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Southern Gothic Noir about the persistence of hate and—this is Borzage—the redemptive power of love
imogensara_smith17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the directors who made both silent and sound films, Frank Borzage may have been the most successful at carrying over the silent style: he never abandoned his sublime romanticism, and he continued to tell stories visually. Moonrise is not just beautifully filmed, not just atmospheric, it actually uses imagery with the expressive and communicative power I associate with late silent movies. A hand pursues a fly across a tablecloth as a sheriff questions a suspect; a knife whittles a stick almost to the breaking point; goldfish swim in a bowl behind the head of a man who feels trapped in a conversation. Such obvious symbolism may sound hokey, but Borzage knows how to use it to create a heightened, evocative film that makes us feel we are inside the characters' heads. Other Borzage talkies that I've seen have been flawed, and I thought his style didn't translate very well from the silent era, but despite several over-the-top moments, everything in Moonrise works. The love story is as touching and convincing as those in his great silents, and even the comedy relief from a jive-talking soda jerk and an ancient Civil War vet succeeds.

The movie opens with an expressionistic sequence, using only shadows and striking visual details, that lays out the story's premise: a man is hanged for murder, and his son is tormented and bullied throughout his childhood because of his "shameful" parentage. Danny Hawkins (Dane Clark) grows into a tortured adult, lonely and gentle, but also prey to uncontrollable rage and the fear that his "bad blood" destines him to repeat his father's crime. The first scene, set at an outdoor dance held near the swamps, introduces a nasty Southern small town community in which young people laughingly taunt a retarded deaf-mute. Danny gets in a fight in the woods with his lifelong nemesis, and in an ambiguous combination of self-defense and revenge, crushes his skull with a rock. The remainder of the film follows the gradual unraveling of this crime, and Danny's growing relationship with Gilly Johnson (Gail Russell), a beautiful and civilized schoolteacher who is initially put off by, then irresistibly drawn to, this rough and troubled man.

Dane Clark never quite made it out of the B-list, but in Moonrise he got the role of a lifetime, and no one could have played it better. He has a fist-clenched fighter's stance and dark wounded-animal eyes, a rugged face softened by long, thick eyelashes, and a deep, husky, sorrowful voice. Though we identify with him completely, Danny often behaves irrationally and badly; in one wrenching scene, he nearly strangles the deaf man he has always protected, and is horrified at himself. Gail Russell, an actress famously crippled by stage-fright and dependent on alcohol, makes the loveliest of Noir's "good angels," her dark beauty lit by an intense, melancholy stillness. In the latter part of the film she looks like a heavenly messenger of mercy in her white trench coat, but she is also a believable and fully-rounded character, especially charming in the exquisite scene where the lovers meet in a derelict plantation mansion. Gilly pretends they are attending an old Southern soiree, and they waltz without music in the dark, cobwebbed parlor.

Danny's only friend is Mose, one of those saintly African American characters who often turn up in films of the forties. Rex Ingram's strong performance transcends stereotype; though all-wise, he is also a lonely, somewhat embittered character, who says he has "resigned from the human race," and who addresses his hunting dogs as "Mister," because, "There's not enough dignity in the world." Harry Morgan is flawless in the mute role of another outcast, the retarded man who looks up to Danny. And Lloyd Bridges, though he is only on screen for about five minutes, makes an indelible addition to his collection of loathsome, cowardly bullies.

Did Borzage ever make a film that wasn't about the redemptive power of love? If so, I haven't seen it. But Moonrise is also about the persistence of hate and the way people can be robbed of their humanity by degrading treatment. It demonstrates as well as any film Borzage's two great gifts: his expressive and dynamic visual sense, and his ability to draw intensely heartfelt performances from his actors. In a love scene shot in silhouette against lace-curtained windows, Borzage proves that the transcendent romanticism of the silent screen isn't incompatible with sound. And with help from Dane Clark, he creates a portrait of a mind haunted by the past and at war with itself, the essential Noir predicament.
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Excellent Film Noir
Steve-O-220 August 2001
Dream-like dark film about a man driven to murder. Aside from the soundtrack and the lack of southern accents, this movie shines. A great b-movie with great visuals. Check out star Dane Clark goes eye to eye with a racoon, realizing they're both trapped with no escape. The film's not for everyone, but if you like b&w film noir you should dig this one up.
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moody atmospheric southern noir from...Republic Pictures???
AlsExGal1 May 2021
Normally, I would think when you pitched a film idea to Republic their first question would be "OK, what does this have to do with Westerns or John Wayne?" And here is a film from that studio that involves neither.

In a small Virginia town, Danny Hawkins' father is hanged for murder when Danny (Dane Clark) is just an infant. The result is that, for his entire life, other kids have tormented him for being the son of a man who was executed. Like he had any control over that anymore than he had any control over how tall he was. Thus is the nature of bullying. But I digress.

One night at a dance, out in the woods, Danny and his tormenter since childhood are having a fight. Jerry Sykes (Lloyd Bridges) is the tormenter, and when the fight turns against him, he picks up a rock. Bad idea. Danny gets the rock away from him and does to Sykes what Sykes was going to do to him - bashes his skull in repeatedly, with a lifetime of anger over this guy's bullying swirling in his head. Realizing what he has done, he throws Sykes' body into the swamp and goes back to the dance like nothing has happened.

