Murder at the Gallop (1963) Poster

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Brisk Agatha Christie mystery moves at a gallop...
Doylenf26 June 2006
This is possibly MARGARET RUTHERFORD's most satisfactory excursion into Agtha Christie-land and she's helped by a delightful Ron Goodwin score that emphasizes her character with an infectious main theme and the gorgeous B&W photography, full of sinister shadows and proper atmospheric effects.

Furthermore, Miss Rutherford is surrounded by some formidable British talent, such as Stringer Davis (his Mr. Stringer is always a delight), Robert Morley (blustery but fun), and most notably, FLORA ROBSON, remarkable as the timid companion of an elderly woman.

I've seen most of these Miss Marple mysteries from the 1960s, and this has got to be one of the best. It moves at a swift gallop (unlike some of the more tedious, slow-paced BBC versions), and the accent is on the humorous characterization that Rutherford is capable of. Purists may not think it serves Agatha Christie well, but taken on its own as a piece of comedy/mystery entertainment, it stands up well in that genre.

Highly recommended.
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Agatha Christie Should Be Compulsory Reading for the Police Force
claudio_carvalho14 June 2013
Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford) and Mr. Stringer (Stringer Davis) are collecting money for The Reformed Criminals Assistance League, and the old lady decides to pay a visit to the stingy Old Enderby (Finlay Currie). They go to his manor and witness him dying frightened to death by a cat. Miss Marple snoops around the house and finds a piece of mud that she keeps with her.

She calls the police and later she reports to Inspector Craddock (Charles Tingwell) that Old Enderly was murdered. However he tells that the Death Certificate states the cause of his death as heart failure and Old Enderby had had a severe heart condition for many years. Miss Marple decides to investigate one of the heirs but she finds her dead in her house with her housemaid Miss Milchrest (Flora Robson). Then she lodges in The Gallop Hotel to investigate who might be the murderer. When her prime suspect is killed, she finds the reason why the assassin is killing the relatives of Old Enderby. Now Miss Marple plots a scheme to catch the killer.

"Murder at the Gallop" is another highly entertaining comedy and mystery with Miss Marple. There are delightful scenes, like Miss Marple telling the Inspector Craddock that he should read Agatha Christe, or Miss Marple dancing Twist with Mr. Stringer. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Sherlock de Saias" ("Sherlock in Skirts")
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A Delightful Romp!
GordJackson24 September 2013
As is well known by now, Dame Agatha Christie was not enamoured of Dame Margaret Rutherford's take on her Jane Marple creation. Fair enough as Dame Agatha had lovingly constructed a plain Jane, spinster/every-woman who, underneath the quiet demeanour and placid knitting possessed a mind sharper than the point of any of her knitting needles. And like television's Columbo she was always under-estimated, to the eventual chagrin of the guilty party in the crime under investigation. As a fan of the BBC/PBS Masterpiece Mystery series I have probably seen most if not all of Dame Agatha's books dramatized, my favourites being those with Joan Hickson whom I find to be the very embodiment of the Jane Marple Dame Agatha originally had in mind. That said, I am not so much of a purist that I cannot enjoy Dame Margaret Rutherford's decidedly non Dame Agatha approach to super sleuth Jane Marple. In short, all four films in the MGM produced series are a pure delight with MURDER AT THE GALLOP just barely edging out MURDER SHE SAID as my personal favourite.

