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Another Transparent Man
lugonian8 November 2003
THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS (Universal, 1940), directed by Joe May, is, what is indicated during the opening credits, "a sequel to THE INVISIBLE MAN by H.G. Wells," capitalizes on the success of recent update sequels to old 1930s horror tales. Unlike the resurrections of the Frankenstein Monster in THE SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (1939), and later, Dracula and a new revised Mummy, all of whom have or would be resurrected from the dead through some supernatural means, Claude Rains, who originated the Invisible Man character in 1933, whose Jack Griffin was shot and killed by the police in the conclusion, would not have the power to be brought back from the dead as his monstrous contemporaries had, but to have an introduction to a new invisible man, played with distinction by Vincent Price. This sequel, however, not essentially a horror film, is a blend of science fiction and murder mystery

Through the first few minutes of the story, it is learned to the viewer through lines of dialog from the servants that a young man named Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price), sentenced to death for the murder of his brother, Michael, is scheduled for execution by hanging at dawn for the crime for which he is innocent. His fiancée, Helen Manson (Nan Grey), appeals to Geoffrey's cousin, Richard Cobb (Sir Cedric Hardwicke), to have the execution postponed in order to prove his innocence, but there's nothing he can do. Later that night, Geoffrey's friend, Doctor Frank Griffin (John Sutton), brother to the late Jack Griffin, who had experimented with chemicals that cause invisibility, comes to the prison to pay his last respects to Sir Geoffrey hours before his death sentence is to be carried out. Some time later, the guards discover that Sir Geoffrey has escaped and they are completely baffled as to how he had gotten by them without anyone seeing him. Discovering some clothing left behind in his cell, it is Inspector Sampson (Cecil Kellaway) of Scotland Yard who realizes how this was done, especially since he is very much familiar with the Jack Griffin case nine years previously, which causes him to suspect the late scientist's younger brother, Frank, into having something to do with Geoffrey's escape. The next scene then focuses on the movement of bushes and trees in the woods, with a suitcase full of clothes opening up by itself. Sir Geoffrey is now an invisible man, thanks to Griffin for his discovery of a secret formula known as duocaine, which would leave Geoffrey transparent and free to go about to learn the truth as to why he was framed and to clear his name by revealing the true murderer. But the problem is for Griffin to come up with an antidote to prevent Geoffrey from going insane and meeting the same fate as his brother.

While not up to the wit and pace to THE INVISIBLE MAN, THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS done have some added bonuses. It's quite obvious, however, to take notes and compare the original film with its sequel. The leading ladies in both films (Gloria Stuart and Nan Grey) are not only blondes, but play fiancées to the leading character. Claude Rains was virtually unknown to movie audiences when chosen to play the invisible man while Vincent Price has had some exposure in movies since his feature debut in 1938. The one thing both Rains and Price had in common while playing invisible men on screen was their individual distinctive voices. As with the earlier film, the sequel takes time for some prank humor by the new invisible man as he stalks Willie Sphears (Alan Napier), a night watchman through the woods. It is believed that Mr. Sphears, who had testified against him at his trial, might be the sole witness to his brother's murder. At times amusing, this sequence ends with some unpleasantness after Geoffrey takes the fainted Mr. Sphears, ties his feet and arms behind him, and leaving him alone in a room standing helplessly on a stool with his neck placed inside a hanged noose. Special effects, compliments by John Fulton, take precedence throughout the story with Geoffrey removing his goggles, bandages and clothing only to reveal nothing underneath, as well as one interesting highlight where the now wounded and cold Geoffrey is alone in the country, talking to the scarecrow as he "borrows" its clothing for his own use.

Forrester Harvey, who appeared as Herbert Hall in THE INVISIBLE MAN, returns in this sequel assuming another character role, that of Ben Jenkins. What a welcome added attraction THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS would have been had Forrester Harvey and Una O'Connor reprized their original roles as the scared innkeepers encountering another invisible man.

THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS would spawn two more sequels in the 1940s, THE INVISIBLE AGENT (1942) and THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE (1944), each featuring Jon Hall playing descendants to Jack Griffin, concluding in 1951 when another invisible man meets up with Abbott and Costello. In order not to forget the originator to THE INVISIBLE MAN, a photo of Claude Rains would be evident, as was in THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS. The overly familiar instrumental Frank Skinner underscoring used during the closing cast credits of this production would be heard in several other Universal productions of that period, including THE SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE TOWER OF London (both 1939), and BLACK Friday (1940), all featuring Boris Karloff.

THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS, available on video cassette and then onto DVD, and had played on several cable channels, including the Sci-Fi Channel in the 1990s, and on American Movie Classics in 1991, and brought back on that channel again from 2000 to 2001. (***)
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Clever approach to an "Invisible Man" sequel...
Doylenf28 October 2006
THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is really the story of Frank Griffin's brother, Geoffrey (VINCENT PRICE), who is wrongly accused of murder and imprisoned. Helping him escape is a doctor (JOHN SUTTON) who injects him with a serum to make him invisible. Griffin then sets about trying to get to the bottom of who the real murderer is.

That's the only weak spot in the story. The identity of the real murderer is known much too soon rather than stalling the revelation for better suspense.

Lovely NAN GREY (who resembles blonde Brenda Joyce in so many scenes), is excellent as the love interest. She gives a warm and natural performance as the woman who sympathizes with Griffin's plight. VINCENT PRICE is fine until he has to show madness and descends into overacting with his maniacal laughter. SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE and ALAN NAPIER set the standard for good acting among the supporting cast. Napier is especially effective as a man tormented by the Invisible Man in a scene that takes place in a lonely wooded area.

There are times when the character of Frank Griffin is written in a way that is most unsympathetic and mean spirited and Price is especially nasty in conveying this aspect of his role. In other words, there's a touch of villainy in his performance.

But the story is a clever one, standing apart from the original INVISIBLE MAN that starred Claude Rains and is well done. Some of the special effects may be a bit creaky but understandably so, and nevertheless the film is a fine example of how far those effects had advanced technically by the '40s.

Well worth watching, especially if you're a fan of Universal's horror films.
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Not as stylishly bizarre as Whale's original but still a very enjoyable sequel
mwilson197612 May 2020
Universal's first sequel to the Claude Rains classic, whilst not as stylishly bizarre as James Whale's original, is still a very enjoyable sequel. The film stars Vincent Price (who, when he was not covered by bandages or special effects only appears as himself for one minute in the film) as Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe who is condemned for a murder he did not commit, which leads to him to be beg Dr. Frank Griffin (John Sutton) to inject him with the invisibility serum despite Griffin's warning that it will drive him mad. The film went through a few screenwriters and directors before Universal chose Joe May to direct and Lester K. Cole and Curt Siodmak to write the script. Despite being plagued with production problems (the films budget of $243,750 and 27-day filming schedule were not adequate for the special effects and May's time to direct), the movie was a huge hit. It saw the studios back lot turned into an English mining town complete with a coal pile and coal escalator that was 75 feet long, and the special effects by John P. Fulton, Bernard B. Brown and William Hedgcock receive an Oscar nomination.
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An invisible man sequel worth seeing
CommandoCody16 April 2003
It took Universal Studios seven years to produce this sequel to The Invisible Man, but in some regards, it was worth the wait. Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) is an innocent man condemned to death for a murder he didn't commit. At the last minute, Radcliffe's gal pal, Helen (Nan Grey), and the friendly mad doctor, Frank Griffin (John Sutton), decide the only way to save Radcliffe is by injecting him with the invisibility serum invented by Jack Griffin. Radcliffe's invisibility enables him to escape the gallows and easily elude the police led by the wily Inspector Sampson (Cecil Kelloway). Radcliffe figures out the identity of the murderer but his behavior soon borders on madness, unsettling Dr. Griffin and Helen. Should they continue to aid Radcliffe or rat him out to the constabulary? Will Radcliffe remain sane long enough to clear his name or will the law have to gun him down like his phantom predecessor, Jack Griffin?

This is a real rarity among sequels in that it is nearly as good as the original. It's one of my favorites in this genre. The story moves along briskly, features some intriguing scenes, and offers some occasional humor. The acting is solid. The special effects though primitive by today's standards are still effective. That doesn't mean it is without it share of faults. Chief among them is why they didn't inject Radcliffe earlier instead of waiting till the day of his execution? Or better yet, inject Helen, so she might solve the crime. Speaking of solving the crime, Radcliffe uncovers the real murderer's identity much too easily. Still, I would love to see Universal Studios remake this someday with a woman as the unseen protagonist/fugitive-Thandie Newton would be my choice. But, knowing Universal Studios, I probably couldn't get that lucky.
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) ***
Bunuel19768 July 2005
I had watched this twice as a kid on Italian TV and remember loving it; however, as was the case with THE GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN (1942), when I caught up with it again as an adult via DVD, it proved something of a let down! Mind you, it's still a pretty good film and John P. Fulton's trick work is as brilliant as ever. And yet, I felt that it tried a bit too hard to duplicate those elements which made the original so successful to begin with: the eccentric Englishness so unique to Whale's work, for instance, comes off as somewhat heavy-handed this time around; the very young Vincent Price has yet to come into his own as a horror icon and his lapses into madness are overdone, not matching Claude Rains' menacing delivery. Besides, the identity of the villain is no mystery here! Still, while I particularly missed the wit of the original, Joe May's expert handling and Milton Krasner's effective lighting give the film a suitably Germanic feel at times. Ultimately, I feel that of all the first sequels to the original Universal monster films (BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN [1935], DRACULA'S DAUGHTER [1936], THE MUMMY'S HAND [1940] and FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN [1943]), this one is perhaps the least impressive - as all the others seemed to go in different directions.
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Surpringly good entrance to brief return of H.G. Well's legendary science fiction legend.
mark.waltz23 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For a performance by an actor mostly utilized through voice only, Vincent Price is truly memorable. Yes, he allows that famous profile to be covered in gauze, and on occasion, his voice is muffled. But as the British aristocrat falsely accused of murder, Price is both comical and touching, and in this, the first follow-up to 1933's masterpiece "The Invisible Man", the result is above average.