The rest of the town is about as likeable as Sykes was - judgmental, snobby, a hive mentality. But those characters are largely kept at a distance as part of the crowd. The ones you get to know are likeable and sympathetic people - a retired brakeman living in the woods (Rex Ingram), Sykes' girl whom Danny unfortunately loves (Gail Russell), and believe it or not the sheriff, playing against stereotype for the lawman of a southern town of the era. Oh, and it turns out that Sykes was not that great a guy - he owed lots of money and he stole lots of money from dad's bank to pay his debts.

Given Sykes' bad character there might be any number of suspects, and given the decomposition of the body by the time it is found and the primitive nature of forensics as it was in 1948, Danny might not even be a suspect if he played it cool. But he does just the opposite of that, drawing the attention of the whole town by his suddenly bizarre behavior.

This is practically a one man show and probably the best performance Dane Clark ever gave as his character wrestles with bitterness, anger, guilt, and fear of the town that hanged his father and thus would probably never believe his own story of partial self defense. The costar of the film is the fantastic cinematography by John L. Russell, with beautiful black and white shading, with many important scenes being shot in the moonlight.
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An Astonishment
cairnsdavid29 November 2002
MOONRISE shines. Borzage brings expressionist silent movie technique to bear on what is really more a melodrama than a film noir, a tale of guilt and redemption ultimately close to his romantic concerns. The difference is the degree of psychological angst we have to go through with the protagonist in order to reach it. Borzage's technique brings us into the hero's mind, from the stunning opening (flashbacks within flashbacks) to the hero's guilty visions. That opening is one of the finest I've ever seen, building up an unbelievable pressure in the first couple of minutes of the picture, leading to a thirst for revenge which the hero, and the audience, can spend the rest of the film regretting.
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What I did was resign from the human race.
hitchcockthelegend9 November 2009
Directed by Frank Borzage and adapted from the novel by Theodore Strauss, Moonrise sees Dane Clark playing Danny Hawkins, the son of a man who was hanged for his crimes. Tormented by his father's past and bullied about it as a child, Hawkins grows into a confused and resentful man. Striking out at anyone foolish enough to cross his fractured state of mind, tragedy is quick to strike, sending Hawkins deep into the Southern mire. Can solace come in the form of Gilly Johnson? (Gail Russell) or is it simply too late to rejoin the human race?

We open with a hazy reflection that merges into the feet of walking men, men walking to the gallows as Danny Hawkins' father is hanged. The mood is well and truly set for Borzage's dreamy film noir. It's something of an oddity in many ways for it most assuredly is film noir, certainly in texture and on the technical issues it is, yet an overtly poetic heart and a distinctly less than broody ending almost steer it to being fanciful fluff. Borzage and his cinematographer, John L. Russell (in one of his first prominent assignments), do wonders with the atmosphere of the piece. Set in the steamy South, shadows and darkness are a constant and rewarding part of proceedings, while swinging lights and conversations filmed at midriffs further enhance the skew whiff state of Dane Clark's protagonist. Also of note is that some scenes showcase why Borzage was rightly held in high regard back in the day, a Ferris Wheel, a car crash and a Racoon tree top sequence (that upset and engrossed me simultaneously) are just some of the reasons why this is a must see for Borzage enthusiasts.

Coming as it does out of the Republic Pictures house of "B" moviedom, it's natural to expect some low budgetary issues. However, this is a splendid production belying its "B" movie worth. The cast are fine, with Clark particularly doing well as his character battles with anger and warmth issues, and the sets and location work are effective and benefit the story greatly. Thankfully, and even though it has no restoration, the picture quality is very good, the sound mix is a bit down at times, but by and large this one has transfered well to prints being shown on British TV. With a support cast containing Ethel Barrymore, Allyn Joslyn (excellent), Henry Morgan, Harry Carey Jr and a brief Lloyd Bridges, this is a recommended film of course. But I can't, and will not, vouch for the ending appeasing all comers. 7/10
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great work by Borzage
blanche-230 December 2015
Frank Borzage's 1948 film "Moonrise" is a little off his beaten path, but it shows more of his capabilities.

This noir stars Dane Clark, Gail Russell, Harry Morgan, Allyn Joslyn and Ethel Barrymore.

Dark and atmospheric, the story concerns Danny Hawkins (Dane Clark) whose father was hanged for murder when Danny was just a child. His grandmother sends him to live in another town. There, he's made fun of and bullied his whole life because of what his father did.

One night, the town's rich boy, Jerry (Lloyd Nolan) taunts Danny and the two get into a fight. Danny winds up beating Jerry with a rock. He doesn't admit it; at first people think Jerry has just taken off, and then his body is found. To make things look even worse if people find out the truth, Danny is seeing Jerry's girlfriend, Gilly (Gail Russell).

Up to this point, Borzage's work had been somewhat romantic in tone. This film is harder hitting but there is a softness as well. Some have compared it to "The Night of the Hunter," one of the most beautiful films ever made -- a scary story lyrically told. I suppose in that respect, "Moonrise" is similar.

Unlike "Night of the Hunter," it's about love, and the power of love to force someone from the shadows and into the world. It's expressionistic, especially in the beginning with the use of shadows.

Dane Clark was a kind of poor man's John Garfield (and they loathed one another) who wound up doing a lot of television, but he does a terrific job here as a man with a quick temper, but a kind one, afraid that his heritage has negatively affected him. We see his fear as well as his gentleness.

