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Vincent Price turns to murder to protect his magic act...
Doylenf31 October 2010
The only ingredient missing in this VINCENT PRICE tale of horror is Technicolor which might have provided even more interest in this murderous tale of a magician who kills in order to protect his inventive magic act.

First to go is a partner with whom he has a violent argument and is given the buzz saw treatment. Then, JOHN EMERY, a rival magician who is foolish enough to steal from Price and threatens to reveal what he knows about the death of Price's partner. Emery has a grand time matching his scene stealing tricks with Price.

Skillfully directed by John Brahm, a section of the film dealing with the bonfire is reminiscent of a similar moment from Brahm's HANGOVER SQUARE when Laird Cregar delivers the body of a woman to be consumed by fire.

Acting is uniformly excellent and the script moves at a fast pace under Brahm's direction. Once again, Vincent Price delivers a first-rate performance in a shuddery role. The suspenseful moments lead to an edge of your seat climax involving a crematorium device.
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Melodrama and magic
lorenellroy6 November 2008
This is essentially a variation on House Of Wax ,in both the plot and the type of role played by the star of both movies ,Vincent Price.In both pictures he plays a talented artist who is sent toppling over the edge into insanity when his creations are usurped by other,less talented and less scrupulous people .In this movie he plays a designer of illusions for stage magicians who aspires to set out on a performing career himself only to be frustrated when another illusionist ,the Great Rinaldo (John Emery)insists that he honour his contract and give him first choice of any illusions he designs.Price is already ill disposed towards Rinaldi as his former wife is now a paramour of Rinaldi. He deploys his talents as an illusionist and as a brilliant mimic to avenge himself upon Rinaldi and others who thwart his plans for recognition as a performer and a designer.

Price is pretty much the whole show here and gives a well judged star turn as a wronged man whose predicament earns audience sympathy.The rest of the cast are competent if colourless and the weight of the whole venture falls on Price who carries the burden with ease .

Good solid B Movie melodrama , this is a crime movie rather than a horror picture and is enjoyable providing you don't expect a masterpiece .Shot in black and white it is low on gore and is best seen as melodrama and enjoyed for the presence of its star giving an idiosyncratic performance
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THE MAD MAGICIAN (John Brahm, 1954) ***
Bunuel197623 January 2010
Vincent Price's follow-up to HOUSE OF WAX (1953), the film which cemented his reputation as a horror icon, similarly revolves around a bitter – albeit resourceful – showman. Though a remake, the former (shot in Technicolor) remains the superior effort; that said, apart from some resistible comic relief, the obligatory resort to cheap gimmickry (it was another 3-D showcase) and occasional narrative shortcomings (whatever happened to the missing bag which supposedly turned up at some police station containing a severed head?), this offers more than enough Grand Guignol-type thrills and overall camp value (Price hamming it up in a variety of disguises as an inventor of illusions impersonating 'missing' star conjurers who had taken advantage of his genius) to stand on its own two feet. Incidentally, director Brahm's involvement here proves no mere coincidence – since the narrative incorporates elements from two horror titles (both starring Laird Cregar) he had previously helmed i.e. THE LODGER (1944) and HANGOVER SQUARE (1945). The young leads are played by Mary Murphy (as Price's ingénue assistant) and Patrick O'Neal (as her police detective boyfriend – curiously enough, he would himself take the lead in a similar piece, CHAMBER OF HORRORS [1966], which I have acquired just in time to serve as an encore to this one). An interesting sideline here is the latter's adoption of a novel detection technique, fingerprinting, which is crucial in bringing about Price's downfall (in a predictable but rather awkward fiery climax)…though the persistent snooping of his amateur crime novelist landlady has at least as much to do with it in the long run! Watching the star in a made-to-measure role, the film emerges a good deal of fun – particularly at a compact 73 minutes.
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Pure Fine Mad
Tweetienator11 February 2021
There were and are not many gods that walk among us mortals - Vincent Price was for sure one of those titans. The Mad Magician is just one movie more that proofs that those horror classics of Vincent Price's legacy will stay forever young (no matter the nostalgic looks and flavor) and are a feast for generations of horror addicts still to come, and old-school hounds like me.
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Revenge of the Magician...
babeth_jr20 August 2007
I just recently watched this 1954 movie starring Vincent Price for the first time on Turner Classic Movies. Price portrays Don Gallico, a magician/inventor who is driven to murder when his boss steals several of his magical inventions (and also his wife, portrayed in a brief role by the lovely Eva Gabor). Even though Price is a murderer, I actually found myself rooting for him, he is a sympathetic character who is driven mad by the greedy people around him who keep taking advantage of him.