There's a truly memorably sequence when he gently talks to a scarecrow as he strips it of its clothes, obviously freezing in his unexposed nudity, and a comical one where he uses his voice to scare a witness of the actual murder he was accused of into thinking he is his own ghost. Price's voice goes from petrified to relieved (as he escapes from death row) to sudden calm, then worried as he faces pending insanity. His voice is truly convincing as he expresses all of these emotions.

The other memorable performance is by Sir Cedric Hardwicke as the obvious villain, and the final sequence on a coal loading device is pretty frightening. What makes this entry stand above its follow-ups is the fact that the actual invisible man is allowed to be truly worthy of sympathy, and with that, Price's performance is outstanding.
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The Invisible Man's good, but not spectacular sequel.
Idiot-Deluxe23 February 2017
In January of 1940 nearly seven years after the release of the first film (a classic in every sense of the word), it's sequel "The Invisible Man Returns" arrived, this time he's played by an American actor - the late and great Vincent Price.

In The Invisible Man Returns the dapper and refined 6 foot 5 actor portrays the invisible man with a fair degree of effectiveness (though certainly not as spectacularly or as vividly as his British counterpart years earlier) and the film as a whole is a handsomely staged, big-budget sequel that features a good cast and an even better crew backing them up. To put it one way when the invisible man returned so did the renowned special-effects expert John P. Fulton; whose indelible contributions greatly enhanced the distinctive visual style of The Invisible Man film series and several other early Universal classics. If only the director of this film was as talented as it's special-effect guru, but that's certainly not the case here. The first Invisible Man film benefited from the masterful direction of James Whale, however, this film was directed by a far less talented director, Joe May (a veteran German director of temperamental nature) whose workman-like sense of direction clearly doesn't produce the same levels of energy or enthusiasm. However, if there's one aspect where this film is superior to the first film, it would certainly be from a musical angle, The Invisible Man Returns is blessed with one of the best efforts from the the renowned duo of Hans J. Salter and Frank Skinner; who at the time were Universal Studio's go-to team when a new horror score was needed. I'd also say that The Invisible Man Returns has the edge in terms of cinematography, the sequel has a bit more spit and polish to it compared to the original, resulting in an overall smoother visual presentation. You certainly can't fault this films camera-work, it's beautifully shot from the opening frame to the last.

However, every time I see The Invisible Man Returns it leaves me with the same impression, though it's a good sequel, it's certainly not in the same league as the original. It's obviously lacking much of the verve and excitement that the first film has in spades. But why is that? First off lets start with the cast, Vincent Price though visually more impressive at a towering 6'5, but the actors voice is definitely not the equal to that of Claude Rains, maybe had he been 30 years older at the time that would have made the difference, as his voice became much more distinctive with age. Secondly director Joe May simply lacked the distinctive flair for sly and witty or "impish" humor that James Whale was well known for. Thirdly the movies script required that the invisible man's actions to be held much more in check this time around, because after all, unlike in the original film, in the sequel the invisible man is the "good guy" and as the rules stipulate the good guys can't be running around the countryside murdering and maiming. Those are three obvious reasons I could detect as to why this sequel fails to live up to the original - though there may be more. Even so there's still a lot to like about this classic film, such as, the invisibility effects which are every bit as good and in some cases even better than first film, you get a few good hefty doses of those distinctively ego-maniacal rantings and ravings (a side-effect of the invisibility drug), there's the aforementioned musical brilliance, then there's the humor aspect and though it's not as funny as one would hope, it's certainly not devoid of humor, as there are several funny moments seen throughout the film - people think they're seeing ghosts after all.

