Another Fine Mess (1930) Poster

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CuriosityKilledShawn9 January 2005
L & H are on the run from the law. They are so broke they spent the night sleeping on a park bench. A nearby was not impressed with Stan after he addresses him as 'Ma'am'. They take refuge from the chase in the basement of Colonel Wilburforce Buckshot, who has just left to go on vacation to South Africa.

While hiding they pretend to be the owner and maid (Stan in his guise as Agnes) of the house when a new married couple (Lord Plumtree and his gorgeous wife) come around to rent the place. Obviously the usual hijinks and misunderstandings follow but the comic timing and Stan's indulgence in his Agnes disguise make it a half-hour laugh riot.
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Good comedy, with L&H impersonating the usual people in a house.
weezeralfalfa26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This L&H talkie comedy short is available as a colorized version and a B&W version. Both are available at YouTube........In this story, Stan impersonates both the normal butler: Meadows and maid: Agnes - Quite a tricky assignment. When the boys enter this house, as a possible safe refuge from a pursuing cop, the butler and maid are readying themselves for a weekend get away, just after the master of the house : Col. Buckshot(Jim Finlayson) left for perhaps 6 months on an African safari. These people did not detect the presence of L&H in the house. Thus, Stan decides to dress up like Meadows. He greets the aristocratic Plumtrees, who have come to look over the place as a possible abode for a few months.. They want to talk to Buckshot, so Stan yells for the Colonel, who Ollie will have to impersonate. Ollie is in a tither, trying to assemble a wardrobe that looks aristocratic. Plumtree wants to know some particulars about the house and costs. Of course, Ollie has trouble coming up with the answers. Lady Plumtree, played by the beautiful and personable Thelma Todd, wants to meet Agnus. So, Stan has to whip up the maid's wardrobe in a hurry, and finds an appropriate wig. 'Agnus' then has a talk with Thelma about the house and her duties. Of course, Stan has even less of a clue what to say than does Ollie. Yet, Thelma says she wishes 'Agnus' would stay on as her maid. Several times, Stan has to switch back and forth between Meadows and Agnus impersonations.....Eventually, Buckshot returns for his forgotten bow and arrows, and wonders why his house is full of strangers. Stan and Ollie run to the animal collection room and shut the door. They find a wildebeest hide and dress up in it: one in the front, the other in the back. When the police break into the room, they are ready, and snort, winnie like horse, then bray like a donkey, before charging. They get past the police, and slide down the stairs. Meanwhile, Col. Buckshot has his bow and arrow ready, and shoots at the beast, but hits the limo driver. I won't divulge the remainder of the finale........ Wonder why the title says 'fine' instead of 'nice', which is what Ollie says in his stock complaint about Stan "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."........This talkie film was essentially a remake of the silent film "Duck Soup" which I have not yet seen. The present film has a higher mean rating
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An Enjoyable Remake
Snow Leopard6 February 2006
This is an enjoyable remake of the silent feature "Duck Soup", which had played such an important role in establishing Laurel and Hardy as the great comic duo that is now so well- known. This feature follows the same story setup, and expands it slightly while adding in a number of new gags that would not have worked as well on the silent screen.

Once again, Stan and Ollie find themselves forced to impersonate an absent homeowner and his servants, while hosting a prospective renter. The main story is also framed by a brief opening sequence and an interesting, nearly surreal finale. In the main part of the movie, they get a lot of mileage out of the basic situation, and Laurel plays his multiple role in an amusing fashion. James Finlayson gets a couple of good moments near the end, although he does not get as much to do as he did in some of their earlier features.