This film is four years after Gail Russell appeared in "The Uninvited." A beautiful, sad-eyed woman, she is about 27 here, and the radiance displayed in "The Uninvited" is already gone, thanks to her alcoholism. A case of someone not suited to film despite her looks. In a desire to help her family, she went into film, but her nerves couldn't take it. One of Hollywood's saddest stories, she was often in the news, once for driving her car into Jan's Restaurant.

She gives a soft performance here, very sweet and believable.

Ethel Barrymore comes on close to the end of the film and gives a strong performance.

The film really belongs to Clark, a prolific actor who worked into his late seventies and was proud of being "Joe Average," which helped him get his big break at Warner Brothers. This was probably his best role. He was offered the role of Captain Smith in Titanic at the end of his life, but by then he was 84, and his health prevented him returning to the screen.

Interesting man, fascinating film.
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Cursed, Stigmatised & Abused
seymourblack-110 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Two strengths of this movie are seen at a very early stage as it starts particularly strongly and also conveys a great deal of important information about the main character's history by using visual means. The opening montage is very effective as it sets the foundation for the story and also establishes the visual style of the piece. Appropriately, some impressive low key lighting is used which is totally compatible with the rather grim and troubling nature of the drama that follows.

Danny Hawkins (Dane Clark) is the son of a man who was hanged for murder and during his childhood had regularly been taunted and bullied by his contemporaries. Some years later, as a young man, Danny gets involved in a fight with one of his childhood tormentors called Jerry Sykes (Lloyd Bridges) and unintentionally kills him in self defence and dumps his body in a swamp. He doesn't realise that he's left his pocket knife behind at the scene of the fight and goes on to the local dance hall where he dances with Gilly Johnson (Gail Russell), a school teacher who's engaged to be married to Jerry.

Danny has a close friend, an older man called Mose Johnson (Rex Ingram) who like himself is an ex-railroad employee. Mose lives in a shack close to a swamp and keeps a number of dogs which he uses on hunts for raccoons. On one such hunt, the dogs find Jerry's body which is duly removed and taken to the coroner's office.

Danny and Gilly's growing relationship is noticed by the local sheriff Clem Otis (Allyn Joslyn) and when the couple are on a Ferris wheel ride at a fairground at the same time as Clem and his wife, Danny becomes overwhelmed with guilt, panics and jumps off the structure injuring himself in the process.

A little time later, when he sees that Billy Scripture (Henry Morgan) who's a mentally retarded deaf mute has found his knife, Danny again panics and attacks his friend and almost strangles him to death. He then starts to feel that time is running out and that he'll soon be arrested and so goes to his grandmother's home where some information that she provides leads him to re-evaluate many of the issues which had affected him so profoundly over the years.

"Moonrise" looks as if it was made on a modest budget and very successfully evokes the sense of confinement that can pervade life in a small community. The acting is of a consistently good standard and the screenplay is entertaining with lines such as "sometimes murder is like love, it takes two to commit". This remark is typical of some of the more sagacious and philosophical outpourings which emanate from both Clem and Mose. These two men are colourful characters whose style is well fitted to the rather laid back pace of the environment in which they live.

Danny is a genuinely tragic character who was unfairly stigmatised and abused because of something which was completely outside of his control. His torment and emotional turmoil ate away at him until he became convinced that he had "bad blood" in his veins and his outbursts of uncontrollable anger nearly led to Billy's death and also to three of his friends almost being killed in a car accident which he caused. Dane Clark portrayed the full range of his tortured character's emotions with great skill and authenticity in what was unquestionably, a very commendable performance.
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An intriguing and highly evocative film that defies easy categorization
gross-619 February 2001
Although the story could have easily been adapted into a gritty film noir, director Frank Borzage turns it into a dreamlike, and even romantic, saga of guilt and expiation. The plot is simple and uncomplicated. No cynical, wisecracking dialogue; no hard-boiled detectives or double-crossing femme fatales. The small town setting with frequent rural scenes creates a world far removed from the unusual noir cityscape. The love story unfolds with both strong sexual attraction and delicacy. Imbued with a strong atmosphere and vision all its own, MOONRISE resists easy classification. Like THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, it succeeds in creating a drama of mythic resonance in an American rural setting.
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Bearing the Sin of the Father...
higherall712 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is no telling what consequences will out when bearing the cross of something one of your parents did in your prenatal or early life as a child. This film touches upon this and hints at how tragedy and trauma can affect in a heartbreaking way the psychological development and disposition of the individual with more than one strike against them so to speak. You will probably recall how the promiscuity of Marilyn Monroe's mother and the actress not knowing who her real father was affected her life. She along with many others wondered whether or not there might be insanity in her blood. So since we cannot all be the progeny of doctors or lawyers or teachers or clergymen, you can imagine what a rough row you might have to hoe being the offspring of someone in a mental institution, or a fascistic warmonger or a career criminal.

Dane Clark as Danny Hawkins faces the difficult challenges of being born as his mother dies in labor and having his father hanged for murdering the doctor for not responding in ample time to his call. It is one thing to be born to cruel and repressive parents. It is another thing to be born to parents who are poverty stricken. But I think you would agree that persons born into the world with no surviving parents at all have the proverbial two strikes against them. This is the case For Danny Hawkins, whose father is not a bank president or leading social lion, but an executed murderer who swung at the end of a hangman's noose.

