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Madness begets madness.
hitchcockthelegend15 October 2009
Horror legends Karloff and Lugosi return after the success of The Black Cat the previous year in this deliciously warped slice of horror. Lugosi is sublime as the unhinged Dr Vollin who is coaxed out of retirement to save the life of a pretty dancer {Irene Ware as Jean Thatcher}. He does but in the process becomes infatuated with her and sets about having her all to himself. This spells bad news for her father, Judge Thatcher {Samuel S. Hinds} and her fiancé, Dr. Jerry Holden {Lester Matthews}. Enlisting the help of wanted criminal Edmond Bateman {Karloff} whom has been disfigured by Vollin with the promise of restoring his face, he plots to do away with the men in Jean's life down in his Edgar Allen Poe inspired torture chamber basement.

Running at just over one hour, The Raven simmers nicely as the characters form, and then boils to the surface for the furious last quarter. In the build up we have been royally treated to some truly excellent scenes as Vollin steadily grows more deranged. The unmasking of Bateman post surgery is unnerving, and thanks to Karloff's ability at making a criminal sympathetic, heartfelt. This is followed by a mirror sequence that is a horror highlight of the 30s and puts us in no doubt that Vollin is a terrifying creation. The creepy house setting is naturally a horror staple but one can't help wondering what a better director than Lew Landers could have made with the simple but effective premise? It's solid enough from Landers, some nice shadow play etc, but what stops it breaking out into genre classic status is its lack of a creeping menace type atmosphere. Which is a shame as it has a potent score from Clifford Vaughan. Still, The Raven is a fine genre piece showcasing two genuine icons, and in spite of its obvious simplicity and little flaws, ends triumphantly in a blaze of insanity and ironic cruelty. 8/10
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Who's ready for some torture?
lost-in-limbo9 June 2005
Dr. Vollin (Lugosi) who's a Neurosurgeon with a large interest in Poe inspired torture comes out of retirement for a wealthy judge to save his daughter that was seriously injured in a auto wreck. During the recovery state the doctor falls for the girl and wants to marry her. Though, the doctor has a plan to torture his guests and with help from an unwillingly on the run murderer Bateman (Karloff) who's face was disfigured by the doctor when he wanted his face changed. So now he must do his biding or the doctor won't restore his face.

"The Raven" is a pretty good BW horror film that truly delivers the goods even though it's not particularly grand or inventive. It holds a fairly entertaining if rather routine narrative of clichés (stormy night in strange house). Though, you can't go wrong with a stormy night in a horror film. Saying that, it's the evoking presence of Karloff and Lugosi when on screen that makes it a great spectacle as there performances overshadow the rather foreseeable material or plot. For a mostly talkative film it doesn't have a sluggish feel and it moves at a rather brisk pace.

It had a ludicrous plot with some far-fetched scenario's (A quick recovery after surgery) and unintentionally humorous moments. After a real talkative first half about these amusing Poe torture designs we get to see them finally in use. It's too bad he used them towards the end, as not much torturing did happen, but mostly talk of these devices. Though, when it did happen there was a lot of imagination and interesting ideas. This is when the sudden thrills pick up in the last 20-mintues and it suddenly gets quite claustrophobic further along the film goes. In which Dr. Vollin really tightens the screws in some energetic and upbeat scenes. These scenes aren't terribly suspenseful, but the confrontations between Bateman and Vollin are vibrantly compelling and the devices achieve such a horrific mood. The climax is rather grand too. The ending was rather sudden and you can say lame for my liking. Dialogue was a mix bad with some engaging dialogue from the leads coming across as poetic and other times it was rather stilted or just plain corny.

A rather enforcing and roaring music score surrounds and captures the terror superbly. The film is well shot and is very atmospheric indeed. There is such great use of shadow and lighting composition in the mansion and a superb layout of the dungeon with its torture devices. The storm helps the atmosphere to be effective too. Karloff's character with the disfiguring is treated with decent make-up effects and it really does keep you glued at staring at it.

Rather mundane performances from the cast except for the two strong central leads and maybe with the exception of Samuel S. Hinds as Judge Thatcher. It's definitely one of Lugosi's best performances as the sadistic Dr. Vollin. Lugosi gives us his usual evil grimaces and at times goes over-the-top in delivering the dialogue. While Borris Karloff gives a solid performance, but I wouldn't class it as one of his greatest. He shines as the demented criminal Edmond Bateman who's lurking around the house with great effect.

For me it was a competent shocker that holds some unforgettable scenes and performances.
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Student of Poe
bkoganbing14 March 2012
The Raven casts Bela Lugosi as a doctor who has retired into research into the medical field and into the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Bela has painstakingly recreated the torture devices that Poe had written about in his stories and has decided it's time for some live experimentation.

What has brought that about was Judge Samuel S. Hinds who has begged and persuaded Bela Lugosi to come out of research and do a delicate bit of neurosurgery to save daughter Irene Ware's life. Not only does he save her life, but she's back and better than ever at her modern dance gig.

Irene Ware was a beautiful girl, in real life a beauty contest winner. No wonder Dr. Lugosi starts confusing her with the famous Lenore in Poe's The Raven. But she doesn't want anything to do with him. Never mind that, Lugosi invites several people over including Hinds and Ware and he's going to settle accounts with all of them Edgar Allan Poe style.

To help him Lugosi has Boris Karloff who is a criminal on the run who has been made truly hideous by some of Bela's surgery. Bela keeps Boris on a short lease saying he'll fix him if he'll aid and abet his mad scheme.

The Raven is strictly an actor's vehicle and if it weren't for the presence of those masters of Gothic horror Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi in the cast, this film would not fly. But with them leading the cast The Raven moves up a few notches in ratings. The two of them work hard to sell this film and they succeed admirably.

