Parole, Inc. (1948) Poster


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"...whenever I need a few G's, I don't let anything stand in my way".
classicsoncall20 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was an interesting little mystery/crime thriller dealing with criminal conspiracy in the parole system. Plotted rather well with a wide cast of characters, you really had to concentrate on the players to keep it all in focus. Undercover detective Richard Hendricks (Michael O'Shea) has three names in the story, recruited by the Governor and State Attorney General to try and find out how a string of recent paroles occurred to put nasty gangsters back on the street. It was rather comical to see Hendricks in an opening scene in a hospital bed with his face crudely bandaged up with gobs of tape. He proceeds to tell his story in somewhat of a flashback style, and it works pretty well as he comes in contact with various mobsters and henchmen in the employ of Jojo Dumont (Evelyn Ankers), owner of the Pastime Club. She's in league with her shady lawyer boyfriend, Barney Rodescu (Turhan Bey), who has contacts on the parole board that line their pockets as he calls the shots.

I would like to have seen a darker and seedier atmosphere for the picture given the subject matter. Everything seemed to take place in the bright light of day, and I didn't get the impression that the Pastime Club was the sleazy gin mill and cheap cafe that it was described to be. Glenda Palmer (Virginia Lee) had a rather nice and spacious apartment on waitress wages, and though you could say she was bankrolled by her convict husband Harry (Charles Bradstreet), he was still doing time when the story opened. Too bad Harry tried to do an end run around Jojo; he seemed like a decent enough guy otherwise, for a criminal.

The best part about the picture is the way Hendricks infiltrates himself into the set up with Charley Newton (Paul Bryar) and the boys. You can tell some thought was put into the story when you have Hendricks leaving clues he was a hood back in his hotel room. A lot of stories of the era would have glossed over small details like that and would have assumed the viewer would take it for granted. It was touches like that, that place the film a notch above similar flicks of the era, like 1947's "Big Town After Dark". There was enough credibility in the characters and situations to play out effectively, and you didn't have to scratch your head over a bunch of goofy stuff that a lot of these programmers came up with.
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A little rough around the edges, but actually not bad
fredcdobbs531 May 2014
This low-budget little crime thriller actually turned out to be better than I thought it would be. Cagney-like Michael O'Shea plays a federal investigator who goes undercover to expose a crime ring that gets undeserving prisoners paroled in its care, resulting in a crime wave that's wracking the city. O'Shea is quite good as the feisty agent posing as a convict on the lam, and Turhan Bey is fine as a slick, villainous lawyer. The script by "B" veterans Sherman Lowe and Royal Cole is serviceable if predictable, and some of the supporting performances are weak, but little-known director Alfred Zeisler keeps things moving along, although a little raggedly. All in all, a pretty good example of the low-budget independent "B" thriller of the late '40s. Worth a watch.
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A B thriller worthy of a get out of jail free card.
mark.waltz16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I, the jury, pardon all the usual suspects for this interesting expose of an illegal parole racket where the narrative hooks you right away. The sound of a man's voice closes in on the speaker who is revealed to be the badly bruised Michael O'Shea, a federal investigator telling his story of exposing the racket, headed by ruthless Turhan Hey and aided by sassy same Evelyn Ankers, giving up her title as scream queen to go down Ann Savage/Barbara Payton territory.

Smartly written, this exposes what is right about the parole system and what is definitely wrong with it. Starting off with the allegation that parolees are likely to commit more crimes when out, it uses that hook to make you mad enough to see what it has to say. As O'Shea is warned, he has a lot to watch out for, considering that his predecessors were either found filled with bullets, or not found period.

Ankers makes a fine vixen, pretending to get drunk on a date with O'Shea to find out who he really is, while Virginia Lee is quite good as the wife if a decent man paroled who pays for betraying the racket. Tight editing and fast pacing make this one of the better racket films that has enough elements of film noir to be lightly categorized in that genre.
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Mostly Predictable, But Watchable Crime Story
Snow Leopard14 June 2001
Though low-budget and rather predictable, "Parole, Inc." is a fairly good crime story. It moves reasonably quickly, and keeps the viewer's attention most of the time.