The stigma of this hereditary and family legacy makes Danny as a young boy the unwanted target of much taunting and bullying from the other kids. The direction of Frank Borzage has him in the shadows a lot with his head down in shame. Lloyd Bridges as Jerry Sykes has grown up using Danny as a dump for his abuse and also now and then as his personal punching bag. This is just another one of those times in the woods with the haunted young man fighting back as best he knows how. Fortunately or unfortnately for him, he somehow gets the best of Jerry this time and accidentally kills him in self defense.

At this point, it appears that his inheritance of violence from his father's side has finally caught up with him. He has become what his schoolmates have harassed him into believing would be his fate. A murderer's son good for nothing but murder. The performance of Clark effectively conveys the pent up state of an individual who feels trapped by his background, and fighting and seeking for any way out. The rest of the film after this has tinges of Dostoevsky's CRIME AND PUNISHMENT (1866) to it, with Ally Joslyn as Sheriff Clem Otis, playing the poor man's Porfiry Petrovich to Danny's Raskolnikov. There are two scenes where Danny really wigs out in a melodramatic way, and you wonder why anybody hasn't harbored suspicions about him sooner.

An intriguing scene is when Danny returns to the school dance after unexpectedly doing away with Jerry and leaving his corpse in the woods. Jerry's girl friend Gilly Johnson is now responsive to Danny's advances, even as she wonders where Jerry is at this moment. Knowing nothing of what Danny has done, she finds him even stranger and more distant than usual, but somehow even more vulnerable and needful of companionship. Danny is seething with his secret, but attempts to act as though nothing untoward has happened recently. He shares confidences with no one until coming to hide out at the swampy residence of Mose Jackson, as played with the warm moral authority of the great Rex Ingram.

Throughout the course of the story we see Harry Morgan in a surprising turn as Billy Scripture, a friendly, harmless mute who discovers and shows Danny his pocket knife left at the murder scene. A panicked Danny nearly winds up strangling Billy to keep him from revealing what he did not suspect or even knew. It all starts to come out in the wash at last when he meets with Ethel Barrymore as Grandma, and she reveals parallels between his emotional state and that of his father after his crime. Speaking with her, Danny spies a glimmer of hope and a possible path out of his haunted past that might indeed prove redemptive.

There is definitely something noirish about the beginning of the film. The cinematography of John L. Russell allied to the editing of Harry Keller keep your attention rooted to the story. The visual language of the film is stark and suspenseful, as the main character seems always on the verge of tipping over the whole apple cart. You are with Danny Hawkins from the start to the finish, hoping against hope that somehow history won't repeat itself. We have seen the odds stacked against him from the cradle, but can't help but hope that he will somehow still find a way to create his own life.
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Atmospheric, Bad Dreamlike, Emotional Mood Piece
movingpicturegal7 September 2006
Really interesting photography and moody music sets the tone in this very stylish, excellent film noir about a troubled, bitter man who has a rather bad temper caused by the treatment he has received over the years based on the hanging of his father for murder. One youth who taunted him in childhood has now become a rival for a young lady he admires and in an act of violence and anger, he ends up killing this bully with a rock. But - during the crime he drops his pocket knife which is picked up by a local man who is deaf and mute.

This film is very dark and atmospheric, full of facial close-ups, shadowy rooms, and an interestingly photographed ferris wheel ride with cop and panicky murderer in separate seats as the wheel goes round and round. Well done performances by all, I thought Dane Clark very convincing in his role - he really comes across as broody and bitter. Ethel Barrymore really good in her small, but effective part as his grandmother and Harry Morgan very memorable as the deaf-mute young man. I saw this film on the big screen and the print looked really great, with very sharp black and white contrast. A first-rate film.
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Borzage gives a visual treat and a very good story of self examination
michaelseaman26 May 2019
I only knew of this movie because I had seen it on a previous TSPDT list. Otherwise I knew absolutely nothing about it and assumed it was primed to be a maudlin romantic melodrama. While it isn't void of any of those characteristics, Moonrise is a film noir that centers around themes of coming to peace with one's self and family.

Danny Hawkins is our lead character and we open with his father being put to death by hanging. Followed by montage of him being bullied by his peers due to his father's misdeeds. Murder, hidden lovers, hound dogs, wise country folk, and snooping lawmen abound. But all of that serves a story about a man coming to terms with his life. Director Frank Borzage, a Hollywood vet by this time in his career, creates beautiful image, one after another. He throws in a few nice noir-ish shots that are just cool, but (pardon my lack of technical knowledge) he consistently shoots characters close up, top of chest to head. I'm not clear why it is so effective here, but Borzage often creates a sense of depth and visual emotion each time. I loved it.

Downsides: The story of Moonrise didn't engage me as much I would like and the lead, Dane Clark, was serviceable at best (I did enjoy Gail Russell a good deal and wished her character didn't fade so far into the background as Moonrise reached its climax). However, knowing what the story is trying to do could make a second viewing a more enthralling experience.

All in all, I had a very good time with Moonrise. Thank you gifter!