Bela and Boris, Forevermore.
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Lugosi is Incredible!
BaronBl00d17 November 1999
Karloff gets the top billing in this second feature pairing both horror stars, but it is Bela Lugosi all the way who steals each and every scene he is in. Lugosi is incredible in his over-the-top performance of a morbid, obsessed doctor and Poe aficionado. Each line he utters with flair and gusto, each movement an outrageous, maniacal gesture. He is truly a ham, and an enjoyable one at that. Karloff is quite good as a killer, and the only compassionate character in the story. He is disfigured by Lugosi, so he will kill for the mad doctor. One of the best scenes is Lugosi leaving his patient to see his handiwork. Karloff shoots through several mirrors after realizing the atrocities committed on him, and from a door in the roof of the room.....Lugosi peers through and laughs...laughs with coldness, cruelty, and hysteria. The rest of the film is devoted to Lugosi utilizing his Poe recreations of torture...and I must confess as an earlier reviewer noted that you really feel little sympathy for the other characters involved...and at one point I wanted the pendulum to win. You must see this film as it is the second best of the Karloff/Lugosi pairings...but it really is a Lugosi film.
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A Very Controversial Horror . You Have To Remember The Context Of When It Was Made
Theo Robertson23 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Dr Richard Vollin a retired brain surgeon gets a phone call from Judge Thatcher whose daughter Jean has been seriously injured in a car crash . Despite being somewhat reluctant Vollin agrees to operate on her and saves her life . Later on Judge Thatcher returns to Vollin's house and informs that Jean despite being engaged has developed an emotional attachment to him and forbids any contact with Jean , much to Vollin's resentment . Later on a man appears at Vollin's house , an escaped convict called Edmond Bateman who wants the doctor to change his face

Many , many years ago BBC2 used to show a horror double bill in the Summer months and this was shown alongside another Lugosi/Karloff film THE BLACK CAT . It wasn't until the era of the internet that I found out THE RAVEN was the cause of so much controversy on its initial release , so much so that it effectively killed off the Universal horror film for several years . That said there's several factors at play . One is the Hays Code had been brought out the previous year limiting what could be shown on screen and the pre-code film by Tod Browning FREAKS was banned in Britain on its release . Certainly compared to the Browning film THE RAVEN is relatively tame but like FREAKS it too was banned in Britain and THE RAVEN's relatively poor box office in America meant that Universal Studio's the prime producer of horror movies thought the bottom had fallen out of the horror market so concentrated on making other movies

The one aspect the film is very very good at it is its psychological undertones of horror . Watching it today it is slightly bizarre on how it remains restrained and yet it has a rather sadistic edge just waiting to surface . Dr Vollin is played superbly by Lugosi as a sadistic control freak with an obsession with both Edgar Allen Poe and torture devices , devices it transpires that he's all too ready to use when circumstances dictate it . Would a doctor in real life be capable of such cruelty ? Let's not forget in Germany the Nazis had risen to power and were making plans for the worst crimes in human history . The Nazi death camps were governed by medical sadists of which Josef Mengele was the most notorious and was not unique in his crimes . Just over ten years after THE RAVEN was released , a separate war crimes trial took place at Nuremburg called The Doctors Trial where those indicted were tried of conducting the most cruel medical experiments against fellow human beings

Where the film fails quite badly is on a logical level . Vollin is held at gun point by Bateman and agrees to operate on him but Bateman never jumps to the conclusion that Vollin might contact the police while he's under the anaesthetic and one wonders why Vollin never thought of this . Of course as it transpires Bateman is needed to carry out some dirty work . Again the problem is how does Bateman fit in to this plan ? Surely if Vollin wants to torture and kill Judge Thatcher , Jean and her fiancé then he doesn't need Bateman's help to do this and what is Vollin going to do with the other party guests ? Kill them probably because they're witnesses but how likely is it that these seven guests have not told anyone where they'll be staying at that weekend ? Surely if they all disappear that means the police will know where to look for them ? The more you think about it the more the plan starts falling apart . Surely a simpler plan would have been Vollin blackmailing Bateman in to becoming a hit man who goes to Jean's fiancés house to kill him and one wonders why Vollin didn't do this but I guess that means we wouldn't have had a story in that case

As I said this was made just after the Hays Code was introduced and its interesting in how the cinematic morals of the time are played out on screen . If you're about to get married this means you're still not allowed to have sex , you have to stay in separate rooms , get chaperoned by a parent and even if you are married you have to sleep in different beds . The code also stipulates that anyone doing anything bad has to be made to suffer the penalty for their crimes which means the body count of the entire film is rather low at two

Despite being a very flawed horror film THE RAVEN is a very enjoyable one too . You have to meet it on its own terms and constantly remind yourself of the context of when it was made but the film is carried by its two stars . It's also a film dealing with psychological obsessions and it's here the story works very well indeed
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Lugosi is the reason
robocopssadside18 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The reason this is so effective. In one of his finest roles as the mad Doctor Richard Vollin, the icon steals every moment of the show. Black Hearted, obsessed, demanding; Bela opens the flood gates and out comes a very memorable character that fully succeeds with a sickness. A key scene where he really displays the skills with Vollin is when Judge Thatcher tells him he musn't see his daughter ever again, and the mad Doc's eyes wince sharply together while he starts demanding to the Judge to bring him Joan.

Unfortunately, Karloff shows up twenty minutes into the story, which is a considerably long wait when the film just an hour. As the murderous Bateman, he's not given a whole lot of character, other than he's violent, angry and probably just as mad as Vollin. After his operation, he's turned into a wretched, two-faced freak. More uglier than ever before. This brings on one of the most involving moments for the two horror legends. After seeing his appearance through several mirrors, he jolts into a spastic rage, and all the mirrors are shattered from his gun a-blazin'. Boris still does a fine job with the more or less supporting role, but a little more would've been nice.

The movie spends so much time focusing on Bela and letting him work the magic, that everybody else is pretty lacking during many scenes. Even Irene Ware as Joan is pretty transparent, and so much more is expected from the character of the woman Vollin is obsessed with. Other than having the rage for Poe (though, not nearly on the level of the Doctor), her ability to dance and her hidden devotion towards the Doc, not much else is given about her. The segments with her and Dr. Jerry Holdon (Lester Matthews), her fiancé, are wasted by no real display of affection. The dialog seems false and forced, aside from a scant few genuine moments of Matthews making it believable. Samuel S Hinds as Joans' Father gives the secondary role all it needs. He's protective, doesn't trust Vollin for a second and never backs down from him. In character, Hinds shows more concern for his daughter's safety than her own husband. Disappointing.

The settings and environments are brilliant, especially Vollin's mansion of trap doors, secret rooms behind bookcases, rooms where the walls come together and some that descend into a lair where Doc keeps all kinds of demented torture devices; most importantly the massive swaying blade that slowly lowers itself down into a hapless victim from The Pit and the Pendulum. Several good scenes of eye candy here.

Not really as effective as The Black Cat, IMO. Karloff and Lugosi didn't have the chemistry, Lugosi was his own chemistry. The Raven sometimes just seems like it's living in the shadow of the Black Cat. Both movies are merely just respects to the Poe stories, and stray from following in their footsteps; though, The Raven definitely gives more nods. Not perfect, but it's still a very entertaining Uni/Bela/Boris outing.
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Ironically, Karloff got top billing
JoeB13129 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Because this is really Lugosi's film.

