction by Frank Dobbs. The rural, sparse Texan setting however is beautiful and strangely adds to the creepy undercurrent of tension in the cult scenes and is does manage (rarely) a modicum of suspense.

A decent but just very average movie that will pass the 80-odd minutes pleasantly enough just don't expect anything too great if you can get hold of it.

Shockingly this non-graphic, non-gory film was placed on the section 3 nasty list here in the UK, how anyone in a position of power at the DPP or police could've watch this on video in the early 80's and thought wow this should be banned is not only pathetic but down right stupidity.
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A Solid, No-Frills Horror Film
Uriah4312 March 2019
This film begins with a man named "Ozzie Perkins" (Happy Shahan) driving through an isolated part of Brewster County, Texas when his tire is shot by an unidentified man with a high-powered rifle which causes the car to veer off the road. Not realizing what exactly happened Ozzie gets out of the car and believing it was a simple blowout decides to walk along the deserted road in search of a gas station. It's during this time that he is offered a ride by a man in a pickup truck. What Ozzie doesn't count on is the fact that this man belongs to a Satanic cult and that he is about to be sacrificed that very night. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a solid, no-frills horror film which managed to keep the mystery going up until the very end. On the flip side, however, it could have used a bit more suspence or horror but that's just my opinion. In any case, while definitely not a great horror film by any means it was good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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The Devil must have missed his train, he never enters.
reptilicus16 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is one time a low budget and a cast of unknowns actually works in a movies favour. ENTER THE DEVIL begins with a motorist (Happy Shahan who also just happens to be singing to C&W song on the radio during this scene) getting his tire blown out by a sniper. Picked up very fast by another driver you just KNOW he will never be seen again.

This movie, directed by first time (and only time) director Frank Dobbs breaks all the rules and somehow gets away with it. We don't meet the heroine until 38 minutes into the movie and the man we think is going to be the hero gets killed right before the big climax.

Mr. Dobbs must have really been impressed by the 1936 exploitation thriller LASH OF THE PENITENTES because this movie involves Ms. Kelly investigating what she thinks is a revival of the Penitente cult in the mountains along the Texas/New Mexico border. She learns the hard way that "This goes way beyond the Penitente cult." Oddly enough these are not Satanists and The Devil is never mentioned by anyone. These hooded, Gregorian chanting, torch carrying, knife wielding pyschopaths call themselves The Disciples Of Death and do human sacrifice because . ..because . . .well, they just do, that's all! No explanation is ever given.

Gore is lacking for most of the film though the sacrifice scenes, where the killing is committed with a stone knife shaped like a cross, are pretty scary. There is one death-by-fire where the victim is tied with barbed wire that is teeth grittingly suspenseful. Though you can guess who the cultists are way before the revelation at the end of the film it does not spoil the mood.

Track this film down, you will find that it is worth your time.
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Wipe your feet, Beelzebub!
Coventry23 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Exploring the cinematic horror depths of the 70's is a hobby of mine, because with all the thousands of obscure genre movies that were released in this decade, it's very well possible you stumble upon a genuine hidden gem from time to time. Of course, the vast majority of them are obscure and forgotten for good reasons, and usually these reasons are sheer boredom and budgetary restrictions. "Enter the Devil" isn't exactly the diamond in the rough, neither, but it does feature several decent aspects that uplift the film above the average quality level of the usual 70's romps. These aspects include a nicely isolated and atmospheric desert setting, moody music and an adequately mysterious satanic cult premise. The disappearance of a passing tourist triggers a thorough investigation (because it's an election year!) in a small desert community that is mostly known for its fertile deer-hunting possibilities and geographical isolation. More people have to die under mysterious circumstances before the main characters discover what has been established since the opening sequence already, namely there's a vicious cult active in the desert's mountains. The pacing of "Enter the Devil" is very slow, with one too many romantic sub plots and some bizarre (and unsuccessful) attempts inserting humor. You don't exactly have to watch it for the massive amount of grizzly killings and bloodbaths, neither. There are two or three effectively horrific sequences, but that's about it. The march of the cult members, holding their torches and chanting devilish tunes, may be creepy the first time but the routine is too long and repeated too many times and it quickly loses its scary impact. However, the sequence where the cult sacrifices a helpless (and astonishingly ravishing) Mexican girl is pretty cool. The plot suddenly and unexpectedly comes up with a few ingenious twists, but it's already a little too. Oh well, at least I *almost* made a discovery.
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Of the devil had entered this movie, he would promptly fall asleep.
mark.waltz21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As exciting as watching a Texas dust Bowl roll on, this has less to do with the devil and more to do with the devil's enemy and his followers who have taken things too far. It takes forever to get to that point in the movie where anything remotely spiritual or in this case sacrilegious takes place, and it's obvious from the start that this is a film with an agenda. They obviously had to start with saving money so you do not get any familiar faces or names to star in it, and the cast as a result is very bland. What you do that are a bunch of subtle hints starting with a visitor to the area crashing his car and walking along the darkened Texas Highway nights only to be taken in by a stranger in another car. When you see this visitor again, he's back in his car, burnt to death, and that poses some curious questions because of other details at the scene.