It entered my chart at 67%.
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One of the most beautiful American films
antcol816 July 2006
Moonrise is made with such care. It is visually both expressive and restrained. It exhibits a remarkable feel for nuance in language (the words of the soda jerk who constantly speaks in late '30's hipster slang being the most obvious sign of this). The film is morally complex and avoids any easy resolutions. For example, Dane Clark as Danny Hawkins seems genuinely disturbed and doesn't turn this into some kind of Ray Milland/James Dean tour de force. Probably he didn't have the chops. But still, this is one of the most affecting things about the film: his hurt goes so deep, neither friendship nor love nor pleasure nor any sense of purpose can really sway it. His emotional violence seems so chimerical that it barely feels like "acting". Rex Ingram as Mose plays his role with an enormous sense of gravitas and dignity, something one rarely sees in Black characters in films of this period. He enables, sure, but he also speaks in his own voice. This is consistent with the film's palpably Southern, swampy atmosphere - it is amazing how Borzage can make studio sets speak like that.The brilliant expressionist opening is often remarked upon, but I also love the elegant, understated crane shot that privileges the couple's ghostly, beautiful dance in the abandoned mansion. And Moonrise (like Murnau's Sunrise, Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, Sirk's Tarnished Angels, Lewis' Gun Crazy, Siegel's The Lineup etc.) makes use of the beloved German Expressionist trope which counterpoises the calculated mass entertainment of Carnivals with the particularity of an individual's crisis or tragedy. I wish there was a whole study written on this theme. While on this subject, I just want to say a little more about the traces of other films I perceive here. Moonrise's connection to Night of the Hunter has often been noted, and the debt to Murnau and Sunrise seems obvious, although Borzage was making a couple of his greatest films at the same moment Murnau was making his masterpiece (both were using Janet Gaynor as their star). One small caveat: I find the ending of this film perhaps a little abrupt, but it is consistent with the film's "moral universe". Which is not too high - faluting a term to use while speaking of this film. Moonrise is a minor masterpiece - why isn't it better known?
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Wish It Were Better
Handlinghandel2 October 2005
Frank Borzage turned a noirish subject into an atmospheric romance. In some ways, this belongs to the sub-genre of noir headed by the beautiful "The Live By Night." Dane Clark was a handsome actor with a somewhat limited range but a brooding quality. He broods all over the place here.

Gail Russell was an attractive actress with haunting pale eyes. They are an interesting, though not always believable couple.

Ethel Barrymore is a bit grand to be Clark's backwoods grandma. Rex Ingram is not given a lot to do, though he has a central role. He maintains a noble bearing and that is what's called for.

The scene on a ferris wheel is memorable. The rest is good but I wish it were great.
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sol-26 November 2017
Teased throughout his childhood after his father is executed for a murder, an angry young man goes on the run after killing one of his peers in self-defense in this melodrama with noir elements from Frank Borzage. The film opens well with atmospheric high camera angle nighttime shots as the main character is bullied and teased as a boy. There is also some great nightmarish imagery as his childhood memories every so often haunt him as an adult. Excellent as 'Moonrise' might look though, it is not an easy film to get through. Always moody and morose, Dane Clark is never actually likable as the emotionally distraught protagonist. The love triangle that he gets into never quite gels either since we are given little insight as to what his love interest sees in him. This in turn makes it a little hard to care what happens to the characters, which is a shame because the film taps into some intriguing psychological territory - guilt over the sin's of his father, forced to live in a community where being a killer is thought to be hereditary and then unsure of what to do when he actually kills a man, albeit by accident. It is all too easy to understand his decision to flee and his conflict about leaving his girl behind.
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Worth a Closer Look
dougdoepke4 March 2010
Plagued by his father's crime and ridiculed by others, Danny Hawkins (Clark) confronts an outcast's life in a small southern town.

When old Mose addresses the dog as Mr. Dog or the guitar as Mr. Guitar, we realize a long suppressed desire for human dignity and respect. If the black man Mose (Ingram) can't get that from the larger community, at least he can create his own little world where all worthy things get respect. I think that's why he lives alone. But despite his estrangement, he hasn't lost perspective. As he says, he wants to rejoin the human race, and it's easy to suppose the larger community needs to change by rising to his level, rather than vice-versa. Then too, when he says dogs should not be used to hunt humans, there's a veiled echo of Jim Crow, covert Hollywood style.

It's only natural that another outcast Danny Hawkins would be drawn to Mose, his only friend. Their scenes together are beautifully performed and sensitively scripted. Note how the subject of "bad blood" and free will comes up elliptically. Danny is haunted by his father's crime and fears it has become his own destiny (the Sykes murder). In Danny's eyes, it's as if he's fated by the blood he's inherited. But Mose knows something about the racial aspect of "bad blood", and insists that blood is no more than "red" and doesn't tell you "what you have to do". This means Danny must overcome the spectre of genetic determinism by becoming his own person and taking responsibility for his own actions. It's only then, by acknowledging a sense of free will, that Danny can escape the burden of inherited guilt.

Of course, it's through Gilly's (Russell) unconditional love that Danny finds the redemption he needs. By releasing himself to that bond, he experiences an emotion strong enough to overcome the haunting sense of inherited fate. At the same time, he can only overcome the anguish of personal guilt for the crime he has committed by owning up to the crime, and confronting the inevitable I-told-you-so's". In Mose's terms, there's a heavy price he must pay for rejoining the human race.