Although this movie doesn't have the "horror" factor of some of his more famous roles (such as my favorite, "House of Wax") it nonetheless has enough going for it to keep the viewers interest.

This is a must for Vincent Price fans.
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Vincent Price is wonderfully mad again
Stevieboy66620 December 2022
Horror legend Vincent Price plays Don Gallico, inventor of stage magical illusions, but he wants to be a famous magician himself, Gallico the Great. However his employer and rival in love Ross Ormond, plus a magician The Great Rinaldi put a stop to his ambitions, Gallico's response is a series of elaborate murders and cover-ups using masks that he has made of his victims. Black and white mystery/horror that was filmed in 3-D, I watched this on TV in 2-D, it was still good fun to see objects being aimed at the audience. Price again gives a wonderful performance, as he always does, "They'll lock me in a jail in a padded cell with a straight jacket. No thank you, I'll take the chair!" The gorgeous Eva Gabor plays his ex-wife. The film is set in the 1880's and looks very nice, I wouldn't call this a classic but after having a bad day this did cheer up my evening.
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The Wonderful Price
Michael_Elliott31 October 2013
The Mad Magician (1954)

*** (out of 4)

Vincent Price followed his success in HOUSE OF WAX with this horror thriller. He plays Don Gallico, a masterful creator of magic tricks who is double crossed by his boss and kills him. He eventually takes the dead man's identity but when the police start to investigate he must commit one murder after another trying to cover his tracks. THE MAD MAGICIAN was originally released in 3D and there are a lot of objects flying towards the screen and even when you view the film flat it's still easy to see that the effects are in good nature and appear to be fun. The movie itself is quite fun from start to finish and a lot of credit has to go to the wonderful Vincent Price. He was such a wonderful actor and his great performance made him a perfect fit for the genre. His soft-spoken nature he just makes you really love his character and made you feel sorry for him once the boss rips him off. Even after he starts murdering people you can't help but wish there's some way for him to get out of it. These added feelings for the character would be missing with so many other actors but Price's perfect performance really adds so much to the film. Mary Murphy is good as his assistant and Eva Gabor is simply snake-worthy as Price's ex-wife. Director John Brahm (THE LODGER) has had experience with the genre so he's able to build up a wonderful atmosphere and keep the film moving at a very fast pace. The biggest flaw with the picture is that it's pretty much HOUSE OF WAX but with a magician. The two film's are very close to one another as it's clear Columbia was trying to capture the success of that Warner film and didn't really come up with a fresh plot. With that said, Price certainly makes this film quite memorable and it ranks as one of the better horror pictures from this period.
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A 3-D follow-up to HOUSE OF WAX
planktonrules19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins with Vincent Price about to begin his performance as a magician. However, mid-way through the very successful show, the police come and shut him down. It seems that his old boss had cheated him out of the tricks Price had created--even those he made on his own time at home. As a result, Price justifiably kills the evil man. The problem is that while the viewer understood why Price killed and most probably thought this was a GOOD thing, because Price was a bit mad, he just couldn't stop at one (sort of like eating Lay's Potato Chips).

The film was full of very creative and spectacular magic tricks (including a huge circular saw and a crematorium for the shows), great plot twists as well as exciting action. One thing you can't say about this film is that it is dull. While it's also far from subtle, it is fun throughout, though and well worth a look.