Lugosi plays a surgeon named Dr. Vollin, who falls in love with a dancer whose life he saved. Which would normally be fine, except that the dancer is engaged to someone else and the Doctor is crazier than bat guano. His other hobbies include Edgar Allen Poe and building torture devices in his basement, so you can really see where this is going.

Not surprisingly, when he doesn't get his way on the girl, he decides the best solution is to invite everyone over to his house for a night of murder and torture.

Karloff has kind of a minor role as a criminal who becomes the unwitting dupe of Lugosi's mad doctor. It was really interesting because at this point in their careers, Karloff was the bigger star (hence, why he got top billing.) Karloff would state later that Lugosi boxed himself in by never learning to speak English proficiently, and that was probably true to a degree, but this film along with the Black Cat showed he had some range as an actor.
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At Last Poe is Avenged!
mmcclelland31 October 2000
Bela Lugosi will always be remembered for Dracula -- but his biggest and wildest role was the Raven. He and Boris Karloff are co-stars but Bela steals the show as the mad surgeon, Dr. Vollin, who sees himself as a "god with the taint of human emotion." He has a Poe fetish and loves to torture as he has been tortured so he can clear his head and be, "the sanest man who ever lived."

This has one of the most horrific scenes ever filmed. After Dr. Vollin has disfigured the criminal (Boris Karloff) the criminal awakes in a room of mirrors and must stare at his hideous face--while Vollin laughs hysterically!

This is one of the few classic Universal horror films that actually gives genuine chills!
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One of the better vehicles for Bela Lugosi
DPMay31 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One of the regrettably few horror films centred around the 'double act' of Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff.

Lugosi gets the main role on this occasion, playing Doctor Vollin, a brilliant surgeon. He has little interest in his work, however, as we quickly learn early on in the film when he is called on to save the life of a woman seriously injured in a car crash. Vollin, it seems, would rather stay at home and discuss his one true passion, nay obsession: the dark world of Edgar Allan Poe.

Ultimately Vollin is talked around and does indeed perform life-saving surgery on the girl, the beautiful dancer Jean Thatcher. Vollin finds himself attracted to her and keeps in touch. As a 'thank you' to him Jean bases her next stage performance around Edgar Allan Poe's work "The Raven". At this point, Vollin's attraction for her reaches the point of total infatuation. Unfortunately Jean is already engaged to another, Jerry Halden, and her father is also wary of Vollin's fascination and warns him off.

Enter Karloff as on-the-run robber/killer Edmond Bateman. Bateman wants to turn his back on crime but needs a new face so that he will not have to spend the remainder of his life in hiding. He asks Vollin if he can perform facial surgery but Vollin tricks him and gives him a hideous new look. Blackmailing Bateman by promising to restore his looks if he agrees to help him, Vollin now has the means to carry out his macabre plan of revenge upon Jean Thatcher and those around her...

Lugosi is given plenty to get his teeth into in this entertaining film and carries the proceedings very well with a convincing portrayal of a man gradually losing touch more and more with reality and sanity, giving in to his most sordid fantasies. As the tragic Bateman, Karloff is more low key and has considerably less dialogue but still puts in a good performance through his body language and use of his eyes, skills he had already put to good use more famously in "Frankenstein".

The rest of the cast are functionary, performing their roles quite adequately but not memorably. As always with films from this cycle of horrors from the Universal studios, excellent use is made of lighting, and there are some fine sets on display. It all holds up fairly well today, and is a well-paced entertaining yarn, let down only by occasionally flat dialogue, some humorous characters added inappropriately to the mix and, worst of all, a plot 'twist' at the climax that is so blatantly signposted well in advance that the gradual build up of tension in the latter third of the film is greatly diluted and Bateman's ultimate change of allegiance comes as no surprise at all.

Overall The Raven is above average but with a few too many weaknesses to be deemed a classic.
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Lugosi steals the show in a still great film
TheLittleSongbird7 March 2013
There are many reasons to see The Raven, namely Edgar Allan Poe, Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. And it delivers on all the potential it promised, with only its, to me, too short length being any kind of a problem. The production values are striking with a nice Gothic atmosphere, while the score has a haunting sense of dread to it without making things too obvious. The way The Raven is written is remarkable, there are many Poe references that anybody will enjoy and Poe's poetic prose is captured perfectly in an affecting way. The atmosphere will send the hairs on your neck raising, and the film's horror elements are unusually sadistic. The acting doesn't undermine anything either, the supporting cast are solid, with Samuel H Hinds coming off best, but none really are in the same league as the two stars, both of whom are among the giants of the horror genre. Boris Karloff is both creepy and compassionate in his role as the scarred criminal, but it is Bela Lugosi's chillingly twisted performance that carries The Raven.

All in all, apart from the length, The Raven is a great film and well worth checking out. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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The Mad Doctor
lugonian19 October 2001
"The Raven" (Universal, 1935), directed by Louis Friedlander (later Lew Landers), became the second official KARLOFF and LUGOSI teaming, and a worthy following at that. Although this production is a notch below their initial thriller, "The Black Cat" (Universal, 1934), in which both movies are suggested on the works of Edgar Allan Poe, none actually have story lines from either Poe's stories or poems. While Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi were evenly matched in "The Black Cat," Lugosi dominates the story in "The Raven," and he is in rare form here.

Like a "B" movie, for which is what this neat little thriller is, it gets right down to business and seldom slows down in its tight 60 minutes. Jean Thatcher (Irene Ware) has an auto accident that sends her to the hospital. Only one doctor can operate on her and save her life. His name is Doctor Richard Vollin (Bela Lugosi), a plastic surgeon and skilled surgeon, now retired. Judge Thatcher (Samuel S. Hinds), Jean's father, locates Vollin and pleads for his daughter's life. He agrees and performs a successful operation. Jean, a dancer by profession, learns that Vollin is a great admirer of Edgar Allan Poe, and to reward this great doctor, she arranges to have him attend her theatrical comeback in which she performs a dance to the narration of Poe's THE RAVEN, much to Vollin's delight. Vollin admits his love for Jean, but informs him that although she is grateful to him for her life, she is engaged to marry Jerry Halden (Lester Matthews). Even Judge Thatcher notices Vollin to not be in his right mind, and decides to pay him a visit to his home to advise him to stay away from Jean, and leaves. But Vollin doesn't take warnings too lightly. Quite conveniently, that very night, Edmond Bateman (KARLOFF), a bearded murderer who has recently escaped prison, pays Vollin a visit in hope that the famous plastic surgeon could perform an operation to change his face. Vollin at first refuses until Bateman tells him something quite profound: "Ever since I was born, everybody looks at me and says, 'You're ugly.' Makes me feel mean ... Maybe if a man looks ugly, he does ugly things." These words convince the doctor to go on with the operation and walking him through a secret panel that leads him to an operating room downstairs. Following the surgery, Bateman is changed into a hideous creature, and in order for him to have his face restored, Bateman finds he must do Vollin's evil bidding by becoming his servant, or better known as his "live-in slave." (One scene finds Bateman getting hit with Vollin's little whip when Vollin feels his orders are being disobeyed). Vollin then arranges to have Jean, Jerry, Judge Thatcher and some other guests to spend the weekend in his home, unaware that they are to become victims of his torture devices in his chambers, all inspired by Poe. Because Vollin cannot have Jean as his wife, he has Bateman place her and Jerry in a room, closing the door where the couple are standing in the center as the walls are slowly closing in on them. Then the suspense really builds up to a nail biting conclusion.