The character of Billy Scripture (Morgan) is often overlooked, but remains a mysterious and profound presence. A simple-minded mute, he's another outcast and frequent figure of ridicule. However, unlike Danny, he remains sweet-tempered and forgiving despite the provocations. Even when nearly strangled by a desperate Danny, he responds with a difficult yet forgiving smile, a touching and unforgettable moment. In his own mute way, he appears to understand an underlying theme—that anger and alienation are symptoms and not causes. His name, I believe, is no accident.

In terms of the movie itself, the cast is superb. Clark may not have been director Borzage's first choice; nevertheless he comes up with a vivid and nuanced performance. Catch his many anguished expressions. Just as importantly, he doesn't look like a Hollywood leading man, nor does he bring the associations of a big-name star to the role. In short, he's perfect. Also, the famously edgy Russell shows none of that here. In fact, she projects one of the rarest qualities found in any love story, namely, genuine warmth. Her ethereal good looks also fit perfectly into the plot, and it's no stretch to see Danny changing his life for her sake. Then there's the quiet dignity of Ingram's Mose. His sterling character now looks like evolution from the caricatures of the 1930's to the assertive civil rights movement of the 50's. Too bad, the actor is largely forgotten. I guess my only reservation is with Barrymore. Her grandma strikes me as too stagey and "grand" (an apt term from another reviewer). Still and all, it's a fine, colorful cast, even down to bit players.

Now, as good as these elements are, it's because of director Borzage that they're lifted into the realm of cinematic art. From hypnotic opening to pastoral close, the visual enchantment wraps around like an enveloping dreamscape— (the eerie sets are also a testament to lowly Republic's art department, the glittering impressionist photography to John Russell). Borzage's enclosed world is a world of artistic imagination that's at once both mesmerizing and compelling. But just as importantly, he's a filmmaker who clearly believes in the material. As others point out, he's that rarest of the breed, a director who genuinely believes in romantic love and its redemptive power, and not merely as a movie cliché. At the same time, it's the power of that vision that merges the movie's elements into a single dynamic whole.

There are so many memorable moments and characters—the "hep-cat" soda jerk, the Methuslah old man, the gallery lined-up for arriving trains. But, I guess the high point for me is when Danny must shake the raccoon from the safety of the tree, seeing his own fate in the hapless animal and knowing that if he doesn't he may betray his own guilt. Here, script, acting, and direction come together brilliantly to create a truly shattering moment. All in all, the film may not rise to the level of a masterpiece, but it does stand as a work of considerable artistic achievement, and one that's stayed with me since I first saw it as a boy. And I'm glad the internet provides an opportunity for me to share that appreciation in a public way.
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Solid Noir ala Crime and Punishment - Moonrise
arthur_tafero5 August 2018
You want dark? It doesn't get much darker than this. Director Borzage seems to live for shadows and darkness in this Ozark thriller. A son of a murderer thinks he has bad genes (blood), but its all in his head. After killing Lloyd Bridges in self-defense, he goes about trying to figure out what he should do next. Dane Clark, who must be related to Clark Kent, because he is in a serious car wreak, jumps off a ferris wheel and is chased by a pack of hounds without a scratch from any of them. Even Clark Kent would have trouble doing that, Harry Morgan does a good job as well as Billy, a deaf and dumb simpleton, who finds Clark's knife at the scene of the death. Will he get parole with good behavior? Or will he hang like his daddy? Tune in for the exciting conclusion. Recommended.
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A Murder at Black Pond.
rmax30482315 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It opens with a prisoner being hanged, dissolves to footsteps through a night-time forest, to a baby crying in the shadow of a dangling toy, to a brawl in which a gang of kids smears mud on the face of an age-mate, to a brutal fist fight between two grown men, with each blow landing with a loud THWACK on the snot locker of the other, ending with somebody's head being bashed in repeatedly with a rock. Lloyd Bridges is on screen for about 50 seconds before he becomes a corpse. Ditto, Harry Carey Jr. The sequence ends with the mangling of a borrowed car and its occupants. Don't worry, though. There's no blood. We Americans don't like violence.

Gail Russell is not only beautiful and sexy, with her mane of wavy black hair and pale eyes framed by dark lashes. She's girlishly breathless and vulnerable, in real life as well as on the screen. Her character here is candid without being insulting. She's tender, empathic, nurturant, devoted to the man she loves, filled with principle and virtue, flawless in fact, just like my ex wife.

But, if you ask me, she has poor taste in men. First she's hooked up with the barbaric Bridges and then, when he's hors de combat, she falls for Dane Clark, a guy whose demeanor always suggests a pustule about to pop, on top of which he's not much of an actor. The romance between Russell and Clark just doesn't click. Warners had tried setting him up as a replacement for Humphrey Bogart. What a laugh. Clark was most at home in ensembles, as in "Destination Tokyo." Speaking of amusement, the only time Dane Clark smiles in the entire movie is when he picks up a puppy and snuggles it. That suggests that inside that terrifying exterior he's really cotton candy. The only friend he has is an avuncular old black man who lives in a dilapidated bungalow on the edge of the water.

Well, the question that plagues Clark is that he's a murderer in a small Virginia tidewater town and the perceptive sheriff (a nicely measured performance by Allyn Joslin) comes to suspect him. Should he run away, now that he's a murderer like his old man? Or, since it was Bridges who threw the first stone, should Clark turn himself in and plead self defense? It was produced by the notorious bonehead and cheat, Herbert J. Yates, at Republic Pictures. That means low budget. The art director has done what he could to suggest a Southern swamp but it's all obviously studio bound. But Russell's photography is very good, and the director isn't afraid to take some chances. The silhouettes, the sometimes hallucinatory dissolves, the tendency of the camera to linger on the hands of a conversant, twisting a handkerchief, tend to give the images a dreamy quality.