Had I never seen Vincent Price's version of HOUSE OF WAX, I probably would have liked THE MAD MAGICIAN a lot more and scored it an 8 or 9. That's because while THE MAD MAGICIAN is a wonderful film, it's highly reminiscent of the film that preceded it (HOUSE OF WAX). The bottom line is that since HOUSE OF WAX was so successful, the formula was re-hashed in the follow-up film. Both were made in 3-D, both have a plot where Price has every justification to kill but he can't stop once he's committed the first and both are great fun to watch. The biggest differences, and there are few, are that HOUSE OF WAX was in color and was more of a horror film and THE MAD MAGICIAN was definitely more of a mystery.

My advice is to see this film AND HOUSE OF WAX (the Price version only). They are both terrific 1950s horror films.
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No One Takes Revenge Like Vincent Price!
Witchfinder-General-66631 December 2009
The great Vincent Price has done many fantastic Horror films, some of which range among the greatest genre gems of all-time. Price's greatest achievements were doubtlessly his films in the 60s, with films such as Roger Corman's brilliant Poe-cycle (still the greatest Horror cycle of all-time), Michael Reeves' "Witchfinder General" (1968) or Ubaldo Ragona's "The Last Man on Earth" (1964) marking the ultimate highlights of this brilliant man's career. The films that made the man famous and thereby made him the immortal Horror icon he is, however date back to the 50s, with "House of Wax" (1953) marking his rise to stardom. "The Mad Magician" of 1954 follows a plot that is very similar to that of its successful predecessor. This is not to say, however, that this film isn't an original, delightfully macabre and absolutely wonderful gem itself. As the lines above may suggest, Vincent Price is my favorite actor, and, while I personally would not allow myself to miss anything the man has been in, none of my fellow fans of the man may miss this little gem.

Price stars as Don Galico (aka. Galico the Great), an underrated master magician and inventor of magic devices, whose boss, a sleazy businessman, stole his wife (Eva Gabor) from him. When the boss takes away one of Galico's ingenious inventions and gives it to his rival, The Great Rinaldi (John Emery), Galico snaps, and a murderous spree of revenge begins...

Don't we love Vincent Price when he's out for revenge? Some of his most famous and greatest films such as "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" (1971) or "Theater of Blood" (1973) were about absurd and delightfully macabre revenge murders, and this earlier film in his Horror career is another proof that no one takes revenge as Vincent Price does. This film provides a wonderfully eccentric leading role for Price, who, as always, delivers a brilliant performance, and guarantees 70 minutes of outrageously entertaining and macabre fun for every Horror fan. Another must-see for my fellow Price fans.
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Price the Great!
Hey_Sweden3 October 2015
"The Mad Magician" is a thoroughly enjoyable follow-up to the earlier Vincent Price classic, "House of Wax". Rather reminiscent of that favourite, it stars Price as Don Gallico, a magician & master of illusion furious with his conniving employer, Ross Ormond (Donald Randolph). Ormond intends to pass on Gallicos' "buzz saw" bit to Gallicos' egocentric rival, Rinaldi (John Emery). So Gallico uses his talents to commit murder, and commit more murders in order to keep his secret. Alan Bruce (Patrick O'Neal), a young police detective, utilizes cutting edge new techniques such as fingerprinting to work the clues.

This movie is not going to be as memorable as "House of Wax", which was largely responsible for launching Price as a new star of the horror genre. It's rather formulaic, and predictable, but it's richly photographed in black & white by Bert Glennon, and director John Brahm, an expert in period genre productions such as "Hangover Square" and "The Lodger", keeps the pace consistent. What viewers may marvel at is the makeup (by George Bau and Gustaf Norin), which is pretty impressive for any era in filmmaking.

"The Mad Magician" also provides great evidence of what a talent Price was. It's a fun vehicle, and the more unhinged Gallico gets, the more enjoyable Price is to watch. The supporting actors are good - leggy Mary Murphy as the assistant Karen Lee, Eva Gabor as Claire, the greedy, grasping woman who'd married both Gallico and Ormond, Jay Novello as landlord Frank Prentiss, and especially Lenita Lane as Prentiss' wife Alice, who has a second career as an author of murder mysteries. Corey Allen, Conrad Brooks, Roy Engel, and Lyle Talbot have uncredited parts.

This amusing plot, contrived by Crane Wilbur, leads to an exciting and incendiary finale.