"The Raven," may not be first-rate horror to some viewers, but it does offer Bela Lugosi's finest hour on film, a hammy performance to say the least. Possibly under the direction of either Tod Browning or James Whale, the premise would have been the same but their styles of strangeness and/or humor would have been more evident, giving the movie a different feel. In spite of his top-billing with surname only, KARLOFF's character arrives some 15 minutes from the start of the story. Although he, too, plays a villain, he becomes very much a victim as do Vollin's "house guests." One particular memorable moment occurs after the operation in which Bateman's bandages are removed from his face by Vollin. The mad doctor then leaves Bateman in the operating room alone. Vollin, in the room above, opens the curtains that had covered a series of full-length mirrors set into the wall. Bateman, to his horror, seeing the final results of his face, rushes from mirror to mirror. Furious, he takes out his gun and shoots each mirror one at a time as Vollin looks on and laughs sadistically. By the time the gun is aimed at Vollin, the gun is empty, leaving Bateman to shake his fist and make a growling sound like Karloff's Frankenstein's Monster from "Frankenstein" (1931).

In the supporting cast are Inez Courtney, Spencer Charters, Maidel Turner and Ian Wolfe as the other weekend guests of Vollin's home, adding some "comedy relief," with Arthur Hoyt as Mr. Chapman; Walter Miller as Vollin's butler; and Jonathan Hale briefly seen as the medical doctor in the hospital scenes.

"The Raven" is sure to delight horror fans, especially those who really don't take this type of horror stuff seriously and sit back and enjoy watching Karloff and Lugosi, two horror movie greats from the golden age of Hollywood. Once presented on the Sci-Fi Channel in the 1990s, and on American Movie Classics (1991 to 2001), it premiered on Turner Classic Movies May 18, 2003. "The Raven" is available on video cassette in two formats: One as a double featured package along with "The Black Cat," the other as a single. Both "The Black Cat" and "The Raven" include the same underscoring during its closing casting credits. (***, never more)
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Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff in The Raven was a most thrilling horror classic to me!
tavm16 October 2009
While I had watched them in The Body Snatcher years back, this is the first time I've seen Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff together as equals in one of their Universal features. In this one, Lugosi plays Dr. Richard Vollin who gets called out of retirement by one Judge Thatcher (Samuel S. Hinds) to heal his daughter Jean (Irene Ware) from a car accident. He does and instantly becomes smitten with her which becomes obvious to her father when he looks at them together. When Vollin admits to it, the judge forbids him from seeing her again especially since she's engaged to Dr. Jerry Halden (Lester Matthews). That doesn't sit well with the doctor who cured her so when escaped convict Edmond Bateman (Karloff) drops in, Vollin offers a quid-pro-quo...This was quite thrilling from beginning to end especially with all the references to many Edgar Allan Poe works and contraptions especially the one depicted in "The Pit and the Pendulum". Director Louis Friedlander really puts the stops that truly had me riveted the whole way through. And the score is just what one would expect from these melodramatic old school horror movies of this period. As old-fashioned as this movie may seem to some modern viewers, to me this was still an edge-of-your-seat thriller that holds up today. So on that note, I very highly recommend this version of The Raven.
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A mad doctor who also has an obsessive penchant for Edgar Allen Poe plans a grisly revenge
ma-cortes20 February 2013
Nice horror film suggested by Poe's immortal stories , thanks mainly to fortuitous teaming of terror kings as Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi . A brilliant surgeon obsessed with Poe saves the life of a beautiful dancer and goes mad when he can't have her . But while this lunatic surgical genius chanted "The Raven," horrible screams rose up from his torture chamber below . The gloomy surgeon (Bela Lugosi) has a dungeon full of torture gadgets inspired by Edgar Allen Poe stories , then he is begged by a judge (Samuel Hinds) to save his daughter's life . The eccentric neurological surgeon does and then falls in love for the beautiful girl (Irene Ware) but she's already engaged . The nutty doctor recruits a wanted criminal (Boris Karloff), and turns him into a hideous monster . Meanwhile , the dull doctor invites a group of guests (Lester Matthews , Charters, Courtney , and eternal secondary Ian Wolfe) at his dismal mansion

The script has very little to do with Edgar Allen Poes's tales , though the screen-writers do manage to squeeze in his pendulum torture from : The pit and the pendulum and Poe's Raven . This is a quickie professionally realized by Lew Landers , an expert in rapid pictures that rarely ran longer than 70 minutes ; although here he stands out and it is among his most forceful and fastest works. Lew Landers began directing features in the mid-'30s under his real name of Louis Friedlander, but changed it to Lew Landers after several films , his first effort, The Raven , was probably his best. The movie belongs to a group of a few of the bargain-basement horrors that Lew Landers directed for Universal Pictures , including production designer Albert D'Agostino , all of them in low-budget , starred by terror stars and have a certain hypnotic fascination such as ¨Return of the vampire¨ , ¨The ghost that walks alone¨ ,¨The mask of Diijon¨ and of course this ¨The raven¨. Bela Lugosi is at his prime in this character as a mad doctor who when is rejected he plans vendetta in his chamber of horror and good acting by terror master Karloff as a criminal who winds up ruining the mad doctor's schemes . Several inconsistencies in the somewhat twisted screenplay can be overlooked because of their chilling acting by the classic horror duo , Lugosi and Karloff .