Hendricks (Michael O'Shea) is a federal agent investigating widespread abuses of the parole system. Several dangerous criminals have received unjustified paroles, and evidence points to an organized system of bribery. Agent Hendricks has to go undercover and win the confidence of the gang involved. O'Shea does a creditable job in the lead. Turhan Bey plays a suave lawyer who figures in the agent's investigation.

The story that follows is generally predictable, without any real twists or surprises. But it is done well enough to be fairly interesting, is moderately fast-paced, and is usually believable. The characters are mostly stereotypes, but are not overdone.

Overall, this is a watchable movie that should hold some interest for fans of crime films.
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Aside from revealing the ending at the very beginning, it's a pretty good film
planktonrules28 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This B-movie is about a scam where the parole board is releasing undeserving candidates. An investigator decides to go undercover in order to root out who is on the take as well as their confederates. So, he poses as a real guy who had just recently escaped from prison—which is great unless any of the crooks knew this escapee. You figure this plan does not go perfectly, as the story is a flashback and periodically the film returns to the present—and shows the undercover man in a hospital bed—covered in bandages. This sure makes for an anti-climactic film, as you know the guy will survive—no matter how dangerous his position is late in the film.

Despite having a cast completely made up of unknowns and a very low budget, the film works reasonably well. As I said above, the suspense could have been a lot better had the story not been told as a flashback by the agent, but it's competently made, reasonably engaging and, at times, pretty exciting. While not a great film, it's a pretty good time-passer.
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LeonLouisRicci10 September 2021
Somewhat Intriguing Premise is Held Back by Skimpy Budget, Stiff Exposition, and Talky Script.

The Cast including Evelyn Ankers, and Turhan Bay of Universal Horror Fame with a Spritely Lead Michael O'Shea Talking and Taking Us Through the Story of Parole Corruption via Flashback from a Hospital Bed.

In Fact He is so Bandaged Up and obviously Mangled that it is a bit of a Mystery how He Survived the Ordeal and Foreshadows the Brutal Ending.

There are a Few Times the Movie comes to Life but the Therebetween is Plodding and Gabby. Worth a Watch but those Looking for Film-Noir need Go Elsewhere.
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Parole fixing racket
bkoganbing22 July 2014
Some shoddy editing prevents me from giving this noir film from that across the pond studio Eagle-Lion a better rating. Parole Inc. tells the story of the federal government's effort to smash a parole fixing racket and how FBI man Michael O'Shea working undercover as a recently paroled criminal himself makes a connection to get his partner free.

Heading this whole racket is a very smooth attorney played by Turhan Bey and his moll Evelyn Ankers. Bey is nobody's fool and he suspects O'Shea from the beginning.

What's best about Parole Inc. is O'Shea is out there without much of a lifeline and has to rely on his wits to survive. A lot like Marlon Brando in one of my favorite Brando films Morituri. We know he does survive because he narrates the film from his hospital bed using a Dictaphone. Does spoil the suspense somewhat.

Who else survives and how O'Shea breaks the racket. Watch Parole Inc.
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Low-Budget Social 'Problem' Picture
l_rawjalaurence30 July 2016
Filmed by a Poverty Row studio with a largely unknown cast, augmented by former Universal stalwarts Evelyn Ankers and Turhan Bey, PAROLE INC., is a good example of a so-called "problem picture" designed to draw attention to one of the iniquities blighting late Forties American society.

In this case it is the corrupt parole system whereby habitual criminals are let out of jail on the promise of reform and promptly resume their nefarious habits. This is chiefly due to a corrupt system headed by lawyer Barney Rodescu (Turhan Bey), who bribes two of the five- person Parole Board to vote in the prisoners' favor while trusting in the Board's ability to return positive verdicts.

Intrepid federal agent Hendricks (Michael O'Shea) volunteers to expose this racket by posing as a master criminal, infiltrating the racket at its lowest level and discovering how it works. He frequents The Pastime Club, a seedy joint run by Barney's fiancée Jojo (Ankers), and peopled by a clutch of hoodlums all in baggy suits and snap-brimmed hats. The rest of the story is predictable.

For an action thriller PAROLE INC. is remarkably static with too much time devoted to lengthy voice-overs from Hendricks as he tells what happened to a tape recorder from his hospital bed. The two nominal stars do what they can with the material: Bey looks immaculate in his tailored suits, but shows a tendency towards sadism, even though he assaults no one. He has a good line in dialogue delivery, describing one of his unfortunate minions as "a jackass," and vowing to get rid of any double-dealers daring to cross him.