It packs a lot of material into a little under thirty minutes of running time, and there are a handful of moments when you can just tell that it was an early sound-era movie. But, as this example shows, Laurel and Hardy had little difficulty in successfully adapting their style to the new era.
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Laurel & Hardy return to the high life in Another Fine Mess
tavm31 March 2023
Having just watched Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy work in a mansion in the silent short From Soup to Nuts, here they are again at another such place in the talkie short Another Fine Mess. This time, they're on the run from the police for sleeping on park benches and they end up in the cellar of the residence of one Colonel Buckshot (James Finlayson) who's leaving on vacation. When they find out that the butler and maid are also taking time off, and with a cop still on the lookout for them, Stan poses as both butler and maid and Ollie poses as the Colonel as a young society couple arrives to rent the place. The lady of that couple is played by Thelma Todd who'd appear in quite a few of the L & H shorts and eventually star in her own Hal Roach series with first Zasu Pitts and then Patsy Kelly. She's quite charming when she converses with Stan's portrayal of maid "Agnes"! Hardy as Buckshot also gets his charms when playing him when conversing with the man of the renting couple who has quite a funny laugh which gets quite a workout here, that's for sure! As for Finlayson, well, he only has the beginning and near the end scenes to appear but he does what he can in those scenes and make them count! All in all, Another Fine Mess was quite a funny L & H short. P. S. The twin ladies who recite the credits at the beginning are Beverly and Betty Mae Crane who served the same function during this period on all Hal Roach shorts like the Our Gang entries Teacher's Pet, School's Out, and Love Business which I've also reviewed on this site. So as we leave Stan & Ollie behind, we next will visit Bud Abbott & Lou Costello when they also come In Society.
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Something a little different from the boys
wmorrow595 July 2004
From the moment this movie begins we know we're in for something a tad unusual. In the early talkie days the folks at the Hal Roach Studio experimented with a new format for delivering opening credits: instead of simply filming title cards in traditional fashion, they built a spiffy Art Deco stage set, complete with proscenium arch, and hired a pair of young girls called the Crane Twins to march out onto the stage to deliver the film's credits verbally. The girls, who are dressed as bellboys, speak in unison at first, then alternate, then bow in tandem as they conclude. The effect is quite odd and (inadvertently?) funny, and kicks off Another Fine Mess on a curious note. The twins introduced several concurrently produced comedies featuring Charley Chase, Our Gang and the 'Boy Friends,' but this marks their only appearance in a Laurel & Hardy movie. I find the girls rather endearing myself, but in any case Roach's experiment with spoken credits didn't last long.

Enter Laurel & Hardy chased by a cop, and we're back on familiar terrain. And yet things aren't quite so familiar after all, for it soon becomes apparent that this film has a different feel from the average L&H comedy. There's an actual plot, comparatively little slapstick, and an unusual amount of verbal humor. It's no surprise to learn that Another Fine Mess was based on a stage sketch, because once the boys seek refuge in the house where most of the action takes place, it does indeed feel like a stage act is underway, as they engage in an extended routine involving disguise and mistaken identity, with some farcical elements included for good measure. Ordinarily Laurel & Hardy didn't place much emphasis on dialog humor as such, but here they do, and happily the material is pretty funny. (Interestingly, the sketch that served as this film's source material was written by Stan Laurel's father, who was a theatrical manager and playwright, though it was said that the old gent did not approve of this adaptation.) In any other L&H short the guys would've spent five or ten minutes trying and failing to enter the house, but this time they've got a rendezvous with The Plot and not so much time for physical shtick.

As it happens, the guys have taken refuge in the home of Colonel Buckshot, who has supposedly departed for Africa. His servants, who were entrusted to rent the place out, have also left for a weekend vacation. Complications ensue with the arrival of a honeymooning couple, Lord and Lady Plumtree, who are interested in renting the place. Even bigger complications are set in motion by Ollie's decision to open the door to the couple in order to get rid of them, which forces Stan to impersonate the butler, which in turn forces Ollie to impersonate Colonel Buckshot, which in turn forces Stan to impersonate Agnes the maid. That's what I love about this movie, that decisive moment that starts the ball rolling. All the guys had to do was ignore the doorbell and wait for the couple to leave, but then they wouldn't be Laurel & Hardy, and we wouldn't have this fine mess to enjoy.