And if the Invisible Man Returns doesn't move you, relax, because there were at least three other "Invisible" movies made shortly thereafter in the form of "The Invisible Woman" (1940), "Invisible Agent" (1942) and "The Invisible Man's Revenge" (1944). It's my opinion that none of those three are better than the first two films, but they too have there moments and not surprisingly The Invisible Woman is the lightest and most whimsical of the lot (having none of the demonic charm and vindictive fury that THE Invisible Man, a.k.a. Claude Rains, exudes).

One last thing, as of yet I still haven't heard a compelling answer as to why they changed the named of the drug from Monocaine to Duocaine. Personally I always preferred Monocaine, simply because it sounds like the more dangerous of the two.
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Mistaken information
svenonu17 July 2007
The writer of the summary needs to watch the movie again- Vincent Price is NOT related to the Invisible Man Griffin, nor his brother. His character name is Radcliffe.Personally, I don't think that Price was doing that much over-acting- when the part called for him to be deranged,it seems that his portrayal was accurate. Nan Grey plays her part well- and is as lovely as she was in "Dracula's Daughter." I find Cecil Kellaway's Inspector Sampson to be a little too self-assured in parts, but Alan Napier shows a depth of characterization far beyond that which he would show in his role of Alfred the butler in the 1960s "Batman" television show. Though this sequel is not as impressive as Claude Rains "Invisible Man"-it remains a worthy sequel- far better than "Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man."
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He becomes invisible to fight a bad rap.
michaelRokeefe7 September 2001
This is a very watchable sequel seven years after the original. This version is less dark and dreary and even contains a little comedy. Vincent Price plays Geoffrey Radcliffe, wrongly convicted of murder and makes use of invisibility to find the real murderer of his brother. This is Price's fifth movie early in his career. His face is seen very little in this sci-fi drama, but his distinct and haunting voice will prove to help him gain stardom.

A very good supporting cast includes: the legendary Cedric Hardwicke, Cecil Kellaway and Nan Grey. Miss Grey is the stunning love interest. Kellaway usually plays a light comedic role, but this time he plays the part of a Scotland Yard inspector. Hardwicke is more or less that character you can't seem to put your full trust in. In other minor roles are John Sutton, Leyland Hodgson and Ivan Simpson.

The special effects help this oldie keep its charm. My favorite scene is still when Grey faints after Price unravels his bandages. Still a hoot to watch.
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How to freak out your girlfriend
AAdaSC19 October 2014
Vincent Price (Radcliffe) is under prison guard and hours away from being hanged when he gets a visit from his doctor friend John Sutton (Griffin). Sutton is the scientist brother of the original Invisible Man and knows some tricks! Price then spends the film seeking justice for his own brother's murder.

I found this film more funny than creepy. I couldn't take Price's invisible threats seriously and just laughed through most of his dialogue. And, unfortunately, he decides to ham it up when playing someone in the throes of going mad. His maniacal laughter is hilariously bad. As are his sudden outbursts to keep the dogs quiet early on in the film. I also found the foreman Alan Napier (Spears) unbelievable. Not in that his acting is to be faulted, I quite enjoyed his performance, but his accent is atrocious. That accent does not exist anywhere in the North of England or in Scotland or whatever he was trying to do. Shame he didn't just talk properly.

Apart from the above silliness, the film moves at a good pace. Some of the effects are good, for example the Invisible man's outline being revealed when Police Inspector Cecil Kellaway blows cigar smoke in his direction. There is also an involving chase sequence when the invisible Price comes after his evil relative Cedric Hardwicke (Cobb). The film keeps the attention and I think it won't disappoint those who are fans of this genre.
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davidmvining14 October 2022
Here we are. This is really what I had been expecting for the last few entries in the Universal Horror franchise. A rote repeat of what had come before while missing all of the terror of the original without being able to supply anything new. Feeling like it was written by committee to blindly catch what had made the original special, The Invisible Man Returns follows formula with the kind of competence you would expect from Joe May (the man who got Fritz Lang his start in the German film industry) but also written by an assembly line of writers (there are two credited screenwriters, Lester Cole and Curt Siodmak) at the behest of a producer chasing financial success.

For a while, it feels like the first sequel to The Invisible Man is going to go in an interesting and new direction. The first film was about a man given the gift of invisibility while also being cursed with madness that manifested in a specific way, heavily inspired by the Dr. Mabuse character. This first sequel seems to want to head in a smaller direction, one more focused on a murder mystery, and I think that could have been a great direction for a movie about a man fighting the clock of madness while trying to figure out who the real killer is. Imagine Agatha Christie with this trope. That's what I was thinking I'd be getting into. I almost got that. Sort of, but not really.

Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) has been convicted of the murder of his brother, Michael, and all of his legal remedies have run out. His fiancée, Helen (Nan Grey), and his friend Frank (John Sutton), the doctor at the Radcliffe mining operation and brother to Jack, the original invisible man in the first film. Together, they sneak in a vial of the composition that induces invisibility into Geoffrey's cell, having the intended effect and giving him the opportunity to escape. I really, really felt like Geoffrey would use his invisibility to go through an independent investigation, but the movie is far more interested in the search for Geoffrey led by Inspector Sampson (Cecil Kellaway) and the going over the mechanics of invisibility, in particular talk about the descent into madness.

We do see some of the descent, voiced well by Price, but it feels generic rather than specific to the situation at hand. The actual mystery gets solved in a single, quick scene where Geoffrey decides to go after one of the foremen in the mining operation because he was rude to Frank. That Willie (Alan Napier) ends up having all of the information Geoffrey needs to figure out who really killed Michael (have you ever seen a movie before? Yeah, it'll be easy to figure it out) is not all that satisfying as a search for truth in a mystery. He doesn't follow any breadcrumbs. He stumbles upon the one guy with all of the information, and then it's done. Heck, Geoffrey being invisible doesn't matter to getting the information.

On top of that unsatisfactory way Geoffrey solves his mystery, his madness isn't really all that important to it either. It only really manifests in one big speech about how he's going to rule the world, a thin shadow of the original invisible man's motives. I would have much preferred Geoffrey not being innocent at all, and his madness taking him to extremes to frame another man for his deeds, justifying it in twisted ways while keeping the focus of the madness at the right level of the narrative.

All of that complaining aside, it's fine for what it is. The special effects are great, again, and they're fun to watch. The mystery may not be much of a mystery, but Geoffrey's motives are clear and his skirting of being an antagonist in his own story is pretty neat. The cast is perfectly capable, anchored by Price as the disembodied voice (the key is always to find someone with a great, distinctive tenor). It's not a bad film, but it's just not terribly interesting as it goes on. Joe May, apparently, spoke no English, relying on Price to act as translator for everyone back and forth, but, while he provides a handful of nice visuals that seem to extend from his German Expressionist background, he doesn't seem to have any real control over the narrative which, if I had to guess, was driven by studio needs for a picture to recreate the success of the previous film (the only producer I can find is an associate producer, Ken Goldsmith, and I kind of doubt that an associate producer was the driving force behind that, so it was probably just some studio executive).

It's not good, and it's a disappointment as a sequel to what is probably the best movie in the entire franchise. However, it sort of works in the most formulaic of ways.
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Chills, Humor, Tenderness and Passion
Dan1863Sickles26 August 2006
There are a lot of reasons why this 1940 sequel is better than the original INVISIBLE MAN. In the first movie, the Invisible Man was a dilettante, a haughty scientist who shot himself up with the invisibility drug "for kicks." Claude Rains played the character with such a supercilious air that it was hard to care when he lost it all.

But in this well-written sequel, the Invisible Man is a true hero. Geoffrey Radcliffe is a wealthy gentleman with class, courage, and a sense of humor. Someone has framed him for murder, and with the help of his devoted girl friend and trustworthy company doctor, he sets out to make things right.

Vincent Price is perfect as Geoffrey. He gives this invisible man plenty of guts, along with goodness, humility, and a wonderfully self-deprecating sense of humor. When madness sets in, of course, Price can babble with the best of them. But this time around, you care. This is a man who ran his business empire for the benefit of the workers, a man who can tease his weeping girl friend about how "lucky" she is not to see his face.

Ladylike and innocent-looking Nan Grey is a horror legend for her bit role as the waif-like streetwalker in Dracula's Daughter. Here she gets to play the same gentle, sensitive type, only warmer and more womanly. Watching Helen Manson sit up all night watching over her suffering love, falling asleep in her chair, and fainting at the sight of his disfiguring bandages, you will fall in love with her yourself. It's easy to see why Geoffrey loves her enough to risk madness and death to be by her side, and why the villain was willing to stoop to murder for her sake.

Sir Cedrick Hardwicke is mostly remembered today for playing kindly, kingly old gentlemen in epics like THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. But here he is a ruthless, cold villain, a murderer who fights for greed and gain. The attraction to lovely Helen is only hinted at, just a glance here and a tender word there. But it gives just the right touch of depth and tragedy to an amazingly nuanced performance.

Just as many critics feel Dracula's Daughter was a deeper film than Dracula, so INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS may well be an improvement over the original classic.

Long live Universal Horror!
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Fun for fans of all things invisible.
BA_Harrison23 June 2020
There's some terrible acting in this Invisible Man sequel that is unlikely to slip by unnoticed (Forrester Harvey as Ben, I'm looking at you!), but even though the acting is sometimes questionable and the script nowhere near as solid as its predecessor, it's transparent that the The Invisible Man Returns is still a very entertaining B-movie.