Seven out of 10.
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Good idea with flawed execution
Death_to_Pan_and_Scan10 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started with a solid 'wronged artist' revenge tale similar to another Price 3D film, House of Wax, as other reviewers have said, but is sunk by too many lame plot contrivances. I'm a fan of Vincent Price's old horror films and I really think this could have been a much better film if they had worked out the kinks in the story as ridiculously unlikely things happen at almost every turn that made me groan and want to yell at my TV. If there's one thing that annoys me, it's when a good horror movie idea is ruined by inept writing.

I had several problems with this movie, including: *SPOILERS ALERT* -Price is crazy enough to drag a dummied up corpse to a bonfire but smart enough to don a disguise (of the murdered man). When bones are found in the ashes, wouldn't someone remember the one guy who dragged a humanoid bundle to the top of the fire and as such wouldn't Price's magician then be smart enough to ditch that disguise afterward so as not to provoke potential police questioning about the bonfire? Why would Price not adopt a completely NEW disguise before renting out that room? -The crematorium device pulls the body into the chamber BEFORE it is heated when first demonstrated. This is important so as not to scorch the person entering the chamber before they get dropped through the trap door in the bottom of the device. Yet when the plot needs a clichéd fight and time for his potential victim to escape he heats the chamber first thereby giving the policeman ample time to get out and turns his back completely on the man to go to the door without continually looking back. As another poster said, the device is created for a repeat performance back into the fiery chamber a short time after the first only so that it can backfire against it's magician creator later when Price dies in a stereotypical fashion.
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Price's Best
Orcini11 August 2001
Even though it has one of the standard "Revenge Price Plots," this film is my favorite of Vincent Price's work. Gallico has that quality that is missing in so many horror film characters- likeability. When you watch it, you feel for him, you feel his frustration, the injustices against him, and you cheer him on when he goes for vengeance, even though he frightens you a little with his original fury. As the film goes on, his character becomes tragic. He's committed his murder, but now he must kill to cover that up. And again to cover that one up. And again... your stomach sinks with his soul as it goes down its spiral- like watching a beloved brother turn into a hood. Even if the revenge story is of old, the plot devices themselves are original- Gallico uses his tricks to kill in more and more inventive ways. A shame this one isn't available for home veiwing.
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Better Than Average Mystery - The Mad Magician
arthur_tafero7 August 2019
Although there is more ham in this film than a full street of German delis, the movie will definitely hold your attention. We know Price is a ham, but so was Gabor, the landlady writer, and the competing magician. THREE HAMS in ONE FILM! I am pretty sure this is a record. Regardless of the pork content, the film is entertaining because of the story and the characters. A brilliant magician who is a terrible businessman, gets taken in by a few sharpies. His revenge is sweet. But the climax is not as satisfying as one would want. What we really want is for him to get away with the scam. But this film was under the watchful eye of the film code, which guarantees the sappy ending I will not reveal. Good fun.
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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Magician!
wes-connors11 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was enjoyable, but certainly no classic. It's fun to watch the actor Vincent Price in these insane roles. I was surprised to read, in the credits, Eva Gabor was a player; I thought she looked familiar, but she did not have the familiar wig from later years.

The furnace was hot, but the disguises were easy to see through, I thought. The final scene had good suspense, but I knew Mr. Price's character was going to hop on that conveyor belt.

Lenita Lane and Jay Novello seemed very familiar as the Prentiss couple. They must have played these kind of roles in other films; they should starred in a TV sit-com together.

***** The Mad Magician (5/19/54) John Brahm ~ Vincent Price, Mary Murphy, Eva Gabor
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Tails you win, heads you lose!
hitchcockthelegend8 October 2017
The Mad Magician is directed by John Brahm and written by Crane Wilbur. It stars Vincent Price, Mary Murphy, Eva Gabor and Patrick O'Neal. Music is by Arthur Lange and Emil Newman and cinematography by Bert Glennon.

Magician Don Gallico (Price) is incensed when his attempts at stardom is scuppered by a contract he signed, so much so he takes matters in to his own hands...