It's amusing to watch Ollie brazenly attempt to assume the role of the wealthy Colonel Buckshot, behaving the way Ollie believes such people behave, and he's well matched by Stan's quick-change impersonations of Hives the butler and Agnes the maid. I especially enjoy the scene between Agnes and Lady Plumtree. We have to assume that Thelma Todd's barely suppressed laughter throughout the scene is genuine; I mean, playing opposite Stan in drag, listening to him ramble on and giggle nervously, who wouldn't crack up? While it's true that the musical score and sound effects used in Another Fine Mess are somewhat more emphatic than the typical Roach comedy of the period, as an earlier reviewer pointed out, I feel this gives the film an agreeably wacky, "cartoon-y" feel suitable to the situation. I love the moment when the real Colonel (Jimmy Finlayson, underplaying as usual) returns home and tries to grasp what has happened. His furious response prompts the silliest wrap-up ever contrived for a L&H short. It's a laugh-out-loud ending -- it was for me, anyway -- and it ensures this movie's status as a treat for comedy connoisseurs.
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"Did you see a couple of bozos run this way?"
classicsoncall25 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When this started I had the strongest feeling that I'd seen it before but I knew I hadn't reviewed a Laurel and Hardy flick going by this title. It turns out this is a reworking of their 1927 silent film "Duck Soup" in which they escaped fire-fighting duty by ducking into an old mansion who's owner is away on safari. Many other details of this talkie film are similar as well, down to the name of Stan's butler character, he was 'Hives' in "Duck Soup" as well (although not listed as such in the film's credits), and his alter-ego 'Agnes' showed up in that one too!

The pluses for this film as I see it, are the inclusion of James Finlayson as Colonel Wilburforce Buckshot, and Thelma Todd as Lady Plumtree. I'd include Charles Gerrard as Lord Plumtree in that mix but that laugh of his managed to annoy me. Even so, this is a funny sketch, with a great comic interlude between 'Agnes' and Lady Plumtree discussing the number of rooms in the mansion and the nursery that was added 'in case of accidents' - that line was a blast!

With the 'real' Colonel Buckshot turning up to close out the story, the picture erupts into general Laurel and Hardy mayhem. It's a fun film coming in at just under a half hour, with the picture gallantly living up to it's name.
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Another Mess is Fine!!!
dataconflossmoor8 November 2007
Laurel and Hardy are simply hilarious! They incorporate slapstick and basic comedy to a pleasant pinnacle of perfect acting performances!! The talent of slapstick, which relies on a lot of physical humor,is misconstrued by the movie audience as just being silly! Hence, it is not given it's just deference. The movie "Another Fine Mess" pokes flagrant holes in the day to day petulant actions of the well to do!! Laurel and Hardy's chicanery and wild antics are once again, totally unintentional in this film, that is what makes them so funny!! The early days of movie making almost seem incomplete without Laurel and Hardy!! I found their movies and skits to have a totally innocuous reliability to them!! Such theatrics of whimsical mannerisms reflect the innocent days of yesteryear!! In evaluating these Laurel and Hardy movies, there is such a dark side to so many people who star in them!! Such disconcerting callousness is put in a flippant perspective, and should be taken with a jaundice eye!! I could watch Laurel and Hardy reruns over and over again, they definitely fall into the category of timeless entertainment!! "Another Fine Mess" is one of Laurel and Hardy's better efforts, and I recommend to anyone who is just in a mood to be amused, that they watch this movie.... THUMBS UP!!!!
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Nice, but not fine...
JoeytheBrit4 June 2009
This isn't classic Laurel & Hardy by anyone's standards, but it's made watchable by the comedy talents of the duo and a couple of inspired moments. The boys play a pair of bums who stumble into the unoccupied house of a local millionaire when avoiding arrest by the police and then pose as owner and butler/maid when prospective tenants of the property come calling. The comedy here is a little too one-note once Lord Plumtree and his foxy new wife arrive, spending too much time focusing on Stan's switching between the characters of Hives the butler and Agnes the maid (Agnes, incidentally, would resurface in A Chump in Oxford). There is a laugh-out-loud moment when the boys become tangled up with a quartet of rattling window blinds as they try to evade capture by the police though, and a truly surreal finale which sees them inexplicably disguised as a pantomime cow (?) riding a bicycle to freedom. The film is also noticeable for coining the phrase 'Another fine mess,' which would incorrectly be attributed to Hardy by impressionists forever more. As all Laurel & Hardy aficionados know, what Ollie would testily exclaim to the tearful Stan was 'that's another NICE mess you've gotten me into'.
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Butler And Maid
bkoganbing1 September 2010
Circumstances of poverty force Laurel and Hardy to take refuge from the police in James Finlayson's mansion. But it might be a stroke of luck as Finlayson is about to depart for Africa to shoot big game. He gives instructions to the butler and maid to rent the place for six months, but they leave themselves on a short getaway.

