Circus of Horrors (1960) Poster

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This one's a hoot
AlsExGal17 July 2010
Remember that this is a horror film of British origin, not American, and as such if you're looking for a typical film of the genre, this is not one of them. British horror films tend to give more attention to the psychological aspects of horror and short shrift to the physical aspects. If you realize this, you should really enjoy this one.

The story revolves around a German plastic surgeon who, in 1947, botches a job badly and has to leave England to escape the notoriety. Fortunately a horrible car accident and near brush with death makes almost everyone convinced of the doctor's death and makes his escape easy. In France he runs across a young girl who was scarred in the war. He repairs her face and in turn inherits the father's circus when the father is mauled by a dancing bear. And I'm not talking about the parts that are a hoot yet.

Now for the discrete charm and campiness of it all. The doctor decides that, along with a name change and a new face for himself, running a circus will be a great front for continuing his plastic surgery practice and experiments. He seems to have no trouble finding scarred female criminals - they practically fall into his lap - and once repairing them he not only has no trouble bedding them, all of the doctor's girls have a talent for walking the high-wire, eating fire, lion taming, etc. - talents that befit a circus. Not a clumsy or shy one or one who would rather be an accountant in the lot.

The doctor does resent it though whenever one wants to leave. Every time one of them announces a desire to leave or an engagement they die a horrible "accidental" death in the ring during what was supposed to be - and tragically is - their last performance. In spite of the bodies piling up, the authorities allow the circus to remain open, and stranger yet - the girls keep TELLING the doctor whenever they want to leave! As for me, after the third freak accident, I'd be packing my things in the middle of the night and disappearing if I had any desire to change careers.

However, without these confrontational and agile girls there would be no story, so it's an understandable plot device. Don't think I'm disrespecting this film - it is great entertainment, just not horror in the conventional sense. And that hammy yet hummable little tune "Reach for a Star" that gets played during every performance is pure 60's British cinema.
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"Quick, get her to a doctor. And send the clowns in."
bensonmum24 February 2005
A plastic surgeon (Dr. Rossiter), who has just butchered the face of a patient, is on the run. After having an accident and requiring plastic surgery himself, he and his assistants travel to France so the doctor may start anew with a new face and name. After a fatal accident to the owner of a circus, Dr. Rossiter takes over. He soon discovers that he can continue his plastic surgery experiments by operating on murderers, thieves, and prostitutes who all just happen to have some sort of facial deformity or scar. The patients, also with new identities, go to work for the doctor in his circus. The doctor keeps them in line and working through blackmail. As he knows their true identities, they are reluctant to leave. Soon, however, some of the patients become restless and try to 'escape' the doctor. Dr. Rossiter, through a series of 'accidents', makes sure they don't, thereby keeping his secret. Any more of the story would be too much.

Circus of Horrors is a very visually pleasing film. The film's makers appear to have been heavily influenced by the Hammer movies being produced at the time. The lavish colors, costumes, and sets are very Hammer-like. And, like many of the Hammer movies, this one must have been quite shocking for its time. As an example, a knife throwing scene turns particularly nasty.

The movie also features some wonderful acting. Anton Diffring is especially sinister as the mad doctor. Donald Pleasence, in a small role, highlights an above average supporting cast.