The motion picture was well directed by Lew Landers , rivaling Sam Newfield and William Beaudine as one of the American film industry's most prolific directors, The Raven was his first feature made under his real name . Landers galloped his way around 130 movies , called quickfire and almost none of them exceeding 80 minutes , they have nearly all vanished into the mists of time now . It would be nice to record that Lew's output as one of the most prolific filmmakers in the field is studded with undiscovered treasures . Lew Landers got into filming serials with Universal , the first of them ¨Tailspin Tommy¨ and ¨Parole¨ , then the studio moved him on to features and he began his long career . Landers spent a lot of time at RKO and Columbia turning out low-budget adventure epics, thrillers and westerns . Towards the final of his shooting days , Landers became involved with all types of frivolities in a variety of strange color process as SuperCinecolor , filming several adventure films such as ¨Last of the Bucaneers , Blue blood , Captain Kidd and the slave girl , Captain John Smith and Pochahontas¨ and his most important ¨California conquest¨ . In the 1950s he turned to series television, as many of his fellow B directors did, and alternated between that and features for the remainder of his career , for that reason Landers was extremely busy in TV episodes until his early death at 60 years old .
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lee_eisenberg17 June 2005
This movie is not actually based on Edgar Allen Poe's famous poem, but there is a Poe connection. Bela Lugosi plays Dr. Richard Vollin, who has a number of torture devices based on things from Poe's stories, including a pendulum. When hired to make an injured woman pretty again, Vollin agrees, but envisions her as his bride. Hoping to make this a reality, Vollin takes homely Bateman (Boris Karloff) and makes him very ugly so as to blackmail him into carrying out evil deeds.

"The Raven" is mostly pretty pedestrian. The horror mainly comes from Lugosi's demeanor and Karloff's looks (I guess that those were always what really made their movies intense, if at all succeeding there). But it's neat just to see Lugosi and Karloff in a movie together.
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Poe fans will be puzzled, Lugosi fans delighted!
Infofreak25 August 2003
'The Raven' seems like it was trying to recreate the success (artistically) of Edward G. Ulmer's 'The Black Cat' released the previous year. Once again horror legends Karloff and Lugosi are teamed up in a movie supposedly inspired by Edgar Allen Poe. Of course it has nothing much to do with Poe apart from Lugosi reciting Poe's poem once or twice and having his own private version of 'The Pit And The Pendulum' in his basement. 'The Raven' isn't as inspired and as downright strange as 'The Black Cat' but it's still very good. Karloff receives top billing but this is Lugosi's movie all the way. He plays a brilliant surgeon and Poe buff who is talked into saving the life of a beautiful young girl (Irene Ware). He then becomes obsessed by her and when he can't get what he wants decides to punish her, her fiance (Lester Matthews) and her father (Samuel S. Hinds). Along the way he has turned criminal Karloff into a disfigured monster and forces him to help. Lugosi is really terrific as the mad surgeon and his performance will delight his fans. Recommended.
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Largely Unknown Lugosi-Karloff Film
gavin694212 October 2010
A surgeon (Bela Lugosi) has an unhealthy obsession with torture and Edgar Allan Poe. After developing a lust for a friend's daughter, he hires a wanted criminal (Boris Karloff) to kill off anyone who stands in his way. Fright, bondage and lunacy ensue.

The first thing we really need to say about this film is that it has pretty much nothing to do with Poe's "Raven". There is an interpretive dance sequence, and the general inspiration is Poe, but this is by no means a retelling of the poem. However, I happen to find that a relief, as there just is not enough in that poem to carry a feature film.

The modern reviews are not sympathetic. The movie is "hammy but occasionally effective" according to Howard Maxford. Even less forgiving, we hear that it's a "real disappointment", full of "unintentional humor" from Mike Mayo. These words are unfortunate, and I hope that no one is scared away from the film because of them.

I watched this film on the big screen at the Music Box Theater in Chicago, and was very pleasantly surprised with it. Aside from seeing Lugosi and Karloff together, that "unintentional humor" kept the audience amused, and the basic plot is solid. If I had to make any complaint, it is the inconsistency in the pendulum's height. But that's just being picky.

Seriously, give this film a go. Quality production, good story, good acting... maybe it's "hammy", I don't know. I found myself really impressed and I'm glad that the Chicago horror crew decided upon this film for presentation.
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"Do I look Different?"
Prichards1234511 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Raven is the second teaming of Karloff and Lugosi, and this time it's Bela who's the black-hat bad guy, while Boris takes on the sympathetic brute-role he did so well. There's plenty of black humour to be had - the above dialogue is uttered by Karloff after Lugosi's mad surgeon has hideously distorted his face - and the last twenty minutes gives us serial-style thrills as the poor saps lured to Lugosi's house appear doomed to take the place of some of Poe's protagonists.

The Raven opens splendidly; a quick car-crash and we are soon off to Dr. Richard Vollin's (Lugosi) house, where we get a splendid short rendition of Poe's poem, Lugosi's profile wonderfully contrasted with a looming stuffed Raven. Judge Thatcher (Samuel S. Hinds) begs Vollin to save his daughter Jean (Irene Ware) who has suffered a serious head injury in the crash we witnessed at the beginning of the movie. Initially reluctant, Vollin gives in and saves Jean's life, developing a Poe-like infatuation for her in the process. Perhaps somebody saw the early rushes for Mad Love as the situation is almost identical.

Enter Karloff's San Quentin escapee Edmond Bateman, seeking a new face from Vollin, in a strange echo of one of his victims during a bank job. Unwilling to give Bateman the combination of the safe, he suffers an acetylene torch in the eyes for his trouble. Vollin, rejected by Judge Thatcher as a suitor for Jean, realises he can use Bateman in a scheme of revenge....

Lugosi was never more gloriously over the top than here. It's great fun to watch him put his murderous scheme into action, and Karloff, who surprisingly has a more limited part, does well too. Bateman wants to change his ways, but once made hideously ugly, is forced to do Vollin's will if he wants a cure. Actually Karloff's makeup is unintentionally funny. Poor Boris, second best again to Lugosi.

The Raven is great fun, complete with descending bedroom and the blade from The Pit And The Pendulum. Gone is the art-house decadence of The Black Cat; in its place is a blackly humorous horror-thriller...
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Karloff and Lugosi Meet Again!
bsmith555216 September 2005
"The Raven" was the second of seven pairings of the popular horror stars Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. The film was the only one of the six in which Lugosi had the dominant role.