One of the eras 3-D productions, The Mad Magician sees Columbia recycle Warner Brother's 1953 release of House of Wax. The familiarity of it all is impossible to shake off, with a key scene even stolen from one of director Brahm's more notable productions. Yet it's still a fun movie, watching Price turn in a good one, as he gradually gets more dastardly with each passing quarter, all set to Victorian style backgrounds.

There's some ghoulishly enjoyable macabre moments, played straight but with tongue in cheek evident, and while the scenes shot for 3-D gain obviously lose impact, they hold well enough in 2-D for story enjoyment. Performances around Price are fine, the girls (including Murphy's outstanding legs) add colour to the otherwise weak plot, and although the absence of Brahm's skilled Gothic/noir touches is a blow, the look of the piece is suitably moody.

More one for Brahm and Price completists, this is still enjoyable fare (it was a commercial hit upon release) that's worth tracking down. 6.5/10
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Could Be the Most Little Known of Price's Best Work
gavin69428 November 2010
A magician (Vincent Price) is screwed out of money by a business partner (Donald Randolph) who owns the rights to his stunts. This does not sit well, and soon a murderous streak begins...

I had never heard of this film before, and none of my horror references books mention it. Not the general reference ones or the ones covering the period. How it got overlooked, especially starring Vincent Price, is beyond me.

This is a great story, with good magic tricks and a phenomenally amazing performance from Price. Eva Gabor also appears, and there is hardly a dull moment. The makeup and costumes department, as well as those who built the contraptions, really deserve to be honored for this one.

To my knowledge, this has not been properly released on DVD... except in Germany. Sony now offers the film as part of its "choice" collection, but there are no special features and the disc is a DVD-R, so it is not intended for serious collectors.
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3D Followup to House of Wax
grantch5 April 2004
At a tender age when Hollywood battled home television by offering movie-goers 3D and then CinemaScope (to say nothing of Cinerama!), I begged my family to take me to every 3D movie. In retrospect I can only admire their stoicism at sitting through this surfeit of corny flicks. (The only truly good movies made in 3D must have been Kiss Me Kate and Dial M For Murder. The rest were usually horror or action to utilize the unique ability of the actors to jump out of the screen or throw something directly at you.)

Anyway, I loved House of Was and when I saw the newspaper ads for The Mad Magician, my whining began. Five decades later, I've reseen it several times "flat" on television and can only wish someone would create a viable method to put 3D movies on DVD or home video. (When House of Wax was re-released in the early '80's to usher in that attempt to interest audiences in the 3D process, the aids claimed "You've never seen House of Wax if you haven't seen it in 3D!" and to a great extent that is true.

The process added to the fun of these campy movies. Incidentally "Magician" is in black & white but still looks great. By all means check it out if you like the shlocky type of B horror flicks which inundated audiences in the '50's & early '60's.
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Vincent Price at his best
JoeB13114 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is Vincent Price doing what he does best, getting macabre revenge on people who have wronged him. The movie starts with Price as an illusion designer who wants to be on the stage, only to be frustrated by his partner invoking his contract. The same partner who stole his wife years before. By the time he gets killed, you are kind of cheering for Price.

Price proceeds to eliminate other cast members, including the aforementioned ex-wife and his professional rival, before a police officer realizes all these people have the same fingerprints. Meanwhile a mystery writer meddles in the case, all bringing it down to a thrilling conclusion in the workshop of the Mad Magician.

Special shout out to Green Acres Eva Gabor as the unfaithful wife.

If this movie was made today, they'd replace the complex characterizations with a lot of CGI Splatter.
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The Lady and the Buzz Saw
richardchatten30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A quickie follow-up to 'House of Wax' without the colour but with a very cool title, which like the original occasionally pauses to repeat the inevitable 3D gimmicks like the ping-pong ball aimed at the viewers' nose - only here it's a yo-yo.

Whenever one of the guests in 'Mission Impossible' wore heavy makeup you knew he was the one who was going to be impersonated by Martin Landau during the course of the episode. This film quickly establishes a still young and dashing Vincent Price is a master of disguise so when his conniving boss looks similarly made up you know that he'll soon undergo a similar substitution; after which the miscreant is disposed as Linda Darnell was in the same director's 'Hangover Square'.