Others have more than adequately provided a synopsis of this and the other trio of Marple movies in the series, so I won't re-till that ground. Suffice to say, if you haven't seen any of them, or you just want a good, light, engaging Brit whodunit then don't miss any of these wonderful confections. I've seen them all many times and yet every repeat showing finds me totally entertained by Dame Margaret, real life hubby Stringer Davis, Charles Tingwell, the excellent casts of supporting players and Ron Goodwin's superb scores. Indeed, they are still as much fun today as when first viewed in their initial theatrical runs back in the sixties.
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Great Film
MFH12 August 1999
Probably my favorite Rutherford Marple, this movie is funny, suspensful, and wildly entertaining. Whatever Agatha Christie thought of this movie, she greatly admired Margaret Rutherford, dedicating one of her best books The Mirror Crack'd to her. Once again, great support acting from Stringer Davis (Rutherford's real life husband) and from Robert Morley. Don't you think that Inspector Craddock would have learned to listen to Miss Marple by this movie?
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Charming family entertainment
JuguAbraham2 August 2002
I have not read the book on which the film is based--but I understand it was a Hercule Poirot book not a Miss Marple book. Anyway in Christie's novels with Miss Marple there was no "Mr Stringer" the real life husband of Dame Margaret Rutherford. But it is Dame Margaret and Stringer Davis that makes the Marple films come alive apart from Ron Goodwin's charming score.

This is the first movie I have seen in which the author of the book on which the film is based is discussed. This movie will not survive trenchant criticism--it is best viewed as a fun movie with loads of British humour.

What strikes you is that the film is really a women's film, with even Robert Morley having to take a back seat to Dame Margaret and Dame Flora Robson who steal the show.

Of the films in the series, 'Murder Ahoy' I thought was most charming because of the supporting cast and a stronger role for Mr Stringer. "Murder at the gallop" has a weaker story and screenplay in comparison. Yet all these Miss Marple films can be enjoyed by one and all, years after they were made.
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A Delightful Agatha Christie/Margaret Rutherford British who-dunnit
catman4723 October 2004
Murder At The Gallop was one in a series of Miss Marple/Margaret Rutherford British mysteries...Rutherford certainly appears and acts quite differently from the character of Miss Marple which Agatha Christie created. If you want to see the Christie books presented accurately on screen, view the versions with Joan Hickson as Miss Marple. They work perfectly with the characters, settings and time period of the orginals.

However, authenticity is not one of the reasons for seeing this series of films. Margaret Rutherford is a screen gem...working with her real life husband, Stringer Davis, as co-sleuth (his character never appeared in any of the Christie novels) they form a wonderful partnership. I only wish they had continued this series. 'Gallop' features some excellent supporting actors -- Flora Robson, Finlay Curie and especially Robert Morley. It's filmed in beautiful black and white which captures the early 1960's quite well.

For an entertaining evening of pure delight this is a mystery to cherish!
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"Fortune favors the brave".
classicsoncall8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you're on the fence about watching this film, the opening scene and lively theme music are a definite hook. There's no way you can pass on the antics of a pair of septuagenerian civilians who go door to door requesting donations for The Reformed Criminals Assistance League. Slightly later I got the biggest kick when Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford) took leave of Inspector Craddock (Charles Tingwell) with that great flourish of her cape, in the tradition of famed costumed heroes like Batman and Superman. Just a neat touch.

Aside from the actual solving of the mystery, the most impressive thing about the principals was how Miss M and assistant Stringer (Stringer Davis) got through all those athletically challenging scenes. Doing the twist at the dance party was one thing, but have you ever seen a seventy year old woman climbing up on a makeshift tangle of boxes atop a truck to spy through a third story window? It didn't appear they were using stunt doubles. And say, how did she stay on that bicycle?

Mixing equal part elements of mystery and humor, the story itself presents a fair number of murder suspects and it's share of red herrings. Robert Morley is a delight, and wonderfully balances comic timing with a stiff upper lip. It took me a while to finger Miss Milchrest (Flora Robson) as the murderer, my only clue being that she wasn't a family member that might have cashed in on the Enderby death. Nice twist there as well.

But for a real mystery, consider these - all that business about the plaster cast matching the boot stirrup mark really didn't have anything to do with solving the crime. So how did it show up in the first place at the Enderby house? As for the valuable painting at the center of the intrigue, when first introduced it appeared that the picture wasn't very large. However when Stringer sets off for London to have it appraised, it looked like it grew to twice the size. Hmm.
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I love this film so much
Sleepin_Dragon7 October 2015
Whilst out collecting funds for the Church roof Miss Marple and Mr Stringer witness the death of Mr Enderby, frightened to death by a pathological fear of cats he left a vast fortune to his family, could a member of his family have been greedy enough to kill for money?