A young dancer, Jean Thatcher (Irene Ware) is involved in a car accident in which she is seriously injured. She remains unconscious with the attending physicians unable to do anything. Her father, Judge Thatcher (Samuel S. Hinds) decides to go to the reclusive Dr. Richard Vollin (Lugosi) a renowned surgeon for help. Dr. Volin who is obsessed with the works of Edgar Allen Poe, at first refuses to help but later relents. He saves the girl but falls in love with her.

Judge Thatcher realizing what is happening, goes to the doctor to beg him not to pursue his daughter. Vollin in his maddened state refuses and secretly plots his revenge on the judge.

An escaped convict, Edward Bateman (Karloff) comes to Vollin asking that he change his facial appearance. To force the hapless convict to do his will, Vollin operates on Bateman giving him a grotesque appearance. Vollin promises that he will return Bateman's face to normal only if he will perform a certain service for him.

We also learn that the mad doctor has a Poe inspired torture chamber in his basement. Vollin arranges a reception in his home to which Jean, her stuffed shirt fiancé, Dr. Jerry Halden (Lester Matthews), Judge Thatcher and others are invited. Bateman takes pity on Jean but is forced to comply with Vollin's wishes. Bateman abducts Judge Thatcher and takes him to the torture chamber where Vollin secures him to a table over which is the swinging pendulum from "The Pit and the Pendulum". Vollin starts the swinging pendulum's gradual decent.

Meanwhile Vollin has lured the others to the torture chamber. He plans to murder Jean and her fiancé in a fit of madness. But Bateman seeing this.......................

Director Lewis Friedlander allows Lugosi to go a little over the top in his portrayal of the mad doctor. But all in all, Lugosi gives one of his most terrifying performances, Karloff in a limited role, contributes a couple of terrifying moments as the tragic Bateman. Running but a scant 61 minutes, the film appears to have been cut down. Karloff for example doesn't appear until a third of the way through the story, and even then he just seemingly appears out of nowhere. And we don't learn that Jean Thatcher is a dancer until after her life saving surgery.

Nevertheless, "The Raven" still ranks among the classic horror thrillers of the 1930's.
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A genuine chiller. A shocker in its time...still shakin'.
michaelRokeefe13 October 2001
When originally released it was described as hideous, guilty of gore and down right vulgar with its presentation of torture. This is a full fledged classic horror flick. The torturous intent still makes this movie scary. And I absolutely love the obligatory thunder and lightning storm. It makes for a true creepy atmosphere. Two major stars that had a legendary loathing of each other; all the part of right ingredients for pleasurable schlock shock.

Bela Lugosi is Dr. Richard Vollin, who is a notable plastic surgeon that is obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe and loves building torture devices. Boris Karloff plays a criminal that comes to Dr. Vollin for a change of appearance. Vollin disfigures him in order to blackmail him into helping torture another doctor.

This is arguably Lugosi's greatest performance. He steals the movie from Karloff, who always seems to get top billing and the higher salary. Also in the cast are Irene Ware, Samuel S. Hinds and Lester Matthews. Hot buttered popcorn and a big mug of cocoa will ease the chills.
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"Do I look . . . different?"
boscofl21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The most infamous of the Karloff-Lugosi collaborations has to be the 1935 film The Raven. It is their second co-starring feature in which Bela runs roughshod over Boris onscreen while the movie itself was deemed so distasteful that it resulted in the British film ban which torpedoed the production of horror films for two years. Today it is frequently viewed as a companion piece to The Black Cat (1934) that lacks the former's atmosphere but serves up a faster pace while being equally gruesome.

Dr. Richard Vollin (Lugosi) is a brilliant surgeon and obsessed devotee of Edgar Allen Poe to the point he recreates many of the torture devices depicted in Poe's stories. Vollin saves the life of the lovely Jean Thatcher (Irene Ware) and falls madly in love with her much to the disapproval of her father Judge Thatcher (Samuel S Hinds). After being forbidden from seeing her again Vollin concocts a plan to torture him, Jean, and her fiancé Jerry Halden (Lester Matthews) with the aid of escaped fugitive Edmond Bateman (Karloff). Bateman is initially unwilling to cooperate until Vollin promises to "fix his face" to avoid police detection; the deceitful doctor instead severs some nerves in his neck which hideously paralyzes half his face (another classic Jack Pierce makeup design). Pretty soon everyone is assembled in Vollin's home and during a driving rainstorm his evil scenario commences . . .

Clocking in at 61 minutes The Raven is a masterpiece of concise storytelling. So much information is succinctly conveyed via clever dialogue, quick scenes, and revealing closeups. Most of the action takes place in Vollin's labyrinthine home; the dwelling is the James Bond Astin Martin DB5 of houses with countless gadgets and means of creatively killing someone. The abode contains secret doors, a Pit and the Pendulum style descending knife, a room where the walls come together, a bedroom that is actually an elevator, and a switchboard that turns the entire residence into an impenetrable fortress. As the master of his lethal domain Bela Lugosi is having the time of his life enacting a raging, sadistic, egotist and the audience is easily swept away by his intensity. The film takes its cue from him and gleefully tosses subtlety aside while thoroughly embracing a wonderful lack of logic.

Bela Lugosi unleashes one of his most powerhouse portrayals as the batty Richard Vollin. Next to Dracula this character represents the most complete package of the Lugosi mystique. He radiates charisma while being both mesmerizingly deranged and possessing the sex appeal to beguile Jean. Vollin is clearly more charming and magnetic than her fiancé which could have led to all sorts of interesting possibilities. One of the most memorable bits in the film is the speech Vollin gives to his party guests regarding his interpretation of The Raven poem; he briefly betrays his homicidal intentions and Lugosi's fervor perfectly sells the moment. The final scenes, where Vollin is absolutely out of his mind, are so fun because Lugosi really goes for it with exaggerated gestures, line readings, and insane, cackling laughter. He dominates the film despite being second billed and receiving half the salary of his rival costar.

Reduced to a sidekick role, Boris Karloff doesn't appear until the 16 minute mark as the slow-witted Bateman. In yet another rendition of the disobedient servant he is consistently insubordinate to Vollin; it's actually quite amazing that the brilliant mastermind constantly trusts his lackey with tasks. Despite having few opportunities to shine Karloff manages some impressive moments and easily manipulates audience sympathy since, like the Monster, he is more misunderstood than evil. Boris even unleashes his monster growl in a couple scenes. He is at the center of a showpiece scene in the film wherein Bateman, wanting to see his new face, shoots out 6 full length mirrors that depict how monstrous he looks while Lugosi cackles maniacally from above.