Which gives Ollie the idea to masquerade as Finlayson and rent the place himself. Stan masquerades as the butler.

But when the boys meet with Charles Gerrard and his lovely bride Thelma Todd who knows a maid comes with the package, Stan has to get into drag and quick change drag at that to be both butler and maid. That provides for a series of incredibly funny situations.

Of course it's all a big bust for Stan and Ollie, but you have to see one of their funniest short subjects to see how it all goes bad.
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Oh, Agnes!!!
Prichards1234515 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sitcom rather than slapstick. This isn't one of Stan and Ollie's best films but it's still a pretty good 3-reeler. I believe this came from a sketch developed by Laurel's father. It's certainly different, and if I remember rightly was re-worked in A Chump at Oxford.

This has its moments, particularly Stan's having to change from Butler to Maid on short notice, and Ollie's impersonation of Colonel Buckshot. If the invention level is not quite top notch it's still an amiable film, blessed by Jimmy Finlayson, who along with Edgar Kennedy surely qualifies as "The third Laurel and Hardy." There's a very nice sequence with Stan in drag getting all cosy with Thelma Todd, and some nice word-play around the constant misquoting of Lord Leopold's name. "Plumtree, Plumtree, Lord Leopold Plumtree!" He must say this at least a dozen times.

Pretty good, then, but not in the lengthy list of Laurel and Hardy true classics.
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Riotously funny.
Sleepin_Dragon8 July 2023
Colone Wilberforce Buckshot is off to hunt in South Africa, he chooses to rent out his palatial home, Stan and Ollie accidentally end up posing as The staff, showing the potential renters around.

In just a few years time, this film will celebrate its centenary, and I'm sure when that event comes around that it'll be as loved then as it has been since it first appeared.

It is seriously funny, it's a riot from start to finish, laugh out loud moments from start to finish, Agnes The Maid, no words for how funny those scenes are.

Lord Leopold's laugh was hilarious, such a great character.

What has always struck me about this one, aside from the riotous laughs, is just how good both Stan and Ollie were, so much more than just funny men, terrific actors, so much better than most of their contemporaries at the time.

Madcap good fun.

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The Last Five Minutes are Hilarious
Better_Sith_Than_Sorry14 September 2020
...but the previous 25 are only mildly amusing by comparison. So this is a tough one to rate.

Plot In a Nutshell: Two drifters (Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy) avoid a determined beat cop by taking refuge in an empty mansion, where they assume the identities of the owner and servants.

Why I rated it a '7': as mentioned, the film really picks up steam as it comes to a conclusion, and it includes a scene where Stan and Ollie are bicycling down a street while disguised as an African wildebeest. I can't help but compare this to the ending of the original "Pink Panther" with David Niven and Robert Wagner driving around Paris in gorilla costumes. You have to think Blake Edwards drew some inspiration from Laurel and Hardy here!

There are some laughs sprinkled throughout the 30 minute film but it is not non-stop hilarity until the last few minutes. No one remembering Lord Plumtree's name and Stan's comment about needing a nursery room "in case of an accident" were highlights, but Lord Plumtree's strange laugh was annoying and is an example of one bit that didn't work.

Overall, an enjoyable 30 minutes. Not their best and not their worst. B+.

7/10. Would I watch again (Y/N)?: Yes
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not exactly inspired fare from Stan and Ollie
planktonrules9 May 2006
I noticed that in general, all Laurel and Hardy films get very high ratings--even some really bad ones (such as their films for FOX in the 1940s). While I do love their films, I am not so gung-ho that I want to pretend EVERYTHING they did was great--some films were bad and some were only okay. This film definitely falls into the okay category with overly familiar situations and humor that just doesn't make you laugh. Seeing Stan dressed in drag wasn't too funny and nothing really stood out in this movie to make it anything other than just a time-passer. Instead of watching this one, try to find one of their better shorts such as BIG BUSINESS, THE MUSIC BOX or THE PERFECT DAY.