Loosely based on a Poirot story 'After the Funeral, it's big and brassy, more fun then serious, but it genuinely works. It looks beautiful in black and white. The music is fun and seems to almost mirror Rutherford's personality, it's also loud and brisk, at times though it is a little over the top, a bit grindy.

Rutherford is just fabulous, she's so charismatic and humorous, she's a joy to watch, for me it's a shame only four films were made, a few more would have been great. Robert Morley is great fun as is Stringer Davies, but the star turn comes from Dame Flora Robson, so soft and delicate faced, she gives a fabulous performance as Miss Milchrest.

The best bit is definitely the ending, Miss Marple in an evening gown doing the twist, sent to bed, and confronted by the murderer, honestly it's just bliss.

I can imagine the die hard Christie fans being horrified at the thought of watching this, but it somehow goes beyond it. The humorous tone somehow allows the liberties. I must point out that Suchet's After the Funeral is a stunning production.

Take it for what it is, pure entertainment, huge amounts of fun. Possibly my favourite of her Miss Marple outings 10/10
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Pleasant, Light-Hearted Entertainment
Lechuguilla27 July 2003
The frustrating thing about Agatha Christie novels is that some of them have alternate titles. With some dismay, I realized, a few minutes into "Murder At The Gallop", that the film is the cinema version of a book I had finished not two months earlier, "After The Funeral" (a.k.a. "Funerals Are Fatal"). There would be no new whodunit puzzle for me here.

"After The Funeral" features Hercule Poirot; "Murder At The Gallop" features Miss Marple. The story is basically the same in both book and film, and is a typical Christie whodunit. I think I prefer the book to the film, as the book has more suspects. The film has minimal suspense except near the end. And I find Robert Morley's performance to be slightly annoying.

Still, "Murder At The Gallop" is an OK whodunit for a rainy Sunday afternoon. The main attraction really is the wonderful Margaret Rutherford, who plays Miss Marple. With her feisty determination, this is really her show. To see a woman of 71 in an evening gown dancing The Twist is reason enough to watch.
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Haunting, Mysterious and Absorbing
marcin_kukuczka19 April 2012
Having admired lovable Miss Marple and Mr Stringer in MURDER SHE SAID dealing with a very special case of murders at the Ackenthorpe Hall, it seemed that hardly can they pursue a trail on their own more effectively. Nevertheless, she is daring enough to state in MURDER AT THE GALLOP powerfully: "We have us and our methods" and this bursts out in riveting thrill and entertainment.

MURDER AT THE GALLOP with magnificent Dame Margaret Rutherford in the lead, provides yet new sensations, thrills, secrets to unveil and goose skin to experience. Along with its obvious echoes of the first part, MURDER AT THE GALLOP is an altogether haunting, mysterious and absorbing experience. In what way?

A BIT OF ITS STORYLINE: An old mansion of the Enderby family...a shocking thing happens as Miss Marple and Mr Stringer open the front door of the mansion. The old Enderby (played by iconic MGM actor Finlay Currie) hauntingly falls dead on the staircase. Heart attack or murder? Presumably frightened to death of cats, the former reason seems more likely to be adequate even for the police inspector Craddock (Charles Tingwell). But for Miss Marple, falsely perceived by the Inspector as a 'busybody' who merely has 'tittle tattle to convey,' that will never be a satisfactory conclusion. She is frightened to death of nothing. Having 'snooped' the family gathering of the Enderbys she overhears a significant statement (when Mr Stringer again gives her a 'leg up') and proceeds in order to trap the killer. Travelling by bikes is enough to do more than best investigators in limousines. With a little bit of cooking skills (note this aspect) and a little bit of determination, events unexpectedly prove that the law might sometimes have a long arm but, unfortunately, to the great surprise of those who doubt her, that never resembles Miss Marple's proceedings...