The only problem I have with the movie is its tendency to lose focus. Too often, circus scenes seem to go on a little too long and drag the movie down to a snail's pace.
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Popcorn, Peanuts but no Elephants!
BaronBl00d3 August 1999
This is a strange little horror gem from the early sixties about a mad plastic surgeon who must flee England because of some not very sound surgery practices. Once out of England, he(played by Anton Diffring with aplomb) and his two cohorts murder their way into owning a run-down circus whilst in France. From there on ten years pass as the doctor fixes the disfigured faces of thieves and prostitutes in return for their services in the circus. Well...I am not making this up but the doctor and his renegade circus performers then travel all over Europe and become a huge success. Problems start to happen though as the beautiful female star attractions want out of the circus...and the bed of Diffring...only to find their solace in bizarre deaths...circus-related of course. One female is killed in a knife-throwing accident while another falls while trapezing. This is a credulous scenario to be sure, but the film is quite fun. The acting is good: Diffring is marvelous as the mad physician plagued with his obsession for perfection in beauty, Donald Pleasance is quite good in a small role, and the female leads are quite stunning...visually of course. The music is rather hokey...very sixties, but atmosphere is otherwise rather well-staged. All in all I think I would prefer this over spending my time in a real circus...what a "real" horror. Enjoy.
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Gorgeous, silly movie
funkyfry8 October 2002
Fairly routine circus horror story well executed. There are a few scenes featuring the lady rope swinger set to bizarre music that are really breathtaking. The story concerns some radical plastic surgeons (with possible nazi connections) who take over a circus and populate it entirely with their patients/victims, who are killed one by one. Beautiful color photography. Anchor Bay has a very nice DVD of this one that fans should pick up.
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Atmospheric and surprisingly grisly big top horror
Leofwine_draca9 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Horror films set in circuses were popular in the '60s (check out BERSERK! and CIRCUS OF FEAR) but this film was the original classic that started them off. It's a gently unassuming film, with a leisurely pace, which takes its time before revealing the various plot strands which all come together in the exciting conclusion. Therefore, there's a lot of time for characterisation, something which rarely occurs in horror films these days, and this slow pace makes the film all the more interesting and entertaining, and the conclusion is all better because of it.

Good use is made of the circus setting, with the various dangerous stunts providing some real tension, especially in the hangman's noose trick where we know the woman will die. Anton Diffring steals the show as the ruthless and evil surgeon, his cold, calculated charm being perfect for the role, and he is ably assisted by a cast of good performers which includes Donald Pleasance in a small role as a drunk, and the glamorous Yvonne Monlaur, star of that other horror flick from 1960, Hammer's The Brides of Dracula. Conrad Phillips is a dependable hero type, Kenneth Griffith a delightful henchman, and Yvonne Romain a buxom beauty.

There are lots of women stripping off for the camera and canoodling (pretty racy for the time) and a gore scene, where a woman gets a knife in her neck, which is also pretty bloody. The circus music, including the classic Liberty Bell theme familiar to any viewer, becomes haunting, which only adds to the combination. All of these factors make CIRCUS OF HORRORS a truly fascinating, compelling horror film which will stand up to repeated viewing.
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Humanity as the worst horror.
jmbovan-47-16017314 February 2021
This movie reminds me of classic Hammer horror, but it starts movement away from the stereotypes of classic monsters. A surgeon is running from the authorities from using controversial procedures that caused permanent damage, finding refuge in a failing circus. The rest of the film depicts this doctor's fixation and obsession with beauty and the length that he will go for this. Circus of Horrors relies more on psychological tension to depict the monstrosity of human kind when there are not parties willing to keep us in check.
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Lions, Tigers and the Mad Surgeon
thinker16913 March 2006
In 1947 amid the many cinematic features of the time, appeared this highly underrated offering entitled, The Circus of Horrors. The plot was simple enough, a extremely talented, though noticeably unstable, plastic Surgeon is propelled into madness by his obsession to create the perfect face. Finding a drunken, destitute Circus owner (Donald Pleasence) with a disfigured child, Dr. Rossiter, superbly played by Anton Diffring, miraculous gives her a new face and together with his two murderous assistants,(Kenneth Griffen and Jane Hylton) set out to travel Europe, using the traveling circus as a front. During the circus's ten year run, numerous accidental deaths occur inviting the attention of the international police. Faced with possible capture and execution, Rossiter embarks on a final, murderous tour which he envisions will lead him to being honored as the greatest plastic surgeon of all time. Despite it's low budget and camp trailer, this film produced an international musical hit and a significant cult status. ****
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Good lurid fun
MOscarbradley8 May 2018
In the early sixties Anglo-Amalgamated became the alternative to Hammer for cheap horror thrills but in a more contemporary setting and "Circus of Horrors" was one of their better enteries, (the use of a real-life circus, in this case Billy Smart's, certainly helped). Anton Diffring is the psychopathic surgeon who takes over a circus as a front for his activities but who still can't keep death from his door. There's a greater emphasis on sex than in the Hammer films and director Sidney Hayers serves up a bevvy of European beauties as actual and potential victims. Hardly ground-breaking but fun nevertheless.
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Compelling Horror
FiendishDramaturgy21 March 2007
While the cinematography in this one is somewhat lacking, the story is genuinely atmospheric, although it felt more like an exploitation film than what it was. The development of the characters and their relation to the plot is what is so memorable about this one. Our star is to be hated, reviled, that much is clear from the onset, but once that has been set in our minds, this work really delivers, in a Sigourney Weaver kind of way. I can't really say more than that without giving away the plot and the ending, so I won't.