FYI--This videotape was from Hallmark/Artisan and was Colorized. As always, Colorized films look like crap and detract from the overall experience unless you have a fetish for ugly pastels. Try to find a non-colorized version if at all possible.
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Stan as Agness the maid is just the best
alexandra-256 July 2005
Seeing Stan Laurel as Agnes the maid in this film is absolutely fantastic. I especially love his girlie chat with Mrs Plumtree on the sofa. This particular scene of the film illustrates Stan's adaptability to talkie films, and to situation comedy, where there is less of the usual slapstick.

I guess the use of more dialogue over slapstick in Another Fine Mess is due to the fact that it was thought that such comedy genre would be less funny, and therefore irrelevant to talkie films. Seeing Stan and Ollie with more dialogue to perform takes allot of getting used to. However, I think the duo pulled it off in this film Very good viewing!
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Another Fine Mess
jboothmillard7 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. I should mention the word is clearly "nice mess", it's a bit odd. Stan and Ollie are on the run from the cops, and just after Colonel Wilburforce Buckshot (James Finlayson) and his servants have left the large mansion, they show up and take it for themselves. Soon enough though Lord Leopold Ambrose Plumtree (Charles K. Gerrard) and wife Lady Plumtree (Thelma Todd) show up expecting to see the Colonel, so Ollie has to pretend to be him, while Stan acts as a butler, and in drag as the maid, Agnes. Both Ollie and Stan fib all the way, until towards the end, the real Colonel comes back, and after some bickering, they escape in an animal disguise. Filled with wonderful slapstick and all classic comedy you could want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable film. "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!" was number 60 on 100 Years, 100 Quotes, and Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Good!
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They Could Act!
Hitchcoc12 January 2017
After a weird reading of the credits, the boys find themselves in a mansion where the staff has disappeared. The millionaire, Colonel Buckshot, is off on a Safari. In order to avoid the police, who are after them, Stan and Ollie must impersonate the absent Buckshot and the maid, Agnes, and Hives, the butler. Their interactions are priceless and the story is well scripted. Everything rolls along fine until Buckshot returns. The byplay between our two buddies is priceless. The inimitable Jimmy Finlayson is Buckshot and his quick responses to the craziness in the house are great. But Stan and Ollie really steal the show. Oliver, with his improvised take on a millionaire, and Stanley, once again in drag, stealing every scene. One of the best of the best.
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Don't ever rent your house to these men!
mark.waltz29 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hiding from the law (whom Stanley called ma'am), Laurel and Hardy hide out in the mansion owned by the pompous James Finlayson who is going away for six months. Posing as the colonel and his servants, they attempt to rent the house to an eccentric English nobleman and his sexy wife (Thelma Todd). Laurel goes between being the twin butler and maid (born in different cities) and seemingly getting away with it until Finlayson makes a surprise return. Laurel in his wig without the maid's outfit looks like Harpo Marxx, while Hardy is as far from a Southern colonel as he can be. Another three reeler, this has a great finale where the boys end up riding a bicycle while sharing a bull costume.
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Hiding From The Law With Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy
Ron Oliver23 May 2000
A LAUREL & HARDY Comedy Short.

On the run from the police, Stan & Ollie hide in a deserted mansion. But when an English nobleman appears, wanting to rent the place & meet the owner and servants, the Boys find themselves in ANOTHER FINE MESS.

A funny early talkie. Highlight: Stan's hilarious impersonation of Agnes the Maid. That's James Finlayson as Colonel Buckshot, Charles K. Gerard & Thelma Todd as Lord and Lady Plumtree.
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A mess but not always a fine one.
Boba_Fett113820 September 2006
I don't really understand why this movie is rated so highly, especially when compared to other far more superior Laurel & Hardy shorts.

Real problem with this movie is that it only relies on one comical premise. The jokes and humor are because of that restrained and too often too much of the same. The movie is lacking in some true laughs and comical/slapstick moments, even though of course the movie still perfectly entertains.

The story is simple and a remake of the far superior comedy short "Duck Soup". Of course Laurel & Hardy movies always have a simple story, as they should in my opinion but in this case some more creativity wouldn't had been a bad idea.