MADAME RUTHERFORD AND OTHER MAINSTAYS: Echoing the previous part aids seeing Madame Rutherford in this film because her already familiar style constitutes the very core of entertainment and thrill. Again with some witty moments and cutting remarks that add the spicy aspect to the whole movie, MURDER AT THE GALLOP is a sole entertainment. Margaret Rutherford is outstanding in the role and her moments include some of the quintessential parts of the entire success of the movie. She proves again that Marple is her name but marble her nature... As a creative and gifted performer from the very start, she proves to dominate our attention considerably. Thanks to her well crafted performance, again, thrill is combined with humor and cutting tongue with the most honest intentions. Among many of the brilliant scenes, a mention must be made of her dance with Mr Stringer when she deliberately falls ill and he, in a disguised manner, 'hots it up' as well as hilarious horse-riding with Mr Hector Eckerby (Robert Morley). As for other mainstays like Stringer Davis and Charles Tingwell, the memorable performances clearly echo MURDER SHE SAID and there is no need to outline their contribution again. Let me, however, highlight some important merits of the supporting cast here.

TWO SUPPORTING CAST: Within the peculiar dynasty of the Enderbys, truly sophisticated characters emerge. As a matter of fact, the supporting cast who appear to be outstanding in their parts are Flora Robson and Robert Morley. While Ms Robson portrays the strangely calm, oddly suspicious type who catches our attention finally, Mr Morley handles the very essence of the film's psychological and humorous aspect. As a serious buff of the old furniture, a man 'saddled' in old manners and strict in human relations, a funny horse-rider who is a rather sympathetic comedian type provides wit brilliantly. The scene with pulling of the boots, for instance, is hilarious. As he was a friend of Dame Margaret Rutherford in real life, their scenes are played with ease and humor. When the events turn more intense and murder at the gallop becomes reality, he changes into a decent observer.

THE FILM'S EFFECT: The unique atmosphere of the MGM sets, make-believe tricks of the genre, the undertones of images, growing tensions and Ron Goodwin's catchy music score are just some of the aspects that contribute clearly to its good reputation as a silver screen product of the time.

If you liked MURDER SHE SAID, you will surely enjoy MURDER AT THE GALLOP and follow the wonderful investigation of the Agatha Christie's character so memorably portrayed by Madame Rutherford. The law might have a long arm, indeed, but Miss Marple...never! As she does not agree to keep her saddle at the Enderbys when their case is complete, she leaves with Mr Stringer and makes us look forward to more thrill of the genre.

A must see for Agatha Christie's fans who are less strict with the screen adaptations than the author herself.
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"I'm very sorry, Mr. Endeby, but I disapprove of blood sports"
ackstasis15 May 2009
Just yesterday, Australia lost one of its most beloved film and television actors, Charles "Bud" Tingwell (1923-2009). In memory of his fine contribution to the performing arts, I decided to continue watching George Pollock's series of "Miss Marple" films, in which Tingwell portrayed Inspector Craddock. Next on the list was 'Murder at the Gallop (1962),' the second of four films to star Margaret Rutherford as Agatha Christie's Miss Jane Marple. Though, of course, the film truly belongs to its amateur spinster sleuth, Tingwell nonetheless brings a remarkable warmth and sincerity to the role of the good-natured but exasperated Craddock, who's constantly torn between his affection for Marple and his frustration that she's always one step ahead of him. Unlike Sherlock Holmes' Inspector Lestrade, he is not an object of ridicule – representative of incompetent police force – but one of open-mindedness and practicality. Inspector Craddock seems to accept Miss Marple's crime-solving talents with a quietly-amused resignation, however much her conclusions may show up his own investigative proficiency.