So instead of a satanistic cult, you get an extremely old time religion cult, and it is bland and dull and as lifeless as a desert. The sound recording is so bad, one of those examples of a type of sound that gives you a headache because it is so tinny and tedious and the dialogue spoken with touch blandness and at a slow pace. In fact, technically, it is even worse then the script of no real moving story, and the acting just sort of lays there. It takes more than an hour for anything involving the plot to be revealed, just a bunch of teeny details, so the viewer feels lost and uninvolved. I do not think that I could have made it through this film on the big screen and on DVD, it's easy for the viewer to make a choice, one that I utilize to give up the ghost just an hour into the film. Wretchedly dull without ever any hope of speeding it up.
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Where's The Devil?
P3n-E-W1s322 April 2020
The title of this film is incorrect. The devil has little to do with the story. It is, in fact, about an extreme Christian Religion. As stated in the film, some local cultures adapted their beliefs and religions with those of the Christian missionaries. We all know how nasty those Christians could be. "Exorcise The Devil" would have been a more apt title as that's what the disciples were trying to do.

Writer and director Frank Q. Dobbs and David S. Cass Sr would have done better if they had expanded on the religion itself. I liked the concept of the religious mix. The missing people were a good hook to keep the story moving at a nice pace and to bring in the police. Missing from the story are the devotee's reasons. Most religions have specific punishments for specific crimes. It would have strengthened the story had we been told what crime received which punishment. We also needed more of the religious element,

At least Dobbs was better at directing than he was at writing. Though his shooting style is pedestrian, and he keeps the storytelling to a steady trot it works well for the film. Though there are a few scenes, such as the rape sequence, the runaway mine car, and all the killings and religious segments that would have become enhanced with a change in pace and a few varied angles and imaginative lighting. This would have lifted the film out of the ordinary.

The acting was okay. Nobody stank too much or tried to steal the show. On the whole, they are believable in their portrayal of their characters. Though I have to say the only actor I recognised, Joshua Bryant, who I've regarded as a steady and solid actor, is out of sorts in the film. It's like he just turned up on set, said his lines, and waited in his trailer for his next scene. This doesn't deter from the film as he's not the main character. He needed to be a tad more forceful, especially at the revelation.

This average chiller could have been better... Way better. As it stands I wouldn't recommend you rush out and buy it. But should it appear on telly, cable, satellite, or streaming service (but don't pay-per-view it) then check it out. It'll pass some time away.

Ratings: Story 0.75 : Direction 1 : Pace 1 : Acting 1 : Enjoyment 1 : Total 4.75

Come, take a pilgrimage over to my Killer Thriller Chillers list and see where this religious flick ranked in my chart.

Take Care and Stay Well.
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Great drive in/grindhouse horror film you've probably not seen but should, has unjustly been lost to the ages
dbborroughs24 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
(This review contains potential spoilers)

A man driving in the desert has his tire shot out. He thinks it's just a blow out and when he finds his spare is also flat he decides to walk to get help. Getting picked up by a fast moving pick up truck the man is soon reported missing. What follows is an investigation into the disappearance of the man and the uncovering of a strange cult near the US border with Mexico.