If you're into retro-horror, this is a definite must see. It's not the best horror, but it is probably one of the best ever done by the British.

It rates a 7.2/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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"Send in the clown's." Didn't do anything for me.
poolandrews24 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Circus of Horrors starts in England during 1947 where Evelyn Morley (Colette Wilde) sees the mess that demented plastic surgeon Dr. Rossiter (Anton Diffring) has left her face in after an unsuccessful operation, Rossiter manages to escape the country & ends up somewhere in France with two allies Angela (Jane Hylton) & Martin (Kenneth Griffith). They try to make their way across France & meet up with Vanet (Donald Pleasance) who runs a circus & has a young daughter named Nicole (Yvonne Monlaur) who has scars on her face, Rossiter who now goes by the name of Dr. Schueler senses an opportunity & offers to perform an operation on Nicole to repair the damage. The operation is a success but Schueler thinks he's on to a good thing & after he lets Vanet be killed by a bear he takes control of the circus as a front to hide behind while he continues his experiments on various criminals who he then turns into performers in his circus...

This English production was directed by Sidney Hayers & I'm amazed at how many people seem to like it, I don't really care that I have a different opinion of it but it didn't do anything for me at all & it took me two attempts to sit through it. The script by George Baxt doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, is it a horror or a thriller? I think the film doesn't manage to balance the two that well. I'd say it's more of a thriller than a horror as it's not scary, it focuses more on the investigations surrounding Schueler's plastic surgery rather than any more traditional horror elements. What it boils down to is that I simply didn't like the film & it's as simple & straight forward as that. The character's & dialogue seem stiff & very dated much like the rest of the film, it plods along at a reasonable pace but it's not what one would call quick & it just failed to engage or entertain me in any way. I was also thinking why did Schueler carry on with his experiments? I mean judging by the film the circus was doing rather well & must have been making decent money so why not just stick with that & not try to attract any unwanted attention while on the other hand if he did want to be a plastic surgeon why didn't he just reveal his 'groundbreaking' findings & get a grant & of course he'd become famous within the medical profession which is what he seems to want anyway.

Director Hayers does OK I suppose, another problem with Circus of Horrors is that I can't relate to circus' as an attraction & the constant clips of the performances & crowd reactions bored to to death. I've never wanted to go to a circus & after watching Circus of Horrors I still don't. There's virtually no gore despite what anyone says, there's a shot of a woman with a knife in her neck but nothing else & there's a hilarious bit where a woman is attacked by a snake but this snake looks so uninterested, slow & nonthreatening that the scene falls flat on it's face & the best it can do is wrap itself around her feet.

Technically the film is alright, it has a nice bright colour scheme & is quite garish, the production values are good although some of the sets are a bit fake looking & as a whole the film has dated quite badly. The special effects are poor & the man in a fury bear suit looks terrible. The acting is OK although I thought Diffring's accent was annoying.

Circus of Horrors was a disappointment to me, as far as I'm concerned there's nothing here that I particularly enjoyed. A lot of people seem to like it so maybe it's me but overall I didn't think much of it.
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Lurid and risqué for its time, and still quite unsettling.
guanche19 March 2002
I recall seeing this film as a child in 1960. My mother was quite angry at dad for taking us to a movie that was "definitely not for children". This is a grim story of a doctor fleeing some botched plastic surgeries. He takes over a backwoods circus and populates it with beautiful, yet disfigured female performers whom he restores to beauty and rescues from lives of prostitution and rejection. Of course, once the circus becomes successful, the ladies no longer feel like putting up with, or putting out for him, so he devises elaborate circus "accidents" to deal with their ingratitude.