The central mystery was loosely adapted from Agatha Christie's novel "After the Funeral" (notably a Poirot story), but the bulk of the plot came from James P. Cavanagh, a writer of television thrillers. In this instalment, Miss Marple determines to investigate the suspicious passing of wealthy Scrooge Mr. Endeby (Finlay Currie), whom she believes was literally "frightened to death" by an impatient heir. With the loyal assistance of Mr. Stringer (Stringer Davis), and the occasional compliance of the increasingly-upstaged Inspector Craddock, Marple attempts to scrutinise everybody who stands to gain from Endeby's will, and, conveniently, they're all temporarily residing at the same place: the Gallows hotel, owned by Endeby's bumbling, horse-obsessed nephew (Robert Morley). The clues are all there for both Marple and the audience to decipher, but multiple red herrings are also thrown into the mix. Our suspicions are only further confused by the fact that that all the potential murderers appear to hate each other, and none are at all surprised nor saddened by the untimely deaths of their relatives.
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Another wonderful Margaret Rutherford romp.
Peter2206016 December 2001
Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple delights her audience in this wonderful mystery. Her use of the phrase, " I have a little tittle tattle for you inspector" is used as only Ms. Rutherford can. The concluding verbal scene with Robert Morley completes a wonderful motion picture.
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Miss Marple's Second Case.
AaronCapenBanner17 November 2013
George Pollock returned to direct this second case of older but still lively Miss Jane Marple(played by Margaret Rutherford). Her librarian friend Mr. Stringer(played by Stringer Davis) and Inspector Craddock(played by Charles Tingwell) also return. Here, Miss Marple is going door to door collecting for a charity when she enters the home of an old wealthy recluse, who promptly appears, falling down the front stairs and dying of a heart attack. Convinced it was murder, Miss Marple investigates as the man's relatives gather, and more murders occur... Strangely based on a Hercule Poirot novel "After The Funeral", this is a fine sequel all around, with a similar story and atmosphere.
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Sleuth in a twist
Prismark104 June 2015
After watching the BBC adaptations of Miss Marple with Joan Hickson these earlier film versions with Margaret Rutherford seems a world away. I could never envision Miss Hickson doing the twist.

Murder at the Gallop is based on an Agatha Christie book featuring Hercule Poirot but it has a good cast which includes Flora Robson and Robert Morley.

Miss Marple raising money for a charitable cause stumbles on to the death of a wealthy Mr Endeby (Finlay Currie) whom she believes was murdered and she suspects members of his family who stand to gain from the deceased's will who all seem to have some sort of a motive and also dislike each other.

The plot moves at a nifty pace but it all looks rather silly. Its definitely not Miss Marple.
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Margaret Rutherford in one of her best roles
stevelynch196026 June 2001
Although Margaret Rutherford's take on Miss Marple was not to Agatha Christie's liking she stands out as one of the best Miss Marples in my estimation. She injected a lively quirkiness to the character which has been lacking in recent portrayals.

This is one of my 4 most favorite films Rutherford's timing and expressions are a joy to watch on screen!
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Fun Miss Marple whodunit.
Boba_Fett11382 July 2006
This is an excellent lighthearted murder mystery movie, with the Agatha Christie creation Miss Marple as the central character.

This movie is typically British! The characters, the settings, the costumes, the dialog, the humor. Everything in the movie has British written all over it. It's delicious! It's an unwritten rule for the fans, that how Britisher the murder mystery, the better it is.

The movie is told with a large and typical amount of British humor. It makes the movie a fun one to watch, also thanks to the perfectly suiting musical score by Ron Goodwin. Due to the way the story is told, the whole plot line of who is the murderer becomes a bit muddled in and isn't the most interesting thing about the movie. It's way more interesting to think of WHY the murder(s) were committed rather then by who and how. This movie therefor isn't perhaps the best example of a good British whodunit movie but it's a fun and lighthearted one to watch nevertheless. So there are still plenty of reasons why one should watch this movie.

Margaret Rutherford is in her element as the old, nosy and clever lady Miss Marple. The movie is supported by a cast that perhaps is not the best example of the best actors around but it sorts of suits the movie fine. After all the actors serve their purpose and play the characters well enough without claiming too much attention or straining of the main story. After all this is a Miss Marple movie. The entire movie is build around her character and she is also the very reason why this movie is better than the average one.

A very fun and good movie, at least for the genre fans that is.