Minor classic and unjustly forgotten horror film seems to have disappeared into the mists of time. I don't ever remember seeing or hearing of this film until I ran across it in the Sinister Cinema catalog. I'm guessing that the film disappeared into the void since it probably had small distribution and was made about the same time as other western set horror films like Race with Devil, Devils Rain and others of that type. It's a shame since the film is actually quite creepy and even scary.

What makes this film work are a couple of key factors, first the visual sense. There is something about the way the shots are composed that creates a good sense of dread. The Film manages to take run of the mill horror film events and turn them into something else. Watch the opening sequence. The idea of a man driving in the desert can be boring. However we are drawn in to the proceedings almost instantly. We are there. As the sequence proceeds and the rock collector is picked up, we already have a sense of unease before he gets into the truck. It helps that we never see the driver and until the truck pulls away, we only fleetingly see the gun that shot out the car tire. We know that the man will not becoming back, a feeling reinforced by the fade to the torch lit procession of robed figures. Its eerie and the film is barely five minutes old.

The second thing that works in favor of the film is that it doesn't behave as most other films of this sort. The cliché's are not really there. Who and what is going on isn't ever really explained, there is no twist ending, characters come and go in ways you don't expect and the film sticks pretty close to reality, we don't get overwhelming supernatural forces at work, its all very real in a way most horror films never are.

You'll forgive the lack of details about the story, but as with most films this is a better film to see than read about.

If you can, see about tracking this film down. Its not readily available and it seems that the only ones carrying it are companies specializing in obscure films (Sinister, Something Weird, etc.). Also be forgiving since any prints out there seem to be scratched.

7 out of 10 on the general scale. 9 out of 10 on the drive in movie meter.
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Regional weirdness
BandSAboutMovies6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This regional oddity was written and directed by Houston native Frank Q. Dobbs. It has nothing to do with the other film that uses this title, which is better known as The Eerie Midnight Horror Show. Instead, it's all about a woman who is doing a reference book on cults of the world, which leads her to the dust bowl of the American Southwest, a place where extremist Christians sacrifice human beings.

Of course, it takes 40 minutes of languid screentime before the heroine shows up in Terlingua, Texas. But until then, there's plenty of beer drinking, innuendo and red robed cultists, who are known as The Penitentes, a centuries-old fraternal - and fanatical - brotherhood.

The pace seems so slow that when things actually start happening, it's really shocking. Nothing happens in this film at an expected pace and nothing is cliche. It's all unexpected.