The song "Look For A Star" permeates the movie at various times. At first, it's almost unnoticeable, a seemingly lame early sixties pop tune. However, as the movie progresses it takes on a sinister, disturbing aspect and circulates the brain long after it is over.

The film is well acted and truly suspenseful. A must for those who like their sex and violence done in a literate, intelligent manner.
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Lurid, over the top story of mad doctor's circus in enjoyably bad taste
mlraymond27 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure to this day whether I've ever seen a complete print of this movie. I have a couple of VHS tapes which are both much stronger than the version I saw on television in 1970, but questions remain. There are plenty of plot holes, unanswered questions and general loopiness, but if you can sit back and be entertained by this rather sadomasochistic story, you'll find it perverse fun. Without a doubt, this movie would be nothing without Anton Diffring in the role of the kinky surgeon. This may well be his best known and most effective role, in a long career playing assorted Nazis and mad scientists. Diffring is a good enough actor to make the Rossiter character believable and reasonably well motivated. He seems more of a colossal egotist, who is vain and glory-seeking, rather than truly mad in the usual sense. His two assistants, Angela, and her brother Martin, are less well developed as to their reasons for staying with him and helping him in his evil actions. Character development throughout the movie is pretty sketchy, including the police detective investigating the " Jinx Circus" , and the tragic Evelyn Morley. One question I've always had is whether Evelyn Morley and Rossiter were supposed to have been lovers, as well as doctor and patient? It almost seems implied, but perhaps not really. The ghoulish atmosphere surrounding the various surgeries and fatal accidents at the circus is well caught, and certainly there is an intriguing quality to the way traditional mad scientist horror clichés are combined with the circus big top motif. The use of actual footage of circus performances and audience reactions is cleverly edited to go with the storyline. The aspect of the movie that must have made it fairly controversial in its day was the very strong sexual undertones. SPOILERS AHEAD: We have the unhappy Angela sticking with Rossiter in a loveless relationship, and his casual elimination through " accidents" of circus women who are no longer willing to be his mistresses. There is an uneasy theme of voyeurism that runs through the whole movie, from the first sight of Evelyn Morley's ruined face, to the beautiful prostitute Rossiter plans to exhibit as Helen of Troy. The sideshow barker lures a crowd of male gawkers at one point with an offer to "come see the Temple of Beauty", in which half naked women are displayed in pseudo-historical settings. Buried beneath all the lurid story developments is a not so hidden theme of women as objects to be manipulated and displayed for men's gratification. Evelyn Morley takes a terrible risk of outlawed plastic surgery in an attempt to be more attractive, and ends up disfigured, due to Rossiter's overconfidence in his own abilities. When the woman who is to be displayed as Helen of Troy complains that she will have to stand for hours and be stared at, Rossiter practically purrs, "Not stared at, my dear, worshiped." The movie is certainly far from dull and Diffring raises it from an indifferent script to something astonishingly perverse in its implications. Worth checking out at least once by fans of late Fifties English horror flicks.
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Less talk....more killings!
planktonrules1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This horror film stars Anton Diffring, a name you probably won't recognize though it's very likely you'll recognize his chiseled Nordic face. He was a prolific actor in supporting roles but was most often cast as German soldiers in such films as WHERE EAGLES DARE, THE BLUE MAX, OPERATION CROSSBOW, THE HEROES OF TELEMARK and ZEPPELIN (among others). You also might remember him as Montag's boss in FAHRENHEIT 451. He one of those familiar and reliable actors that you had to have seen if you saw many films made in the 1960s.

The film begins with Diffring and his two friends traveling throughout Europe. He is obviously on the run--but from who and what we don't know. On a lark, the three hide out by taking over a small circus and casting disfigured women in the leading roles. It seems that Diffring is a plastic surgeon and once made beautiful, the ladies learn the trade and stay with the circus. However, oddly, when any of these women try to leave the show, an 'accident' occurs to them--killing them. The first they show is particularly nasty and vivid for 1960. We can see that one of Diffring's friends is behind the murders but whether he (Diffring) knew this was the case is uncertain. While the idea of the murders at the circus is interesting, why Diffring and his friends invest so much energy in the scheme is odd--I mean, why do this?! And, after several of these murders, how could the black-haired lady been so insane as to make threats against the circus?! You'd think she'd tread lightly in light of the killings--there's already been 11 before this one!! And, for that matter, why didn't they just close that horrible circus?! And, the guy in the cheesy gorilla suit was not one of the film's better moments. And, when the doctor was trying to stab the hero, why did the young lady just stand there and watch?!? Sloppy--especially near the end, though the speeding car was kind of cool.