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tcchelsey3 August 2021
This is one genuinely complex murder mystery, the second in the short lived, but truly unforgettable Miss Marple series. Margaret Rutherford, without a doubt, was the best actress to play the ever so clever detective, and with a touch of sarcasm every now and then. And why not, she earned it! One interesting footnote is that screenwriters followed author Agatha Christie's book extremely close, presenting a fiendishly clever murderer, and almost as clever as Miss Marple... right up until the end. This one will definitely keep you guessing, and exceptionally photographed with all the familiar trappings; the old dark house, shadows on the wall and creepy, dead silence at the precise moment! It is unfortunate that the series did not continue, as Rutherford preferred to remain in England and not commute to Hollywood, but what series episodes that were produced will not be forgotten and are gaining a whole new generation of viewers. Recommended late night viewing, but of course! One more thing, Rutherford and stuffy Robert Morley make a good team here, with a lot of entertaining banter between the two. But you have to hand it to Rutherford all the way as she takes a few minutes off the case to dance, and she knows her steps. Now that's entertainment.
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Marple in a Poirot - surely not!
Iain-21513 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
But yes it's true! 'Murder At The Gallop' is based on a Poirot novel, 'After The Funeral'. There are some changes (apart from the Marple/Poirot switch of course) and once again the story is largely played out for laughs but this is another engaging and entertaining entry in the Margaret Rutherford Miss Marple series. Here, Miss M rides side saddle, does the Twist and sneaks around with a torch in the dead of night in pursuit of the killer. Once again she is proposed to, this time by Robert Morley but one suspects that if this maiden lady were ever to marry it would be to the ever faithful Mr Stringer!

Apart from the thinning out of the large and complicated family and the introduction of the riding element, the basic plot of the novel is pretty much intact although nothing like as intricate - the whole 'painting' thing really seems to come out of nowhere and delightful though Flora Robson is, I wish her character had been better developed. The supporting cast are pretty good, the theme tune is infectious and there are far worse ways to spend a couple of hours.
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Joyfully galloping Marple mystery
bygard11 May 2007
The wonderful Margaret Rutherford is at it again as Miss Marple. And if that is not enough for you, there is also Robert Morley in his familiarly pompous screen persona hamming it up. These two strong personalities among the fine cast administrate the slightly humorous murder story taking place in and around Hotel Gallop. Although maybe not quite as fresh as the first entry in the series, 'Murder She Said', this film clearly delivers what every Agatha Christie loving citizen expects from a movie version of one of her many books. In my opinion Rutherford was able to bring more pep into Miss Marple than any other actress since or how I have seen her in my mind while reading the stories. In general the four Marple films made in the 1960's with Rutherford have clearly a more entertaining mood in them, which is not always so with many other adaptations.