The supporting cast is small and features some familiar genre faces. Irene Ware's piercing scream shatters the soundtrack in the opening scene and returns many times over the next hour. Miss Ware is undeniably sexy and contributes a superficially fine performance although the script should have further explored her infatuation with Lugosi. In this regard she comes off as a bit simple by underestimating his obsession with her (this is Lugosi, after all, and he's far from subtle) but she is most effective in her scenes with Karloff when she shows him legitimate kindness. Lester Matthews essentially plays an extension of his annoying, bland suitor role in Werewolf of London. He's not particularly sharp in deducing the scope of Lugosi's villainy, either. One man who is on the ball concerning the bats in Bela's belfry is Samuel S. Hinds as Judge Thatcher whose pleas fall on deaf ears until they're all nearly killed. Hinds is memorable as the one incisive character who nonetheless nearly manages to get bisected in his spiffy jammies.

The Raven is a nifty, clever, swift moving film that functions much like an old time serial than an atmospheric horror film. Never intended to be taken seriously it does nothing but entertain and provide Bela Lugosi with one of his signature roles. Unfortunately, in a supreme irony, the movie would derail the actor's career for several years once the British horror film ban kicked in. Lugosi rarely enjoyed good fortune in Hollywood but when the Tinseltown sun chose to shine on him he provided his fans with many memorable portrayals including Dr. Richard Vollin.
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You Are Cordially Invited To Spend A Most Bizarre Evening With Mister Lugosi & Mister Karloff
Ron Oliver16 June 2002
Obsessed by THE RAVEN and other works of Edgar Allan Poe, a deranged doctor forces a disfigured killer into carrying out his nefarious schemes.

Boris Karloff & Bela Lugosi team up again in another Universal shocker. Although Karloff gets top billing, this is Bela's film, giving him the chance to pull out all the stops menacing the fair maiden, while threatening death & dismemberment to her father, fiancé and friends with invitations to visit his basement torture chamber.

As a contrast, Karloff wisely underplays his role, letting the despair of the doomed eloquently play across his ravaged features. The Boys' best scene together comes when Karloff gets his first horrified look at his new face, savagely shooting the mirrors in the doctor's operating chamber, while Lugosi, watching through a grill in the ceiling, laughs maniacally.

Good support is offered from Samuel S. Hinds as a sturdy judge; Irene Ware as his lovely daughter (her interpretive dance based on The Raven is most intriguing); and Ian Wolfe & Spencer Charters as Lugosi's house guests.

Although obviously made rather cheaply, it is still good to see Karloff & Lugosi in a film in which style and imagination are allowed to help create the appropriate mood.
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Ugly people do ugly things.
ilpohirvonen10 February 2010
I saw The Raven (1935) directed by Louis Friedlander (directed under the name Lew Landers after the year 1936) yesterday in theaters. Because I'm very interested in old horror films, especially on the "precode era" films (movies before the year 1934). I found it very entertaining, funny, touching, all together enjoyable.

The title of the film might make the viewer think this movie is based on Edgar Allan Poe's Raven, but actually the references from it remain low; Death, Gothic romance and of course The Raven statue, it has got the main elements from it. But The Raven took a lot of influences from another book by Poe, The Pit and The Pendulum.

The plot is pretty simple: Dr. Vollin (Bela Lugosi) is a Poe-fanatic and has a remarkable collection of his books. But what makes him special is that he also has a dungeon of his own. A dungeon that is copied from Poe's The Pit and The Pendulum to every single detail. A man needs Vollin's help, because her daughter has injured in a car-crash. Another man (Boris Karloff) seeks for Vollin's help as well. He's a criminal and needs a plastic-surgery for his face. Dr. Vollin agrees to help the man, if he does a favor for him.

Those are the basic ingredients for this exciting horror film. It follows a basic scheme: There's a bad guy who wants to kill and torture people, a young woman and her husband to add some romantic excitement, a sympathetic victim (marvelously played by Boris Karloff). This must be the only film by the couple (Lugosi & Karloff) where Lugosi got the bigger part.

Boris Karloff gives a lot of sympathy to his character, Edmond Bateman as he did earlier in 1931 as Frankenstein. He looks strange and everyone is afraid of him. Where Dr. Vollin looks rich and powerful, so everyone thinks he's a good man. A very touching scene in the film was when Bateman says to Vollin: "Maybe when people are ugly, they do ugly things.." So in spite of the high entertainment level, this movie also deals with prejudice and superficiality.

Highly recommended to everyone interested in old Horror films, highly entertaining, superb acting ( I have always enjoyed the acting of the precode films, there's something funny and marvelous about it ) and an exciting plot.

The film entails some great scenes from these two legendary actors. Karloff makes his famous "grr!" yell. And we hear Lugosi's evil laugh.

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Bela Lugosi - Genius Of Insanity!
Witchfinder-General-66621 October 2008
"The Raven" of 1935 is arguably the second to greatest pairing of Horror icons Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff (the most memorable being "The Black Cat" of 1934). While both men are doubtlessly immortal deities of Horror cinema that most true Horror lovers would name as personal favorites, "The Raven" is primarily a Lugosi film. Karloff is also brilliant (as always) in his role, but his role in this film is not as significant as that of Lugosi, who dominates the screen with genius and insanity throughout the film. Comparable only to "White Zombie" of 1932 (still my choice for the greatest Lugosi film) and "Dracula" of 1931, this film proves what a unique screen presence Lugosi had. The great Bela plays Dr. Richard Vollin, an ingenious and eccentric doctor who is obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe. When a wealthy judge sees no other way to save his daughter (Irene Ware), a beautiful young dancer, he approaches Vollin for help, unaware that Poe is not the only obsession of the brilliant physician...

Bela Lugosi owns the film from the first second of his appearance. Lugosi's Dr. Vollin is, simply put, one of the most ingenious portrayals of diabolical insanity ever given, and that makes the film an absolute must-see for every Horror fan. Karloff is an additional reason to see this film, and even though his role could have been a bit bigger, he is masterly in the role of the sidekick. The rest of the performances are good as well, but, of course, they pale beside the greatness of the film's two stars. The cinematography is another great aspect about "The Raven". The film, which comes along with a brilliantly eerie classical score, is shot in a wonderfully eerie tone, which accentuates the film's genuine creepiness and brilliantly insane atmosphere. The most memorable aspect, however, remains the brilliant performance of Bela Lugosi. Roles like this one make Lugosi and immortal icon of cinema, and "The Raven" a must-see for every lover of film. Highly recommended!
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One of Bela Lugosi's finest performances...
jluis198421 June 2007
Actors Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff are definitely two of the most easily recognizable names in the history of the horror genre, and not without a reason, as their iconic performances as the title characters in Universal Studios' 1931 classics, "Dracula" and "Frankenstein" respectively, truly added a lot of power to those legendary films and transformed them into stars. Given the attraction both actors had on the audiences, the obvious next step was to put them together in another horror film and the result was 1934's masterpiece, "The Black Cat", a classic film inspired by the works of writer Edgar Allan Poe that became the first of eight movies where the two legends would share the screen. The following year, Universal gave young serial director Lew Landers the job of making another Poe-inspired horror film with the two legends.