While I wanted to really like this film, there was a problem that I began to notice after a while. There really were not that many killings--they talk about there having been some but only show a couple. This is quite unlike excellent horror films like THEATRE OF BLOOD or the Dr. Phibes films or the similar plotted CIRCUS OF TERROR (which, actually isn't all that excellent). Plus, there was lots and lots of talking--a bad thing for a film in the genre. I was aching for more action--more action and less inconsistencies in the script. Still, despite these problems, it is interesting enough to merit watching.
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Colourful shocker
heedarmy14 December 2000
Trying to emulate the success of Hammer Films, Anglo-Amalgamated made a series of gruesome contemporary horror shockers around 1959/60 (others included "Peeping Tom" & "Horrors of the Black Museum").

This cheerfully lurid shocker exploits the mixed emotions we feel when watching circus performers - the idea of something going terribly wrong is horrible, yet exciting. But crude as the concept is, cast and crew play it for all it's got : Anton Diffring is excellent in the lead role and Sidney Hayers' direction is slick and effective.

The all-stops-out climax is great stuff and there's an effective final scene. The frequently-heard background song, "Reach For A Star", is corny but you won't be able to shake it out of your head!
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The Jinx Circus
richardchatten3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I vividly recall the evening nearly half a century ago when the accident to the knife-throwers' assistant was shown from behind and I observed "that's all we're going to see", only (SPOILER COMING:) to be promptly disabused by a huge closeup of the poor girl with the knife sticking out of her neck and realised we were in the hands of maniacs (it comes as no surprise to learn that Herman Cohan was involved).

Probably the least of Anglo-Amalgated's trio of lurid Eastmancolor shockers (each shot by a top cameraman) 'Circus of Horrors is certainly the goriest and definitely lives up to it's title.

Sharing with it's predecessors a morbid fascination with facial disfigurement and trading on that base instinct that visitors to the circus always secretly harbour that tonight will be the night that a fatal accident will take place, it delivers in spades in pristine colour by old pro Douglas Slocombe and gets more class than it deserves from the score by Franz Reisenstein.
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"Rising to glory in a trail of blood"
I_Ailurophile10 October 2022
Low budget, ham-handed, and very briskly paced, these qualities also lend at times to an air of inauthenticity, a sense bolstered by reaction shots of circus crowds that bear the appearance of stock footage. Such matters are unfortunate, as is the recognition of how circus animals are treated in their training and routines. On the other hand, if imperfect, George Baxt's screenplay is filled with notes of brilliance - murder, conspiracy, unsanctioned experimentation, and controlling manipulation, all under the Big Tent. For all the gaucheness, there's some fine subtlety and nuance in the characters and scene writing that's welcome and gratifying, and for the most part this is echoed as well in the cast and their performances. I can't say that 'Circus of horrors' is flawless, but despite any shortcomings it's unexpectedly well made and solidly engaging all the while. This is pretty fun!

There are definitely moments dotted throughout the film that especially scream "ungenuine" or "over the top," such as the first death scene, or the last instance of Colette Wilde's acting. These are thankfully contrasted with characters of some complexity, and dialogue that in the very least serves the building of plot and characters if not also being enriching of its own accord. Suitably varied scene writing crafts some tension as it spins the narrative, fostering too an air of suspense as events escalate in the last third or so of the runtime. And while the plot may not be perfectly grabbing, I'm inclined to think that's just in part owed to watching an older film from the perspective of 60 years on - when you get right down to it, the villainy and violence remains rather horrid, if just not as visceral as modern viewers are accustomed to. This is indeed a horror flick, with quite the "trail of blood" behind it, only with the sensibilities thereof of the 60s.