During the film that follows Vincent repeats the trick with bizarre results that anticipate 'The List of Adrian Messenger'. While it may be the first film I've seen in which a character uses karate.
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The Vigorous Vincent! The Phenomenal Price!
Coventry8 March 2009
Basically the exact same movie as "House of Wax" - Vincent Price's first genuine horror hit released the previous year - but seriously who cares, because "The Mad Magician" offers just as many sheer thrills, delightful period set-pieces, joyous 3-D effects, sublime acting performances and macabre horror gimmicks as its predecessor! "Never change a winning team" is exactly what writer Crane Wilbur must have thought when he penned down Price's character Don Gallico, another tormented soul besieged by fate and out for vengeance against those who wronged him. Don Gallico is about to perform his very first own illusionist show as Gallico the Great and plans to exhibit the greatest magic trick in history; entitled "The Girl and the Buzz Saw". Gallico's promising solo career is abruptly ruined before it even begins when his previous employer Ross Ormond appears on stage and shoves a contract under his nose, stating that all of Gallico's inventions are the rightful property of the company. The sleazy and relentless Ormond, who by the way also ransacked Gallico's once beloved wife, takes off with the buzz saw trick and programs it in the show of Gallico's rival The Great Rinaldi. Inevitably Gallico snaps and sadistically butchers Ormond, but – also being a master of creating disguises – recreates his victim's image and even starts leading a double life. "The Mad Magician" is an amusing and thoroughly unpretentious 50's horror movie in Grand Guignol style, with a whole lot of improbably plot twists (the landlady turns out a brilliant crime novelist?) and a handful of fantastically grotesque gross-out moments (although they obviously remain suggestive for most part). The 3-D delights near the beginning of the film, like a yo-yo player and a goofy trick with water fountains, merely just serve as time-filler and contemporary 50's hype, but it's still fun to watch even now and without the means to properly behold them. "The Mad Magician" is also interesting from a periodical setting point of view, as the events take place around the time fingerprints were starting to get used as evidence material and the character of Alice Prentiss is an obvious reference towards famous crime authors of that era. Needless to state that Vincent Price remains the absolute most essential element of triumph in this film, as well as from nearly every other horror movie this legendary man ever starred in. Like no other actor could ever accomplish, Price depicts the tormented protagonist who gradually descends further and further into mental madness in such an indescribably mesmerizing way. You pity Don Gallico, yet at the same time you fear him enormously. You support his vile acts of retaliation and yet simultaneously you realize his murderous rampage must end in death. Vincent Price simply was a genius actor and, in my humble opinion, the embodiment of the horror genre.
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One of V Price's better ones.
ksf-230 April 2021
Vincent Price, the king of campy horror films. He was the go-to guy for weird, wacky, silly horror films in the 1950s and 1960s. Here, he's Gallico, the Great, a very bitter magician who will clearly be trouble later. Mary Murphy is Lee, another performer in the show. When his old boss shows up and tries to steal his act, Gallico takes action! And now people are wondering where the guy is... can Gallico cover his tracks? Is it related to the bones they found after a college campus bonfire? Miss Eva Gabor is Claire, wife of the missing man, she shows up asking questions. Eva had been in hollywood for about ten years by this time. Can the coppers figger it all out? It's rather simple, but it all works. Not bad. Its actually good. Not as campy as most of the v. Price horror films. Directed by john brahm. In brand new 3D, no less. Story by Crane WIlbur.
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Beware of that masked man!
mark.waltz5 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Revenge is mine saith the magician, and here, he's on a quest for revenge against the people who have prevented him from utilizing his own magic trick invention. Those who stand in his way meet brutal ends which includes having their head sawed off, being burnt to death and other means of torturous demises. Hiding behind the mask of several of the victims is the victim of fraud himself, the former master of wax dummies who has switched to trickery in this variation of a story he had just done. You guessed it, Vincent Price, the tall, gangly seemingly milquetoast who discovers in the middle of a performance as he tries to introduce his newest invention that he's under the thumb of his employer whom he despises for stealing his wife. A clever bit of trickery turns revenge into a gory end for the rascal, and when there's murder (no matter what the motivations), madness is sure to follow for the perpetrator. Enter ex-wife Eva Gabor who finds that blackmail doesn't quite always end in a cash settlement and magician rival John Emery who is really burnt up about the threat he has to his title as the world's greatest illusionist.