Not even James Finlayson in a small role can make the story feel lively and creative. Basically the most amusing character of the movie is being played by Charles K. Gerrard. Never a good sign when the most amusing character in a Laurel & Hardy movie is being played by a supporting actor. Sure, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are amusing in their roles and they provide the movie with some good moments but it all was a bit too simple for my taste and really lacked in true comical creativity.

Certainly not a bad movie and still worth seeing and entertaining enough but nevertheless the movie isn't as good or funny as the rating here at the moment (7.4) would suggest.

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A Bicycle Built For Gnu
boblipton14 December 2020
Laurel and Hardy are chased into Jimmy Finlayson's deserted mansion by the cops. When some Upper Class Twits come by to rent the joint, Oliver pretends to be master of the house, and Stanley makes out he is the butler.... and the maid.

It's based on a skit by Laurel's father, Arthur Jefferson, and is straight music hall farce and very funny. A lot of that is undoubtedly due to the comedic charms of the Boys, although having Thelma Todd on board doesn't hurt.

This is actually a remake. Laurel & Hardy had appeared in a silent version called DUCK SOUP a couple of years earlier.
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Pretty decent, drags some....
gazzo-29 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
.....I liked it, the old 'let's impersonate the Tycoon and live in his mansion while he's away' routine always is worth a spin. Worked for them, Abbot and Costello, the Stooges, Marx Bros, etc so why not? You have to like watching Laurel doing his in-drag routine, Ollie in the fez, all their normal gags and gestures, etc workign well here.

What didn't work? Thelma Todd was kinda plastic, the British Twit and his laugh was grating, James Finlayson was mis-used(see him in Big Business for more) which is a shame.

This had a feeling of being over-played and not gelling the way you would have liked it too. It was not Bad, but...they've been better.

*** or so outta **** just because they're them.
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One of the best!
JohnHowardReid27 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Laurel and Hardy did not make many 3-reelers. I'm not an expert on Laurel and Hardy, but as far as I'm aware, the disappointing and rather tiresome "Be Big" (1930) was their first -- and that would certainly have been much more enjoyable at two reels, as most of the extra action consists of Ollie literally getting caught in Stan's shoes -- a caper that soon wears out its welcome.

The next L&H three-reeler seems to be "The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case" (1930), which, despite its soppy conclusion (maybe it wasn't such a cliché back in 1930?), is one of their funniest and most uproarious outings.

And now we come to "Another Fine Mess". I love this film! I think the timing is superb -- and there's not a minute wasted! It's a fun picture all the way with not only L& H themselves in top form, but Thelma Todd at her prettiest and wittiest. Not only do all three have great roles, but all three make the absolute most of their opportunities. Oliver really shines as the bogus millionaire hunter, Stan is wonderfully adept at his quick-change impersonations, and Thelma, of course, as just said, is perfectly wonderful.

The movie gains its humorous intensity not only from its superb scripting, playing and direction, but simply from the fact that, aside from a quick introduction with the boys being chased by a cop and the obligatory chase climax, it all takes place in the one setting, and so what have here is the concentrated humor of a stage play as well as the wider range of the movies.
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Sadly, one of the less inspired L & H vehicles.
The_Movie_Cat26 April 2001
Not particularly funny Laurel and Hardy short, though it does have its moments. Seeing a curtain rail getting the better of the pair is amusing, and Stan headbutting a wall proves that the duo's timing was far greater than any of the plots.

The plot in question revolves around Stan and Ollie pretending to be a rich houseowner and his butler. This isn't as humorous as it might sound due to the leads not affecting greatly different characteristics (as Stan would in A Chump at Oxford) than their previously established personas. Even Stan's recreation as "Agnes" doesn't allow him to take on a different accent.

James Finlayson is wasted in a minor role and weirdly; the title again perpetuates the myth of Ollie's catchphrase, though here again he says "another nice mess" not the "fine" of the film's name. However, seeing the picture open with two twin girls dressed as bellboys, cringingly reading out the credits in stereo should give warning to what is one of the more glib, less inspired L & H vehicles. The final pay-off goes too far out to be "zany" and just ends up as somewhat silly and unreliant on any form of logic to be funny. Disappointing.
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