This was lost for a long time before Something Weird released one of the most scratched up prints ever. Luckily, Massacre Video has cleaned this all up and released a proper version that you can get from Diabolik DVD.
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Spiffy little cult horror obscurity, well worth your time
Bloodwank18 August 2011
Back in the early 70's when Charlie Manson and chums had just killed the hippie era cultist horror was in vogue. Race With The Devil was probably the artistic high point of the genre,but obscurities like Enter The Devil and Blood Sabbath are arguably of more generic interest to geeks like myself, dwelling more on the aesthetic aspects of crazy cults. There's a lot of aesthetic and thematic potential in the whole cult set up, hoods and robes, chanting, obscure rituals and fires, then there's the whole issue of singularity of purpose and the subsumed individual, someone can be just about anything on the outside but when it comes to their cult affiliation they become just a piece of the one persona. Other films delve deeper into the themes, but Enter The Devil gets good mileage out of the aesthetic and smartly sets things in the eerie isolation of the New Mexico desert for greater effect. It's simple slow burning stuff for the most part, Deputy Sheriff Ozzie Perkins investigating a disappearance and finding that the plot thickens as he goes, there's a good dusty atmosphere and sense of nagging unease punctuated by short sharp shocks, then things rev up with a nail biting two punch driving the film into its final block. There are clichés at hand, like Mexicans being either goofy or feisty, white guys being mostly horny and bigoted and the female lead being largely ineffectual, but somehow the character interactions work nicely, building up a solid feel of place and time both compelling and gently unsettling. The generally likable acting helps, beautiful Leslie Culver is charming enough as the research professor on hand to explain things, Joshua Bryant a helpful and friendly motel owner and Happy Shahan gruff and decent as the Deputy Sheriff. They all gel pretty well, as do the other players, making the slower moments pretty pleasing and producing a quiet, mundane feel that renders the climax all the more effective. I don't know whether the print I saw was the cut US release that got a PG certificate and re-released on Something Weird DVDR or full length (I think it was a S. African VHS but the run time falls between the two listed on IMDb) but the big shock scene in this is marvellous stuff, not graphic but real mean spirited and unsettling, really blows you out of the comfort zone prior established. The actual climax has its problems, but its short and sweet and shouldn't deter anyone who has managed the rest. Little in the way of bloodshed or action but definitely a good 'un, well worth a look for 70's horror fans.
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Rather weak and thin generally, with the writing and direction leading the way
I_Ailurophile22 October 2023
A little bit of modern western flavoring, a little bit of murder and ritual sacrifice, and locals that ride the line between friendly and creepy with their behavior: by the time 'Enter the devil' is more than half over, that's effectively all we've gotten. It's not that these qualities are insufficient to keep us watching, but the digital timer has advanced considerably, especially relative to the fairly small runtime, and the plot has emphatically not. A scene at about the forty-five minute mark gives us pretty much half the plot (the explanation for the goings-on), just in case we'd missed earlier clues, and all that's left is more toeing of the line between friendly and creepy, and resolution of that plot in one way or another. 'Enter the devil' is decent, but it doesn't do much, it does it rather lackadaisically, and it's not without specific problems that further limit what entertainment there is to be had here.

The writing, shared between director Frank Q. Dobbs and star David S. Cass Sr., is rather variable. Mostly it's very soft in its pacing and storytelling; once we cross the halfway mark in the runtime we get moments that are, in turn, sloppy and haphazard, forthright, and scattered. We also suddenly switch protagonists with a fraction of the runtime left, because sure, why not. The root story has potential, and the scene writing, too - though on the other hand, the thrust of the narrative basically comes across as tiresome xenophobia made flesh. Were the violence and sexuality more explicit then this could be marked as an exploitation flick, the bent of which would be "Mexicans are bad." That's dubious enough, but as we can readily suspect given the weak plot development generally, in the last stretch a would-be hero stumbles onto the evildoers pretty much by sheer happenstance, and the remaining length to follow isn't particularly any more convincing.

Everyone involved gives an earnest effort, I believe, from Dobbs with his direction (which nevertheless is marked with much the same traits as the writing), to the cast (whose acting is fine, but unremarkable), to composer Sam Douglas, whose music is sometimes quite good and sometimes rather curious. The filming locations are great, and the art direction, costume design, hair, and makeup are nice. The stunts and effects come off quite well. For as meekly as 'Enter the devil' moves forward, however, even those moments that should carry the most vibrancy - violence, intended manifestation of atmosphere - just don't hold any meaningful power. Sadly, the climax might actually be the worst part of all, for it is characterized by bad dialogue, questionable character and scene writing, and a burst of action so over the top that it's like we suddenly found ourselves in a James Bond film (the Roger Moore or Pierce Brosnan eras, in particular). Despite that, I don't doubt the sincerity of anyone involved, only their skills, and that goes for the writing and direction above all.