The scriptwriter has even jokingly made Marple to specifically mention how great and useful Agatha Christie's books are when you are trying to solve a puzzling murder case by yourself. And what is she doing in the first shots during the title sequence? She goes around around collecting money for a reforming criminals assistance fund. A fine way to set the mood and the tongue in the right place for the rest of the movie. Later on she does twist on the dancing ball in order to fake a heart attack. Warmly recommended with a big smile to everyone.
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Among the 25 best films of 1963
jgcorrea12 March 2020
1. Winter light (Nattvardsgästerna 2. The Birds 3. Le mĂ©pris 4. Heaven and hell (Tengoku to jigoku) 5. I compagni 6. Il gattopardo 7. The Servant 8. The silence (Tystnaden 9. Le feu follet 10. America, America 11. The Haunting 12. From Russia with Love 13. The List of Adrian Messenger 14. The Great Escape 15. Charade 16. Mahanagar 17. 8½ 18. This Sporting Life 19; Shock Corridor 20. La boulangère de Monceau 21. The Pink Panther 22. Les tontons flingueurs 23. Melodie en sous-sol 24. Billy Liar 25. Murder at the Gallop
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"A classy whodunit."
jamesraeburn200317 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Miss Marple (MARGARET RUTHERFORD) and her loyal friend, the local librarian Mr Stringer (STRINGER DAVIS) are out collecting funds for the reformed criminals league. They call upon the house of the elderly but wealthy recluse Mr Enderby and he collapses and falls down the stairs dead. It was well known that old Enderby had suffered from a chronic heart condition for many years and the coroner duly records the death as natural causes. However, it was also well known that he was terrified of cats and Miss Marple was the only one who noticed the cat that was prowling around his home. This brings her to the conclusion that he was murdered and she approaches Chief Inspector Craddock (CHARLES TINGWELL) with her theory. However, as with the last time that Miss Marple approached him about someone being murdered, he dismisses her and refuses to look into it. Miss Marple realises that she and Mr Stringer must conduct their own investigation. They eavesdrop on the reading of old Enderby's will. Present at the reading are Enderby's nephew Hector (ROBERT MORLEY), his niece Rosamund Shane (KATYA DOUGLAS) and her husband Michael (JAMES VILLIERS). His second cousin George Crossfield (ROBERT URQUHART) and his sister Cora Lansquenet. The motive of the crime becomes seemingly clear - £25,000 to be divided up among Enderby's relatives. However, things turn out not to be as simple as they first appear when Cora says "Well he was murdered wasn't he?" In order to try and press Cora about what she meant, Miss Marple pays a call at her cottage and finds Cora dead, stabbed through the back with a hat pin. Inspector Craddock has to take Miss Marple seriously now but can't stand her butting in and solving his cases for him. The Enderby family are staying at Hector's riding establishment "The Gallop Hotel" and Miss Marple checks in for a week in order to investigate the family members and find the killer.

The success of MURDER SHE SAID (1962: see my review) lead to three sequels, which were very much in the same dated but engagingly tongue in cheek vein. The cast is exemplary with Robert Morley shining as the eccentric Hector, Flora Robson as Cora's seemingly timid companion Miss Milcrest while Robert Urquhart (Frankenstein's teacher Paul Krempe in Hammer's CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN) also scores in his part as the suave but shifty art-dealer George Crossfield. However, as always it is Margaret Rutherford who steals the picture as Miss Marple. Even though she's nothing like Agatha Christie's creation, she manages to make the role so convincingly her own as the sharp and eccentric spinster that it hardly mattered at all. Rutherford is both funny and a great character at the same time. This is the one that contains that classic scene in which Miss Marple does the twist in order to fake a heart attack so that she can lure the killer into a trap. George Pollock's direction is smooth and effortlessly meshes comedy with mystery and he is most ably assisted by the gorgeous black and white photography of Arthur Ibbetson, which gives the picture a touch of class while its genuinely sinister at the same time with its subtle use of shadow and composition. The film is based on the novel AFTER THE FUNERAL, in which the case was originally solved by Hercule Poirot! It looks as if soon that David Suchet will be filming a version of this book and it will be interesting to see how it differs from this production.