On the whole, however, Alfred Zeisler's B-Movie is rather too moral for its own good, even though it dramatizes a scenario common to late Forties movies, suggesting that corruption is so rife in American institutions that no one knows how to separate friends from enemies.
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It Was Modestly Interesting
Hitchcoc2 October 2007
There have been a lot of paroles. The board is corrupt. O'Shea is sent to infiltrate those suspected of being on the take. He is able to sweet talk his way into the confidences of the ring, but eventually, he must face the real leader, played by Turhan Bay (What a name). Anyway, the plot thickens and one of his confidantes gets killed. It bothers me a bit that even though the guy was a criminal, he had a nice human quality to him. There is some slipshod police work and O'Shea, who looks a little like the mummy in a hospital room, narrates into a giant microphone, telling what happened. I guess a movie in the forties isn't going to have anyone think that the good guys are vulnerable, though he does take quite a beating. This is one of those little films that one barely pays any attention to.
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Totally Entertaining
mrvirgo29 April 2010
There's nothing like a movie made in the 40s. There is a simplicity of perspective that is utterly refreshing when compared to the rubbish that passes for entertainment these days. The entire cast is excellent, the plot clean and easy to understand. Well before the half point of the film, I was rooting for the undercover agent to succeed. I like the fact that the crooks were't so smarmy as to be stereotypes. They were rotters but somehow still seemed human. The end of the film has a strong build up. I really enjoyed this forgotten movie. I wonder how many other B movies are so good. Working my way down IMDb list of available films online, I may soon know.
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OK for a Grade B
arfdawg-116 May 2014
It's a talkie movie that is watchable.

Not a great film.

One of these low budget moral films made in the 40s and 50s.

Some familiar character actors in it.

Don't expect any suspense.

When several notorious criminals are unjustifiably released on parole, the Federal Government smells a rat and sends ace agent Richard Hendricks to investigate.

Hendricks infiltrates the gang, responsible for the parole racket by posing as a much-wanted convict Rick Carson.

However, the wily Barney Rodescu, who is the brain behind the racket, soon finds out Carson's true identity. Carson's life is now in grave danger.
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Smooth Programmer
dougdoepke17 January 2013
Lively actor O'Shea manages to give a lift to this otherwise routine programmer. For some reason these 'undercover' crime films were popular at the time, maybe because of the built-in suspense of being found out by the gangsters. Anyhow, Hendricks (O'Shea) manages to infiltrate a gang that sells paroles to imprisoned convicts. Heading up the gang, in a twist, is the lovely Evelyn Ankers, otherwise known as the queen of scream for her many horror movie roles. Making a belated appearance as the gang's attorney is the sleekly swarthy Turhan Bey (Rodescu).

I'm not sure why the narrative is told in flashback from Hendricks' hospital bed. Maybe to assure audiences that whatever the dangers, he survives. I wish there were something especially noteworthy about this exercise. There may not be, but the movie's smoothly done, surprisingly so for tightly budgeted independent production (Orbit Productions). Okay as a harmless time passer.
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Perfunctory crime film
Panamint25 June 2015
Made in a perfunctory manner, to get the job done but not really to shine. A fine plot that could have been a classic in the right hands with the right budget is carried out competently enough, so "Parole, Inc." kept me interested. Everything moves briskly along.

Talented actors including the charismatic Ms. Ankers go through their work with professionalism but don't have anything to work with character-wise. In fact, the big flaw here is total absence of character development. Who are these characters and what makes them tick- I guess we weren't meant to wonder such things.

Skilled acting and a good amount of plot-driven tension are adequate to carry this film despite lacking any depth or style, and with only average direction, editing etc.

Its OK but there are many better crime films of the era.
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rmax30482323 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Michael O'Shea becomes an undercover agent in an attempt to discover who's behind the self-evident corruption of the parole board. The printed prologue informs us that this is a serious social problem, that the streets are filled with "repeaters", and that there is one peeking through your window right now, waiting for his chance to strangle you and pillage your household.

O'Shea finds out that the friends of a recently sprung parolee hang out in the Pastime Club, "a combination night club and cheap café." Whatever happened to cheap night clubs anyway? The old movies are full of them but the only ones left seem to be Birdland and the Las Vegas lounge acts. It's a terrible loss to the community.