Contrary to what the title may imply, "The Raven" is not an adaptation of Poe's classic poem, but the story of a man obsessed with the legendary writer. That man is Dr. Richard Vollin (Bela Lugosi), a neurosurgeon of enormous talents who one night is called out of retirement by the wealthy judge Thatcher (Samuel S. Hinds), who wants Vollin to operate his daughter, a famous dancer named Jean Thatcher (Irene Ware) who suffered brain damage after a terrible auto wreck. Vollin reluctantly accepts and miraculously saves the girl's life, but after Jean's recovery he discovers that he is now in love with the dancer. Sadly, Jean rejects him in favor of her fianceé, Dr. Jerry Holden (Lester Matthews), and this event makes Vollin to decide to take revenge on the Thatchers. To achieve this, Vollin will use an escaped convict named Edmond Bateman (Boris Karloff) to do the dirty work.

Written by David Boehm (with Universal's assortment of usual collaborators), "The Raven" is a dark tale of revenge that, while having a plot completely different to the poem that inspired it, effectively manages to keep the themes of obsession and insanity so characteristic of the classic poem. Boehm's screenplay is actually quite fascinating, as by focusing entirely in the villains it manages to develop a complex psychology for the characters played by Lugosi and Karloff. As in "The Black Cat", the development of their characters is exceptional (specially considering the film's short runtime), and the movie features some of the best dialog exchanges in a Universal horror film. Vollin's obsessive fascination with Poe and torture devices is explored extensively in the script, resulting in a very dark and violent film, in the spirit of 1932's "Murders in the Rue Morgue" (also starring Lugosi).

Director Lew Landers takes a very restrained and straightforward approach to the story, as if he was limiting himself to simply shoot what is on the script. While his work with the film isn't really bad in the strict sense of the word, it is certainly bland and a bit uninspired, as at times he fails to capture the dark atmosphere of the story and leaves the film as nothing more than a typical horror of those years. Despite this uneven work of direction, Landers manages to create some interesting scenes that thanks to the excellent cinematography by Charles J. Stumar (in one of his last works before dying in a plane crash), seem to deliver some of the spirit of Boehm's creepy tale. While his camera-work is a bit average, his dealing with actors is without faults, as Landers truly gets the best out of his cast.

Bela Lugosi's talent for acting has always been questioned given the poor choices of roles he made when his health got worse and became type-casted as a villain. However, "The Raven" is an irrefutable proof that the legendary horror icon could be perfect in the adequate role. As the sadistic Dr. Vollin, Lugosi's talent shines without problem and manages to overshadow everyone in the cast, including his usual "rival" Boris Karloff (himself another very talented actor). As the dangerous criminal Edmond Bateman, Karloff is very effective despite his somewhat limited screen time, and he manages to be both frightening and sympathetic. Character actor Samuel S. Hinds delivers his usual good work as Judge Thatcher, and Irene Ware is equally delightful as Jean. Lester Matthews is probably the weakest link, but to his favor I can say that his character was terribly underdeveloped.

It's a true shame that Lew Landers' hadn't taken Boehm's story to its full potential, as easily the movie could had been as good as the previous year's "The Black Cat"; however, this could be blamed on Landers' lack of experience in this kind of movies, as his style shows a lot of the influence he got by directing serials ("The Raven" was his first feature film). Anyways, as written above, this shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, just a slight criticism on the missed chance to create a horror masterpiece out of this script. Still, this is no reason to dismiss this film as Lugosi's performance in the movie is certainly something to be seen, as it ranks as one of his best along his work in "White Zombie", "The Mystery of the Marie Celeste" and the aforementioned movie, "The Black Cat".

While nowhere near the better known classics by Universal, "The Raven" still manages to capture a bit of that magic that made those early sound horror films an unforgettable landmark in the history of horror. It's kind of sad that Lugosi's career started its slow downfall in the years after this movie, as this 30s classics show the enormous talent that was in the person of the iconic Hungarian actor. Despite not being faithful to Poe's work, with this film one can agree with Dr. Vollin's words: "Poe, you are avenged". Avenged indeed. 7/10
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This movie is torture
evilskip31 August 1999
Well here is another "classic" revered by many.We have Bela Lugosi as Dr Richard Vollin, Boris Karloff as killer Edmond Bateman and a forgettable cast.

When Judge Thatcher's daughter Jean is terribly injured in an auto accident even her fiance Dr Hardin is helpless.Her only hope is the brilliant but eccentric Dr Richard Vollin.We see Vollin browbeating a mousy museum official.Dr Vollin is a fanatical admirer of Poe and a retired surgeon.He has even built a few torture devices based on the works of Poe.So you know he is just a little on the loony side.He refuses to help Jean Thatcher until the Judge begs him.

Vollin saves Jean and falls in love with her. Jean has strong feeling for Vollin but her father interferes and really p----s Vollin off. They have strong words and Vollin snaps.

Edmond Bateman shows up at Vollin's door. The mad dog killer wants a new face.Vollin will do it only if Bateman does a "job" for him.Vollin disfigures the killer and promises to restore his face after he does the job for him.

After arranging for Jean, Jerry and the Judge (and a few other people out of nowhere) to spend a weekend at his home the "thrills" begin. The Judge is strapped to a pendulum and Jerry & Jean are put in a room with the walls sliding together.Will they survive?

WHO CARES?The only sympathetic character is Bateman and he's a killer.You don't feel for the Thatchers as Jean is a lame brain and her Dad is a snob. Jerry is about as interesting as patio furniture.The comic relief and other cast members are incidental to the plot.

While critics trumpet this as Lugosi's greatest role other than Dracula I beg to differ.Check out Black Cat or his performances as Ygor.In this movie he overacts and chews up the scenery.Yes he is supposed to be mad but you either wince or giggle when he is onscreen.The dialogue is horrible."Poe! You are avenged!"From what?

Boring characters and wild over acting doom this film.Sorry, no better than a 3.This is not a classic!
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