There are worse ways to spend one's time, but the whole is so thin and kind of unconvincing - some with bits notably more suspect than others - that one's favor gradually diminishes over the runtime before sliding another point at the very end. The fact of the matter is that unless one has a major impetus of some sort for checking this out, there's just not much reason to, least of all in light of everything else one could be watching instead. I'm glad for those who get more out of 'Enter the devil' than I do, but I won't be revisiting this.
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Desert Satanists.
HumanoidOfFlesh28 May 2010
The action of "Enter the Devil" takes place on a barren Texas wasteland dotted with dirty little towns and mercury mines.A red-robed Satanic cult is kidnapping unlucky victims and sacrificing them in the name of the Devil.Meanwhile a beautiful doctor Leslie Culver is researching the book about devilish cults."Enter the Devil" is a slow-moving and wonderfully dry horror movie set on the desert.There is a brilliantly conveyed aura of utter isolation that kept me intrigued.If you like strange horror/western hybrids give "Enter the Devil" a look.An obscurity that deserves to be seen and appreciated by countless fans of 70's horror.Enjoy your stay in Dry Lake.8 out of 10.
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Low budget....yet entertaining.
planktonrules17 October 2018
The story is set in some Southwest town. There have been some accidents and the sheriff has been investigating them. When one dies, it's chalked up as just another accident...even though the coroner says this first one was murder. The sheriff didn't believe him but begins to when more are discovered dead due to various 'accidents'. At the same time, a professor from El Paso has arrived in town to look into cult activity. What's really going on here?

"Enter the Devil" is a super low budgeted picture. It was filmed in the middle of nowhere in the Texas desert and stars a cast of unknown actors with little experience. Oddly, however, despite this terrible pedigree, the film manages to be pretty good for what it is. It has some devent chills and manages to entertain despite all its deficits. And, the ending, while NOT subtle or completely believable IS entertaining!
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Regional obscurity that deserves rediscovery
EyeAskance24 August 2003
A woman doing research for her in-progress reference book on cults of the world ends up in a rural Southwestern U.S. dust-bowl where, ironically enough, an extremist offshoot of the Christian faith has been busy with their human-sacrificing rituals.

ENTER THE DEVIL, believe it or not, is an immeasurably more professional item than you will generally find within the ambit of early 70s drive-in horror. The Something Weird video release I viewed is sourced from a terribly worn print...it looks like snow flurries on the screen through nearly the entire movie. Still, that may well be the only way we can currently enjoy this suspenseful little rarity, which sort of plays like a mixture of RACE WITH THE DEVIL and THE LAST PICTURE SHOW.

The arid desert location filming brings a unique, lost and lonely atmosphere to the proceedings which are, at times, rather uneventful...still, this is a surprisingly well-made lower-berth picture which deserves a look(and, hopefully, a better looking print).

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Strangely Effective & Undeniably Disturbing
Steve_Nyland9 October 2006
Here is a movie that deserves to be seen again, an ultra low budget independently produced regional horror effort made out in the dusty hills of New Mexico about a coven of migrant workers who worship Satan. Contemporary social commentary aside this is a surprisingly gritty and grim little film made all the more authentic, convincing and haunting by it's low rent, jury-rigged feel. With a cast made up of stock actors, stunt performers, non-professional local color types and a couple name brand character actors, ENTER THE DEVIL has the feel of a very personal effort by someone who had a specific vision in mind. By limiting what it tries to accomplish the film succeeds where many others of a similar vein feel silly. Check out THE DEVIL'S RAIN for an example of what I mean.

Half of the film concerns a youngish state trooper's efforts to track down a missing person. His investigation leads him to an area hunting lodge & silver mine operation where the local bigots gather to drink beer, shoot things, and pat the Latina serving wench on the fanny. Meanwhile a pretty state employed anthropologist stops by to continue her studies into the somewhat pagan customs of the local Mexican workforce. Bodies are found, ominous accidents + close-calls befall the interloping Caucasian types, and the serving wench earns the wrath of her own people by apparently just being present to be manhandled & groped at by the bigoted hunters. It isn't easy being pretty some days.

All of it is actually rather unremarkable up until a segment about halfway through the film when the inquisitive trooper follows reports of lights out in the desert & the sound of chanting voices by the area loon, who as usual is the only person who really has a grasp of what's at hand. The trooper (David Cass, a former Burt Lancaster stunt double who co-wrote the film & served as 2nd unit director) eventually stumbles upon the horrible secret of this migrant cult in a scene that stops the film cold -- A fetching young lady being dragged into the desert by the coven who lash her to a post with barbed wire and proceed to burn her alive in the most stomach wrenching witch burning scene since CONQUEROR WORM.