The production design and art direction are swell, as is the costume design and hair and makeup work. The (human) stunts performed during scenes at the circus are, unsurprisingly, quite dazzling, and scenes at large are orchestrated with a deft hand. Some specific moments aside, the acting is generally very strong, with Anton Diffring, Jane Hylton, and Kenneth Griffith particularly standing out (though in fairness, they also have the most time on-screen in the first place). And in addition to Baxt's screenwriting, I think director Sidney Hayers does a fine job of overseeing the picture and bringing the vision to splendid, twisted life. All told this is well made as a whole; mostly I just wish a bit more care were taken to let scenes achieve their best potential. That might mean more earnestness and less kitsch, or a smidgen less freneticism so moments could be held for an instant longer for more impact. Still, even through the weakest points, by and large 'Circus of horrors' is an engaging, satisfying slice of genre cinema that continues to hold up fairly well several decades later. This isn't necessarily something to go out of your way to see, but if you have the chance to watch, this is worth ninety minutes of your time!
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colourful and well paced
christopher-underwood5 October 2006
I recall seeing this in the early 60's on a double bill with Horrors Of The Black Museum and if I now find it a little less sensational than I did then this is probably because it was one of my very first colour horror films and made more of an impact than it might. It remains colourful and well paced and the circus details are splendid but the directing of the cast seems rather lacklustre. Kenneth Griffith looks like a lost boy throughout and it is astonishing to discover he had already been in movies for 20 years, one could be forgiven for thinking it were his first. Anton Diffring seems decidedly one note, but then that is more or less his style and it is effective, whilst Donald Pleasence is already over acting, even if he does have hair here. But it's an unusual British movie with a surprising amount of sex and violence and if the lovely ladies are more concerned to keep their hair looking good than help in a fight, I guess that's what we expect of the period. There is plenty to enjoy and the atmospheric song, Look For A Star fades in and out most effectively whilst real shots of Billy Smarts circus help to add to the realism even if lovely ladies are coming to sticky ends and various animals are chomping at the bit all around.
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A plastic surgeon changes the look of a circus.
michaelRokeefe30 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A very well made British thriller directed by Sidney Hayers. Dr. Rossiter, alias Dr. Bernard Schueler(Anton Diffring)is a plastic surgeon on the run from England to France in the mid 40s. He gains control of a down-trodden circus to use as a front. The doctor gives female criminals a "new look" and then enslaves them as various acts in his circus...Circus of Beauty. When they want out; he offs them in a flamboyant manner.

Played throughout the circus sequences is the haunting song "Look For A Star" by Gary Miles; a hit on both sides of the Atlantic. Also featured in this horror/drama: Yvonne Monlaur, Donald Pleasence, Erika Remberg and Yvonne Romain.
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Bad. Bad. Very bad
killercharm27 May 2020
Bad. Bad. Very bad. Not one moment of horror. Not even one moment of guignol. So - a bad plastic surgeon kills his patients if they threaten to leave him and his circus that he acquired by passively killing the owner, Donald Pleasence.
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Effective British horror film puts the spotlight on Anton Diffring...
Doylenf1 November 2009
ANTON DIFFRING is a plastic surgeon under cover at a circus because he has left one of his patients disfigured. The first part of the story deals with how he acquires the circus through a strange set of circumstances involving a young girl and her father (DONALD PLEASANCE).

When the circus becomes a success, after he has successfully cured a number of pretty women by removing their scars and puts them to work performing in his "Circus of Beauty," he treats them with cool indifference if they reject his advances and when he tires of them he gets his female assistant and her brother to dispense with them in various ways before the circus audience.

That's the gist of the plot which uses the circus atmosphere to great effect and makes brilliant use of its handsome Technicolor production values.

Anton Diffring is the man you love to hate. There's a Vincent Price quality about his over-the-top acting, but his magnetic screen personality carries the film into the realm of believability no matter how foolish the plot becomes.

Although there are many beautiful women in the cast, it's Diffring you will remember in the central role as the surgeon with blood on his hands. His screen career consisted of mostly European films with occasional smaller parts in American films. Too bad he didn't find more leads to play in Hollywood.