None of that is enough to lift the movie out of the doldrums, though. It's a routine melodrama with psychological overtones. The plot is pretty sloppy. What's the deal with the knife that Clark left at the scene of the crime (a public place) and that is found later by the deaf-mute and retarded Harry Morgan? Or Henry Morgan. He couldn't seem to make up his mind about his name. He should have simply called himself H. H. Morgan. At any rate, he has the most startling moment on the screen, when Clark begins to strangle him and Morgan, without resisting, raises his eyes to the roof and opens his mouth wide, like a fish's, in a silent howl.

Best exchange in the movie. Sheriff: "All I know is that there's a lot more to a human being than what you cut up down at the morgue." Coroner: "Not when they're dead."
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Superior Noir melodrama
Billiam-46 October 2021
Superior Noir melodrama is beautifully made and photographed and takes its dark, seemingly hopeless tale to a tense finale.
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Story-telling at its best
lora6414 March 2004
I was 11 years old when I first saw this film and, being so young, I only recalled that it was a haunting tale of misdeeds, guilt, and romance. And of course I developed a crush on Dane Clark at an early age!

After 50 years I've had the privilege of seeing it again and was very much absorbed into the atmosphere of this fine drama which takes you through many levels of emotion.

What impressed me most was the gradual unfolding, or dissolving, of the tumultuous emotional grip which anger and revenge had wrought on Danny (Dane Clark) throughout his life, who seemed overwhelmingly burdened by the past guilt of his father, and some would not let him forget it. No doubt living in a small town only added to the difficulties since everyone knew their neighbour, not like city life would be.

The actors are first-rate here and do justice to every phase of the story. Ethel Barrymore as Grandma has a way of bringing so much authenticity to the story. Gail Russell as Gilly is superb and exquisite in the romantic lead although she too is troubled by Danny's behaviour for much of the film and tries to help him. Henry Morgan in this film was my first encounter with him and of course he went on to greater fame in later life as an actor.

Since this film is based on a novel, I think I just might get out there and buy the book! When a movie is that intriguing it's interesting to trace it to its source.
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An Unsavory Psychological Yarn
zardoz-1312 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In "Strange Cargo" director Frank Borzage's noir thriller "Moonrise," a man is traumatized by his classmates because his father committed a murder and was hanged for it. Danny Hawkins (Dane Clark of "Pride of the Marines") suffers from constant bullying because everybody ridiculed him for his father's crimes and drove him to the brink of insanity. As this offbeat, 90-minute, psychological melodrama unfolds, Danny and Jerry Sykes quarrel in the woods behind a dancehall over a woman, Gilly Johnson (Gail Russell of "Angel and the Badman"), that both love. What Danny doesn't know is Gilly has accepted Jerry's marriage proposal. Meantime, these two stags tangle with each other with such venom and ferocity that Danny bests Jerry as they struggle over a rock that Jerry picked up in a fit of desperation. When the dust settles, an incredulous Danny discovers Jerry is in fact dead. When he drags Jerry's body away to another secluded spot, Danny's pocket knife-one of only two of a kind in the community-gets snagged up in some foliage and torn off his person.

Meanwhile, Gilly worries about Jerry's mysterious disappearance. Reluctantly, Sheriff Clem Otis (Allyn Joslyn of "Only Angels Have Wings") launches an investigation with no leads. Eventually, Otis figures something out and questions both Danny and Gilly. The sheriff assures Gilly that Danny has a better chance if he turns himself in and uses the story of his traumatic childhood to defend himself. Mind you, poor Danny suffers in silence and nearly kills Gilly and himself. This happens when he sees hallucinatory images of Jerry hurling rocks at him while he driving recklessly around in a friend's automobile. At the time, Jimmy Biff (Harry Carey Jr. Of "Rio Grande") and his girlfriend are sitting in the backseat. Jimmy repeatedly warns Danny to slow down. Danny loses control of the automobile and flips it. Miraculously, nobody is injured. When Danny isn't romancing Gilly, he spends time in the backwoods with a reclusive African American, Mose (Rex Ingram of "Cabin in the Sky"), who used to work for the railroad as a conductor. Now, Mose has the best tracking dogs in the county, and Sheriff Otis approaches him to use those hounds to search for Jerry's body. Indeed, Gilly in a roundabout way has suggested to Danny to give himself up. Ultimately, what convinces our tormented hero to turn himself over to the authorities is his Grandma (Ethel Barrymore of "Rasputin and the Empress") who convinces him he doesn't have bad blood as so many of his peers have accused him.