It's not that it's unduly graphic, but like CONQUEROR WORM's burning the implied suffering and sadism of the incident is out of proportion with anything the film shows viewers up until that point. It is gruesome, horrifying, grimly realistic and concludes with the sight of the trooper gagging and coughing his way out of a billowing cloud of smoke from the burning body, which in itself will leave viewers feeling queasy for hours. The film also eschews any kind of erotic angle to the incident: There is no Sadean fantasy at work here, only stinging barbed wire, hammered nails and burning, cracking flesh. Try to find an uncensored imported print with gibberish subtitles, the domestic North American prints were all trimmed to secure a PG rating for a good time at the drive in. Yee haw.

After that the film settles back into the routine as the pretty anthropologist starts to get that sinking feeling that the disappearances, deaths, mysterious lights and Gregorian chanting hooded ominous figures out in the evil cave of Satan may be related. Gee, do you think? We get further police procedural footage including medical examination lingo, local political intrigue and an annoyingly predictable twist ending that anybody familiar with this kind of stuff will be able to dial in before the 3rd reel is loaded. The film then proceeds to climax with a bizarre display of xenophobia as the state trooper brigade closes in with their M-16 automatic rifles blazing as they gun down the coven en-masse. Pretty twisted idea of fun: no wonder this one generated cult interest.

So here is a sleeper of a movie that has been left behind by the sands of time -- the only way to find it are on expensive & rarely found prior rental tapes or dubiously sourced public domain releases by underground companies. Nobody seems interested in trying to revive this one which is a shame, it's a startling little bit of regional horror and one of the least silly examples of the Satanic Coven fad that was so popular during the early - mid 1970s. Watch it as a double bill with the excellent RACE WITH THE DEVIL, which remains the watershed effort from the idiom. The two will serve to compliment each other even though the low budget and seemingly aimless pacing of the first 3rd of ENTER THE DEVIL may annoy those easily bored. But once you get to that burning scene this film is perhaps even more unsettling, and nobody ever said that art had to be pretty.

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Enter the Rain of the Devil - 70's Devil movie
Oslo_Jargo21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When going into a 70's Devil movie, you have to realize that if you have any expectations coming into one of the 70's Devil films, it's guaranteed that you'll think they're the worst movies you've ever seen.

If you come into it thinking that it's the worst movie you'll ever see, then you may find to be pleasantly surprised, just like I was when I watched Enter The Devil (1972).

Of course, it goes without saying that the movie is incredibly low budget and it shows through and through, but it still means something that I enjoyed it.

What mainly caught my eye about this film was that though I was aware of how low budget the movie actually was, I couldn't help but find myself being creeped out at different parts throughout, which is something I never expected out of a cheap 70's Devil movie like this.

I also had to grab a crucifix a few times, since I was watching this alone at night while living in a desolate forest, working as a forest fire-spotter in Finland.
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Weird goings-on in the desert border lands of Texas.
clanciai12 October 2018
This is actually not as bad and absurd as it may seem. The story makes sense, and sects are a phenomenon that humanity has suffered from through all ages, for good and for worse, adding constantly a touch of mystery and terror to history, as life would be too commonplace without it. Here the mysterious sect is a band out in the wilderness of the Texas deserts close to Mexico, and there are quite a few Mexicans involved. Things get serious as a professional lady anthropologist is connected in the case, they try to save her by sending her away in time, but it is too late, and she is too curious.

These films and stories of satanism always end in the same way, Dennis Wheatley wrote a number of novels about it, and they never depart from the same pattern. Neither does this film. It is intriguing, fascinating and partly exciting, but afterwards you just brush it off your clothes.
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QueenoftheGoons31 August 2020
Old Ivan plays a good satanic beast. Who couldn't love his striking eyes and veiny paw paws. Was, good and memorable. I mean I hadn't watched it in years. Could have done more Ivan and less chick.
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A Few Good Things in Familiar Story
Michael_Elliott3 August 2018
Enter the Devil (1972)

** (out of 4)

This low-budget horror film was shot in New Mexico where it is also set. The film tells the story of a bunch of people who disappear without a trace and a local state trooper's attempt to track them down. It turns out that a Satanic cult are behind the kidnappings.