The film starts as Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) is about to be wrongfully hanged for the murder of his brother Michael. However, a final visit granted by the governor allows scientist Doctor Frank Griffin (brother of the original 'invisible man') to slip the condemned prisoner an invisibility serum that enables him to escape. The police, led by Scotland Yard detective Sampson (Cecil Kellaway), are soon on his tail -- can Radcliffe prove his innocence before he is captured or goes mad from the serum coursing through his veins?

The Invisible Man Returns is a rather routine potboiler, right down to the beautiful concerned fiancé (Nan Grey) desperate to help her beleaguered beau, but the real enjoyment to be had is not from the hackneyed storyline, but rather the special effects. There's everything from see-through guinea pigs (in harnesses) to Radcliffe becoming visible in rain and smoke (just like Hollow Man did sixty years later), and for the day, it's impressive stuff indeed.

The performances are also a lot of fun (even the bad ones), with a special mention for Kellaway, his determined detective being the most memorable character (blowing smoke from his cigar in an attempt to locate the invisible desperado). Those watching for Price (in his first leading role) may well be disappointed though: the legendary horror star might be in almost every scene, but we don't get to see much of him, if you catch my drift.

6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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A disappointing film
publicenemy23 October 2000
Considering that this is the sequel to one of the all time greats, it's very disappointing. Slow and dull, it has very little suspense. Apart from the still excellent special effects, there isn't much to recommend this movie. I'd skip this one and watch the first one twice.
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Presto Chango....ReAppear!
BaronBl00d16 February 2001
While certainly not as good as its original source(sans Claude Rains, sans James Whale), this sequel is very entertaining. It lacks the raw energy of the first film as well as the dark humour. The film begins with Geoffrey Radcliffe about to be executed for a crime we soon learn he did not do. How he gets out of his visit with the executioner is a little matter of drinking a potion given to him by a friend(the brother of the Claude Rains character in the original). In a matter of moments he(Vincent Price's voice) works toward finding his brother's true killer and fending off the madness that comes from drinking the invisibility solution. Price is in fine form though don't expect the hamminess you usually get(a bit disappointing for me). The rest of the cast is very good. Universal actress Nan Grey(from Dracula's Daughter) is lovely, and Cedric Hardwicke actually gives a convincing performance as a villain. Cecil Kellaway and Alan Napier also provide wonderful supporting help. The special effects really shine and are first-rate for their time.
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A worthy sequel
tomgillespie200220 February 2014
Released a surprising seven years after James Whale's fantastic and commercially successful The Invisible Man (1933), this sequel faces the problem of creating a story worth telling, without recycling the events and themes that ran through the original and H.G. Wells' novel of the same name. Pleasingly, Returns is an exciting little horror film, that boasts the same fantastic (and Oscar nominated) special effects as the first, as well as offering Vincent Price in one of his very first horror roles.

Falsely imprisoned for the murder of his brother, Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe (Price), the owner of a mining corporation, awaits the death sentence. As his execution looms close, Radcliffe suddenly disappears from his cell, baffling the guards who are placed under suspicion. Knowing Radcliffe to be innocent, Dr. Frank Griffin (John Sutton), the brother of Claude Rains' original Invisible Man, has injected him with the invisibility drug so Radcliffe may conduct his own investigation into the murder. But with Scotland Yard detective Sampson (Cecil Kellaway) suspecting Griffin and the drug slowly turning him mad, Radcliffe faces a race against time to find the culprit and cure himself of the effects of the drug.

This is one of those old-fashioned horror films that adhere to all the genre clichés and never really surprises you, but the cast and execution of the film is wholly charming. The plot keeps things interesting, as the sympathetic innocent man is slowly driven to madness that is beyond his control. Price, although only appearing for less than a minute, had yet to hone his acting craft, but manages to carry the film using only that voice which is now so embedded in horror culture. It's not a patch on Whale's masterful original, but The Invisible Man Returns is a worthy sequel, remaining thoroughly entertaining throughout, kick-starting one of many lucrative franchises for Universal Studios.
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"But if the worst comes to the worst, I can always get a job haunting a house."
classicsoncall26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In a way, this film is almost as good as the original 1933 film "The Invisible Man", but because it's a sequel it rates a minor notch lower. But it's got it's share of special effects that were pretty challenging for the era in which it was made, as well as a handful of inconsistencies in the story line like the previous film. I especially liked the stunt where Willie Spears (Alan Napier) is continuously dunked into the pond by the Invisible Man. In this picture, it's George Radcliffe (Vincent Price), and it's up to Dr. Frank Griffin (John Sutton) to find the antidote to the invisibility serum that has the potential to drive it's user mad and delusional.