The plot is a little too complicated to spell out. Some of the mob behind the corruption are not as bad as some of the others, although at the end, O'Shea's identity is discovered and they give him a real working over. No problem though. We see him swathed in bandages, dictating the story from a hospital bed, his recovery assured by the ministrations of the ever-popular Bess Flowers as Nurse Mary.

The movie is one hundred percent routine. It wouldn't really be helpful to describe more of the contorted plot. Besides, I haven't the time. There's a recidivist pervert at the door and it sounds as if he's urgent.
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Unercover G Man
kapelusznik1816 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Far fetched movie about violations in the state parole board that has convicts, in many cases convicted of first degree murder, sprung after a few years behind bars by them or their associates paying off the members of the board up to $2,000.00 in under the table cash.

It's that fine and splendid red headed Irish lad Michael O'Shea, who incidentally was actually born on Saint Patrick Day, who stars in the film playing three different roles as Government Agent Richard Hendricks as well as on the lamb hoodlum Richard Murdock who at the same time is using the fake name Rick Carson. We first see Hendricks/Carson/Murdock in traction at a local hospital after being worked over by the Barney Rodescu, Turhan Bey, gang who caught him red handed trying to record their conversions with a hidden wire, tape wasn't available then to the public, recorder. This spoiled the entire suspense in the film by knowing that Hendricks was to survive whatever deadly obstacles he was to confront in the movie.

Were then subjected to a long and boring flashback from Hendricks, who looks like Boris Karloff in "The Mummy", about how he got that way in trying to uncover the state parole system and the criminals that run it. It turns out that the two top members of the board are accepting bribe money to let dangerous convicts off on their promises that they go straight which in reality is straight back to their life in crime. Hendricks at first wins the confidence of the corrupt board members and their #1 shyster or mouthpiece Barney Rodescu until the partner of Murduck whom Hendricks is impersonating shows up at their hideout, known as "The Farm", and exposes him as a fraud.

***SPOILERS*** Beaten up and shot as well as slated to be whacked Hendricks is saved by the bell by a squad of leather jacketed state police lead by Police Commissioner Hughes, Lyle Talbot, just in the nick of time to put an end to their plans to murder him and thus keep from releasing, for under the table cash of course, dozens of dangerous criminals into the public. There's also the beautiful Evelyn Anker as JoJo Dumont who runs the notorious Past-time café that's a front for shyster Rodescu's gang. It's JoJo who later gets second thoughts, when Rodesco & Co. plan to murder Hendricks, and switches sides, from the bad to the good guys, just before the action or police raid begins.
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They've Got Gas, I've Got Sinuses
Rainey-Dawn15 May 2016
I really didn't expect much from this film, I thought it would be a cute film since Turhan Bey and Evelyn Ankers was in it but I never thought it would be as serious and good of a film as it turned out to be.

Lyle Talbot is FBI agent Richard Hendricks- one of the Feds. He out to bust a parole ring. It's up to Hendricks alone to keep from getting caught as he is surrounded by a gang of criminals while trying to find out how they are doing it, which gang members are involved and which parole board members are involved.

The film actually engrossed me from the very start - there are a couple of cute moments as the film is in it's conclusion but it is a drama - a good crime drama.

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Done Many Times Elsewhere And Better
boblipton29 May 2021
In an unnamed state, something has gone wrong with the parole process. Prisoners are getting out and disappearing, probably back to a life of crime. The FBI helps out by sending agent Michael O'Shea i to star as a clumsily backgrounded ex-con to discover te criminal ring that is getting prisoners out on parole for money, eve though each of the two parole hearings makes it abundantly clear who's on the take.

Besides the fixable problems with the script, O'Shea seems to be having problems with his line readings in the first half of the movie, and the camera seems nailed to the floor. Given that DP Gilbert Warrenton did some great work i the late silent era before getting stuck in the Bs when sound came in, I can only conclude that the budget could not afford any frills; even obvious fight scenes are avoided, and as a substitute, a decent amount of scene cutting tries to pick up the pace. It doesn't quite work, giving the the movie the visual quality of a well-preserved early talkie. A decent cast, including Evelyn Ankers, Turhan Bey, and Bess Flowers -- who even gets a line -- doesn't help to make this a poor time-waster.
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