ENTER THE DEVIL is a film that doesn't have much of a cult following but the title puts it along side countless other "devil" or "Satanic" movies that were released after the success of Roman Polanski's ROSEMARY'S BABY. Is the film a masterpiece or something that everyone should check out? Absolutely not but at the same time there are some interesting things that make it worth viewing.

To me the best thing about the film was its music score by Sam Douglas. There's honestly nothing to the score that I would call original but at the same time it does help build up an atmosphere and it just feels dirty like the setting of the picture. I also thought there were some effective shots of the Satanic group walking through the night with their torches lighting up the blackness of night. These two things mixed together were quite good and I'd say much better than some of the other things that we saw in countless pictures like it.

As far as the story goes, it's certainly not that original and in fact it really runs out of gas around hte hour mark. There isn't enough going on in the picture to completely hold your attention but I will say the ending came as a shock and especially considering how blunt it was. Performances are what you'd expect from a film like this but for the most part I'd say the direction by Fred Q. Dobbs was good.

ENTER THE DEVIL isn't going to win any major awards but it's an interesting little film that horror fans should check out.
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Interesting, if only sporadically effective, low-budget chiller
InjunNose12 December 2020
Interesting, if only sporadically effective, low-budget chiller set in a barren West Texas town near the Mexican border. People are disappearing in the desert and a sheriff's deputy (Dave Cass, the film's co-writer) is sent to investigate...but do the culprits really belong to a satanic cult, or to an altogether different kind of organization? "Enter the Devil" doesn't always make sense, and at times it looks more like a TV crime drama (or industrial training film) than a drive-in horror flick, but it packs the occasional punch. The scenes of human sacrifice, in particular, have a raw, nerve-jangling quality, and a sense of eerie foreboding hangs over the desert shooting location even during the film's quieter moments. Able character actor Josh Bryant heads up the cast, Irene Kelly provides the eye candy, and John Martin and Carle Bensen make a suitably crusty pair as the sheriff and the town doctor, respectively.

Flawed, but worth a look.
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Tasty bit of regional horror
Woodyanders29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Easygoing deputy sheriff Jase (an sturdy and engaging performance by David S. Cass Sr.) and spunky anthropologist Leslie (an appealing portrayal by the fetching Irene Kelly) discover that a sinister satanic cult is behind a series of disappearances in a small country town.

Director Frank Q. Dobbs, who also co-wrote the compact script with Cass Sr., relates the engrossing story at a gradual pace, makes nice use of the dry'n'desolate Texas desert locations, takes time to develop the genuinely likeable characters, grounds the premise in a plausible everyday reality, offers a flavorsome evocation of the remote rural area and the people who populate the place, and ably crafts a creepy and unsettling atmosphere. The solid acting by the capable cast helps a lot: Joshua Bryant as laid-back outpost proprietor Glenn, John Martin as an amiable sheriff, Carle Benson as the no-nonsense Doc, William Gonzales as the jolly Paco, and Ed Geldart as amorous jerk Sam. Both the groovy score by Sam Douglas and Michael F. Cusack's expressive cinematography are up to par as well. Recommended viewing for fans of funky 70's low-budget fright fare.
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Hail Satan .
ulicknormanowen12 April 2020
The best of this low-budget film is its scenery : the desert is an unusual place to celebrate some kind of (black) sabbaths which resemble a Christian procession of penitents that still takes place in Spain ; filmed at night ,holding their torches against a starless black sky ,it's rather impressive in an unpretentious small production ;so are the scenes with the sidewinders.

The female character ,a professor who studies ancient satanic rites on the Mexican border, is in it to provide the movie with a decorative victim;the sheriff is obsessed with the elections and his deputy has a crush on Mexican babes.The screenplay is basic ,to put it mildly.
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