What I found kind of funny, as well as ironic, was the use of a police report to identify the Invisible Man from the 1933 classic. The photo of Claude Rains in this film occupied about as much screen time as his corpse did at the end of the first movie. Otherwise, Rains was nowhere visible in the story. Similarly, we only see Vincent Price at the very end of the movie when he's taken the antidote to make him corporeal once again.

But the biggest kick I got out of the movie was when the helmeted police wearing gas masks and cloaks came on the scene to hunt down and capture the Invisible Man at Radcliffe Manor. It made me wonder if in fact they could have been the inspiration for Darth Vader. Ultimately, the film is a fun part of the Invisible Man legacy, leaving only one question in this viewer's mind coming out of the picture - Can an invisible hand leave visible fingerprints?
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Vincent Price is out of sight in this engaging sequel.
Hey_Sweden10 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Vincent Price stars in "The Invisible Man Returns", and it's generally considered to be his first horror film, 13 years before "House of Wax" firmly cemented him as a star of the genre. He plays Geoffrey Radcliffe, owner of a coal mining operation. Geoffrey was wrongly convicted for the murder of his brother, but his friend Frank Griffin (John Sutton), helps him at the last possible second, before Geoffrey is due to be executed. You see, Frank is the younger brother of the late Jack Griffin, villain of the first film, and he too is able to turn a man invisible. Geoffrey therefore is able to escape from prison and put into motion the plans for proving himself innocent. But it remains to be seen if he can do so before succumbing to insanity, just as Jack once did.

Any fan of Price needs to see this one. He's at his theatrical best in scenes where Geoffrey begins to go mad and rants about his potential for power. He also elicits a great deal of sympathy from the viewer in his subtler moments, such as when he's in the arms of his girlfriend Helen Manson (beautiful Nan Grey). But the whole main cast is absolutely fine. Cedric Hardwicke is fun as the villain of the piece, as is a perfectly squirrelly Alan Napier as his associate. Cecil Kellaway is another delight to watch, playing the dedicated police inspector on the case.

Directed by Joe May (who also shares story credit with Curt Siodmak, the busy genre screenwriter of the era), "The Invisible Man Returns" is solidly entertaining, although it functions more as crime thriller than horror film. Therefore, it doesn't go for suspense or old school atmosphere all that often. The special effects aren't quite as impressive as they were for the original film, but they're still pretty good. Just as in "The Invisible Man", there's a noticeable accent on comedy, maybe too much so for some viewers.

Worthy viewing for fans of 1930s and 40s Universal horror; followed by "The Invisible Woman".

Seven out of 10.
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Much inferior than Original!!
elo-equipamentos18 July 2018
The original Invisible man is true masterpiece, it haunted the audience when the picture went to screen for such daring scenes and amazing story from the great H. G. Wells, after that Universal made this fine sequel, but the magic already has broken, the smell of fresh simply disappeared, however it's quite interesting in many ways yet, the plot sounds odd sometimes but enjoyable,Vincent Price as hollow man keept the pattern of acting in early career!!


First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5
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Quick moving and fun
preppy-313 January 2007
Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) is unjustly accused of murder. Frank Griffin (John Sutton), the brother of the first Invisible Man, injects him with the invisibility potion so he can escape from prison and find the real murderer. But will he be able to find him before the potion drives him mad?

Silly and unbelievable from the beginning but fast-moving. You never really have time to think how stupid the story is. But you're watching this for the special effects--NOT the story. The special effects are incredible--even better than the first. Quite impressive for 1940.

The acting is good. Price has to do all his acting with his voice (you don't see him till the end) but he has that smooth cool voice that carries it. Seeing him at the end so young and without a moustache is quite a surprise! The rest of the cast is just OK--although Nan Grey does try to put something in her thankless love interest role. Cecil Kellaway also has a few good moments as the Chief of Police.

Still this is worth seeing for special effects alone. Just don't examine the story too closely. A 7.
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Invisible Man Returns?
sol-10 January 2017
No, he doesn't. Although credited on screen as a sequel, this is only a follow-up in the loosest terms with the invisibility serum transported into a new plot with new characters. Misleading as the title may be, the film benefits by placing its own spin on the idea rather than constantly borrowing from the first film or heavily referencing it. The movie is also blessed by a (mainly vocal) early Vincent Price performance as the slowly maddening protagonist - a man who has used the serum to escape capital punishment for a crime he did not commit. While mainly a drama, there are some very funny moments as Price taunts those who have wronged him by pretending to be a ghost. He also has some very human moments as he desperately borrows a scarecrow's clothes, talking to the scarecrow like a dear friend in the process. The screenplay here only ever feels half-baked though with Price's search for those who framed him constantly taking a back seat to the police tracking him down. The antagonists are not particularly memorable either and Price solves the mystery a tad too early in, with the film gaining most of its zest from Price evading the law. His evasions are, however, quite clever - especially when the police try to 'smoke' him out and the special effects here are excellent throughout (a struggling invisible hamster is one of the film's best effects, if a hardly showy one). The dialogue is well scripted too. "Take away one of man's senses and you render him helpless," muses Price at one point, lamenting humankind's debatable inferiority to instinct-based animals.
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The same tricks and not much else
Coffee_in_the_Clink4 November 2023
"The Invisible Man", one of Universal's original Monster movies, is a landmark film for its special effects, and thoroughly enjoyable for its tight story, claustrophobic setting and performances. Following the success of "Son of Frankenstein", it was probably inevitable that Universal would look to reinvent another one of its original classics.