All in all, MURDER AT THE GALLOP emerges as one of the best films in MGM's quintet of Miss Marple whodunits.
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Mrs. Agatha Christie and Mrs. Maragaret RutherfordÂ… Both brilliant in their own leagues!
Coventry20 October 2017
"Murder She Said", my first acquaintance in a series of four films with Margaret Rutherford as the legendary Miss Marple character was a jolly good and entertaining experience! It took away some of my initial skepticism about Agatha Christie's murder mysteries not being fit for comedy films, and Rutherford being too boisterous and intimidating for the role of Miss Marple. However, I was still worried about not liking the second entry in the series. "Murder at the Gallop" is based on the novel "After the Funeral" and that just so happens to be one of my personal favorites Christie works. Moreover, it's originally a Hercule Poirot story instead of a Miss Marple story and, again, one that is revolving on a deadly serious murder investigation rather than on the adventures of a noisy and eloquent old spinster! I found out after two films already, though, that you cannot really dislike this Christie/Rutherford franchise. The goofy soundtrack immediately sets the tone for a light-headed yet fast-paced murder pastiche, while Mrs. Rutherford steals the show in every scene she's in (and she's practically in every scene). Admittedly the whodunit aspect here is inferior and the sheer genius of Mrs. Christie isn't at all reflected in these movies. When I first the novel "After the Funeral", I was vastly impressed by the brilliant imagination and ingenuity regarding the killer's identity and motivations, as well as by all the red herrings, misleading clues and plot twists that popped up during Poirot's investigation. Therefore I would definitely recommend reading Christie's source novels as well as watching the films, as they each provide different types of entertainment. "Murder at the Gallop" is just pure, unmemorable fun! Although clearly standing in the shadow of the witty Margaret Rutherford, the entire cast is quite great, with notably fine appearances by Robert Morley and Flora Robson.
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This film has aged like fine wine.
lowefreddy2 November 2020 have most of Margaret Rutherford's outings as Miss Marple. I have watched and rewatched her 4 Marple films more times than I care to remember and "Murder at the Gallop" is arguably the best of the bunch. Based on the Hercule Poirot novel "After the Funeral", I think - despite being an avid fan of Christie's books - I actually prefer this film to its relevant source material. That is the sign of an adaptation that has nailed it!

Heaven knows why James P. Cavanagh, the screenwriter, read After the Funeral and thought, "I know what this is missing. A third death, pantomime comedy, horse-riding - and Miss Marple!" Bravo to him, because it worked. The result is a hilarious, charming, comforting, and at times appropriately atmospheric film which features truly brilliant performances from Margaret Rutherford (arguably the best Marple ever, if very different), Stringer Davis, Bud Tingwell, Robert Morley, and Dame Flora Robson. Agatha Christie fans shall not be disappointed as long as they're not purists, and fans of charming, black-and-white, comedic films certainly won't!
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I find murder offensive too!
hitchcockthelegend9 April 2013
Murder at the Gallop is directed by George Pollock and adapted to screenplay by James P. Cavanagh from the Agatha Christie novel After the Funeral. It stars Margaret Rutherford, Stringer Davis, Robert Morley, Flora Robson and Bud Tingwell. Music is by Ron Goodwin and cinematography by Arthur Ibbetson.

While out collecting for charity, Miss. Marple (Rutherford) visits the home of reclusive Mr. Enderby (Finlay Currie) and arrives to witness him tumbling down the stairs. A heart attack then, surely? Not so says Miss. Marple, who sets about uncovering the truthÂ…

The novel is actually a case for Hercule Poirot, and much like the first Rutherford/Marple adaptation, Murder She Said, the emphasis is on light comedy as opposed to the novel's dramatic thrust. Much like Murder She Said, as long as you are prepared to take it on its own light entertainment terms then there is a very enjoyable movie here. It's competently directed by Pollock, who directed all four of the Rutherford/Marple films, and Rutherford is again a classy old dame putting a cheeky glint in Miss. Marple's eye. Alongside Rutherford is a fine cast of British thesps, with Morley proving to be good foil for a Marple story. While the setting at a toff riding school makes for a deviously pleasant back drop.

True to form the narrative places Marple in danger because everyone is a suspect, she gets to deduce with acumen, gets to act fruitfully and of course indulge in some verbal jousting. Characters start to be bumped off and the mystery thickens, and then Marple brings it all together for the big reveal where we then see if we ourselves were right in our selection of the culprit? It's not uproarious humour and never taxing on the brain, while a couple of loose ends need to be ignored, but it's never less than fun and Rutherford is just ace at making this Miss. Marple work for entertainment purposes. 7/10
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AvionPrince169 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didnt really get into it but i need to say that the plot look pretty classic even if we have some revelations ,surprises, thrilling moments , the name of the killer and all that stuff . But i dont know if its because the main character is pretty old or not but i need to admit that was really slow and even the joke . The plot in some parts was pretty obvious some other dont. All that stuff was only for the money and the value of a board . And find it pretty superficial after all and didnt make me want to catch the killer . Spend a nice time anyway even if it was pretty classsic and boring for me.
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