With the help of a nosy murder mystery writer (a very funny Lenita Lane), New York detective Patrick O'Neal investigates the common fingerprints found at the scene of a murder in Lane's boarding house and all doesn't add up. Murderers gain confidence and become clumsy as they begin to think they're fool-proof, and in the case of Price, it's only a matter of time before he slips up. There isn't really a mystery here, only the fun of watching Price getting away with his gruesome actions and the knowledge that his retribution will be equally as gory as the crimes he's already committed. Mary Murphy plays his assistant who also slowly becomes aware of Price's nefarious plots while Don Randolph is slimy as Price's boss whose sneaky actions send Price over the edge.

Certainly not as colorful as its predecessor "House of Wax" (made the year before and certainly the inspiration for this), the film still is quite enjoyable and has some genuine thrills that are bone-tingling. The mixture of comedy and horror always made even the most maudlin of Price's films seem much better, and in the case of "The Mad Magician", there are some moments that will live in your cineramic memory long after you've seen this film. There's a very funny conclusion which will have you in hoards of laughter after the gruesome climax that came just before.
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Typical Vincent Price
Hitchcoc2 June 2000
The wronged artist is the theme of so many revenge horror movies. Going back to "The Phantom of the Opera," the unjustly maimed or wronged bring vengeance to their adversaries. No one could look more pained when victimized than Vincent Price. He is the master of the hang dog expression. In this one, he is a magician and master of high tech disguises (for the time) who has sold his talents to another man, seemingly for the rest of his life. When he decides to freelance and do his own magic show, his contract is waved in his face. Not only that, but the man who owns him also stole his wife years before. So there is even more bitterness brewing. The plan becomes to get rid of all the people who wronged him, then, through the use of clever masks, keep the people alive by impersonating them. He even "becomes" one of the great magicians of the world, showing his incredible talent. This is a silly, unbelievable movie. But who cares. I don't think I'll get it mixed up with Schindler's List. The hardest thing to swallow was why these two successful men had anything to do with Eva Gabor and why the Vincent Price character could have cared less when she ran off. She has no redeeming qualities in the movie other than her beauty, and that is so flamboyant and self centered, who cares. Every time Vincent Price was in disguise, it was easy to see who it was. Nevertheless, I've always loved Vincent's mugging from his Roger Corman films to "The Last Man on Earth." I liked the way he said "Crematorium." Why, exactly, does it have an automatic pilot that sends the body into the flames if it is not activated within a certain period of time? There is also a subplot with a mystery writer and her husband who bumble their ways into the plot. If you like the campy world of Price, watch it on the late show.
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A fun vincent caper
LetsReviewThat263 October 2022
Theres always something so joyous about watching a vincent price film; there something about him as a person I always enjoy and he is no exception in this. The film itself can be a little bland at times and I feel though it being in black and white adds a little something. Mary murphy as karen is always charming and vincent trying to get the body out of her vision is something fun to watch. This film is not really a horror and I don't point it down for that what we have is a pretty interesting and compelling thriller which shares good camera techniques and shock values scenes and overall it was enjoyable movie and another great vincent price piece.
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Master of Masks
bkoganbing28 October 2013
This early Vincent Price horror film, borrowed quite liberally from The Phantom Of The Opera, has Price playing the role of a master magician who for some reason is tied to a contract whereby he creates various tricks and illusions for other name magicians, but can't go out on his own. Sounds to me like he needed a good lawyer.

Set in the Gay Nineties, The Mad Magician has Price finally snapping with that insane arrangement and starting to reek some vengeance on those who are responsible for his predicament as he sees it. Several murders have the police baffled because Price is a master of illusion. He's also a master of masks, the kind that would not be really developed until a few generations passed, the kind that is used in Hollywood today.

Price gives his usual professional performance. I wonder why in his career he never did tackle The Phantom Of The Opera. I'm guessing he thought that between them Lon Chaney, Claude Rains, and Herbert Lom did just about all there could be done with the part.
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