For the record, Ally Joslyn plays the most sympathetic lawman in the history of the cinema. He stands up for Danny once his deputies find him and refuses to clap handcuffs on him. Borzage creates a wealth of vivid imagery that epitomizes Danny's predicament. Earlier, Danny had climbed a tree to frighten a raccoon out of it. Literally, Danny is no better off than that unfortunate racoon. Later, when he realizes he has lost his pocket knife, Danny tries to buy another at the general store where he bought the one he lost. The owner remembers him and points out while the sheriff is in the store that there are only two such pocket knives in the county. As it turns out, one of Danny's non-judgmental friends that he stands up for is a mute, intellectually challenged individual, Billy Scripture (Harry Morgan of "Dragnet"), who has found it. Danny is conflicted throughout the film because he agonizes over being cursed with 'bad blood.' When he nearly strangles Scripture to death, the revelation tears Danny's soul up, and he apologizes. John L. Russell's atmospheric black & white photography is at times virtually surreal. Check out the opening scene when we watched Danny's doomed dad swing from the gallows! As unforgettable as this melodrama is with its wonderful performances and direction, "Moonrise" is not for everybody.
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The shadow on the cradle.
dbdumonteil19 September 2006
During all his childhood ,Danny had only known ragging.Being the son of a hanged man was not easy when your school pals kept laughing at you.We can comprehend Danny's hate for Jerry Snykes ,the boy born silver spoon in hand ,whose father is a banker .

The resentment had been building up for years.Not only Danny was an innocent victim ,but he also showed compassion for the half-wit,the town youth's punching bag.As grandma says,he is a good guy ,and so was his father,another unfortunate victim of fate .

When Danny tries to join the human race,that is to say when he falls in love with Gilly ,it's too late: "why do you always take me far from the others?" she complains.The scene at the fair could be a respite : this is a place dear to Borzage;you may remember Margaret Sullavan on a carousel in "little man what now? " and there's a similar scene in "Liliom" .But the big wheel is also a trap.

Filmed in black and white ,often in the dark,in a desperate atmosphere ,"Moonrise" is an extraordinary film noir.It nearly matched the brilliance of Borzage's precedent decade.
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Elements of greatness ... slightly diluted
PaulusLoZebra10 January 2023
Frank Borzage's Moonrise has many elements of a masterpiece. It is visually intricate and even stunning at times. It has highlights of both melodrama and film noir, yet with deeply etched characters. The story is complex and deeply humane, recalling darker shades of Frank Capra's ethos. It has a raw quality, showing bullying, violence, poor self-control, borderline sexual harassment, yearning, love, and a deep, heartfelt sense of loss and burden that a young man carries from his family's past. Both the small town scenes and those in the swamps are believable. And it has not one but three moral compasses, Rex Ingram's majestic Mose, Allyn Joslyn's sheriff and Harry Morgan's deaf mute. Plus it's got some moments of 1940's jive talk that only young people could have brought to Borzage's attention. All of these brilliant elements are slightly undone by a less than convincing relationship between Dane Clark and Gail Russell, and by some too-abrupt changes in Clark's character.
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Amazing visuals, rich night scenes, a terrific psychological dilemma
secondtake13 January 2013
Moonrise (1948)

A small rural town is the setting for a man struggling with an ambiguous crime he has committed. It's a psychologically loaded movie, and the clues start with the first abstract frames and last through every scene to the end. There is enough simplifying going on to keep it from being a classic or having the inventive flair of some contemporaries (or like "Night of the Hunter" a few years later), but I was impressed again in this second viewing.

One of the strengths here is certainly the mood created by all the richly blackened night scenes, both in the town and in the woods. The camera moves with unusual elegance and boldness through the scenes, or you might say through the shadows. The heightened angles and lack of faces in the first few shots is a sign of the atmosphere to come.

The little known leading actor, Dane Clark, is almost perfect in his role, partly for doing a great job and partly for letting his awkwardness bleed through into the character's. You come to feel his circumstance as an utterly ordinary guy. The sheriff is a restrained character and the man's girlfriend has a wonderful simple presence as well.

The real meat of it all is the trauma this man goes through bearing the guilt of his actions. He isn't so much pursued as just haunted by the thought of being caught. It's like the secret we all have had at some point and we get away with it for awhile, but it wears you out from inside until something has to give. One of his solutions finally it to run for it, and he has one last turning point near the end with his grandmother played by Ethel Barrymore. The folksy philosophy gets a little thick, I suppose, but by this point you go along with it because it's true. And it's not what you might think.

If you don't like old movies this will feel clumsy at times. But if you do already have a hankering for film noir and other crime dramas, even ones with mostly unknown actors, give this a try. And keep your eyes open for some great photography by John Russell, who is as important as anyone in this production. On some level it's truly great stuff.
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CinemaSerf5 January 2023
This is actually quite a complex psychological thriller which very much looks at the sins of the father being visited on the child. In this case Dane Clark is "Danny Hawkins" whose father was hanged for murder. Persecuted and shunned by his peers as a youth, he is finally starting to get his life in some sort of order when he accidentally gets into a fight and kills a man over a girl "Gilly" (Gail Johnson) in whom he confides. When she tries to get him to notify the police, he gets spooked and flees. The contours of the film offer a love story and a murder mystery along with some interesting observations - especially from Rex Ingram as the sagely old "Mose" about human dignity and integrity. On the downside, Clark is just a bit too lightweight for the lead - the part could really do with someone a bit more heavyweight, but overall it is an intriguing look at behaviour and judgement that is worth and hour and half of anyone's time.
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Quit a little over 15mins in
tadaia16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in my mid 50's but watching a male lead/moron continuously manhandle the female lead and almost kill her and others in a car crash wore me thin in the first few minutes. Poor casting, poor story. I stopped watching early.
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