"The Invisible Man" received similar treatment shortly after. Starring a young Vincent Price as the titular villain, the sequel, like its predecessor, received acclaim for its excellent special effects. These still hold up on a viewing today, but frankly I found them to be stale the second time around. The film was clearly made to flog its brilliant special effects once again. There is not much else to this one. The villain is nowhere near as interesting or dastardly as the original, and neither is the story. The invisible tricks had all been done already, and this sequel just rehashes them. Unlike its predecessor, "The Invisible Man Returns" just does not have the same quality, as the story is dull and uninteresting. It is a stale reboot, more than anything.
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Different than the original in many ways, but still a dandy film
planktonrules28 October 2006
In general, it seems that sequels seldom live up to the originals. There are just too many examples I can think of when this was the case. In addition, sequels that take an entirely different approach to the original subject matter often are abysmal failures as well (such as the wonderful VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED and it's incredibly awful and saccharine CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED). In light of this, I was very pleasantly surprised to this see that this film, while quite different from the fantastic original, is still an exceptional film.

Much of the reason for the film being so good was that the film was made by Universal Studios during a very productive period for their horror films. They just knew how to put the whole package together to make a dandy film. Additionally, the cast really helped as well, as Vincent Price (mostly just his voice, as he IS invisible through almost all the film), Cedric Hartwicke, Cecil Kellaway and many others worked together to quite nicely. The writing, also, is a big standout, as the film COULD have easily been just another "hack" sequel. Using bits of humor here and there throughout the film and providing a great ending really made this film worth while.
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Those that use it will go mad
bkoganbing28 January 2017
When Claude Rains starred in The Invisible Man he encountered the unique problem of playing an invisible man. Why it could never be done on the silent screen. You have to use your voice and only your voice to create your character and hold the interest. In this case and in the case of Vincent Price you had a pair of classically trained players who were more than up to the challenge of men who conquered the secret of invisibility. But said secret carries with it the price that it also renders those that use the formula will go mad.

For Vincent Price he has nothing to lose because he's been framed for his brother's murder. Price and his brother were respected industrialists in the midland area of England. Now he's a fugitive who has sought the help of John Sutton the brother of the late Claude Rains who has continued the experiments in invisibility to both find a safe reagent and prevent the psychosis that is a side effect.

Universal Studios if they could have might worked it out so that Rains could have continued, but he had no contract with them. Neither did Price really, but he certainly bought the same standards of classical training and a superb speaking voice critical to the role. It's no coincidence that the later remakes were either played for laughs or were much inferior to the first two.

The Invisible Man Returns got an Oscar nomination for special effects and they are the equal to the original. A fine cast of supporting are well cast in the roles that support Price in his quest for truth and against his own increasing madness.
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Felt like a poor imitation
ashecatlin21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From the get go of this movie I was confused, a prisoner is turned invisible to escape death row. It doesn't make it very clear on who the person actually is though, it wasn't until the end that I figured out he was just some random guy not the original invisible man. Instead he is turned invisible by the invisible man's brother, who somehow knows about the formula.

I didn't like this movie very much, it felt like a knock off of the original. It doesn't bring anything new to the table, the invisible man in this very softly spoken and his cackling sounded very forced. I was shocked to find out that it was Vincent Price playing him, he didn't even have the eloquent nature his voice usually has. The first invisible man, had so much power and charisma from his voice alone, this performance simply doesn't compare.

I didn't like this movie very much whilst watching it, in fact I was going to give this a 3. But after watching the rest of the series, I realize how this got a lot right where the others didn't So I appreciate it more, based on how dreadful the rest are. The story is fairly decent just very confusing, the prisoner is targeting people who got him arrested, he just wants to clear his name. Might sound bad but I don't actually remember the the ending of this, even though I watch it yesterday, so yeah.

Not a good movie by any standard but is leaps and bounds above the rest of the series.
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