Intriguing story holds up pretty well although there are obvious weaknesses in the script.
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Few horrors, mostly boredom.
mark.waltz26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give this credit for being better than "Carnival Story" and "Berserk" (forgettable outside of Joan Crawford's participation), but it is a rather boring big top grand guignole that in spite of a few horrific scenes is quite dull. Anton Diffring does what he can to create a fascinating villain, but the film itself is slow-moving and mostly filmed with circus act that we've seen a hundred times before. It does show what circus life is like, but we are not watching "The Greatest Show on Earth" or "Circus World" or even "Big Top Pee Wee". Audiences who watch horror movies require elements of terror, and this only provides a few.

I enjoyed this more the second time around, although not by much because the first time I saw it, I rated it a bomb. So it is not as bad as all that, but outside the opening scene where a female circus star screams when she realizes that her face has been badly scarred and a few horrifying murders during live acts, this is nothing but a cheap exploitative thriller that promises a lot but delivers little outside of cliched characters and a modern sounding crooner repeating the song "Look For a Star" throughout to great annoyance.

The best aspects of the film outside of the circus acts if you come in wanting that sort of thing is the colorful photography and some of the flamboyant costumes. Other than that, it is not very thrilling and jealous why circuses have dwindled in popularity over the past few decades. As far as the tension is concerned, there are so few moments that bring on anxiety that when they do occur, the audience can only think of themselves, it's about time. That means that we are aware that nothing is really going to happen until the last few minutes of the film, and that the windows any interest in what does on beforehand.
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Sex and sadism under the big top
NewEnglandPat8 February 2004
One of the best horror films of the 1960s is this entry with its interesting mix of suspense, sex and mysterious deaths that has the benefit of real circus settings and fine work by Anton Diffring as the outlaw plastic surgeon. Diffring is the erudite but flawed medical genius whose past is littered with botched operations but continues his work behind the prop of a circus staffed with female performers whose faces he has restored in exchange for fealty and silence. Diffring gives the film its pulse as the resourceful and controlling renegade who keeps his flawed females on a very short leash. The film moves along at a good pace with no filler or wasted scenes. Donald Pleasance, erstwhile owner of the circus, is among the good supporting cast that includes the buxom ladies who are at great risk under Diffring's watchful, evil eye.
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Lurid, comic booky circus flick with myriad beautiful women, wild animals and devious murders
Wuchakk24 March 2020
A couple years after WW2 an English plastic surgeon (Anton Diffring) flees to France with his two cronies (Kenneth Griffith & Jane Hylton) and ends up going into the circus business. A dozen years later he has a successful traveling show that's notorious as The Jinxed Circus, which draws the suspicions of an inspector (Conrad Phillips).

"Circus of Horrors" (1960) is like a thriller comic book version of "The Greatest Show on Earth" (1952). It's similar to "Circus of Fear," aka "Psycho-Circus" (1966), which reportedly borrowed some of its circus footage, but this one's more entertaining. While some of the animals featured are real (lions, horses and a bear) others are glaringly fake (a gorilla and a bear).

The story is decidedly comic booky, but the film's luridly compelling entertainment and recommended for fans of circus flicks and Hammer-esque horror. On the female front it scores off the charts with Colette Wilde (Evelyn), Vanda Hudson (Magda), Yvonne Monlaur (Nicole), Erika Remberg (Elissa) and Yvonne Romain (Melina), all featured in alluring apparel.

Donald Pleasence (with hair) even shows up for a bit part.

The movie runs 1 hour, 28 minutes, and was shot in the London area.

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Three rings of nasty fun
rufasff23 May 2002
I believe it was Frank "Basketcase" Henlotter who once named this as

his all time favorite film, solely based on the absurdity of the wildly

purple plot.

He's got a point, what with a wanted man hiding by becoming

ringmaster of "the jinx" circus, where the star attractions have a way

of getting knocked off. If you saw this, like me, years ago on a little black and white

T.V.(on UHF) the great, loaded, letterboxed DVD of this colorful film

will come as a real revelation. This is great, well acted, B movie fun a lot of people are yet to

discover. The thin, still with hair Donald Plesence had already been in

films for many years when he did his memorable small part in this. Check

it out!
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